Wednesday, March 26

Cardinal George’s Revelation And The Path To Unity

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Shortly after my article, Protecting Childhood, appeared as our featured piece on The Keys To Faith Publication, I was contacted by a very influential writer who commented, “interesting move.” After asking for clarification, the writer explained the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago had published hundreds of pages of a sex abuse related deposition, containing testimony of Cardinal George. Since I plugged the Archdiocese web site in my article, it was assumed that I might have an ulterior motive.

Let me just say this: I am as straightforward as can be. I have no problem with being direct and to the point. I believe The Keys To Faith articles A Journey To Healing and Governor Blagojevich : Save Us From Pusher MDs amply illustrates my straightforwardness. Therefore, please know that my motive in writing my article was not multi-faceted.

I downloaded and read the entire transcript/deposition of Cardinal George. I take my religion very seriously, especially when it concerns our Cardinal (who Confirmed me). Afterwards I contacted Jeff Anderson, one of the attorneys for the sex-abuse victims. I explained to him that I financially support the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, via Holy Name Cathedral and St. Mary of the Angels. I asked what I can do to help the victims of the sex-abuse situations. Mr. Anderson took time to explain to me that, although not Catholic himself, he raised his children Catholic. I commend him on his wise choice in raising his children well. Mr. Anderson apprised me of an organization calledVoice of The Faithful, a national organization with the mission to change the ‘ineffective’ policies of the Roman Catholic Church, specifically relating to sex-abuse matters.

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