Saturday, March 29

Governor Blagojevich Is Not As Dumb As He Is Unlucky

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Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested by the FBI this week. While I could say, ”I told you so,” (read Al Capone’s Dream May Finally Come True, Unless Young Americans Wake Up) this article will not take such a direction.

While my many cigarette-smoking friends are glad to see the ‘Hitler of smoking ban enforcement’ being handed his lunch, I am not so happy to see Blagojevich go down. Yes, I am a proud Republican. Yes, I am the first to call Cook County/Chicago politicians crooked. The fact remains that the way Blagojevich received his invitation to criminal court seems rather suspicious to me.

Yes, the FBI has him on tape! However, as far as what I can find via media reports, including the press release by Chicago’s U.S. Attorney, Blagojevich seemed to be venting to an ally, not directing statements to a victim or a conspirator-candidate. I will give you some examples. How many times have you told a friend in confidence that you wanted to strangle someone, or, punch someone, keeping in mind that you would in fact never carry out the threat. Imagine having a friend that just invented a gadget of some significance, and the inventor friend of yours say, “people are going to have to kiss my ass to get one of my gadgets.” Better yet, the inventor says, “I want millions for my idea,” all the while knowing that she could never collect anything for her invention dream.

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  1. Mr. Fosco,
    You make a great deal of sense, let me ask you, does Conrad Black have an opinion on this topic?

  2. Yes, my friend Conrad Black shares an opinion this matter. In fact, he has allowed me to review a draft that he is currently publishing on the Daily Beast. I encourage you to check it out (it is brilliant). If it is not published as of yet, it will be very soon.