Wednesday, March 26

Daddono III Part II

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My previous article on William Daddono III might have been unexpected for some. For others, it could not come soon enough. Aside from the alleged ploys and schemes that I indicated in my previous piece, there is a lot of content that fits in between the lines.

From 2000 to 2005, Bill and I were often in each other’s company. For all the people who may have wondered why I no longer have anything to do with Bill, I believe these stories you are about to read do a good job illustrating the sort of maniac Bill can be once he’s had a drink.

Bill Daddono III (bottom right) and Joseph Fosco (top)

Bill Daddono III (bottom right) and Joseph Fosco (top)

I believe that I broadened my acquaintanceship with Bill sometime in the year 2000. Michael Magnafichi introduced me to him. We were all having a cocktail at Maple Meadows Golf Course in Wood Dale, Illinois. Bill seemed somewhat humorous, but then again people who are heavily intoxicated are occasionally funny. He explained that his now ex-wife had just filed for a divorce because she discovered that he was cheating on her with a girl named Gina, who I eventually met. He explained that Gina was his one true love that would never be replaceable.

Bill was never short on female companionship during the time I knew him. In 2004 Bill married the ex-wife of Mario Rainone, who once served the Department of Justice as an informant. Laurie, the current Mrs. William Daddono III, was also the mistress of the now late Victor Tartan, who served as a lackey for Outfit associate Marco D’Amico. Michael and Victor were very close and Michael and Laurie were in each other’s company numerous times with Victor, prior to her marriage to Bill.

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  1. Boy Joe, you sure know how to pick ’em! Jack Cerone Junior, the crooked bullshit lawyer, Dr. Giacchino the mad drug pushing pervert and now Bill Daddono the drunk lunatic fighter. It’s a blessing you’re still alive! However, I’ve had one similar former friend who was a lying stealing drug addict. Oh well, we all live and learn.

      • Joseph Fosco on

        I would also add that every punch that Bill ever threw in my presence was a sucker punch mostly directed at old men (in one case a woman). It was the punch he dealt to a woman that caused the cessation of our acquaintanceship.

        • Joe, I don’t blame you one bit. When Bill made the false accusation to the woman about you and then punched her in the face later for telling you about it, was Willie alive during that time? If he was, Willie would not have been too happy with Mr. Daddono. One thing Willie hated was unfairness and false accusations.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Willie was not alive at the time. It was more of a sick joke than a serious allegation.
            Willie always told me, “I do not mind a rap, but I don’t like a bum rap.”


          • I never saw this old posting until now.  Of Course Mikey Castaldo was respected in the nieghborhood!  He was my relative’s partner. Telling  me that would be like  telling me 2+2=4.

  2. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Joe, what was your response or course of action when Bill Daddono III treated your date to a punch in the face?!

    • She ran away from him and I chased after her to make sure she was okay. Bill took off immediately in a cab. Luckily, for her, his punch did not connect well. Luckily, for most of his victims his punch usually does not connect well. The only time that his punch did some damage (I was not present) is when he was arrested for punching a senior citizen who recently underwent a heart transplant. Fortunately, for Bill, he was able to buy off the victim to drop the charges.

  3. The man indicated in the previous “Daddono” article named Tommy Martin is the same person that was busy getting intoxicated at Rooster’s Barn & Grill in Bloomingdale, Illinois, while his dog died of asphyxiation waiting in Tommy’s truck with the windows closed in the sweltering summer heat. Tommy got away with this alcohol related crime, unlike the woman whose trial he presided over as a juror, which had nothing to do with the loss of a life.
    On second thought, Bill is right on this one, Tommy is a creep.

  4. on the sidelines on

    how old is Bill 3 sticks? i am trying too figure out if he is the same one i know of. does he have a son also named bill?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Bill III was born in late 1958. His son Bill IV was born in 1987. However, Bill III has a first cousin named Bill that was born in 1957, I do not know what his children’s names are if he has any.

  5. on the sidelines on

    I have met Bily through my brother when i was younger. Mike, his brother is who i actually worked with. man, it sucks getting older and forgetting things!

  6. on the sidelines on

    obviously i do not have my facts straight. i will have to see how they are related. i am almost certain they are in some way. have you run into 3 sticks since he decided to be a bum and hit a female?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear On the…,
      Yes, I have bumped into Bill a few times since that dreadful evening in Greektown. Our rare and inadvertent social interactions have been mildly cordial. However, I no longer expect that bumping into him would go smoothly. lol
      And, bumping into Bill’s deplorable jailbird stepson John Rainone in the future is not expected to be a smooth experience. lol
      Rainone once attempted to cause me physical harm about 5-years ago by sneaking up on me while I was eating somewhere. The fight was broken up before I had the chance to win. It was a draw because it was stopped before it could end on its own. I have bumped into him about 2-years ago and everything went smoothly.
      I am not looking forward to a fight in the future because I do not believe in violence. However, I will defend myself. In addition, Rainone has proven to fight dirty at times. He was sentenced to prison for stabbing unarmed victims at a party for no valid reason. However, I calculated things very thoroughly before I decided to write these articles. I am prepared to deal with whatever comes.
      Daddono will likely plot something along the lines of a setup, perhaps entrapment, sabotage and/or an attempt to frame me. Bill is certainly capable of plotting something physically compromising. I know how the man works. And Bill’s stepson works the same way. I am prepared. Thank you.

      • What did Bill do to cross you? Did you put your life in danger by writing this article?

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Feeling as if Bill “crossed” me is not what this is about.
          My life was in danger many years ago.

          • Joe, It’s good that you have exposed Bill Daddono for all the bad things he has done. Again, Bill is free to sue you for slander, which he most probably will not do, because the stories are true. However, if it were me writing this article, I probably wouldn’t have used the ‘N’ word. It not only is politically incorrect, but more importantly it might be somewhat offensive to some of your African American readers. You’ve already written two articles on Bill Daddono. I understand you are are going to write more articles about him or his family. Has Bill murdered anyone yet? Boy, this guy is really bad news!

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear The Don,
            People who are not intellectually challenged should understand perfectly that I am merely quoting Bill Daddono’s use of the ‘N’ word. In addition, intellectually challenged people are usually unable to read in the first place. However, in an abundance of caution, here and now I submit my apology to those offended by my quote of Mr. Daddono. My decision to reveal the entire ‘N’ word was based on my interest to give the reader a full experience of Bill’s contempt for human beings.

            These message threats are intended for discussion on the subject in the article, not the authors writing style, although I appreciate your freedom of speech. In the future, please send any criticism of an authors writing style to their email account, which is listed on their bio page. This will help keep the focus of the conversation in the threads uninterrupted. Thank you.
            As to your question about Bill committing murder, future articles will reveal pertinent information to your question.
            Thank you.

          • Joe, that’s fair enough. However, you went out of your way to tell me on a thread that girls kindergarten & boys kindergarten basketball teams are equally not proficient ( which is true ) but, certainly not true when comparing professional adult women’s basketball teams to professional adult men’s basketball teams. So, since you seemed to be overly aware of the politically correct attitude, I was surprised you used the ‘N’ word in your article. I understand it was a quote from Daddono, and not you, so you were doing it for the effect of showing how nasty and hateful Daddono was as a person.

  7. on the sidelines on

    WOW! i would not expect a smooth meeting either lol. people are always tougher when the other person is not looking not to mention when they also have company. i wish you well. you woudl think that people would be nuts to attempt anything at all given the things you have gone public with. then again, look who we are talking about!! i am glad that my interaction with certain members has been breif talks or a couple of drinks. these days you can not trust anyone, freind or family. its a shame what others will do for greed or just because they think it will earn them respect.

  8. On another thread, here’s what you wrote about Bill and Michael’s involvement in the incident at Villoggio’s Restaurant in Roselle,

    … “Regarding the Villagio caper, both defendants were arrested for allegedly punching someone. No one was drunk. The man was not beaten; he exaggerated the story and misidentified the suspects, resulting in a swift dismissal…”

    That is from the Michael G. Magnafichi thread. What changed between now and then?

    • Feeling as if Bill “crossed” you is not what this is about? No offense but it sure comes off that way. When you made your comments on your other blog, the old man exaggerated, but in this version he is Bill’s victim.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Lardly,
      Pardon me for not clarifying my comment better in the previous thread regarding Michael Magnafichi. As a side note, I am flattered that you put as much emphasis as you do into reading the comments here. Thank you. Please understand I was speaking as to how the arrest pertained to Michael when I wrote that comment. If I were to rewrite that comment with better clarity, it would say, “Regarding the Villagio caper, both defendants were arrested for allegedly punching someone. No one was drunk. The man was not beaten BY MICHAEL; he exaggerated the story and misidentified the suspects, resulting in a swift dismissal…” And, yes, the old man exaggerated the story by including Michael as an assailant. However, if I were asked under oath right now, did Bill Daddono beat the old man, I would answer YES. Whether Bill was drunk, buzzed or mostly sober, he beat the old man; again, I would say it under oath. And, Michael did not beat the old man, which I would state under oath.
      Again, please understand when I wrote the article about Michael, I was concentrating on Michael. And when I made the comments, I was not focusing on anyone as much I was focusing on Michael. I was not focusing on Daddono. And at the time, I was not interested in discussing Daddono. For a long time I was under pressure to refrain from upsetting some of Daddono’s family members that I hold friendships with despite my experiences with Bill. Only recently, I have found the courage to do the right thing by now releasing vital information on Daddono, which I truly believe is important news, despite the possibility of compromising various relationships. I should have written about Daddono much sooner. I am sorry.
      Thank you for causing the clarification of my previous comment. I feel good knowing that it is clarified.
      Right now, I will add the two words that are missing, ‘BY MICHAEL’, to the comment in the Magnafichi article. Again, thank you.

  9. I think we should think of the woman that was victimized in this as a victim. I believe Joe, because there a men that victimize women. I have seen a friend go out to a bar a a drug dropped into her liquor. Yes, this men is evil and I believe Joe Fosco!

  10. Here is a number to call for victims of violent crimes and a Homicide support group for families of violent crimes;

    1-877 846-3445 press prompt #5.

    Also, you can call; The States Attny’s Crime hot line at;

    1 773 869-5454.

  11. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Dear Joe,

    Currently, the site seems to be under some kind of spam onslaught from SQE, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Maybe you should double check the settings and make sure that the spam blockers/filters are all turned on.

    Take care.


  12. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Dear SQE,

    I didn’t mean to rile you up.

    I just noticed that multiple versions of the same message were posted to various threads in a very short period of time–all from your account.

    I wasn’t sure if you were intentionally posting these messages, or if your WordPress account had been somehow hacked by some spam program, and it was being used to disseminate advertisements for this support group.

    Was it intentional or unintentional?

    If it was unintentional, then I suggest that you change your password or report the incident to WordPress.

    Again, I have nothing against support groups.

    Thank you, and sorry to offend you.


  13. Joe Fosco, thank you for the Good word. See, I seem to have a partern from this Joe Messino guy. I feel that the Horse Inn murder was his message to me. Please see the other thread for my comment on this.

    Also, Joe if you will please tell me more about the reverence of an actual phone message that you may still have in your cell from Messino. I need to identify his voice. Oh please, Joe if you ever to believe on anything please, believe me on this. I told a friend that a teacher and ex cop to tell my friend’s brother of her ordeal. This teacher worked 17 yrs on the force with him.

    I plan on telling others to come to your AMP. I want to get this message to others that may be in danger. I feel that this is great for Criminal Justice students. I know a lot of police teachers, including Commanders, Captains ect. Chiefs and ex- Chiefs. These kids would love these!

    It’s great for them in the Criminal Justice World critical thinking!

    Also, where is my buddy and your good friend, the Private Investigator? He would be a great teacher for Criminal Justice students on his subject!

  14. All of the brothers have some form of Psychopath issues, They have all made up crazy stories and love to tell  sick twisted lies to get thrills, from peoples reactions and responses.  Bills younger Brother “JD” beats up girls and old men as well. They run around using the Grand Fathers name as mob tool to scare people into what they want.

  15. Joe,  How is Mary Daddono, the former Bookmaker, related to Bill Daddono III?  Did Mary do a year’s time for Bookmaking? I think I remember hearing about it. Also, didn’t Mary have a former husband named Palaggi, or something close to that spelling, who was a car thief and actually testified against Carlisi, Marcello, Zizzo, Chiaramonte and Bonaventure ( I believe that was his name) back in that 1993 case? 

    • Dear The Don,
      Bill III is the nephew of Mary Daddono. Yes, Marry was married to the beefer. Bill Daddono III was close with Jimmy LaValley and Nick Gio as well.