Thursday, March 6

No Rimshot For Vito ‘Drumhead’ Scavo As Andersson Takes The Case

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On the morning of April 23, 2009, I rushed to the Dirksen Federal building in Chicago with a postal money order in hand. I needed it to secure the services of the U.S. Marshals Office to serve the defendants in my civil RICO complaint (which accuses members and associates of the Chicago Outfit of extorting and conspiring to murder me – case # 09 CV 01882). Yes, I actually got a judge to give me the go ahead to use the Marshals to serve the men involved in my case. Evidently no one aside from these federal agents is brave enough to confront members of the Chicago Outfit.

After submitting my payment to the Marshals Office, I could not resist visiting Vito Scavo‘s courtroom. I am sure that I will visit the courtroom again, if only to watch Drumhead in action.

Vito Scavo

Vito ‘Drumhead’ Scavo, former Melrose Park Police Chief

My friend Buddy had a pet nickname for Vito Scavo – Drumhead. Buddy sure was good at giving people nicknames. Anyone that has ever seen Scavo would agree that his head is very large, not to mention shiny. While I am sure his nogin lacks the acoustic qualities of a real drumhead, I have no doubt there is a long list of people that would be willing to try a drumroll on it. First in line seems to be the federal government.

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  1. Joseph Fosco on

    Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous,

    Call it hatred if you will, I call it frustration. I am frustrated with the people that helped complicate my life.


    Joseph Fosco

  2. Dear Joe Fosco,
    I read your bio too. Unlike the cowardly remark form the ‘anonymous’ peanut gallery, I think that you are a very generous person, with giving your time to the community and trying to prevent crime. Keep up the good work. We should have more people like you!

  3. Bust Dr. Giachinno on

    Pretty bad when Melrose Police Chief Mr Scavos current trial – makes near FRONT PAGE NEWS “The Oranges are There ” of Melrose Park Pioneer press ! When currently a DRUG PUSHING DOCTOR IN MELROSE PARK continues to care and treat patients with illegal narcotics !
    FBI should really focus more on closing this man down. And placing a nice large article on how they did it ! Before innocent patients DIE at the health service of Dr. Giachinno ! PILL PUSHER I do agree that what Mr Scavo did was wrong, RACKETEERING & EXTORTION. I would think that a DRUG PUSHING DOCTOR & SAVING LIVES in Melrose Park would be priority

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,
    I agree with you. Law enforcement should care more about the behavior of a Pusher MD than a greedy police chief. Although, I am confident that Law enforcement will bring Giacchino to justice in the near future.

  5. I read your bio Mr. Fosco. For a person that is so religious you certainly spew the hatred don’t you? Why so hypocritical??

  6. Word has just come down from Vito Scavo’s sentencing hearing. He has gotten six years, a 5,000 dollar fine and a 12,600 dollar restitution to Allied Waste. Forfeiture hearing was continued to Friday the 26th at 10:00 am. More information in an article to follow.

  7. Joseph Fosco on

    One of my sources told me the judge wants to hear from the IRS as to how they concluded what Scavo cheated them. The judge thinks she is on appellate court. lol.