Sunday, March 9

Vito Victorious With Five Year Sentence

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On August 3, 2010, our society in Illinois will be a little cleaner and safer. On behalf of American News Post, I would like to thank retired Melrose Park Lieutenant George Zitto, former down state police chief Scott Fitts and Assistant United States Attorney Stephen Andersson. If it were not for these three fine individuals (with the help of many other hard working federal officials) Vito “Drumhead” Scavo would still be ruling his department as the modern version of Adolph Hitler.

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  1. Joseph Fosco on

    Go figure, Drumhead is as bald as Lex Luthor, another arch-criminal – though Drumhead is the real deal.

  2. Joe
    Great articile as usual just wondering who drumhead will be locked up with if you can sheed some light on it

    • Dear Tony,
      Whenever Scavo’s Outfit cronies needed a license plate checked or something police related done for them (for unofficial business), Scavo would routinely assign one of his pets to assist his crony as if the crony were a deputy chief and the matter were a real police issue. For example, I have witnessed one of Scavo’s men drive (in a squad car) a drug addicted person to a drug house in Maywood so the addict could get a fix. This of course was done because the person was the son of one of Scavo’s Outfit cronies.

  3. Frankie 5 Angels on

    Was the drug addicted person’s father highly-placed in the organization and once have a brush with Chuck Goudie?

    With everything I’ve read about Scavo on here, it almost makes me think he’s capable of making some seriously offbase replies on your blogs.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Frankie,
      The individual I am referring to was regarded as having a high/lucrative position within the Outfit. I am unaware of any Goudie contact.
      I would not be surprised if Scavo’s friends or family members have left some negative comments on the message threads of this publication.

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    I just received word that Vito Scavo is in custody at Duluth. He has proven to be much more a man than Rudy Fratto is. Vito is serving his time and will hopefully come out reformed.

  5. Joe,

    I noticed that with the site’s face lift, the writing has improved greatly. Good for you. Was it intentional?

    Are you working on a book? How come you don’t churn out articles the way you used to?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Sideburns,
      Thank you for the compliment. I am working on a book, and a couple of others want me to help them with their books, so I am doing the best that I can as far as writing articles here at the same time. I will try to write more articles for American News Post.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Sideburns,
          I am coauthoring all of them. Yes, the Outfit is focused on, but not the entire focus.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Tom,
      It is FBOP. I know that one of Scavo’s former deputy chiefs is in there with him – Jimmy Caputo. From what I understand, Caputo is still mad at him over the first fall he took for Scavo nearly 10-years ago. I would imagine there might be some animosity between them. However, I am sure Scavo’s Outfit cronies know enough jailbirds to make things somewhat comfortable for him. Moreover, I would not be surprised if Scavo’s political connections in Chicago caused Dick Durbin to call the warden on his behalf.

  6. Joe
    Thank you what was the fall that Jimmy took about ten years ago ? You think that’s why the FBOP put them in the same place ? Last you think Durbin makes the call so Vito has it easier ?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Tom,
      Caputo was arrested (on a state level) for pocketing money from the police station. It was rumored that Vito was behind it. A Google search should help you with details. Nevertheless, Caputo lost his job over it. I doubt the FBOP would care about their past – I do not think their placement was deliberate (but who knows for sure?).
      I would not be surprised if Durbin called the warden to mention that Scavo is a nice man (a machine politician would consider a person like Scavo a nice man). As I said, Scavo has a great deal of political influence in Chicago. Federal officials are the people you need to know in order to get preferred treatment in the federal prison system. It is done all the time. No, I do mean he will experience anything like the prison scene in Goodfella’s, but it might help Scavo get a good job. It could help him get a decent cellmate – minor thing that mean a lot in prison.

  7. Gentle, kind man of God on

    Dear Mr. Fosco,

    Thank you for preemptively addressing Harlem Playboy’s question about the prison scene in Goodfella’s, as it might pertain to Vito Scavo.

    May God bless you.

  8. Joseph,

    I understand why you implanted a screening / “moderation” program for the comments on this website. After all, you were being harassed and threatened, as you reported to your readers some months ago.

    The only complaint that I have is that accepted replies often times are not published until HOURS after submission. And when a person is trying to easily dismantle the “arguments” (LOL) of someone like “Logic,” it makes it difficult to create an organized “dialectic” or even engage others because small batches of disjointed retorts are published at once, sometimes resulting in an incoherent and uninteresting tangle of words and insults.

    I realize that you aren’t able to be online 24-hours a day for the sole purpose of moderating readers’ comments. I’m not asking you to lift the moderation program (though, that wouldn’t be a bad idea) or to be online more than you all ready are.

    I’m just respectfully inquiring whether or not it would be possible to give other members of the ANP staff “editing privileges” so readers can converse in a way that’s a little closer to real time.

    Thank you.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Jerry,
      I understand your concern. I am sorry. However, I have to keep the moderation program in place. However, I will look in to giving others editing privileges. If I do this, I will need to confirm people’s identity in a foolproof way. In the meantime, I will do my best to check the comments more often.

  9. Jerry Beanus on

    Have you considered getting a vBulletin message board? They’re really fun and extremely organized, and I believe they’re only around 160-dollars per year.If you ask for donations from your readership, I’ll contribute a good chunk of change via PayPal.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Jerry,
      Thank you for your advice and generous offer. Your offer of financial support is not necessary. However, I will have my IT person look in to the vBulletin idea. Again, thank you

  10. Joe–Assume Drumhead was algined with Centracchio and Eboli before him. Who in the Outfit is now running things in Melrose Park? I’ve heard and seen Pudgy Matassa’s name thrown around, yet also know Joe “Kong” Cullota runs the entire west side. Are you aware of Cullota?

    Also what is the relationship with Matassa to DiFronzo and Andriacchi? I know he was very unpopular when he was first made, as it was mainly because of his father’s connections. He was a successful union guy for years and major earner.

    • Dear Logic,
      The only thing Joey Kong runs is African-American hookers from Maywood in and out of his tiny little home in Melrose Park on 24th Street (as you can see, I know him too well). The guys from Cicero are running everything now and have been for a while.
      I do not believe that Matassa is nearly as important as some think. However, he is ambitious.
      The DiFronzo’s and Joe Andriacchi do not like each other very much. And they hate everyone in the Outfit, including Matassa. However, they come off as if they like Matassa. I cannot imagine what Matassa might be doing for the Outfit today.

      • Father Guido Sarducci on

        I thought that DiFronzo and Andriacchi were pals. If they hate each other, that certainly complicates things because Andriacchi and Lombardo are cousins, and Lombardo and DiFronzo supposedly had friendly partnerships in various operations.

        By the way, the DiFronzo meeting was in River GROVE not River Forest. And Matassa wasn’t there, and no one on that video even comes close to resembling him. (Just another example of Logic presuming to know what he’s talking about. Rather than learning from facts, he tries to change the facts to fit what he believes is the reality of the situation.)

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Father,
          Andriacchi does not like Lombardo too much either. The whole cousin tale is not very accurate, despite hearing Andriacchi refer to Lombardo as his cousin personally. The Difronzo brothers like only each other. It is ‘them’ against everyone.
          Old man Cerone had an interesting crew. They hated him and they disliked each other. That is why things are so ambiguous. Most people do not understand what the DiFronzo-Andriacchi faction is up to because they stay away from each other.

      • Guys from Cicero you are talking the Spano’s and the fatboy? Jimmy I is also still a leg breaker there…wonder when Melrose will clean up the act.

        Glad you know Cullota…I’ve heard he’s also made and Matassa reports directly to him and he reports to Andriacchi.

        Andriacchi doesn’t like DiFronzo? The guys have been in the same crew since the 1960s.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Logic,
          I do not know the extent of Spano’s involvement these days. I suppose I can find out.
          I do not believe that Kong is ‘made’. That seems like a joke to me. I would be surprised if Kong knows Andriacchi. I suppose anything is possible.
          How many people in the world dislike people they work with, even relations that go back to the 60’s? How many people hate their bosses? The Outfit is no different. Personal conflicts are a part of the human condition.

          • Too Bad For You on

            Paul Spano is away I believe…Mark his son is still running things for the old man. Spano in my opinion will take over for DiFronzo when he’s out eventually, though I’m sure he will have a front man.

            Does DiFronzo still own a piece of Al Piemonte auto dealerships? I’d enjoy an article on DiFronzo’s various dealings, as well as the suspicious death of Nicky Stick LoCoco.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Too Bad,
            I cannot say whether any Spano will run anything for the Outfit. I have little knowledge of the Spano’s. Although, I can begin researching them.
            I have not heard anything about DiFronzo owning a portion of Piemonte’s dealership, nor do I believe it to be correct.
            I will look in to the death of LoCoco.

  11. Joe
    Did I read that right that greedy Petie and no nose do get along with the builder or is it they don’t even like themseleves ???

  12. Vito believes he never did anything wrong so his reform is unlikely. If he lives a law abiding life after he gets out of prison it will probably only be because he will be afraid of being caught.

    It would be nice if all of his other illegal behavior could be pursued enough to convict him of the majority of his wrongdoing so that he could be kept in jail for at least several more decades.

    Some of his followers continue to have too much negative influence in Melrose Park because Vito’s lightweight prison sentence does not intimidate them.

    • Dear Paul,
      Furthermore, I hope Vito reevaluates his life while in prison and realizes that he did commit horrible offenses. And I pray that he reforms before his release.

  13. Look, I'm not trying... on

    Look, I’m not trying to denigrate the guy because he’s 62 and looking at 5-years in prison. But something’s been bothering me about that picture, and I just have to speak up.

    In my opinion, in that particular photograph Mr. Scavo looks like one of the munchkins from the Wizard of Oz. There, I said it, and I feel better.

    Did anyone else notice that?