Thursday, March 13

A Cook County Democratic Team Player Infatuated With Organized Crime: Anita Alvarez Wins Dumbest Person of the Month Award

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Bottom line: any candidate running for county prosecutor who is dumb enough to tell a major newspaper less than 2 weeks from election day that her or his favorite TV show and movie are The Sopranos and The Godfather must be dumber than Cook County Judge Consuelo E. Bedoya-Witt. Bedoya-Witt, who thought she had a built in blood alcohol machine in her brain, found a man guilty of being intoxicated by merely looking at him from 15 feet away. I awarded Bedoya the ‘Dumbest Person of the Month Award’ back when this tragedy occurred. Alvarez gets the award for this month.

Getting back to the John Burge subject, what was Anita Alvarez doing when John Burge was in rare form back in the 1980’s? Was she infatuated with the violence that Burge was accused of then, when he was helping prosecutors do their jobs, no matter what it took to be victorious? Obviously Alvarez did not prosecute Burge, who is a quintessential example of inapproriate violence. Instead, Alvarez (like Judge Bedoya-Witt) was dedicated to a system that purportedly helped Burge incarcerate innocent people.

We know that violence to some degree must be appealing to Alvarez, who likes organized crime movies, just as we know the person that likes porn must like sex. I would be willing to bet that if Alvarez had the chance to respond to this article, she would explain that her interest in watching violent organized crime stuff is really about watching the bad person go to jail. One problem, Vito Corleone was never caught. All he did was commit murder, extortion and blackmail, flaunting the law the whole time.

Please, all voters who have not yet voted in this upcoming election, we have a Cook County Democratic machine that, as I said last week on the Obama matter, is partial to Al Capone’sgangland style. This Mafioso

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