Tuesday, March 25

Joseph And Paul A. Fosco

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I believe that this decision stems from my position against the Chicago Outfit, as Paul is, unfortunately, an Outfit loyalist.

I hope that I have satisfied the curiosity of many of my readers about the status of the two different Fosco families from Chicago with Outfit and union ties.


As a side note, the photo in this article was taken in a little French restaurant in Chicago’s Streeterville that I used to enjoy (Le Petit Paris). Unfortunately, the proprietor allegedly schemed with a now former associate of mine by temporarily depriving me of one of my genuine DuPont cigar lighters to have it appraised. Apparently, both individuals were interested to know if it was solid platinum or plated. The lighter was ruined because a notch was filed on it when the jeweler tested it. A source close to my former associate confirmed this crime.

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  1. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Isn’t there a Paul Fosco who is your brother and is named after Paul Ricca? Are there then 2 Paul Foscos?

  2. Joe, my buddy used to date a Julie Fosco back in the late 80’s. She lived in Galewood. Any relation?

    • Dear Nicky,
      I am not sure. I have a great number of cousins, and they have children that I have never met. I will check. Thanks.