Sunday, February 23

How Dr. Conrad Murray Helped Cause The Early Death Of The King Of Pop And Why Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr. MD Better Take Heed!

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A physician that pulls a bullet out of a bank robber would lose his license and be charged as an accomplice in the crime unless he contacted the police. What occurred with the Jackson situation is no different from any other criminal situation. If Dr. Murray contributed to or supported Jackson’s drug abuse he should be charged as accessory to murder.

Dr. Murray, who, according to his own attorney, was being prudent when he sought legal representation before agreeing to an interview with police last week, should have been equally as prudent when he considered taking a live-in ‘CPR technician/life guard’ job from a likely narcotic dependant and/or addict. It is my suggestion that Michael Jackson would not have felt safe if he was using dangerously high levels of narcotic pain medication, without having a glorified EMT with a medical license living in his home. If Dr. Murray would have exercised this much praised prudence upon considering employment from Mr. Jackson, Michael Jackson might be alive today.

Furthermore, since Dr. Murray is also a licensed medical doctor, Dr. Murray had a moral and ethical obligation to decline such job offer and help Jackson get proper help for his problems. It is impossible for a doctor with Dr. Murray’s experience not to realize that Mr. Jackson was likely to require professional help that Dr. Murray was not qualified to give, therefore making Dr. Murray’s decision to take the position as Michael Jackson’s life guard a tragic professional blunder.

To prevent vomiting, I have decided not to explore information that I heard via Chicago-ABC Channel 7’s 10:00 television news broadcast, on June 29, 2009. It was said that Dr. Murray’s attorney explained that Murray administered CPR on Mr. Jackson for approximately 30 minutes prior to 9-1-1 contact. When he finally considered contacting the authorities, Dr. Murray claimed he was unaware of the address of Michael Jackson’s home, despite residing at the location in question for approximately 2 weeks.

In my opinion, Attorney Edward Chernoff owes it to his son, Fate, to be an upstanding professional and drop a scumbag client like Dr. Murray. Mr. Chernoff, what will Fate think of his father if you continue to represent the scumbag that most likely helped cause the King of Pop’s early death? Wouldn’t it be ‘prudent’ to take a stand against the sort of morally bankrupt behavior that Dr. Conrad Murray is guilty of perpetrating?

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  1. Jennifer H. on

    I read Chernoff’s bio on his law firms web site. I think Chernoff is a nut. He named his son Fate and tattooed the name on his arm. Right next to that tattoo, he should have another tattoo saying, “I Support The Killer Of The King of Pop!” I mean Dr. Murray, of course.

  2. Jody Fidelis on

    I agree completely with your article! But also, how can a sleazeball like this doctor – with his massive debt – obtain a $1.5 million mansion (which he purchased in 2004 as “a married man, as his sole and seperate property)in Las Vegas? What bank would have lent him the money?
    View his home on this link to Clark County, Las Vegas:

    Hmmm, makes me wonder who his wife is, and if they were married when he sired all these extraneous children!!

    Also, since his board certification expired on 12/31/08, I also wonder if he let his malpractice insurance lapse also??? Now, with the possible future litigation that does not appear to sway in his favor, he could be in a real mess. Maybe his attorney should REALLY think twice about representing him!

  3. Read this Dr. was hired at Jacksons insistance (probably Joe Jackson’s) and put on payroll by London firm. If the London firm (with $500M and 50 concerts at stake)was going to hire a Dr. for 100K/month I’m sure it would not have been a struggling cardiologist that was NOT board certified in either of his specialties. Furthermore most Docs are not very good at CPR, as Jackson was left on a bed (they said firm)for CPR- a big NO NO for CPR.(as you can’t compress the heart on a surface that isn’t hard enough)

  4. Also noticed the DEA have been called in MJ case because of the large amounts of prescription drugs found at the house. You are correct: nothing is done about theses MD pushers until a body turns up. Then the victim is labeled an addict, and the dr. skates free. The fact that people cannot obtain these drugs without a MD script should put the legal blame and liability squarely on the MDs involved.
    Permalink Edit… Deprecate! Delete!

  5. Thank you for the informative and well-written article. I think some interesting and very convincing conspiracy theories will come out of all this. However, as history has proven time and time again, we (people that are not “connected”) will probably NEVER know the truth. Maybe no one will. And its quite infuriating because, if a doctor is blatantly enabling people in becoming addicts (ultimately destroying themselves), then he/she is basically a licensed drug dealer and must be held accountable. Michael Jackson’s death is incredibly depressing and frustating to me. I love Michael Jackson and it just seems like his death was completely avoidable and certain facts – like the fact that they took so long in calling 911 – are very suspicous.

  6. Dear Ron,
    Thank you for your frequent visits. With all due respect, I will not concede on the matter of Mr. Jackson employing a man who engaged in the adult industry. The employee has not been accused of any wrong doing while working for Mr. Jackson. In addition, he is not a sex offender. I believe that the employee’s involvement in the adult industry was common knowledge. In fact, the writer that you cited in your response to the previous article had publically mentioned the employee’s adult industry background enough times, that any good parent could have easily discovered the information, and probably did. Therefore, it is really a matter of the parents making the decision. And, keep in mind, nothing ever happened to any of the children. Thanks.

  7. I am on to you Chumpman! on

    Sam Chapman of Empower Public Relations, in my opinion, is not half of the sales person that his wife, Dr. Laura Berman is (Berman sells sex toys – Chapman sells reputations).
    I just read Chapman’s comments left under the article titled ‘Is Empower Public Relations A Naïve Firm Or Plain Old Deceitful?’ published by KTF Media Group. According to Chapman’s blog comments, he has done a great job of showing us how low he can go. I think the article is dead on!
    I love the person that called Chapman ‘Sum Chumpman’

  8. Joe,

    Do a Public Service Announcement about the R. Kelly and Michael Jackson’s ghost.
    Thank you.

    PS: Please attack Dr. Giacchino with defamation of character.
    Thank you.

  9. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Smiley,

    I do not believe in ghosts.

    I do not understand your postscript.

    Thank you for your participation on the blog.