Wednesday, March 12

A Cook County Democratic Team Player Infatuated With Organized Crime: Anita Alvarez Wins Dumbest Person of the Month Award

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stopped at the gas station Sunday morning and bought theChicago Tribune and Sun-Times, (despite my brother-in-Christ Conrad Black’s opinion of the latter newspaper). I walked into my home, poured a cup of coffee, rolled up my sleeves and began to read. Surprisingly, I could not find anything about former Chicago Cop and accused torturer/liar John Burge in the Sun-Times. I have spent a lot of my spare time the last five years freelance investigating the Burge case in preparation for a massive piece on corruption in the Chicago Police Department, so I like to read as much as I can on John Burge. In fact, I have had some awful run-ins with Chicago Police Officers over my investigative work throughout the last several years.

No longer a fixture in the world of philanthropy, I now find myself entrenched in my work at KTF Media Group. I am amazed at how so many young people are obviously uninformed about Cook County politics, especially Cook County Democratic politics. The piece that I wrote recently, Al Capone’s Dream May Finally Come True, appeared in my mind Sunday as I turned to page 14A of the Sunday Sun-Times. I saw large photos of Anita Alvarez, Tony Peraica (who recently visited us at St. Mary of the Angels for Oktoberfest) and Thomas O’Brien, who are all trying to become Cook County’s next top prosecutor. According to the Sun-Times, I read that Alvarez calls The Sopranos one of her favorite TV shows. I thought it was a joke – here is someone campaigning to fight corruption while championing organized crime. However, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, thinking, what’s the big deal? Most of the country likes The Sopranos (although I personally detest the show). Then in the next paragraph she states her favorite movie is The Godfather. I could not believe what I was reading. Is Anita Alvarez really running for States Attorney? After reading about her favorite movies and tv shows, one could argue that Anita Alvarez is a groupie to the Mob lifestyle, utterly infatuated with the wrong side of the law. I know that others might think that I am making a big deal here, but hold on a second! Obsessing over organized crime movies and running for States Attorney could be compared to running for school superintendent and revealing a deep fondness for pornographic films. Would this person get your vote?

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