Wednesday, March 26

Former Dr. Giacchino Maintains Lunacy

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In his quest to maintain his lavish lifestyle, the former Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino is going to great lengths. He apparently has no problems working with the Outfit or manipulating the legal system to make money so it should not shock anyone that he is willing to burn long-time business contacts and friends for little or no reason at all.

River Grove Clinic

River Grove Clinic

Dr. Gregory Bertagna, D.D.S. leased office space from Joseph L. Giacchino’s River Grove, Illinois, location since the early 1980s. In addition, Giacchino conveniently collected Dr. Bertagna’s fees from his patients to make payments due for rent, employees’ salaries, office expenses and various other requisite expenditures.

For more than 27-years Dr. Bertagna honored his end of the deal with Giacchino. Sadly, even Dr. Bertagna is not immune to the duplicitous dealings of the once rich and powerful Joseph Giacchino.

On or about May 14, 2010 Giacchino locked Dr. Bertagna out of their office. There was no reason given, and there was no prior notice. After three decades of doing business together, Giacchino ended the relationship without so much as an e-mail.

Because of the unlawful lock-out, Dr. Bertagna was unable treat patients. His capital investment was jeopardized and his goodwill has been damaged. Giacchino refused to provide Dr. Bertagna with an account and statement of the transactions that were subject to their agreement. Above and beyond this, Giacchino also failed to pay Dr. Bertagna’s employees for several weeks.

The damages that Giacchino caused for Dr. Bertagna are in excess of $50,000.00 according to a lawsuit filed in Cook County, Illinois, on May 17, 2010 (case # 10 CH 21122). We at American News Post wish to offer Dr. Bertagna our deepest sympathies, and we invite him to come here and tell his story to all our readers.



  1. Dear Readers,

    Sources have told me that Giacchino appeared to have had a big party at his River Forest home last weekend. Some are suggesting that he is still wealthy. I believe he threw himself a fundraising event.