Wednesday, March 26

Oprah And The Governor Palin Debacle

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My reasons for writing this article are based on my religious belief that Senator John McCain is the correct choice for our next President of the United States of America.

The Presidential race is getting more interesting by the day.Oprah Winfrey has long ago made up her mind to vote for Barack Obama. In fact, I could swear that I remember her asking Obama a couple of years ago on her show if he will run for President. I believe Obama’s initial answer was ‘no’. As I recall with great confidence that it was Oprah who appeared to be forcing Obama (on the Oprah Show) to consider running for President. I remember thinking to myself, “Oprah loves the Clintons – she had Bill Clinton on her show and paid tribute to him. No doubt, this should mean that her approval of Hillary Clinton would be significant (apparently, not significant enough).”

Oprah has the homemakers/mothers (women) of America to thank for the billions of dollars she has been paid over the years. One would think that Oprah would be grateful to have Governor Sarah Palin on her show. Governor Palin is a woman, like Oprah, who has achieved a great deal of respect and success. Governor Palin is America’s first Republican Vice Presidential Nominee. Governor Palin is a real living example of what the Oprah Show stands for. If I were one of America’s homemakers/mothers who supported the Oprah Show faithfully over the years, I would feel slighted by Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has refused to book the hottest news story of the day, Governor Palin, a highly successful American woman and mother, a real living example of what the Oprah Show means to so many of us.

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1 Comment

  1. Looking back Oprahs vocal support of Obama did hurt her ratings although she was still the number one rated talkshow and when she finally had Palin on in fall 09 she had some of her highest ratings ever.

    Oprah was a member of the same church however after hearing the ravings of Jeremiah she quickly chose to leave the church.

    With Obamas approval rating after 1 year being the same as what Bush’s was after 8 years and two wars-

    America is waking up and realizing what a huge mistake the Obama adminstration is.

    And I believe unlike Clinton who realized that hard left policies would not work hence he became moderate – Obama is an idealogue who is willing to sacrifice a second term in order to transform America into an oligarchy.

    2010 will be a rough year for liberals!