Saturday, February 22

Happy New Year From The Publisher – 2011

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Aside from my goals for American News Post in 2011, I have a few personal matters that I intend to address in the near future, which my Angel above, my beautiful grandmother, will certainly help me accomplish.

Lastly I want to take this time to thank you, the readers, who have relied on and contributed much to American News Post. Some of you have been following us since we began in early 2008 as Keys To Faith and then KTF Media Group. Thank you for making us one of your news sources. We at American News Post pledge to our readers that truth and honesty will remain our top priority in fighting corruption and evildoers.

On behalf of American News Post, I wish each one of you a healthy, safe and happy New Year.

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  1. Joe,
    Very sorry to hear about your grandmother…I hope you and your family have a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year…. you deserve the best life has to offer….
    If there’s anything we can do for you please call us.

    • Dear Thomas,
      I am back! I watched your video. Thank you. It is not entirely correct.

    • Dear Walter,
      Assuming things heated up with Madison around the time he took over Giacchino’s clinic last May or June, usually it takes the State of Illinois about 2-years to accomplish something.

  2. Wow unbelievable! As a former patient of Giacchino’s I was glad to see him go, sad to say that was what forced me to get clean. Its unfortunate that Dr. Madison jumped right in and took over where Giacchino left off.

    • Dear Walter,
      I am glad you are clean. Email me, I would like to give you some advice on options you might have.

  3. Bozz Donkeyfriend on

    Dear Joe,

    I’m glad to hear that you’re making a comeback and that you’ve got the Outfit in your crosshairs. (I can’t wait to read your new articles and follow-up comments.) Hopefully, John and Peter DiFronzo never personally harrassed your late grandmother–may she rest in peace. (Shame on the DiFronzos!)

    You’ve often alluded to an unpleasant encounter you had a few years back with Peter DiFronzo but always balked at sketching it out for your readers in an article or in the threads. Is this something you can address for us now that you’ve come out of retirement?

    By the way, Joe, I’ve been casually fact-checking some of the balderdash and embarrassingly earnest mob daydreaming that a reader named “Logic” (LOL) was vandalizing some of your threads with–turns out that he’s wrong about almost everything. Are you hear this? What is your take on this “Logic” person, anyway?


    Oh, and when you ask us to pray for some of your late grandmother’s children who recently ascertained the extent to which she was helping you financially are you implying that you’ve been subject to some resentment because of this? I hope they understand that you were (still are?) in quite a hairy situation.

    • Dear Bozz,
      My request that you pray for some of my grandmother’s children pertains to exactly what you have touched on. My mother’s older brother is abusing her because he lacks the ability to confront the gangsters that wound up with a good share of my late grandmother’s money. In addition, my mother’s husband (who is not my biological father) is in the same caliber as my mother’s oldest brother – two unreasonable people. In addition, my oldest uncle does not care if I am in a ‘hairy situation’.
      Nonetheless, I am okay. Thank you for your thoughts. Joe

  4. Thomas "Tommy Red" Anonymous on


    Are the Large Guy, Jimmy I, and Solly Cataudella the new faces of the Outfit?

    Also, do you plan on treating your readership to that Nick Gio article?

    Thank you.

    • Dear Tom,
      New faces of the Outfit? That is not bad way to put it.
      I will do something on Gio at some point. However, I am working on something else right now.

  5. MerlinTenderpony on

    Dear ANP:

    – Can we expect an update on the Jerry Mungo – Mary Ann conflict in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on John DiFronzo in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Cook County Judge Jill Cerone Marisie in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Frank J. Battaglia in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Joe Messino in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Michael Magnafichi in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Jack Cerone, Esq., in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Peter DiFronzo in 2011?

    – Can we expect an update on Rudy Fratto in 2011?

    • Dear Merlin,
      Jerry Navarro was married to Mary Ann Mungo, but I know what you mean.
      Yes, I will give updates on most of the people you named. And do not forget Vito Scavo.

      • f@rt on a horsey b*ner on


        Since you are back I’M back, too. No more “the ghost” before my name since I participating more.

        Merlin Tenderpony, huh? It’s got a ring to it. I like it.

        Joe, do you remember “Handsome Fella” from the Navarro-Mungo thread? You might recall that he had a very strange way about him. I have a buddy who’s a cop, and he told me that he once busted a guy with the same exact nickname for allegedly spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, and other conduct usually considered to be of a private nature. Hopefully this sick pervert, “Handsome Fella” won’t make a comeback now that you have indicated that you’re going to be writing more articles. I hope and pray that he leaves your threads alone!

        May God bless you.