Sunday, February 23

President Obama Abets Alleged Criminal And Beer Buddy Henry Gates In Obstructing Justice?

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Allow me to make better sense of what I am saying. Whether a defendant influences the judicial process by falsely manipulating a ‘race’ argument (with the aid of a stupid United States President), or pays a bribe to a member of the judicial system to have their criminal case dismissed, both scenarios are inconsistent with the factual legal grounds necessary for dismissal. Therefore, both of my examples are just as inappropriate, not to mention classical, Chicago/scofflaw behavior. What only compounds this travesty of justice is the fact that our President put his nose in this situation in the first place.

On an equally despicable note, President Obama hosted a beer-drinking get-together, further exploiting this ridiculous situation in the public spotlight, with no significant outcome. When the dust settles, all we have left is an alleged criminal that avoided prosecution. For those who would argue that ‘disorderly conduct’ is a petty offense, who cares? Why bother to have laws if they are not going to be enforced? Hell, why have laws at all?

This ‘beer summit’ just boils down to a PR scheme to resuscitate Obama’s flagging popularity, and most likely on our dime. I want to know, who paid the travel expenses for Gates and Crowley to visit D.C.? My guess is that taxpayers did. I wonder what the tab ended up being? Surely four beers could only have cost a few thousand dollars, right? Bottom’s up, America!

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  1. It seems when BO speaks off teleprompter he tends to be brutally honest in what he actually thinks. This has resulted in comments like ‘wealth redistribution’, ‘tough choices’ on rationing health care for elderly and most recently ‘police acted stupidly’ – HOW PRESIDENTIAL! I think Gates and BO have black guilt – as they have both led favorable lives – I also think BO hates white people and the idea of American Exceptionalism. The people that voted from him fell in love with a false image – while many of us saw him as a marxist – which is exactly what he is proving to be. Furthermore people like Gates, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton (I think most blacks really wonder when there was a vote for black a spokesman and who elected these morons) are not interested in racial healing – Gates career has been based the idea of a racist America and he would play no influential role in a racially neutral America.

  2. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mr. White,
    I love your use of our Presidents initials. From here on out, ‘BO’ will be my short way of referring to our President.
    Mr. White, I agree with you completely.
    Thank you for your remarks and your continued interest in KTF.
    Joseph Fosco