Sunday, February 23

The Inescapable Mix Of Religion And Politics

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In Chicago, when I was growing-up, you were two things, a Catholic and a Democrat. My late father, A. ‘Mondo’ Fosco, a serious labor leader, held a prominent position with theInternational Brotherhood of Teamsters for many years in Chicago. My father held his position until the day he lost his life to cancer (over 20-years ago). Therefore, being a Democrat was more of a necessity for me, being raised in a labor-union family. While I am not willing to change my religious faith for any reason, I have changed my political position. I am a proud Republican, as I have been for many years now and I feel that Republicans address my religious beliefs better. Admittedly, I can be somewhat ‘soft’ towards the Clintons, as I truly believe both Bill and Hill are extraordinary politicians. However, I am confident that John McCain is who we Catholic’s need in the White House for the next four years (at the very least four years).

Most of us Catholics agree that Christians like Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol, greatly demonstrate how good Christians should deal with issues such as teen pregnancy and other complicated pre-natal matters. Pregnancies are blessings from God, and we must not take a pregnancy for granted or devalue such a gift. God makes these things happen for a reason and we must welcome these gifts into the world, gladly. While premarital sex remains a sin, there is no sin like abortion, which is the equivalent to murder.

I could not be clear enough in describing the importance of electing Republicans to retain control of our nation (under God) at this time. As a Chicago born Democrat (turned Republican), raised by a serious labor leader, I cannot stress my religious based political beliefs more candidly. My understanding on Catholicism and politics are what builds my confidence in the Republican Party; therefore proving to me how greatly Roman Catholicism will benefit.

As a postscript:
Let us offer thanks and praise to President Bush and the entire Federal Government (and local government) for a job well done in their supervision of relief and restoration efforts regarding Hurricane Gustav. It is now abundantly clear that Hurricane Katrina was Gods super-lesson for Americans to learn how to deal with the tremendous magnitude of such natural disasters (great going President Bush on supervising the successful rescuing of all the pets and other animals from Hurricane Gustav)! As tragic as it was to experience Hurricane Gustav, witnessing what we learned from Hurricane Katrina is extremely fulfilling! The lessons from Hurricane Katrina now provide meaning and understanding.

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