Thursday, March 6

Black Is Back!

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Conrad Black

Conrad Black

American News Post congratulates our literary contributor Conrad Black on his recent successes in federal court. Hopefully this will lead to full vindication and total restoration of his good name.

Thank God the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals made the right decision by granting Conrad bail. No one should have to suffer a Sixth Amendment Right violation in any case. By tonight Conrad should be back at home with his loved ones. This is a triumph for all Americans, as it proves that the justice system does, in fact, work.

American News Post and her contributors look forward to a bright future with guidance by example from someone as dynamic as Conrad. We are truly very fortunate.



  1. Congratulations to Conrad and ANP – unfortunately the media seems to be focused on Blowdryavich deciding not to take the stand. Best wishes to Conrad and ANP.

  2. Fillibuster Kagan on

    Good luck Conrad only I don’t understand why your attorney Estrada has expressed support for Kagan in her nomination for the SC. Surely this liberal activist on the SC would likely support laws like honest services and would probably be content with Conrad remaining in jail.

    • Or maybe she’s just a rational person who puts skillset over politics? Funny you have issues with a “liberal activist” but not a convicted swindler.

      • Fillibuster Kagan on

        Please show me the evidence that Conrad Black is a swindler by that please read the brief ANP has supplied in various articles. Yes there is a conviction based on a flawed statute that was overturned partly based on Black’s case.

        Kagan is just another unqualified liberal activist (think Ruth Bader Ginsberg minus the good looks) – yeah I can’t wait till she gets a lifetime appointment as a rubber stamp for unconstitutional liberal/progressive policy.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Filibuster,
          I agree – there is no evidence that Conrad is a swindler.

          • Tell that to those who worked for his companies and lost jobs because he wanted a posh NY penthouse….or shareholders who lost millions. His crimes are far from victimless. The classic millionaire victim of a “liberal policy” huh…haha. Joe your articles are good, but your largest issue is trying to justify everything that doesn’t seem to jive your way as “unconstitutional” or “liberal bias” or trying to allege fraud through insignificant details. Was Betty Loren-Maltese also victim of a liberal conspiracy that forced her to hobnob into office with her husbands goombahs and waste millions in taxpayer dollars lining the pockets of DiFronzo? Come on…Conrad Black is a John DiFronzo in a board room. Shall we also await your defense of Tony Hayward, Bernard Madoff and Ken Lay…

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Logic,

            Comparing DiFronzo to Black is a silly idea.

            I plan to write something in defense of Tony Hayward very soon.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            “No one should have to suffer a Sixth Amendment Right violation in any case.”

  3. Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Joe,

    Remember that Nick Gio piece that you promised to publish a long, long time ago? I just want you to know that I’d still be interested in reading it. Also, why aren’t you writing about the Outfit anymore? The mob and Giacchino themes were the reason I used to check in here several times per day. What’s going on?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Harlem,
      I have most of the information on Gio. His case is in front of the Illinois Supreme Court, or the Appellate Court. I will get it together and do something for you. As far as the other subjects – there is not much going on.

      • What was Gio’s family connection into the Outfit? Did he have a father/uncle connected? Most modern-day Outfit members all appear to be second generation gangsters.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Logic,
          I do not think Gio had a connection to the Outfit thru a family member.

          • Interesting…he was essentially a kid in the early 80’s…and most mob neighborhoods by that time weren’t attracting common Italian youth…the Outfit doesn’t really proactively recruit…you are brought in through a family connection or something along those lines…not many 20 year old thugs they have nowdays who are not already related to someone. Would you agree?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Logic,
            I have no clue as to what the criteria is in order to be inducted as an Outfit member. Furthermore, I have not seen any evidence that would prove Gio was an Outfit member.

  4. Joe-

    Your statement about the 6th ammendment seems to be verbatim from his defense attorney. The ruling didn’t exonerate Black whatsoever. It may provide another chance to argue against his convictions, but how can you deny he mislead shareholders and used holding companies to buy personal assets? How can you deny all those who lost jobs because of his mismanagement? And when I say “mismanagement” I mean pulling money from his companies to buy NY penthouses.

    I honestly don’t understand the fascination with vindicating Conrad Black when you seem so against corruption…and I would be quite fascinated to read your “vindication” of Tony Hayward, the man who blatantly lied before our Congress on BP’s safety rating…can you explain it?

    Otherwise I’m forced to give in to my nagging suspicion that your right-wing tone is the prime motivation to to position big-business bad-guys as “victims” of an over-reaching government.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Logic,
      Conrad Black depended on his advisors to approve his financial decisions. Former Illinois Governor & U.S. Attorney, James Thompson approved every financial transaction.

      • And if I told you that Kennedy relied on his advisors for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, would you absolve him of blame? Or Warren Jeffs or the Pope? Each of them had advisors right?

        I wish we could all blame “advisors,” but unfortunately for us, leaders of business, religion and government are responsible for the actions of their organizations. Responsibility is sometimes a hard thing to accept.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Black had a finance committee in place, which approved all of his requests. Why have committees if they are useless?

          • Considering he appoints members of the committee…how would you really think they are fully objective and not influenced by him? The committee is a mere formality mainly designed to help him control the woes of the company. Of course he has the influence and ability to slip special requests under the door.

          • Dear Logic,
            When the head of the board is Illinois’ former U.S. Attorney and Governor, and the head board member okays everything presented to the board, why should anyone believe that a crime is being committed?

    • "the federal government can do most anything they want..." Fortne Peter except accepting responsiblity for anything? on

      Was not BP leased oil rig inspected and OKed by US Federal inspectors. Why should only BP have the blame they were only operating by the grace of the US Government?

      Nevermind if there was not a drilling ban the compromised rig would have been in a less than 1000ft of water instead of 5000 ft making it a cheaper and safer drilling depth and not to mention easier to cap meaning not 100 plus days of oil leaking into the gulf.

      Logic once again you remain intellectually incurious!

  5. Real Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Joe,
    I just want you to know that there is someone else who uses my screen name (Harlem Playboy) and is pretending to be me. Moreover, I read all of your articles, not just the ones with Dr. G and outfit themes.
    Whoever this commentor is, they should stop pretending to be me with their requests to you for articles on Nik Gios.

  6. Dear Joe,
    Just wanted to say I absolutely agree with you. Keep up the great writing!