Sunday, March 30

Mayor Daley Is Like A Kid In A Candy Store, On Our Dime

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Mayor Daley may be right in some respects, however. Perhaps one can argue that 2008 is not an ordinary year for Chicago because we have more cameras in intersections all around the city, helping raise enormous amounts of money by ticketing people driving through yellow lights. I would believe that this year the City of Chicago has raised more money than ever from drivers ticketed for merely holding an object appearing to be a cellular phone. Who else pays? Do not forget the hard working people that go to work every day and now face higher taxes for parking their cars.

Today, Mayor Daley claimed that leasing Chicago’s original major airport would fix half of the city’s budget problems. Meanwhile, I have a better solution. Mayor Daley – be responsible, admit that taking on the 2016 Olympic bid is a financial mistake for Chicago, and offer the opportunity to another American city that can afford to put up 500 million bucks. If billionaire Pat Ryan wants the 2016 Olympics so badly, can’t he cover the cost?

Why should the desires and dreams (2016 Olympics) of two wealthy and powerful men like Mayor Daley and insurance mogul Pat Ryan cost us small people money? Who pays for our dreams?

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