Tuesday, March 11

Cardinal George Is Right! To Hell With Barack Obama!

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Cardinal George Is Right! To Hell With Barack Obama!

Cardinal George is right about President Obama and Notre Dame. I am not shocked or disappointed that Cardinal George is doing what he was appointed to do, which is stand up for the teachings of the Church.

If you want to be a Catholic you cannot support someone that approves of abortion, period. It does not matter who this person is, whether it be a politician or even your own parents. Mayor Daley and his bald brother are wrong to denounce a Roman Catholic Archbishop on defending the tenets of his faith.

If you are a Catholic that cannot understand abortion is something that Catholics are forbidden to approve of, you should find another religion. Rarely is an issue as clear as the Church’s stance on abortion. Barack Obama has never hidden his pro-choice stance and it is a travesty that so many Catholics, despite this obvious shortcoming, voted for him. While the President may have many other positive qualities, protesting this Notre Dame event is a prime way to show him that Catholics do not agree with his stance on abortion.

Cardinal George is not mixing religion and state. He is simply being a responsible religious leader, addressing relevant issues with other Catholics. The Daley Boys have sold out their religious faith for reasons of personal greed and political gain. Mayor Daley chums up to the Cardinal before mayoral elections, but has no problem slamming him when it suits his political goals.

Mayor Daley, aren’t there other issues more pressing to Chicago than attacking a priest for stating the disturbingly obvious? Would you please start worrying about the parking meter mess and the financial disaster surrounding the Olympics. Maybe after problems like these are adequately addressed you can spend some time berating the Roman Catholic Church and its constituents.


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