Saturday, March 29

President Obama Abets Alleged Criminal And Beer Buddy Henry Gates In Obstructing Justice?

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Okay, we have heard a great deal about quasi African American President Barack Obama and African American Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. falsely casting suspicion over Cambridge Police Sgt Crowley for supposedly being hateful and stupid. Not once has anyone addressed the inappropriate behavior of Obama and Gates, who teamed up against a good police officer. Clearly, the officer arrested the suspect for behaving in a disorderly fashion, which means it was an appropriate arrest. I disagree with the fact that disorderly conduct charges were dropped. On what grounds would the State of Massachusetts drop these charges?

In my opinion it seems that we have an alleged criminal (disorderly conduct is a crime), Henry Gates, who pulled the race card and walked away from criminal charges. This is no different than any of the criminals from Obama’s home base, Chicago, scores of who have avoided criminal prosecutions on countless occasions by bribing Cook County judges (see Operation Greylord).

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  1. It seems when BO speaks off teleprompter he tends to be brutally honest in what he actually thinks. This has resulted in comments like ‘wealth redistribution’, ‘tough choices’ on rationing health care for elderly and most recently ‘police acted stupidly’ – HOW PRESIDENTIAL! I think Gates and BO have black guilt – as they have both led favorable lives – I also think BO hates white people and the idea of American Exceptionalism. The people that voted from him fell in love with a false image – while many of us saw him as a marxist – which is exactly what he is proving to be. Furthermore people like Gates, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton (I think most blacks really wonder when there was a vote for black a spokesman and who elected these morons) are not interested in racial healing – Gates career has been based the idea of a racist America and he would play no influential role in a racially neutral America.

  2. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mr. White,
    I love your use of our Presidents initials. From here on out, ‘BO’ will be my short way of referring to our President.
    Mr. White, I agree with you completely.
    Thank you for your remarks and your continued interest in KTF.
    Joseph Fosco