Monday, March 31

Short And Sweet – Conrad Black The Human Being

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Conrad and I discussed the sad story about former President George W. Bush not helping Gov. George Ryan and the others who worked extremely hard for him and/or his father over the years with the steadfast goal of bettering America. This is exactly what Conrad had to say: “I do not understand the mentality of someone who clearly enjoyed executing people in Texas and even mocked pleas for mercy from residents of death row, and on leaving the White House after eight years with the lowest approval rating in history, does absolutely nothing for people who really put out for him. And I am not speaking of myself. He is a process freak when it suits him and a lawless fascist when it suits him to torture people and champion warrantless searches, wire-taps, and forgets about habeas corpus. Good riddance to him; he makes your fellow Chicagoan look even better.”

I will end by saying that until George Bush’s final day I respected him for his good qualities as a president, such as keeping America safe since 9/11. The events of his final days in office now render that image tarnished in my eyes. George Bush could have shown his appreciation for some truly wonderful people that were loyal to his family and to America. Because of his hard-headedness many miscarriages of justice may stand.

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