Wednesday, March 26

Behind The Scenes On The Magnafichi Interview

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For those of you who enjoyed reading the interview with Chicago Outfit Lieutenant Emeritus Michael Magnafichi, here are some behind the scenes moments from before and after the interview.

I would like you to know that this article is not a typical style for American News Post. While I do not like to entertain conjecture as solid fact, I felt adding some of the pre and post conversation with Michael would help illustrate not only the risks he knows he is taking by speaking about the activities of the Outfit, but also the fact that organized crime is still very much alive in the Chicagoland area.

Please understand that all the declarations, accusations and insinuations made against others in this article are merely allegations and should not be considered as facts until proven in a court of law. Thank you.

(Pre-interview conversation)

Michael Magnafichi And Bill Daddono III

Michael Magnafichi And Bill Daddono III

JF: Are you ready to do this?

MM: I have been talking about it for a long time. Let’s do it.

JF: Are you worried that something will happen to you?

MM: Yes, but I will be okay. I know who their killers are. I know who to look for and who to avoid.

JF: Who are you going to be on the lookout for?

MM: Alby, Gary Gags, Porky, Bobby Abbinanti and a couple of others.

JF: You mean Bobby, the guy that Marco and Johnny are using to front their ownership in the old Loon Café in River Grove, Illinois.

MM: Yeah.

JF: Unbelievable. It is interesting how much power Johnny maintains in River Grove. Why would the Illinois Liquor Commission not look into the ownership of My Way?

MM: What the f*** is the Illinois Liquor Commission going to do?

JF: Suspend their liquor license?

MM: (Laughter)

JF: Well, if you are having second thoughts, we do not have to do this interview.

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  1. There’s a lot to chew on with this article, indeed. Joe, do you expect anything to come of this article in the way of Magnafichi being subject to some kind of Outfit reprisal?

    • An Outfit reprisal is doubtful, unless someone named is indicted because of the things mentioned. And, I do not see it happening. On the contrary, I believe these interviews will serve Michael well. I know he is receiving a lot of pressure right now to reverse his recent actions. I am helping him stay strong by keeping things going in the right direction for him. His life could be so much better on this side of the fence. Currently, he has Joe Celozzi (son of the great car dealer Nick Celozzi) text messaging me in an attempt to persuade me to remove the last two pieces on Michael from ANP. It is not going to happen. Not without a court order, which will never be granted. I am confident that Michael will be strong and continue on the right path with me. However, Celozzi seems to be implying subtle threats to me at this point. Apparently, the ‘behind the scenes piece’ is a problem for Michael to deal with.

  2. Dear readers:
    In the interest of fairness, I am cutting and pasting a message that came in on both message threads relating to my interview with Michael Magnafichi. For obvious reason, I am reluctant to allow the writer access to our message community. I do not want problems of inappropriateness to occur. The message below is not violating any laws, therefore, I have decided to share it with you, regardless of the fact that I wholeheartedly disagree with it. However, mentioning the cancelation of the follow-up piece could be valid. I am basing this off my communications with Joe Celozzi today. We’ll see.
    Thank you,
    Joe Fosco

    Comment by Searson:
    Due to the numerous harassing phone calls and messages Michael has received from his family and friends, I would like to set the record straight for those who do not know better. Michael has not seen Joe Fasco in over a year and this “interview” did not happen. There will also not be a followup interview to the interview that never happened!

  3. Dear Readers:

    Today, I understand that Mr. Magnafichi is under duress. It is obvious that someone forced him to reconsider his recent decision to be a good guy. However, I will remain hopeful that he will ultimately make the right decision and continue with our goal to take down the bad guys. Thank you.

  4. Sure is a lot to chew on.

    Funny you mention the JFK thing. I was going to ask you yesterday (but didn’t get around to it) if you thought the outfit had anything to do with his assassination. I started to think about it after looking at the link with the pictures, after seeing Chuckie Nicoletti’s. I read once that he played a major role in JFK’s murder and that Chuckie’s then murder may have been because he was to appear before Committee on Assassinations as were some others who got dead.

    Can you explain the relationship blood and/or marriage between the Fratto’s and the Daddono’s please.

    I’ve lost track of how Willie felt about Rudy, can you tell me again so I don’t have to go back and try to find reference to it.

    Did you know Willie’s lifelong friend who was a (retired) Dr. or a pharmacist (he died in the early 90’s)?

    I think Michael Mags is spot on in his statement of worrying more about young punks who want to make a name for themselves, than the stone cold killers.

    One last thing from an article or 2 ago. Did anyone else find it very disturbing that Rudy’s mother longed for him to be a gangster? How f***ed up is that? I know you might say well many father’s of these guys also wanted that for their sons, but in my opinion, it’s just a whole new level of SICK when your MOTHER’S aspirations for you are to be a gangster.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Hugh,

      Willie “Potatoes” Daddono’s son, Bill, Jr, married the daughter of Rudy Fratto, Sr. Her name is Bianca. Her brother, Rudy Jr, is the Chicago Outfit guy that is in prison on tax convictions today. Their mother Dottie apparently held a deep fondness for the Outfit and saw her son Rudy as a future gangster when he was a young man. I do not know what other readers think about this issue.

      Willie felt what most Outfit guys felt about Rudy (the imprisoned gangster), which was not much. Most knew that he was a blowhard (among other things).

      I knew Willie Messino had a few friends that were doctors. I began my social association with Willie a little after the early ’90, despite knowing him prior to that. I cannot recall the doctor that you are referring to. Perhaps if I heard his name?

  5. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Readers:

    In a conversation today with someone, I was asked, “if Michael feels that his life is in danger because of the interview, why won’t you remove it?”

    Here is my answer:

    Michael and I planned to do a book together for a long time. The articles that were published recently were not the product of a snap decision. I interviewed Michael many times over the years, including very recently. We finally pulled the trigger and published something. Apparently, someone intimidated Michael today. The only snap decision that is being made is Michael’s purported decision to take the articles down, as he seems to be reconsidering his position. In the meantime, the information that was released is now out there in the public domain. Thousands of people have read the articles. What was done is done. Taking it down will not accomplish anything for the people that have intimidated him. On the contrary, leaving the articles up will now serve as a protection mechanism for Michael, which is why I now feel that I have an extra duty to keep these articles on the internet. Thank you.

    • The bad guys may not be very smart, but they smarter enought to know that once something is put out there (world wide web) there ain’t no fully retracting it.

      It’s all about control with them. And this is just another tactic in exerting theirs (with M.M.)

  6. Thanks. Forgot there were 2 Willie’s. Was wondering what Willie Messino thought of Rudy. Is that who you meant?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Yes, I meant Willie Messino. However, your question reminds me that Willie Potatoes despised Rudy Sr. Unfortunately; I am not sure why Willie Potatoes disliked him. He disliked him a great deal. If Potatoes had lived, Billy Jr would not have been able to hog all the money for himself.

  7. JF.
    Here’s a thought. Mark Wahlbergs Co., Closest to the Hole Productions will produce. “When Corruption Was King” for Paramount Pictures.

    The actor will produce alongside Stephen Levinson and Temple Hill Entertainment’s Marty Bowen and Shane McCarthy. It isn’t known if Mark Wahlberg will attach himself to star yet, although it remains a possibility.

    You and MM need to get some background information to them. Lot of the same players that you write about.

    Great way to get more exposure!

    3030 Pennsylvania Ave
    Santa Monica, CA 90404
    Phone: 310-526-0320
    Fax: 310-526-0321

    Movies due out in 2013. Maybe, Cooley will call and you can compare notes.

    • Dear Whostoo…,
      Thank you for thinking of me. However, if I offered my sources and knowledge to “When Corruption Was King,” it would change their entire project. Cooley (in my opinion) is off base. My information would tell the correct story; therefore, Cooley would have no interest in working with me. Again, thanks for thinking of me.

    • Dear Whostoo…,
      Another problem, Pat Marcy was my father and his brother-in-laws close friend. Our families loved each other. Bob Cooley thinks of Pat Marcy as the Devil – not a good icebreaker for us. lol
      Again, thanks for thinking of me.

  8. JF,
    Never read the book but ran into the man a few times in the 80’s. He was still in his 007 role.

      • I checked the book out at library when it first came out. In my opinion he wasn’t as important as he portrays himself, brushed elbows with some gangsters and thought he was part of something.

  9. Joe, I am not on the side of the Outfit and please do not be offended by my questions. Since the extortion began in 2001, why didn’t your friend Willie Messino help you? He died the end of 2002. Why didn’t your friend Michael Magnafichi help you, especially since the extortion went on for at least a few years? How do you know that the money your father was holding for a least one prominent Outfit member was repaid back in 1987 or somewhere thereafter? Were the Payments you made in 2001 and forward made in cash? What made you stop making the payments? Why did you not go to the authorities to complain about the extortion? You filed a civil Rico lawsuit against the Outfit members and associates who were involved, but it would have been a lot more effective had you gone to the authorities and reportd it as a crime like any other victim. Extortion is criminal, not civil. You stated earlier, that there is an Outfit rule that no children of a made guy can be subject to extortion. You stated your father was a made guy and was holding Outfit money. Are you positively sure the money was repaid? The Outfit guys rarely extort money over a period of several years from completely innocent people. If that were the case, all they would have to do is drive through River Forest and start extorting money from their rich friends and neighbors. As a rule, The Outfit only extorts money from guys operating on the fringes of the law or ‘juice’ victims who willingly borrow money from them. I would be interested to hear your answers.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear The Don,

      Willie’s health had already begun declining and he had a great deal of personal problems brought on by his wife. He was nearly 85 years old. Willie had begun dying. It took him roughly 10-months to finish his final journey. He was not in a position to be helpful to me on something such as extortion. In addition, I had a very complex and significant association with Jackie Cerone (the lawyer) at the time. My frame of mind then was nothing like it is today. I was dedicated to Jack and I was committed to doing what he asked of me, even when he was unreasonable. The first amount of money that I turned over was 80% of what was demanded of me. I knew Michael at the time; however, I was of the impression that he would not help me. I did not think he could help me. When something like this happens from people that you do not expect it from, who you believe are powerful and deadly, you have a hard time figuring out what to do. In a way, it is like being molested by an older relative or friend of the family. It is confusing, it is shameful to talk about and you want it to end. This may come as a shock to you; I was 28-years old when it began.

      With respect to the money that my father was supposedly holding prior to his death, my oldest brother and stepmother initially told me about the financial situation with my father. My Uncle Romie was aware of it and felt horrible about it. He came up with about half of it himself. My immediate family came up with the other half. And, I am positive that it was paid. However, ask me today and I will tell you that I doubt that my father was holding a penny for the person who claimed to be in need of the money. Today, I think it was a simple case of arming the dead guy’s family because it could be done and because there was money there to take.

      Years later when I was extorted, the initial payment that I made was in cash. As I said earlier, I came up with 80% of the amount asked of me. I was left alone for a little while after making that payment. However, the extortion attempts started up again in 2003/2004. I stopped once I paid the full amount of what was demanded of me, coupling with the discovery that things seemed as if they were going to continue for a long time in the future (extortion). I paid a good portion of the 20% by check. This is where Dr. Giacchino came in handy for the Outfit. In addition, my frame of mind was different from when it all started. Many things happened by this point. And, I had a great deal of time to think about everything. Michael seemed as if he were helping in ways to keep me out of physical danger. However, Michael was unreliable for any serious planning. He was on a downward spiral, hardly sober long enough to talk about anything important.

      The biggest threat that I was facing was the threat that if I went to the authorities, I would be murdered, which is why I never went to the authorities. I realize when you see today’s Joe Fosco; you cannot understand that I once had extreme fear of upsetting the Outfit by going to the authorities. I still have fear; however, I have conditioned myself over the years to organize it in a way that I am safe (while I remain in potential jeopardy). I realize this is hard to understand. Again, it is like dealing with a complex molestation. How do you cope with it? What do you do to survive it? Does the same thing work for everyone? Would I do the same thing 10-years ago now that I have had 10-years to think about other options? Does someone 50-years old who looks at my situation 10-years after it occurred identify a better way that I could have handled this? If I could go back in time, I would have told Jack to go fuck himself and never talked to him again. However, we would not be having this conversation right now. lol

      I decided to go the civil route with RICO instead of the criminal route because I was looking for the return of my money and I thought that if I refrained from attacking the Outfits liberty that it would be less likely that I would be murdered. RICO allows a civil or criminal action.

      The last 10-years have been an experience. I constantly learn new things. If I knew then what I know now, again, we would not be having this conversation. This challenge has been a decade long struggle, similar to a disease. Today, I am unable to exercise a number of the legal options that I once had because of statute of limitations issues. It took me years to understand how to handle this mess and it appears to be too late now that I have finally come to terms with how to handle my issues with the Outfit. However, I am grateful for American News Post. I truly believe that something good will come from all the hard work that is put into this site. Right now, I may not know what the benefit will be, but it will be something good. The people that put time into this site are doing it for good reasons.

      The Outfit rule that I once mentioned was that Outfit guys could not extort the children of Outfit bosses (not ordinary ‘made’ guys). My father was not an Outfit boss. In addition, I never declared that my father was a ‘made’ member of the Outfit. I said that someone told me he was ‘made’ and that I did not trust the information.

      Today, I am completely convinced that my extortion was unrelated to any genuine issues related to my father. It was merely a ploy – something invented that worked. Jack Cerone knew me and knew me well. He knew what would work on me. I was conned. And it was enforced by extortion. I was a sucker as Michael once put it – a sucker that was extorted.

      Do not think that Outfit guys do not go around extorting from their rich friends and neighbors. Rudy Fratto is in prison for not paying taxes on the money that he extorted from his rich friends and family. And, Fratto was in on the scam that robbed my family for a second time, thru their access to me.

      I was not offended by your questions.

      • Joe, I believe your story for two reasons. The first is that I can relate to wanting to please these people and feel as though you are liked and respected by them. Not all the Outfit guys, which would include the soldiers, made guys, and Bosses are completely bad guys. There is good and bad even within the Mafia. However, there is probably more bad than good. The second reason, which is the most important, is that it is very strange that the Outfit would all of a sudden claim that your family owes them money 14 years after your father died. In the case of Willie holding Jack’s money, it was turned over to Jack Junior, the crooked lawyer, shortly after Jack’s death. Am I correct? It didn’t happen 14 years later. Once in awhile, some of these Outfit guys all of a sudden show you a side of them that is really ugly and they don’t have as much respect you you as one was led to believe. Not every relationship between a civilian and an Outfit guy is like the movie ‘A Bronx Tale’. That has been my experience. I’ll give you one story about how cheap and ridiculous Outfit guys can be sometimes which ruins relationships. Rocky Lombardo hosted a Bachelor’s party at a gentleman’s club where there were about 20 guys buying drinks and paying the girls for lap dances. A lot of money was being spent. Sure enough, one girl said that she didn’t get paid $20.00 for a lap dance and complained to Rocky about it. Rocky approached the would be groom who he had known for 20 years and demanded the girl be paid the twenty bucks. The would be groom said she had already been paid. Rocky still demanded payment. The would be groom paid the girl the stupid 20 bucks and then told all of his guys to leave the club. He has never talked to Rocky since that time.

        • Joe, for the record, I do not think your father was a made guy. I think he was a high level associate who did ‘business’ with the Outfit and was under their control to a certain point. However, I strongly suspect that Uncle Romie Nappi was a made guy who reported direct to the Top Bosses. I also feel that the extortion scheme was plotted by Jack Cerone Jr. and he got Rudy Fratto, a made guy, to help enforce it. It’s possible DiFronzo didn’t even know about it at the time. Had Willie not been sick at the end, I believe the plot would have never even been tried.

          Update by the publisher:
          Please review the comment below, dated, April 17, 2011 at 10:32 AM. Thank you.

          • JF, It’s amazing how they took you under their wing earned you trust and confidence and then waited with the patience of eons til you had nobody left to stand up for you huh?? They weren’t even subtle about it. I agree with The Don to an extent I think DiFronzo was informed of it only after they encountered some resistance from you…I remember growing up in Cicero being enthralled with them also…the whole Italian pride neighborhood thing…the way it would buzz on the corner of Austin@Roosevelt when they would pull up to go in Big Top for coffee or the old Schullo’s Restaurant…Growing up there is was impossible to have respect for the law lol and I realized really quick that there are no good guys@nobody wears white hats@there is no black@white just all shades of gray in an amoral sense…The honor portrayed in the Godfather though effective in mesmerizing young Italian-American men is for the most part bullshit..Hell I know an Outfit associate/heistman who made millions and never did a damn thing for his family. lol…Nonetheless JF I think I understand your determination now…once you stare death in the face there’s nothing that can ever really intimidate you much anymore…A coward dies many times before his death..a brave man dies but once..You definitely have a lotta balls which is more than can be said for lotta those guys especially a certain snitch from Melrose’s son lmao…:)

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear JC,

            Thank you for your kind words.

            When they took my under their wing, they had no idea about the access that I had to money. When they realized that I could produce, they targeted me. This was especially inappropriate because I was not producing in the capacity of a bookmaker or loan shark. That did not care. I was an easy target.

            Feel free to email me the name of the ‘certain snitch in Melrose’,

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear The Don,

            I appreciate your opinion on my father. As I have said in the past, I have heard yes and no from different sources over the years on whether my father was ‘made’ and each source was knowledgeable. Therefore, I have realized that I will never know the correct answer with certainty. And, I do not care one bit.

            I agree with you on the extortion plot. I do not think that John DiFronzo cooked it up. However, he could have exercised his authority and stopped it. When the cat is away, the mice will play. Fat Cat DiFrionzo (who is actually borderline anorexic) should have been a better boss and if so, his flock might have stayed in line. Rudy and Jackie were able to bamboozle the Cleveland Outfit into thinking they were running Chicago because Johnny was busy pretending that he is a regular person while having cocktails at the Loon Cafe with truck drivers and ditch diggers.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear The Don,

          I admit that my RICO complaint appears unbelievable at a glance. I realized this before I filed it. And without knowing the explanation that you asked for, anyone could simply tear it apart. I expected the court would have given me an opportunity to get far enough in the case for the entire story to come out. Instead, the district judge ruled that it was time barred, despite my argument that a Supreme Court case had ruled that tolling a statute of limitations is appropriate when a plaintiff was under duress. One would think that the FBI 302 reports that I showed the judge, proving that I was notified that my life was in danger as early as 2004, would be considered as solid evidence that I was under duress.

          I am reluctant to go into details right now, however, I will say that I was persuaded to cease and desist with an appeal in a timely fashion. I will tell this story in the near future.

          If I had a decent federal attorney in the first place, I would have probably had better luck. My problem was that I could not find an attorney willing to take the obvious risk by helping me go after the Chicago Outfit. A few lawyers remarked that the jurors in Family Secrets had their identities protected for a reason. In addition, in 2009, I was unable to come up with a generous amount of money to convince an attorney to take a chance on the case. The court, especially in the federal district, does not want to see pro se defendants. And in complex cases such as mine, the court especially does not want to see pr se litigants.

          One must have a lot of money to throw around in order to have a chance at justice. And, by 2009, my finances had been badly compromised; I no longer had a lot of money to throw around. In addition to the money extorted from me, I spent a great deal of money on my social life, which I can see now; put me in the position as a mark in the first place. I made very bad decisions in many ways, but it does not mean that I deserved to be extorted. My late grandmother took part in raising money for the extortion situation. She died last December in the same month that I discovered that I was in remission. Losing my grandmother and suffering other losses, helped me make the decision to work extra hard through ANP in an attempt to right as many wrongs as I can do in the memory of a sweet, old, hard working lady that worked her entire life to give her money to the Outfit and its cronies.

          • Joe, you are now a Capo of a Crew. You’re Crew is the ANP Street Crew. In my opinion, this powerbase is keeping you alive. The Outfit has now become like a cockroach crawling around in your bedroom. The minute you ‘turn the light on’ it runs away to hide in the corner’ the minute the ‘light is turned off’ it slowly ventures out again into the darkness. Keep up the good work with ANP and congratulations for beating Cancer which is actually a more scary enemy than the Outfit.

  10. [Forgive me if a similar comment was posted twice. I was redirected to a blank screen after submitting my first comment. Feel free to delete duplicates, accordingly.]

    Joe, was Michael comfortable with this interview’s publication partly because the relevant statutes of limitations have run out pertaining to his last Outfit related crimes?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Horsey,
      Michael was comfortable with the interview because he understood that it did not amount to incriminating circumstances that would lead to indicting someone. However, he is not comfortable with the publication of the interview at this point for the reasons previously specified in this thread.

  11. Joe, have you ever heard anyone refer to Pordyla is “Chops?” Someone told me he is “Chops” to the Cicero crew.

  12. JF,
    The government went in and closed down some major online poker sits yesterday.

    One that they were working on is Absolute Poker based in Costa Rica. Is there any connection between the boys and this Co.?

    Any sites based out of Aruba with Posner?

    I would think with the hundreds of millions that these sites bring in, it would be a no brainer.

    • I am sorry that I cannot answer your question off the top of my head. However, I will look into it. Thank you.

      • Joe & Black Angelo, concerning the current status of the Outfit in 2011, I give my opinion of the current hierarchy status. The current opinion of some of the law enforcement watchers are that the Outfit has downsized from 6 street crews (two of which were extended containing the Top Boss & The Underboss of the entire Outfit) to 4 street Crews. The 6 where Elmwwod Park, Cicero, North Side/Rush St., Grand Ave., 26th St., & Chicago Heights. Now, they say the 4 are Elmwood Park, Cicero, Grand Ave. & 26th St. I do not completely agree. They are leaving out Chicago Heights which would make 5 total. Chicago Heights is too far south to be controlled by 26th St. They are their own world down there and they have a Capo with made guys and soldiers like the other crews. With Marcello currently in prison hoping to get out by winning an Appeal, I would say he currently could be called an Advisor. Sarno is in prison and I’m not sure for how long. I would say DiFronzo and Andriacci are the Top Boss and Capo of the extended Elmwood Park Crew which covers most of what the old North Side Rush St. Crew Used to cover. Matassa is a made guy who belongs to Elmwood Park. Deactivated or semi-activated, DiFronzo & Andriacchi still have tremendous power. The extended Cicero Crew would be the day to day power of the Outfit with Solly Cataudella & Jimmy Inendino being the Underboss & Capo within that Group. Caruso would be the Capo of the 26th St. Group, Al Vena the Capo of the Grand Ave. Group, and Guzzino, possibly the Capo of the Chicago Heights Group. I think what I’ve said is pretty accurate. Your thoughts?

          • rockford_files on

            JF / The Don –

            Do you know anything about Rockford? There is activity there. Who would they report to?

            Thanks. JF – Godspeed.

          • Rockford would report to Chicago. When I was in college there was an Italian kid by the name of Zito, I Believe. His Father was part of Rockford. However, there was a part of Rockford that was always very secretive and may have been involved in the distibution of heroin with the Sicilian Mafia back in the 1970’s & mid 1980’s.

        • Sarno hasn’t been sentenced yet but is facing 25-years. I know he’s young but he’s obviously not healthy, and if you believe what Warmbir reported about his health problems, 25-years could be a life sentence.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            I do not think he was convicted on the bombing charge (was he?). Initially, I predicted he would be sentenced to the max, assuming he would have been convicted on everything (the bombing charge). Now, I think he will get somewhere between 10-15 years, which is still a long time.

          • I’m not sure. Steve Warmbir was apparently too lazy to provide that information in the blog post he wrote about it. He just said, “the guiltys rolled in,” and that Sarno faces about 25-years.

            Now, THAT trial was bogus. They had enough to indict but not convict and CERTAINLY not enough for the jury to reach a decision as quickly as they did.

            But I’m glad Sarno is off the street. He sounds like a pretty sadistic man. Wasn’t Bobby Salerno his mentor?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            I am very confident that Sarno was not convicted of the bombing. Warmbir is helping the G by not rubbing their face in it. The G wanted desperately to get the bombing charge to stick against Fat Ass.
            Fat Ass and the Salerno’s are close. I do not know details on who mentored whom. Sorry.

          • Joe, your last sentence confused me. Fat Ass is Sarno. Who did you mean is close with the Sarnos?

          • Joe, have you ever had personal encounters with Sarno or Cataudella? How about Michael–does he have any interesting Sarno stories?

          • Dear Horse,
            I do not recall ever meeting Fat Ass. I might have seen him around, but I do not believe that I was ever introduced to him. I have met and talked to Cataudella a number of times in social settings at La Scarole Restaurant and Richards bar. He would usually be with Casey. Michael often remarks that both Sarno and Cataudella were his players several years back and he is amazed that they run things these days. He finds it to be a joke. However, he shows both of them respect. I was with Michael one time I bumped into Cataudella at Richard’s Bar. As soon as Michael and Cataudella saw each other, they hugged (it was about 4-years ago).

  13. Black Angelo on

    I want to say that is accurate. However I their is a active crew out in Lake County and Pudgy Matassa has been in power for a while now. Pudgy is to Solly D.. What Marco D’amico is to Johnny DiFronzo and Joe Andriacchi.

    Elmwood Park swallowed in Rush Street.. but all that means is territorial terms when it comes to gambling.

    Because if Pudgy is in fact Rush Street and Lake County Capo and Tony Dote is a Gambling Czar of Chicago the two can co-exist, because Johnny D says it can.

    I also believe Joey A is much more than an underboss but in fact a overseer/ Super Capo of Las Vegas and that Rick Rizzolo and the Cusumano Family are his fronts. They’ve already got the mayor they’ve wanted for a decade one Oscar Goodman. Its all good for Chicago out that way.

    Their is an up and coming guy out in Cicero that Johnny DiFronzo and Marco D’amico are fond of and his name is Johnny Moe. He is a rough guy. He belongs to Marco but is very close to Solly D and Pudgy Matassa.

    • Black Angelo, you make a good point about Solly DeLaurentis. I believe he’s been out now for about two years. That is one guy who really enjoys being a made man in the Chicago Outfit. His lineage is Cicero. I believe he is a strong made guy running a franchise up in Lake County possibly in Partnership with Matassa or another made guy. That was were the Rocky Infelise Franchise of the Cicero Crew used to operate back in the early 1990’s. He commands his soldiers very well. He would be part of Cicero. He knows that area like the back of his hand. What is Johnny Moe’s full name?

    • Horsey, I agree with Joe. Tony Dote is one of Marco D’Amico’s soldiers so he is not made. However, he is important being one of the supervisors in a very profitable bookmaking franchise. Since he belongs to Marco, he therefore is part of the Elmwood Park group.

      • Joe, Willie was about 11 years older than Johnny. I believe Willie was born in 1917. I think Johnny was born in 1928. If memory serves me correctly, Johnny worked as a soldier in the beginning under Willie along with a few others. Am I wrong? Then obviously at some point Johnny got made and ran a franchise. When Willie went away around 1970 and Joe Gags died in 1971, Johnny became the Capo of Elmwood Park. Then in 1986, when Jack went away, Johnny became the Underboss of the entire Outfit and obviously still the Boss of the extended Elmwood Park group with Lee Magnafichi becoming the Capo. How Ironic it must have been for Willie to see Johnny’s star rise well above him and then have Johnny partially dismantle what Willie worked for all his life. I know Willie was made before Johnny. There is no question about it.

        • Black Angelo on

          Joe first and formost congrats on beating cancer.. that is certainly something to be proud of unequivocally.

          As for Michael Magnifichi are you claiming he is made or is he claiming that ? If Mags is made it must be based on his bookmaking profits ? And if that is so Tony Dote is certainly not a person to take lightly based on those same merits!

          I saw you gave him a “double no” on to whether he was Made or not. But Tony has done alot of time for the Outfit in Prison as a stand up guy and has certainly made alot of money for Johnny DiFronzo and Marco.

          Donny Scalise is another guy that was allegedly made in the last 5 years. If Mags is Made on the merits I think your giving him to be made on and Tony and Donny is not that would be an Outrage !

          Another guy not to take lightly is Joey DiFronzo.. Any man that dodges law enfrorcement for 5 years is certainly not a joke !

          Understand Johnny DiFronzo is not an idiot !! He knows who did time for the organization and rewards that for morale reasons.

          I.e. Marco D, Jimmy I, Solly D, Bobby A, Tony D, Donny S, Joey DiFronzo all did alot of time and he certainly boosted their morale.. to continue on in the organization by giving them some status.

          He boosted Jimmy Light’s morale when he got out in 2003 by giving him an upper echelon status in the organization.

          I mean to reinerate Tony Dote is not somebody that is a lightweight in the Outfit. In 1982 Tony may have been a Marco “gopher” but in 2008/09 he became a “somebody” !!

          Again congrats on beating cancer.

          • Black Angelo, did you read my thread above that I adddressed to you at 8:06Pm? Concerning your post you just made, are you saying that Tony Dote is a partner of Marco in running the frachise and the other soldiers work for Marco and Tony? Like Nick Calabrese being made and being the partner of his brother, Frank Sr? Or, is Tony strictly an employee of Marco? That would make a difference. I know years ago in the early 1990’s, I would say that Dote was a soldier who worked for Marco. When did Dote get out of prison? If his status changed and he got made and became a partner of Marco to expand the franchise, I’m not aware of it and I admit I really don’t know. Johnny has become so secretive and reclusive in the last 5 years that anything is possible.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Johnny has been secretive and reclusive since he was released from prison in the early ’90s.
            Tony is not a partner to Marco. He works for Marco.

          • Black Angelo, also, don’t forget that being made also entails being involved or being available for murder, not just bookmaking profits. However, whether Dote has been involved in murder or not, is a difficult thing to know. There have been some full Italian men in the past who were good earners but were never ‘made’ because they couldn’t stomach being involved in murder. This is something my Uncle told me several years ago. I’m not agreeing or diagreeing about Dote ar this point, I’m just pointing out a couple of variables.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Truly, I believe that Michael is ‘made’. In addition, the FBI believes it too, and not because I believe it. If I said otherwise, the FBI would still believe that Michael is ‘made’. Because of the FBI’s belief, (whether it is true or false); the media believes that Michael is ‘made’. And this has been the case for many years according to numerous publications.
            The double no was meant as no, Carl Dote in not ‘made’ and no, Tony Dote is not ‘made’. Donny is ‘made’, but shelved.
            I do not take Joey DiFronzo lightly, from what I know, Joe is psychotic, quiet, and capable of murder; and well connected to the psychopathic killers who he initially introduced to his brother.
            Thank you for the kind words on the Cancer matter.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear The Don,

          You explained it better than Accardo could (in my opinion). However, in ‘86, Jack truly made Willie co-underboss with Johnny. That lasted for about a week. Sam, Johnny and Willie had a meeting with some out of town ‘guys’ and Willie got ferocious with them. Johnny and Sam quickly decided that Willie’s temper was too much of a liability. At that point, Willie was shelved (again). However, Willie started putting money on the street again as a friendlier juice man than he had been in previous years. I know Willie died counting the days for Tony Dote to be released from prison. Tony owed Willie about 30-thousand dollars. I know this well, because part of that money belonged to someone very close to me. The mystery person did not ever give money to Tony, however (making a long story short), the person wound up entitled to a piece of it through Willie. And, Willie confirmed this to me as well. The mystery person’s connection to a portion of the debt was personal (non-Outfit related), between Willie and the mystery person. After Willie’s death, Tony was free to walk away from the debt all together never repaying one penny. However, in Tony’s defense, I will disclose that the true amount that he owed was somewhere around 10-grand. The rest was Willie’s interest fees.

          Fortunately, for Willie, Lee was the one that initially allowed Willie to become somewhat un-shelved so he could continue in the juice business and make a living for himself. This was important to Willie because he was nearly broke when he came home from prison. And by Jack shelving him after his release in the ‘70s, Willie was literally living on Social Security and whatever few bucks Jack gave him to gas-up his cars. When Jack made Willie co-underboss, Willie thought he died and went to Heaven. Losing that spot as quickly as he did was very disappointing to Willie; however, he took it like a man and remained one of the Outfits most loyal members.

          Despite Johnny and Sam’s decision to remove Willie from the underboss position, Willie was the only gangster that Johnny trusted with his life (aside from his brothers). When Johnny was released from prison in the early ‘90s, the only Outfit guy that Johnny reached out to was Willie. This spoke volumes for his trust in Willie for many reasons. The obvious reason was that Willie was a felon and Johnny’s contact with him could have been a legal problem. For a cautious person as Johnny to take such a risk with Willie proved to me that Johnny trusted Willie more than he trusted anyone (anyone outside of his immediate family). At the time, Rudy Fratto and Michael Magnafichi were not convicted felons; however, Johnny felt better dealing with Willie. The purpose of Johnny reaching out to Willie was to send Willie to see all the guys with the message, “stay away from Johnny until further notice.” Willie was also designated as the person to meet whoever wanted to talk to Johnny; in other words, Willie was the go to guy for any gangster that wanted to contact Johnny. This communication style lasted a couple of years.

  14. Black Angelo on

    After Marco was indicted in 1994.. Tony Dote and especially Donny Scalise / Pat Mazza kept that franchise a float under high pressure of the Gov’t. Tony Dote did this from prison (1996 – 2000).

    Bobby A got out in 2001 and took over from their and ran the enterprise without any interference up in till Marco’s release in 2005. Bobby A has been rewarded by Johnny and Marco.

    Gunner Catapano and Johnny Moe and others have also have been fronts for Marco.

    It was certainly high risk/ high reward to keep something like the D’amico franchise alive do to the circumstances. With the heat the Gov’t was bringing on.

    And JF is right Tony Dote is still active and fronting for Marco for a reason, BECAUSE HE HAS A REASON TO.. He has been REWARDED FOR ALL HE HAS DONE IN THE LAST 30 YEARS.. He’s pretty fucking loyal eh !!

    Tony D has done 10 plus years in prison for his corporation his job.. the quickest way to create a stool pigeon/ dry snitch is by disfranchising those who have put in the work or prison time.

    Tony got out in late 2007 (after doing 11 years). Johnny D would not disfranchise those individuals.. Bad for business period.

    Johnny DiFronzo is cognizant of the fact of the men that have done time for the Outfit and these guys was all taken care of between 2005 and 2011. Its what had to be done !

    By the way I have “heard” from sources Jimmy I is more aligned with the 26th street crew because of the trucking industry and the connections that our within the 26 the crew via that racket.. i.e the Barbara family, Caruso’s. Roti’s.. He also landed Rocco Lamantia on his feet with Dialex Trucking Co.

    • Black Angelo, in your opinion, who do you think is made besides Marco in connection with that particular franchise?

  15. Black Angelo on

    I think Bobby Abbinante, Donny Scalise, Tony Dote, Johnny Moe, Gunner Catapano and Pipe Wrench Saladino are all MADE.

    Tony Dote I dont think is a killer but he is so friggin loyal who’s to know. Johnny Moe’s is a sleeper but moving up in the ranks !!

    Bobby Abbinanti used to collect juice loans with a pistol shoved to your stomach and a silencer attached to it. So you know what he is capable of.

    Gunner Catapano is certainly dangerous.

    Pipe Wrench Saladino kills for the thrills of it. So you know what he is capable of. He’s done prison time also.

    And Donny Scalise is certainly dangerous. He made a name for himself in the 1980s.

    All these individuals are high on Johnny DiFronzo and Marco’s list.

    Of all those individuals I believe all are MADE. Bobby A, Tony Dote, Donny Scalise and Johnny Moe most definately !!!!

    I would be remiss to leave out Joey DiFronzo also.. He is not a joke either.

    • Well, are Tony Dote, Bobby Abinante & Donny Scalise all partners in the same franchise with Marco?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Off the top of my head, I cannot speak for the other new names you brought in just now, but I could state that Joe DiFronzo is not ‘made’, despite the fact that he is not a joke.

  16. Dear The Don,
    As much as I appreciate your contributions and enjoy reading your opinions, I would like to point out a difference of opinion that you had with yourself. Please review the two comments that I cut and pasted below. In your defense, I would offer that it is sometimes very hard to determine who from long ago was ‘made’ and who was not. Again, I have heard from a knowledgeable source that my father was ‘made’ stemming from his alleged brutal past with Teets, however, have not found any other evidence to corroborate it. Therefore, I have simply decided to let it go as something that I will never know, which is fine by me.
    RE: Article titled, “Mr. Armando “Mondo” Fosco, Sr.
    From: The Don 28 February 2011 at 5:00 pm
    Joe, your father’s name did come up a couple of times in the past when talking to my uncle. I was given the impression that he was ‘made’ and was a solid respected guy under Teets Battaglia. As far as the desertion was concerned, the government for years has lied and used and abused young men into believing they were fighting for a just cause. I, personally, wouldn’t blame anyone for not wanting to fight in some bullshit war over false reasons. The ‘WHITE hOUSE’ was and always has been the largest Organized Cime group in the world. At least the Chicago Ouffit was more honest about what they did.

    RE: Article titled, “Behind The Scenes On The Magnafichi Interview”
    From: The Don 16 April 2011 at 4:36 am
    Joe, for the record, I do not think your father was a made guy. I think he was a high level associate who did ‘business’ with the Outfit and was under their control to a certain point. However, I strongly suspect that Uncle Romie Nappi was a made guy who reported direct to the Top Bosses. I also feel that the extortion scheme was plotted by Jack Cerone Jr. and he got Rudy Fratto, a made guy, to help enforce it. It’s possible DiFronzo didn’t even know about it at the time. Had Willie not been sick at the end, I believe the plot would have never even been tried.

    • Joe,

      I would guess he was made since Joe Nick said he was. As for proof, I can’t imagine what proof of being made or not would be like. Video footage of an initiation ceremony? Made status is all hearsay.

      • Dear Horse…,
        You have a good memory. My source was an immediate family member of Joe Nick, who claimed that he heard it right from Joe’s mouth. Good point on evidence (and humorous), “video footage.”

    • Joe, you’re right. I changed my opinion about the staus of your father because it was not really TOLD to me one way or another. However, I did hear good things about him. I also suppose that I probably found it easier to accept the possibility that they would not extort money from the son of a made guy so I figured if push came to shove, Maybe he was a high level associate instead of a made guy. Do you know what I mean? I’m like you and I really don’t know.

      • Joseph Fosco on

        Dear The Don,
        You are giving these guys too much credit if you believe that they would not go after a “made” guy’s kid 14-years after his death (assuming Joe Nick was correct and my father was ‘made’). Its funny, Romie was only dead a short while after they put the screws to me (although he was senile for a few years, which only a few people knew). In addition, the Outfit rule that was passed after Jackie Cerone robbed Paul Ricca’s kid was that no one could go after a boss’s son again. However, thank you for your opinion. Keep up the good work of sharing your point of view. Your Uncle Joe and you should rekindle so we could get new information out of him. As I said, he used to do a good job of talking about this stuff with Dr. Giacchino. He particularly enjoyed talking about the activities at Bruno’s gas station on Armitage and Harlem. Care to share any of those stories? You must know all of them.

        • Joe, after being on your blog, which I do enjoy, I am afraid to approach him. He might know about it by now. Besides, he made false accusations about one of my dear Italian friends. When I tried to explain the situation to him he wouldn’t listen and got angry. That was a total lack of respect to me and he was wrong about what he said to me and a couple other people. You’re right when you say he is a ‘Know it all’. However, he came from Taylor St. and is very loyal. I will give him credit for that point. I told him off and that was the end of it. I’m like Willie, I will not stand for unfairness and false accusations. I do not wish to rekindle the relationship. He had a lot of resentment that other younger guys got made and were allowed to run franchises and not him. He had a big falling out with Willie which sealed his fate in remaining as a soldier. He then belonged to Mikey Castaldo after Willie. That’s what I was trying to tell Black Angelo. Chicago doesn’t make a lot of guys like New York. Once a guy is made, he is pretty much equal to what they call ‘Captains’ in New York. All the elements have to be there to get made in Chicago. You have to be Italian, you have to follow orders and be a good supervisor for the made guy you belong to, you have to be involved in murder, you have to be well liked in general by the other men and in particular by the Capo of your crew. He is the one that sponsors you to be made to replace someone else or to ‘expand’ the Capo’s activity which also expands the overall activity of the Top Bosses. There are several things involved. Many soldiers belong to the Outfit for years and might have even been involved in murder, but for one reason or another never get made. Some soldiers don’t want to get made because the risk then becomes higher and being involved in murder is not for everyone. If I think of some more stories, I will share them.

          • Joe, I hope you understand how I feel about the situation mentioned above. I do have one story that I remember. Right around Bruno’s gas station, a beautiful young woman that was either half or full Pueto Rican walked by. Joe Gags was smitten. He ordered my Uncle to go down the street and ask her to come back so he could talk to her. Joe Gags must have laid on the Italian charm, because this woman became his mistress and was his girlfriend until he died. After Joe Gags had passed away, the young woman never went out with any other guy in the Outfit as a sign of respect to him. Did Willie ever mention this woman to you?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear The Don,
            Nice story. No, Willie never mentioned her.
            I know about the time Alderman Farina’s son insulted Willie at Bruno’s gas station. When it got back to Jack, he ordered that the alderman be kidnapped and brought to his house in Elmwood Park so Jack could yell and scream at the alderman about the his kid. The kid never went around Willie ever again. The only reason Willie did not handle it himself is that he learned his lesson the last time he gave a beating to a politicians kid. Sometime in the ‘50s, Willie beat up the Franklin Park Police Chiefs son somewhere on Mannheim Road. The matter upset Jack so much, Willie was exiled to Joe B’s house on Franklin Ave in River Forest for 2-years. Willie was only allowed to go home at night. During the day, he served the Accardo family as a repairperson and gofer.

          • Black Angelo on

            Great story about Willie… I always heard he was Joe B’s gardner. This had to of been in the 1950s.. Because Joe B was still living in that castle.

            People, witnesses, the Feds purportedly saw a man always pulling weeds, watering flowers with Clarice and washing Joe B’s daughters cars with a disgruntled look on his face.

            Some people thought Joe B was ahead of his time and hired a migrant worker from overseas to tend to his needs lol.. but the man was later identified as Willie M.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Black,
            One of the humorous stories Willie told me about his days on Franklin, was the time Dean Martin was over for the weekend. After dinner with Dean, Joe leaned into Willie and said, “Now that dinner is over, what shall we do with him?” Willie said, “Joe, I have an idea.” Willie took Dean in to another part of the house – Joe was pleased. Joe had no desire to sit around and chew the rag with Dean all evening. They had a lovely dinner, Dean sang a few songs and that was it for the evening. When Willie returned a few minutes later to the room Joe was in, Joe asked, “Willie what did you do with him?” Willie said, “Joe I brought him to the swimming pool (indoor pool) and he is playing with the kids.” Joe asked Willie, “Did you give him a pair of swimming trunks?” Willie said, “Yea.” Joe laughed and told Willie, “Good job.”

  17. Joe, a few questions. First, do you know anything of the current activities of Joe DiFronzo? Second, when Johnny dies, will Greedy Petey run Elmwood Park by default, and, if so, will he open things up so shelved guys can go back to making money?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Horse…,
      All I know is that Joe DiFronzo is back in John’s good graces. John was very angry with him over the narcotics case he had in the ’90s. John told Black Sam that if he wanted to knock his brother Joe down he would not have a problem with it. Although, I suspect it could have been lip service, meanwhile knowing that Joe was hiding.
      If Pete outlives John, Pete might have to hide. Johnny is the strength of the DiFronzo family. Pete would not take over by default, not by any chance. If Joe Andriacchi is alive when John dies, Joey A would be the main man in that circle. Interestingly enough, Joe Andriacchi’s beliefs are not very different from Johnny’s beliefs. Joey A will continue to keep guys shelved, maybe not as many as Johnny does.

  18. Black Angelo on

    The Don that is one of the pts I was making in regards to the making ceremony a while back in regards to Jimmy Light. His father was Italian but his mother was 100 % Irish. Do you really believe Obrien “did not’ overlook that ? Do you believe Nick Calabrese testimony ?

    Remember this is the same guy that said Pudgy Matassa got “made” with him in the “alleged” 1983 ceremony. (Pudgy was Made in 1989). However I will say regardless of the fact Jimmy Light commands respect on the streets (for the sake of argument).

    And the same theory applies to JF’s father about being made. He goes so far back who’s to know ? He was Italian and in the unions.. Bosses in Chicago have always took that seriously. That is why so many Capo’s have been union delegates or had upper echelon positions in different locals.

    And I was told decades ago if a guy is full Italian and is in the unions he is a “serious” person (and more than likely made). That is why it is not something to laugh at about Lumpy’s kid. Joey jr is no joke. I would put him on the same par as a Pudgy Matassa (hell their the same age also).

    But individuals like Johnny, Pete and Joe DiFronzo, Joey A, Marco D, Joey L go so far back in organized crime their made status or when, where and with it happened is basically a secret to themselves. You sort of just inherit the respect (a la Jimmy Light) and when a guy has a crew that is a good indication of his power and or status. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure shit out.

    And Johnny went recluse (as a boss) well before 1994. I would say around 1992. People have the image of Johnny Bananas as if he does not like to make waves and or is not a brutal boss when it comes to murders, etc. but that is part of the reason why he is virtual recluse now.. In that he learns quickly from “trial and error”..

    Between the years 1986 and 1992 Johnny was an extremely brutal boss.. He ordered many people beaten, executed, and bombed. It was the 1992 bombing of Lenny Patrick’s daughters BMW when Johnny realized he needed to scale back on his brutal regime.

    12 guys got subpoenaed (including him) because of that event and their was press footage everywhere. This coupled with the fact he had recently been indicted for the San Diego thing.

    So 1992 I would say was the year he scaled back significantly. When he got out in 1994 he had major family issues and responsibilities to take care of.

    His son died of a drug overdose maybe a month or two before his release in 94 and left behind a small kid of his own. A man like him worth as much as 30 million had other things on his mind. And if you know Johnny you know he cares deeply about his family and grandson especially.

    As for the DiFronzo’s they all will probably out live Joe Andriachhi. John, Pete and Joe’s mother lived into her 80s. And their father was basically 90 when he died in 1988/89. So they have the “longevity” thing on their side. Plus their all in pretty good shape for their ages I would say.

    But I think the situation about Johnny dying and people doing something to Pete is blown out of proportion.

    And yes I heard Donny Scalise was “somewhat” shelved by Johnny but Marco does let Donny make book. Donny also serves as Marco’s drinking buddy and driver every once and a while. But to make fun of the man’s home in Bloomingdale lol.

    Understand if you know Donny aka Sponge well you know he is like Johnny DiFronzo in the sense he is not a real flashy guy.. So where he lives is irrelevant inasmuch. (and yes Donny is a made guy).

    • Black Angelo, do you remember where Nick Calbrese said Matassa got made in 1983? You keep bringing up that point and I do not honestly remember him saying it. Nick Calabrese specifically said Frank Sr., Jimmy Marcello & He got made in 1983. I don’t re,eber reading him mentioning Matassa being made in 1983. Where And when did he mention it, if you don’t mind researching it and telling me? Yes, I believe that fact that Jimmy’s mother was not Italian was overlooked. to be brutally honest, because of his father and because his last name was Marcello which is obviously Italain, all his mother had to be was white and it didn’t matter.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Black,
      The only reason I know Joe Jr is not ‘made’, his father would not want it for him. Trust me. Joe Jr was the best union official in Chicago. He worked hard, never missed a day, and he is purportedly an attorney, trust me, he is not a ‘made’ guy. And it is laughable for the reasons I have just explained. Joe Jr lost his job for one reason; he is his father’s son.
      John Gacy’s kids probably kept their jobs.

  19. Black Angelo on

    JF I can agree with that. And you are correct his father would not have wanted him in the life so to speak. And Joe L jr is very much a hard worker. The problem law enforcement has is the “coincidence” issue.

    What’s the odds the son of top gangster in Chicago because a powerful union guy ?? The Feds can live with the kids and grankids of gangsters becoming attorney’s, stockbrokers, day traders (in some cases), real estate agents.. but a union official ?? They don’t believe in those types of coincidences inasmuch.

    Joe jr may or may not be made, but for the sake of argument is a pretty powerful guy.

    And the Don during briefings before the FS trial Nick Calabrese told Agents who was present at the 1983 making ceremony and during the trial he also stated what he told agents in 2002 briefings that Vince Solano in 1983 nominated Frank Belmonte and Pudgy Matassa to become made members of the Outfit.

    Nick C clearly stated Pudgy was present.

    This is also when Al Tornabene’s name started to be thrown around, because Nick C stated he officiated the said making ceremony. It was a purportedly a shock to the Feds. I’m just saying Pudgy without a doubt was Made in 1989.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Black,
      I would not argue with you on whether Joe Jr is powerful – Mayor Daley is powerful. However, Jr is not a ‘made’ member of the Chicago Outfit. He would not want it for himself; his father would not want it for him. If Joe Jr were hit on the head by a falling rock, suffering brain damage and decided that he wanted to be ‘made’, no one in the Outfit would do it because everyone knows that his father would not want it.

    • Frank Belmonte….now THAT’S a name from Cicero I haven’t heard for awhile…He’s been dead at least 10 yrs…I know for a fact he was tight with Aiuppa…JF do you know if he was indeed “made”?

    • Jeff Coen mentions in his book that Matassa was present at the 1983 ceremony but doesn’t cite a source. I don’t think it came up during the actual trial, though. So I don’t think you can say that Nick Calabrese stated, unequivocally, that Matassa was present in 1983. Jeff Coen could have been wrong.

      Plus, I thought Chuck Goudie was the one to “break” the Tornabene thing. Ch 7 News obtained a document (not Nick’s official 302’s) that pertained to the making ceremony. The problem was every name on it–other than those of the Family Secrets defendants–was redacted. Goudie claimed to have a source who believed that Al Tornabene was the M.C. of the ceremony. Which led to the unforgettable “unmasking” (LOL) of Tornabene on the 6-o’clock news.

      The public will probably never know what Nick actually said to the FBI until after he dies and his 302’s become a matter of public record.

      Goudie, God love him, is a constant source of unintentional comedy for me and, I suspect, for other Chicagoans, as well. The guy will do anything to make a splash, it seems.

      • Black Angelo on

        The Chicago Tribune obviously has a source that has relayed who was at the 1983 making ceremony.

        And I believe it did come up at trial because Nick described the making ceremony and I believe Al Tornabene being their.

        So I have no clue how Chuck from Abc7 thought he was the one unmasking Al T. I know that question he asked Johnny DiFronzo about Marco being the Loon Cafe with him was a loaded question.

        I have a hunch someone within Law Enforcement told Chuck that Johnny will deny everything if you ask him a question that you cant prove.

        Here’s an article from 2005 that mentions Pudgy being at the 1983 making ceremony (as a side note the article is not written by John Ass or Jeff Coen),0,5182797.story

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Black,
          I found it intriguing that Johnny made such a poor decision to lie to Goudie about the lunch with Marco (especially on television for everyone to witness, lol). He is slipping. In the old days John DiFronzo would have told the truth (especially on television), “no comment.”

  20. The Como Inn ceremony tidbit also came from a snitch, didn’t it? I only know of one place online that puts Pudge there in 1989.

    Another snitch, Nick, says Matassa was made with him in 1983.

    I’m curious why you believe this other snitch over Nick C.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      I know that a ceremony to induct ‘made’ members to the Outfit was held approximately 20-years ago at Spavone’s Restaurant in Bloomingdale, Illinois, while it was closed to the public (obviously).

        • Joseph Fosco on

          I have known about that for so long that I temporarily forgot I knew it. I believe Black Sam and Johnny were the hosts. I am sorry that I will have to check with a source prior to answering. I want to make sure my memory is precise. Tony Spavone should remember it. I am sure he was not a witness to the ceremony; however, he definitely saw who was present and was aware that it was an important meeting that was hushed.

          In addition, I know that the Maroon’s Club in Elmwood Park (in the basement) had been used for serious Outfit meetings. In fact, one top source told me it is a good thing for the Outfit that the FBI has not searched the place for DNA evidence. Apparently, murderers have taken place down there as well.

          • I was over in that area on Grand the other day. There never seems to be much activity taking place whenever I’m around. That’s just a stone’s throw from Johnny’s residence, isn’t it?

  21. Black Angelo on

    Horsey Fart I believe the C12 snitch only up to a certain pt and that is with the 1989 making ceremony. I know how close Solly D and Pudgy are and its because of that fact. Plus I know when Pudgy was made and it wasn’t in 1983.

    JF, I think that Marco question is a lot deeper than some seem to think. And I think Johnny did a good job of answering those questions, because he can always bring that abc7 video back up to show a judge he is not fit for trial per say.

    Let me explain.. About the Spilotro brothers and his involvement ? He said “I don’t know nothing about it” (I thought that was a good answer to the question). If he has ever been to the Loon ? “Nah my first time” lol. Was Mr Damico in their ? “I don’t know who that is” “never seen him before”.

    I think he is laying the ground works to come off as having Alzheimer’s and or being senile. Very very clever. Chuck Goudie walked right into this trap. Why say “No comment” when you can come off as a nice old man who has lost it all in the mind. A sympathetic jury would play well to him.

    And I have heard through the grapevine when law enforcement is following him and he knows it he does really crazy things that would make u think this man has lost his marbles.

    But even after the Loon Café Chuck Goudie ambush incident he still gave the news people of Chicago an audience. A couple of months later Chicago Fox New ambushed him at D and P. But he gave Dane Placko nothing to chew on. I think he even brought out the Bananas side of Johnny.

    By the way that Chuck Goudie Loon Café video is heavily edited and the questions that Chuck posed are not in order to which he asked him as they come off in the video.

    For instance the Marco question posed to Johnny was the last question in the ambush interview.. But on the video its posed as the first question.

    Anyhow Chuck Goudie will not be interviewing Johnny anymore if he is smart. Chuck got played and he knows it. Johnny might drool on him next time.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Black,

      It amazes me that John DiFronzo has so much power over people. When he slips up on television, most people force themselves to think it was a clever ploy because he is a genius. Black, Johnny is not a genius. He might have been a smart man once upon a time, but he is slipping, but not in the way you think. He is not senile and does not have Alzheimer disease. You are wrong and I am right. And I will explain how. If a truly clever man was working up a bogus mental health defense for a potential criminal matter sometime in the future, he would not be driving his own vehicle and be in possession of a valid driver’s license. Keep in mind; he still maintains that valid driver’s license two years later. People suffering from the mental problems that you suspect he is trying to portray do not drive automobiles and do not maintain valid driver’s licenses. He could have succeeded with your theory if on the day of the Goudie piece, his family intervened and took his car and drivers license away after seeing him drive off in a “crazed” frame of mind. However, Johnny is still driving his pickup truck (with a pair of silver testicles hanging from the hitch), without engaging in automobile accidents or picking up moving violations as a mentally impaired driver would do. Johnny’s ability to drive an automobile and maintain a valid Illinois State driver’s license is ironclad proof that he is mentally fit.

      Sometime after I saw the news piece on television, I decided to do something about it. My efforts could be found here:

      Johnny is not as smart as people foolishly give him credit for being.
      And, Black, I agree with your quote, “I think that Marco question is a lot deeper than some seem to think,” but not for the same reasons.

      • I understand your argument that you think Johnny D is slipping, but not in the way I think.

        And I understand he does have a valid drivers liscense and therefore that would cancel out his alzeheimers or senile arguement.

        All i’m saying is he’s laying the ground works. And lets face it JF crazy crazy people in society get valid drivers liscenses everyday. On top of the elderly.

        That Chuck Goudie piece at the Loon is 2 years old. He obviously answered the Spilotro question very well because that was the BIG ONE.

        The Marco question was a loaded question that I think Chuck was told to ask via certain indivduals.

        But all of this is mute because Johnny DiFronzo is never going to get indicted.
        I think their is something Johnny knows and can prove that would jeopardize Nick Calabrese as a witness.

        ps I disagree with you on this .. Johnny is pretty smart. And a pair of silver testicles on the hitch lol.

        • DiFronzo looked like an idiot for letting Goudie engage him like that. The guy is smart for having such a diversified approach to his finances and doing relatively little prison time, but he’s no genius.

        • Dear Black,
          Okay, there may be some crazy people with drivers licenses, but, if someone is smart (as you claim Johnny to be); one would not drive a car while laying groundwork to appear senile. All Johnny accomplished is further destroying his credibility with more dishonesty. How could Johnny ever take the witness stand with the Goudie piece out there?
          Let us set aside our differences about Johnny’s intelligence. He does have silver b*lls hanging from his hitch.

          • Joe, re: those balls, do you think that they’re some kind of sick, private joke DiFronzo has with himself, like the testicles hanging from his truck reference the testicles he used to cut off of his victims?

  22. According to the Tribune, Nick stated that when he was made the get together took place at a restaurant in Hillside on Roosevelt Rd just west of Mannheim.

    • I work over in that area, actually. The place is supposed to be closed now, but I think it was a little west of Mt. Carmel and Queen of Heaven where they have that cluster of Italian flower shops, funeral supply companies, and reception halls. I know someone who probably remembers the name of the place.

      That area still has a palpable Outfit presence. For years, my uncle supplied the marble workers who were working on that giagantic mausoleum (at Wolf & Roosevelt) with wet saws and blades. He always laughed about some of the characters he encountered.

        • Right, east of the intersection that I described and west of Mannheim. In between the 2 thoroughfares.

  23. Joe, at one time Sarno, Cataudella, and Marco all lived in Westchester. Do you know of anyone else who lives out there? I’ve heard that some of the little cafes and hotdog stands and Wolf and the Forest Preserve along 31st are often venues for meetings.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      I know that my Uncle Romie was the first Outfit guy that I could think of that moved to Westchester sometime in the ‘50s. However, by 1970 he moved to River Forest. I believe that Joe Nick’s son, Nick, lives there (when he is not in prison). Sorry that I cannot be more helpful.

      • Joe, you stated in one of your articles, that approximately $500,000 was paid to the Outfit around 1987 after your father died. Then, 14 years later beginning in 2001, the extortion began and over the next 5 years another $500,000 was paid out. Your civil RICO case was to try and recover the second $500,000. Correct? Who received the first $500,000 in 1987? Why would you start paying another $500,000 14 years later?

        • Joe, I just read your article ‘The Village Of River Grove etc’ and on a thread at 7:55 a.m. on December 9, you stated what I said above. When I read your Civil Rico Complaint, you did not state that $500,000 was paid in 1987. Who received the money in 1987? That’s the half a million dollar question! Knowing for a fact that the money was paid in 1987 and to whom leads to the other half a million dollar question. Why would you start paying again 14 years later? The only logical explanation was that in 1987 the amount owed was 1 Million and only half of it was paid at that time. If that was the case, then you knew another $500,000 was owed. I see no other logical explanation. Please explain

        • Dear The Don,

          Joe Nick collected the first 500-thousand dollar payment from my family in 1987. Why did I pay an additional 500-thousand dollars several years later? Because I was stupid, however, making a short story long, I will explain in detail. It was not until 2001 before Jack Cerone noticed that I was spending large amounts of money. My spending caused Jack to falsely accuse me of having money that my father was supposedly holding for the Outfit (in addition to the previous situation in 1987). I immediately knew that Jack was wrong and I initially refused to pay a dime (which Rudy, Giacchino and the rest of the bunch eventually addressed). That is when the extortion tactics began. Again, I never believed his stupid story that my father was holding additional money; I did not even believe the story the first time in 1987. I was insulted that Jack was making such a ridiculous claim. However, because of his claim he began extorting me, using his stupid excuse as the reason. Now, if you want details on why I paid the money, please reread the comment that I left in this thread on April 16, 2011 (2:19 AM), which you immediately claimed to believe for two reasons.

          When an extortionist decides to extort, the excuse used as the reason is unimportant. If the extortionist is capable of coercing and intimidating the victim, the extortionist will be successful (as in my case). All of this has been mentioned, nothing here is new information. Earlier when you decided to change your mind about the status of my father being ‘made’, the reason you claimed that turned you was actually old news that was previously disclosed as well.

          Jack had taken the position, “How dare you question me, what I say is gospel, you are my stooge,” which was his attitude, not his quote. He is a very arrogant person. He did a good job of bullying me, which is why I have ultimately turned out to be defiant. None of this happened overnight.

          Jack was ambiguous about whether the correct amount of money my father was alleged to have been holding was 1-million, or if it was 500,000, however, not originally paid to the correct party in 1987, therefore still owed. I clearly saw the holes in Cerone’s extortion plot, which showed through in my RICO complaint. Again, regardless of the stupid reasons used by Cerone, regardless of the holes in his plot, I paid the money for the reasons explained in my comment in this thread on April 16, 2011 at 2:19 AM.

          If my RICO complaint had been given a fair shot by the court, all of this would have eventually been added to the official record. If I was able to file an appeal in a timely fashion, all of the details would have came out. However, when you draft a complaint, you must keep it concise. The problem that my RICO complaint had was that the concise version seemed unrealistic, unfortunately. Now if I were a fraud, I would have drafted a complaint with a logical plot. I did the best I could with what I had to work with, which was the truth.

          I just realized that I forgot that you wanted to keep it quiet about your uncle’s identity. I am sorry. Please do not be angry. You mentioned something in a couple of different comments that showed me you were angry, but I failed to put it together until very recently. Again, I am sorry.

          • Joe, thanks for clarifying. When I read the article ‘The Village of River Grove’ I saw the exact amounts and the date of 1987 which led to a few more questions. I was looking at the situation like an impartial juror in a trial would look at it. I was also asking questions that the defense lawyer would ask. It was not personal in any way. In fact, I believe your story even more now that I’ve asked all my questions. You wouldn’t respect me any other way. As far as your Father and the Union situation, I honestly don’t know if he was made or not. Some of the union officials have been made guys like Vince Solano & Al Pilotto and then some others are high level associates like Lombardo’s son or one of the Carusos. When the name Fosco came up in the past, I’m not sure if my Uncle was talking about Armando Fosco or Angelo Fosco. Do you remember me asking you if they are the same person or if they are two different people? So, changing my opinion to saying I honestly don’t know because of the reasons stated is at least an honest answer from me. I know a lot about the Outfit but I certainly don’t know everything. I’ve learned some things from you and a couple of interesting things from Black Angelo. In the same way, I’m sure you and Black have learned a couple of things from me, especially about the general structure of the Outfit where I use to focus my questions. Finally, I truly believe this extortion plot in 2001 would never have come to fruition had Willie not been sick and died shortly thereafter. I also believe from first hand experience, that the Outfit from years ago would not have allowed such a thing. As bad as they were in the 1960’s, 1970’s & 1980’S, they had a little more class about themselves than the Outfit of 2001 and beyond. I hope none of my grilling questions offended you. Thank You.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear The Don,
            Your questions have not offended me.
            Two gangsters in the pre 2001 days who were scoundrels, capable of lodging underhanded tactics against anyone were Joe Nick and old man Jack Cerone (re: Jack’s son, the apple did not fall far from the tree).

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Jack and his cohorts may have finally learned the old lesson, “Be careful about the kid’s ass you kick on the playground today, because tomorrow that wimp might be kicking your ass.” The previous statement is not meant as a physical threat against anyone, it is simply an analogy.

          • Joe, All I ever use to hear about Joe Ferriola was that he was a bookmaking expert along with his buddies Cortina & Angelini. He was the Capo of the extended Cicero Group and therefore obviously close to Auippa. Did he lie about collecting the $500,000 from your family in 1987? Do you have a story to share about what he did against anyone else? I would enjoy hearing it.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            When I told George Colucci, Willie Messino and a couple of others about what Joe Nick did to my family in 1987, I was told that Joe Nick did that two a couple of other guys after they died (these conversations took place prior to Jack’s extortion plot against me). Joe Nick knew whom to target. He knew who had it ($) and who would come up with it. My older brother obviously sh*t in his pants and turned over the money very quickly. The shame of it is that my Uncle Romie agreed that it be turned over. And, Romie paid half of it. It really was not considered a lot of money to my family at the time, especially not to Romie.

          • Joe, did Ferriola take a piece of the original $500,000 for his cut and then turn over the majority to the Top Bosses? In 1987, that would have been Carlisi & DiFronzo.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear The Don,
            I could not tell you if Joe fed the money to a bunch of goats at Brookfield Zoo or sent it to the Red Cross as a donation. No one was involved but him as far as we knew. Maybe Romie knew more? If he did, he elected not to tell us.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            One thing is sure, Joe would not have collected a penny if Romie was unable to confirm the matter. However, I later questioned if Romie was duped, or, could it have been a legitimate situation? If so, the money would still be hidden somewhere. In any case, it is over and long gone. I have more relevant things to concentrate on today.

          • Joe, it sounds like the first $500,000 was legitimatley owed. Especially, if Romie was involved. However, the second $500,000 fourteen years later was the bogus amount like you stated in your Rico Case. When did Romie die? DiFronzo must have known about the first $500,000 But very possibly not about the second $500,000 which began in 2001. I wonder if Cerone Junior & Fratto gave DiFronzo some of the extortion money or did they do it all by themselves knowing that he might tell them to stop because the original amount owed was paid back in 1987? If that’s the case, Fratto might be in trouble along with Cerone Junior because DiFronzo has to hate your ANP business. However, on the other hand , DiFronzo might have found out about it after it had been going on for awhile and chose not to stop it, especially since he would have gotten his end out of it. I suppose we’ll never know unless Fratto ends up disapearing one day. Then we’ll have a good idea of what really happened behind the scenes.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            John DiFronzo definitely knew about the extortion plot in 2001. Rudy managed to hook Pete into the actual extortion tactics. These guys believed they hooked a live one. And they did. One problem, I did a great job of appearing as if I had much more money than I really did. It was easy to do because I truly spent a great deal of money, much more than 10 average men would spend. When I was down to my last several hundred thousand, these fellows probably thought that I had a few million. They wanted 500k and they got 500k.

          • Joe, when did your Uncle Romie die? I haven’t changed my opinion about him. He was absolutely made. The one I’m not sure about was Pat Marcy. Like your Father, I really don’t know, but if push comes to shove, I would say Marcy was a high level associate who took orders from a made guy, Romie Nappi.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear The Don,

            Uncle Romie died on October 19, 2001, which reminds me, some thought I might have inherited money when Romie died because of my dedication in helping him and his wife on a regular basis for a number of years (I am not confirming or denying that I received money from Romie). Cerone was definitely aware of my closeness to Romie. In fact, prior to Romie becoming senile in the late ‘90s, Jack used to pressure me to bring Romie to II Jack’s Restaurant for lunch or dinner. Willie was well aware of my closeness to Romie as well, however, I know that Willie was not in on the extortion against me. For the record, my closeness to Romie was the basis of the consummation of my acquaintance with Johnny DiFronzo. Johnny knew that I saw Romie regularly. Johnny always asked me how Romie was doing and repeatedly advised me to continue taking good care of him. It was especially sad that in the last year of Romie’s life, he could not remember me well; he only remembered people form the ‘30s through ‘60s. However, when I reminded him of who I was he would remember. Then he would start talking about how rough of a guy my father was. My closeness with Romie began in the early ‘90s. I was fighting trumped up criminal charges stemming from my teenage years and I wound up in front of a judge that Romie knew well. My older brother brought the matter to Romie’s attention. Romie told my brother (who was Romie’s biological nephew – I was a step nephew) that he would be glad to help me because he considered me family. In addition, I had a close relationship with the woman that my father had married in the early ‘40s who was Romie’s sister, which made Romie very happy. He was very pleased to know that someone was looking after his youngest sister.

            I was convicted of the lesser charges and was assured that prison time would be out of the question. Pat Marcy was recently indicted at the time so Romie did not want to fix any cases outright, especially for people that had blatant connections to fixers who were being closely watched by the government at that time. If I could go back in time, I would have simply fought my case the right way (however, my brother Mondie took control of the situation). Years later when I became close with my sentencing judge (he officiated two of my marriages); he told me that I should have fought the case because it was weak and I would have won. In fact, the judge wound up being a witness in one of my traffic related matters in 2005. I will write a detailed article about my experiences with the judge, however, I will wait until he passes away. I have said as much as I have for two reasons, one, the judge is completely senile today, two, technically the judge did not fix the case; he methodically made it imposable for the State’s Attorney to go forward with the serious charge. In other words, the State actually inadvertently did the fixing.

            Again, Romie was super cautious in the early ‘90s, which is why I was convicted of the lesser charges, fortunately with no prison time ordered.

            Pat Marcy was definitely a ‘made’ guy.

          • Dear Horse…,
            Mondo Jr has good and bad ways, like most of us. However, his bad ways outweigh his good ways (in my opinion). Thank you.

  24. Cerone Esq. is such a contemptible character. Here’s a guy for whom real-life prestige (being a lawyer) was not nearly as good as make believe infamy (wanting to be a gangster).

    Every circle of friends has at least one guy who no one can stand because of how highly he regards himself and how much he talks. Usually, in the end, the guy figures out that his “friends” are either just barely tolerating him or are only humoring him. This sounds exactly like Cerone Esq.

    I’ve never heard anyone say a good thing about the guy. He sounds like a storytelling braggart whose own delusions of grandeur result in the suffering of others and self embarrassment.

  25. The outfit was never classy. Some of the criminals were and are more sleezy than others, but all of them are at the very least dishonest and greedy. This includes your freinds, uncles, whoever. The outfit is and was full of murdering sicko’s like John Difronzo, who I am sure will rot in hell for all enternity. Attempting to attach honor to any of these scoundrals is laughable at best and disgustingly offensive to the thousands of victims of their treachery. I am grateful to this site for helping me to accomplished a life long goal of finding my Uncles murderer. He was 21 years old when he was murdered by the outfit. He was a citizen and not a criminal. With the help of ANP I believe I found my uncles murderer and it is John Difronzo. I commend the actions by Joe Fosco, and for very personal reasons root for Joe Fosco and pray that ANP can help the Government convict this disgusting man of Murder. The comparisons to John Gacy are accurate and I hope John Difronzo ends up in the 9th level of Hell. I am sure that justice is coming for the sicko Johnny Bananas Difronzo and his dangling silver balls. What a sick f*ck!

    • Good post.

      I think it’s OK to “watch” the Outfit. True crime stories in general are often intriguing, and amateur sleuths have often times made huge breaks in high profile crimes across the country because they follow the cases’ details so closely. Much of the progress that was made on the Zodiac killings in SF is attributable to hobbyists.

      I don’t think it’s OK “watch” the Outfit the same way you’d take in an afternoon baseball game or something. Organized crime isn’t sport, obviously, as everyone well knows.

      One thing that bothers me about this site from time to time is that otherwise level-headed readers seem to exhibit contempt for cooperating witnesses. When guys like Nick Calabrese cooperate, they are doing the morally right thing, even though they’re usually only motivated by saving their own asses. While it was far from perfect, Family Secrets was good for Chicagoland–not bad.

      Dry snitching is another matter because it’s not only self-serving, but it allows the dry snitch to elminate the competition and further their own criminal activities.

      I would like to think that most of Joe’s readers would want guys like Fratto or even Sarno to flip in order to further decimate the Outfit.

      I repeat, good post, Father.

        • You’re welcome, Joe.

          And I might add that this is another reason why I consider Cerone Esq. to be so despicable. He was given a better life. He knows what kind of people gangsters are. If he was still drawn to that element for sentimental reasons, than he should have been a defense attorney who represents Outfit guys. Instead, he became a gangster (in my opinion). He may not be the “real thing,” when compared to people like his dad, but when you (allegedly) extort people and (allegedly) order people’s legs to be broken, then you are a gangster. Regardless of whatever kind of fancy diplomas you have.

  26. Black Angelo on

    Joe Fosco is doing a good thing with ANP but he is far far from righteous and or perfect. But if Joe’s dad was harboring the Outfit’s money than that money was not the Fosco families therefore it is up to one of the family members to give it back.

    Obviously if Romie Nappi signed off on it.. Well their must be some truth behind it or he is just as despicable as Joe Nick if JF’s father was not holding said monies(For the record I think he was extorted in 2001 though).

    And some people don’t even have the nerve to ask said families (of Outfit members) if they are harboring monies that aren’t theirs. Rocco Infelise barged in on Joe Nick’s castle the week he died and took his whole safe while Joe Nicks family just stared at him waltzing in and out of their home lol.

    And Mike Sarno and Rudy Fratto should flip lol. Rudy Fratto as a stool pigeon is possible because he in not a real gangster like a Bobby Salerno, Bellavia, Louie Marino. But he would be ineffective.

    With every good Stool pigeon or long investigation there is some sort of wire tap to back up what he/ she is testifying about. Rudy has and will not get close enough to the upper echelon to do that to even start such an investigation. So that is a PIPE DREAM.

    And Mike Sarno forgetaboutit.. He’s cut from the same cloth as Bobby Salerno etc.

    For every Johnny DiFronzo there is an Bernie Madoff or George Bush/ Dick Cheney. The latter 2 individuals have had a lot of young men and woman die on behalf of their own self serving ulterior motives.

    Sure the Outfit is a despicable organization. But so is the FBI, and Chicago Police Dept. They kill people, have tortured and continue to cover up their crimes. You ever heard of the “blue code of silence”.

    The latter organizations sure have their good people, but for the most part they masquerade around as righteous individuals when the whole time their just as dangerous as the Outfit themselves. At least with the Outfit what you see is what you get.

    Frank Calabrese jr. is epitome of a dry snitch he eliminated the competition (his father) and took his money to serve his own self serving needs. Frank Calabrese jr. will rot in hell right along with his father.

    Nick Calabrese is another man that will rot in hell. He CHOSE the LIFE he was in. He is a grown man and will have to live with his decisions in life.

    Nick C and his family received over 1 million in monies from Jimmy Light. And then he has the nerve to testify against that man. Nick will rot just for that reason alone.

    • First of all, you just demonstrated that you don’t even know what the term “dry snitch” means. If you did, you would know it wouldn’t make sense to call Frank Jr. a dry snitch.

      Second, no one is expecting Fratto or Sarno to flip. The point was that if they had any sense of remorse, or anything resembling the moral compass of a non-sociopath, than they would cooperate. And if they did, then they would be doing the right thing.

      Black Angelo, I don’t care about your opinions about the FBI and stuff, but allow me to let you in on a little secret: The Outfit is full of bad guys, not good guys. They do bad stuff, not good stuff.

      It would be better for society if the Outfit was eradicated.

      All of your ranting about the FBI and the government and Jimmy “Light” can’t change that.

      That was the point that Father G. was making. You see, the Outfit murdered his uncle, which is a bad act, not a good act.

      I appreciated Father G’s contribution and added to it. Joe, thanked us for our comments because he agreed with us.

      • Black Angelo, would you rather live in a society where murderers, exortionists, and thieves are in prison, or in a society where they a free to operate as they please?

    • Black Angelo, I know Father Guido hates DiFronzo and I DO UNDERSTAND hatred. However, putting aside personal reasons for hatred of any one person, I COMPLETELY agree with everything you said. Except, I don’t think Nick Calabrese’s family received a million dollars from Marcello, however, I get your point. Marcello actually took the time to pay Nick’s family about $50,000 a year for several years and then he informed on him. The Outfit is actually much less dangerous than former President Bush or Cheney who are probably the two most dangerous terrorists in the world. Like my father use to tell his friends, don’t borrow money from the Outfit and don’t ask them for any favors, then you won’t have to worry. What you see is what you get. With the government, you could do the same thing and still get drafted to go to Iraq and die in a bullshit war over oil. No, the White House has always been the largest Organized Crime group in the world. The Outfit is a small part of the hypocrisy of this entire country. If every law abiding and non-law abiding Italian American in this country went on strike tomorrow, this Country would come to a screeching hault. Then we would see who has the real power.

      • Just don’t let your kids near pedophiles and you don’t have to worry, right?

        The Outfit is bad for SOCIETY is the point.

        • Yes, except the common American citizen will be screwed far more during their lifetime from the government than from the stupid Outfit. the Outfit is the much lesser of the two evils on a broad scale if you stop and think about it.

          • OK, so you see my point, then.

            I don’t agree with your argument that the government will screw the average citizen more in his lifetime than the stupid Outfit. Have you ever read what the mafia does to local economies where it has a strong presence, like New York and Chicago?

          • Black Angelo on

            The Don, Your right I stand corrected He gave Nick Calabrese and his family around the neighborhood of 50,000 a year for 5/6 years. I was thinking of his goomah who Jimmy gave 50,000 a year from 1986-2007.

            And for the record the Don your 2.44 pm posting pretty much sums it up. Especially what your uncle told

            By the way I know of A LOT of individuals who have been victimized by the Outfit for various reasons. Some played with fire and got burned. Or got burned for paling around with the Outfit.

            But TRUST ME the Outfit does not go around killing innocent people on just some whim. If that was the case Joey and Lewis Borsellino would have been goners in 1979. (Just in case their was any “pay back” for their fathers death).

            Or Dr. Pat, John, and Victor Spilotro would of went in 1986 with their 2 brothers. Sure some innocent people die but as a whole the Gov’t is worse.

            As for Frank Calabrese jr. TRUST ME on this. There is more than meets the eye. He eliminated his father took his money (and Angelo LaPietra’s). He’s not in the witness program for a reason.

            And from what I’m hearing he is still available for Toots Caruso and honorable to him. I don’t want to get to much into it because its very complicated but FCJR (Frank jr) is much much more than a dry snitch.

            But suffice to say he removed his dad from the Chinatown/ 26th street picture for a LIFETIME.

            But if you think he wanted to bring down his father because he was a quote on quote a “BAD MAN” but then in turn NOT want to bring down the Outfit should tell you some things. Remember Frank C jr is not in the witness protection program for a reason. Hint hint.

            By the way there is nothing MORAL about giving a man a couple of years in prison after he basically admitted to being a serial killer.. But then again there is nothing MORAL about the US Gov’t.

          • So the rest of us have to play by the rules, but not gangsters, right? I mean, we have to follow the law, but they don’t, obviously.

          • Black Angelo, the point I was making about Frank Calabrese Jr. is that you don’t know what “dry snitch” means.

            If you did, you wouldn’t have called Frank Jr. the “epitome” of a dry snitch. He took the stand. Dry snitches don’t take the stand in open court.

          • Black Angelo, I despise Frank Jr. I hate what he did to his father. He is a lying manipulating drug addict thief pretending to be something he isn’t. On second thought, with that impressive record, he would be a good candidate to work for the government.

          • Far be it from me to be anything but a color commentator in these threads, I find it funny that you guys are being sanctimonious WHILE defending the mafia.

          • Horsey, we can be friends and have a different opinion. However, I have one question for you. Stop and think who has hurt you more in your entire life, which would include everything you can think of from paying unjust taxes to being drafted to having your basic freedom being taken away from you because of 9/11 WHICH WAS AN INSIDE JOB, or the Outfit? which is it? Who has effected your like more negatively, the Hypocritical phony White House or the Outfit? We both know the answer.

          • Don,

            It is truly impossible for me to take your comment on its own terms since you actually stated that the September 11th attacks were an inside job (and used all capital letters to state it).

            Yes, we can have difference of opinions, and I don’t like bickering in the threads.

            I don’t feel the government has ever screwed me…that I can think of, anyway.

            The government helped me get through both college and graduate school and made it possible for me to purchase my first home. Any brush with the law I’ve ever had has been my own fault. I do not fear the government at this point. And guess what? I’m Italian, too.

            I admit that I don’t live in fear of the Outfit, but that doesn’t change the fact that in the Outfit, it is your OFFICIAL job description to lie, cheat, steal, extort, use violence, and murder. For crying out loud, murder is a prerequisite for membership, as we all know. The Outfit is an inherently evil entity.

            The fact that I don’t fear the Outfit doesn’t change the fact that it murdered Father G’s uncle, and extorted the hell out of Joe, disenfrachising him of a life time of stability and comfort.

            Why on God’s green earth would someone want to defend the Outfit?

          • Black Angelo, one of your trade marks is asking other readers to “trust you” about information you’re providing, but your stories are pretty out there. You also get little things wrong regularly, like the dry snitch thing. No offense.

  27. father guido on

    Thank you Joe Fosco I will consider your offer, although I do not think anything can be done. Thank you Horsey! I agree with all of your responses.
    I shared my very personal reasons for hating the Outfit, something I resisted doing for a long time, but this silver balls thing was so sick and demented. The comparisons of the Government to the outfit made be Don and Black are hallow. I appreciate their contributions, but they are way off base and the cheerleading gets a bit old. Black your inferring that all Outfit murders are justified or have a valid reason is off base. For Someone with knowlegde of their world as you seem to have, to write that, shows me that your moral compass is off. I do not judge you, because it is not my place. My moral compass has been off as well earlier in my life, when I fantasized about finding my uncle’s murder and torturing him to death. I no longer wish to do this. Him and his kind will suffer in Hell. One more correction to the Don, I do not only hate Difronzo. I hate all murdering outfit cowards and their supporters, including those in Government or elected by the public who serve their corrupt and evil enterprise.

    • Horsey & Father Guido, I was always taught never to argue about religion or politics. I should have known better. Please forgive me. I am not defending the Outfit. I’m simply saying that the Govermnent is worse. However, two wrongs don’t make a right no matter which wrong is greater. I am against all false accusations and social injustice whether it comes from the lying government or the extorting Outfit.

      • …just a coupla guys figuring things out in the threads. No apologies necessary. My religious and political sensibilities were not offended.

    • CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG???? LOL Am loving these threads…I see all your points…The Outfit may be the lesser of 2 evils when compared to the US Govt however they are nonetheless a despicable organization….However they do fill a void on the street that-if they were eradicated–would create a vacuum to be filled by another organization every bit as despicable…I am a full-blooded Sicilian American and am proud..maybe when my ancestors came to this country and were pushed around and treated like dogs there was a need to bond together and take the piece of the American pie that was not offered to us…That was then this is now…People aren’t murdered for honor they’re murdered for greed and money…I grew up in Cicero and Berwyn and was enthralled with them too at a young dumb age…My old man is an Outfit “associate” spent 14 yrs on the lam and is now in federal prison…He was never a part of my life or the lives of my 2 sisters in any way including financially…I guess he didnt see the part in the Godfather where “a man who doesn’t spend time with his family could never be a real man” lol….Outfit associates murdered another relative of mine. In fact JF wrote an article about it…This other relative was no angel but he still had a family that loved him and I highly doubt that what those animals did to him had anything to do with “honor”…We are all entitled to our opinions folks…Yes I agree they are the lesser of 2 evils when compared to the Government but yes I also agree that these are not Italian-American freedom fighters picked on because their names end in vowels. These are habitual murderers and criminals…They used to say that when u get into bed with the Outfit the only out is feet first…That still may be true but when these guys get wronged and persecuted by the G I have no sympathy for them for the same damn reasons….

      • One difference between the Outfit and the government is that you have to be a bad guy to be in the Outfit because it is, by definition, a criminal organization.

        The Outfit has ALL bad apples.

        The government has SOME bad apples, and exactly how much damage they do depends on how many there are and how high they grew on the tree, so to speak.

        It is theoretically possible to have an all-good government in the United States. It is theoretically impossible to have an all-good Chicago Outfit, by definition.

        • I dont believe it is theoretically possible to have an all-good government either Horsey…Human nature is what it is and power corrupts people even though there are good people in Government who have the best of intentions. Uncle Sam murders people, sells drugs, launders money and does so in the name of patriotism@justifies it as in the interest of “national security” or some other bullshit whereas the Outfit doesn’t have that luxury…They just bullshit our youth into thinking they’re men of honor when they lost their honor the moment they chose their lot in their respective lives….

          • Jc, I agree with you 100%. And, may I add that an old fashined Melrose Park beating should be a mandatory requirement for all young Italian American men aspiring to belong to the Outfit someday.

          • What I meant is this:

            Because most of the people in government and the bureaucracy are average joes who just want to put in their hours, collect their pay and go home to their families and who don’t get involved in crooked affairs, we can imagine what it would be like to have a government filled with those types of people. So, it is theoretically possible to have an all-good government in this country because it works on paper. (And in civics classes.) That is all I am saying. In practice, however, it is not likely that we could have such a government for reasons such as the ones you’ve brought to the table.

            It is theoretically and practically impossible for there to be an all-good Chicago Outfit because it is, by definition, a criminal enterprise that requires its members to be murderers. We cannot imagine an organization of killers that goes around Chicago only doing good things for people. So it is theoretically impossible, by defintion.

        • Horsey, that’s an interesting point. My wife is Sicilian, boy what a handful, but anyway, did you know that the origin of the Sicilian Mafia a long, long time ago was actually a good organization. It protected the common person from being persecuted by all the different outsiders who went there to try and control that region. The origins of the true Mafia are actually honorable. However, as the years went by, the honor changed into greed and lust for power. However, when it comes to secrecy, organizational skills & sheer ruthlessness when neccessary, as evil as it is, you can’t beat the Sicilian Mafia. I’m not defending them. I’m admiring their criminal skills which far surpass the American Mafia. They are organized into many small clans all related by blood or marriage. If several of those clans came into Chicago, the Outfit street crews would go run for cover. They’re focused on one thing and one thing alone, the manufacturing & distribution of Heroin. They don’t really care about anything else. Again, I’m not defending them in anyway, however, there is nothing wrong with admiring their business skills and tremendous family loyalty. The Calabrese Brothers situation would be unheard of with them. They would consider them aliens from another planet.

          • Horsey, I was looking at some old articles written by Joe Fosco about a year ago and I saw what I believe is your picture and an article about a guy named Richard Padal. Is that you? The picture is exact.

          • No, I swiped the Padal pic for my avatar because I thought it was funny. (Just now I scrolled up at glanced at it, which brought a smirk to my face.) So, no, unfortunately, I am not Mr. Padal.

            You’d probably have to ask my analyst why I find the pic so humorous because I honestly couldn’t tell you. I think it has something to do with the expression on his face, the glasses, and the hair. Originally, I was going to swipe the Frank J. Battaglia pic, but I was concerned about offending his victim if she (or he) reads the threads.

            I read this blog a lot but don’t comment much anymore because work takes up so much of my time. Right now, I’m going through a slow period, so I’m posting more and making an effort to be less imbecilic than usual.

  28. Anyone who acts like the Outfit has some system of honor is dreaming. You are also dreaming if you think you can navigate these peoples’ world without becoming a victim. They couldn’t care less about anything but money. Why would you “respect” them, they have absolutely no respect for you or anyone else. All they know is fear. May heaven help you if you ever get involved with these creeps thinking you have some kind of code of understanding.

    • Horsey, when I’m talking about the government, I’m not talking about the average Joe who goes to work and then goes home. I’m talking about the top echelon of the government who make all the desicions about invading Countries and things of that nature and lie to the American people about what they do and why they do it. By the way, not everyone in the Outfit has committed murder, only the upper echelon guys. Same as the government, the upper echelon people who MAKE THE DECISIONS are no different than the upper echelon people in the Outfit, except that the Outfit hierarchy are a little less hypocritical.

      • Black Angelo, are you saying that Junior betrayed his father with the blessing of Toots Caruso, so that’s why he doesn’t have to enter the witness protection program?

      • Sorry, but I don’t agree with you.

        Our government decision makers are not tantamount to mafia chiefs. And regardless of who is a killer and who is an extortionist in the Outfit, the fact remains that the Chicago Outfit itself is a criminal organization whose sole purpose for existing is financial profit by illicit means. If there was no potential for profit there would not be a mob anymore. The Outfit is a cancer and needs to stop.

        The government is not an inherently evil entity. It’s not perfect, and like anything else, it is vulnerable to corruption, but it’s certainly not “criminal.” This isn’t even a partisan argument. I liked Bush about as much as I like Clinton and Obama, which is not very much. But, do I think they and their respective cabinet members and legislative lackeys ran things like a criminal outfit? HELL no.

        • Horsey, Make sure you brush your teeth before bed, say your prayers & have another big slice of that all American Mom’s Apple Pie. Let’s not talk about it anymore. These threads are really not political forums, they should be about topics related to the big bad Outfit that is destroying Chicago with those terribly evil poker machines. Anyway, how about those Cubs!

          • THE CUBS????? F*** THE CUBS!!! Don you just discredited all you’ve ever said on these threads as the Cubs are more contemptable an outfit than the Outfit and the G combined lmao….they have shaken down their fans for over 100 years….

          • OK Don. I will. Good one, by the way.

            And you make sure to put on your tin foil hat before you go to bed. You know, so you can block the Evil U.S. Government’s electro-magnetic mind control rays that Satan emits from the White House every evening when innocent members and associates of the Chicago Outfit are asleep.

            Also, tell all your moon bat friends that I said ‘hi’ during your morning conference call about how 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB, ok?

          • JC, Settle down, I’m not really a Cubs fan. It was only a matter of speech, a joke. To be honest with you, I don’t really care too much for baseball. I like football & basketball much better.

          • It was an inside job. Bush allowed it to happen on purpose just like what happened at Pearl Harbor. If you think 19 foreign Arabs could have pulled that whole charade off by themselves, then I have some real good swamp land in River Forest I can sell you real cheap. Honest, I’ll give you a good deal. By the way, don’t forget that the JFK assasination was one lone gunman reading a book in the depository building.

          • Really? You know, Charlie Sheen agrees with you on this one, so you’re in good company as far as credibility and intelligence.

  29. My grandfather was the son of a Italian (Calabrian) immigrants and grew up on Polk St.

    All his cousins and friends were racket guys. One was even involved in a few murders and relocated to California in the 1960’s where he was later murdered. My grandfather went to college where he earned an engineering degree, joined the Navy and served in WWII, and raised a family of 6 children after that. He lived a happy and fruitful life. He had absolutely no time whatsoever for the Outfit because he was taught that it was evil. He grew up poor but died a legitimate, educated and successful engineer and, later, editor of several academic journals during retirement.

    Why the hell couldn’t his friends and cousins do the same thing? Nothing was ever handed to my grandfather. He was given the same opportunites (or lack thereof) as everyone else from his neighborhood.

    Now tell me, why do Outfit guys not have to play by the rules, but everyone else does? Why don’t our laws apply to them?

    And why is the Outfit just this harmless, little ‘ol gang with its silly little video poker machines when it suits your argument?

    Most of these articles that Joe publishes are about murders–not poker machines–and they are focused on guys who are presently active an unimprisoned.

        • Dear Horse…,

          I admire your grandfather – he got out of Dodge.

          People as IL State Rep. Skip Saviano and Chicago based criminal defense attorney Don Angelini (in my opinion) are phonies and just as sinister as the murderers they aid through their seemingly legitimate careers. If you asked them, they would tell you they are legitimate. However, I ask, how could you truly be legitimate if you are aiding and abetting a murderer(s)? A law license or an elected position does not wash away the truth. The truth is that an individual who aids a criminal is a coconspirator, no matter how you slice it or dice it. In Skip and Don’s cases, I think they would have been smarter to work for the Outfit directly as some of their relatives did. It would have been less work, rather than attend collage or run an election. In the end, they are sitting down with the bad guys and cutting up money or favors anyway (in my opinion).

          Skip and Don, if you are reading this, shame on both of you. You are why people like me are sometimes reluctant to discuss our American-Italian heritage.

          (Everything indicated in this comment segment is based on my point of view)

          • Black Angelo, I agree that Jimmy I is partnered with 26th Street because of the trucking. However, his lineage is Cicero and I believe he is a Capo within that Extended Group. He is well respected across the board. The extended Cicero Group is partnered with Grand Ave, 26TH Street and Chicago Heights on the poker machines and also act as a ‘Lay Off’ center along with Marco’s Franchise based out of Elmwood Park on the Sports Booking. As you know, The extended Cicero Group all the way back to Auippa was always strong in Bookmaking and worked well with the other Crews on the ‘Lay Offs’. Joe Ferriola, Dominic Cortina, Donald Angelini, Rocky Infelice, Solly DeLaurentis, Lou Marino, always strong in sports book across the board.

          • Joe,

            Nothing you just wrote is incompatible with my position.

            I’m not saying that there are no “black hats” in the legitimate world or in government. I don’t live in a cave. As I’ve said there are bad apples in government and law enforcement and everywhere else. (Not to mix metaphors.)

            My point is, the Outfit is ALL black hats. It is a criminal organization that exists to make money illicitly. How could any decent person be OK with a criminal organization at large in their society? It has already been suggested that if you keep away from them, they won’t bother you. But that’s bad logic. Just look at the pedophile example. If you live on 19th are you OK with the unregistered pedophile who lurks around 22nd just because your kids don’t play over there? Hell no. It’s bad for society.

          • Dear Horse…,
            I agree. You are right on. I am sorry it seems that you feel that you have to explain yourself. Stop. You are cool. 😉

          • Joe,

            Thanks for agreeing with me. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one around here who doesn’t suffer from Melrose Park Cognitive Defect Disorder.

  30. The Outfit is certainly a cancer but then again so is some of the Gov’t tactics. I’ll say this and I wont discuss this anymore. The Gov’t has an affect on ones everyday life.. The Outfit does not.

    If your doing something illegal or have illicit gotten gains then the Outfit may want to talk to you about some “taxes”. The Gov’t does some good things for people. But as a whole the G intrudes in your life like you wouldn’t believe. Price Gauging, Taxes for the rich, Stock manipulation, and Gas price gauging.. That is just to name a few.

    Everyone has a fucking swan song.. My uncle was killed by the Outfit or my brother was killed etc. etc. Okay so you have a “hard on” for the Outfit. I happen to have a brother.. And a great uncle who was killed by the Gov’t so I tend to have a major “hard on” for them.

    I’ve never had a family member killed by the Outfit (yet) but if that where to happen well they should have not been into any thing illegal or paling around with said members. Again everyone has a swan song so I would love to sit here and feel sorry for everybody.. But that is not going to happen.

    Horsey Fart, Father Guido and others if your anti mafia like Special Quest Explorer well than more power to you. But good luck.. In that no private citizen has ever brought down a crew of the Outfit and or directly hurt them.

    The BJ Jahoda’s, Bob Cooley’s, Matt Russo’s, Lou Bambocino’s, Frank Cullota’s of the world where affiliated with the Outfit in such a way where they could harm the Outfit via wire taps and long thorough investigations.

    What JF is doing on this site takes years and years and years to see any results.. If in fact your looking for a indictment to be brought against a Johnny DiFronzo per say. For Instance JF says Johnny is a killer. I believe that also. But how you gonna prove it ? Let alone bring him to justice.

    Also for all you anti-Outfit bloggers (SQE, Father G, Horsey Fart).. JF has employed a gentleman that is trying to help FREE a disciple of this cancer you call the Outfit. That disciple is Frank Calabrese Sr.

    By the way it was another Outfit Made Member one Joey A who advised JF to file a RICO lawsuit on Jackie Cerone Esq.

    I use this website to discuss the current Outfit and to hear JF discuss his thoughts on the Outfit (pass and present). I could give two fucks if the Outfit is still out their doing what they do. I could also give two fucks about the Gov’t. But I’m certainly not a cheerleader for the Outfit.

    Their’s hundreds of thousands of people who have grew up in Melrose Park, Elmwood Park, Taylor Street, The Heights, Bridgeport, Grand Ave, Cicero and Chicago who are Male and never been affected by the Outfit. Some law obeying citizens to this day.

    My opinion would change about the Outfit if I found out certain mobsters had their kids involved in the organization. I’ve known guys who are stone cold killers but their kids are attorney’s, judges or law obeying citizens.

    Mad Sam DeStefano was a brutal guy. He had 3 kids (2 daughters and a son) all 3 are school teachers or are involved in education. Angelo Bastone was a brutal individual but his son became a Honorable Judge in Cook County.

    Again the Outfit is bad, but I do not have a problem with it. I have a problem with the Gov’t on some certain issues. Real problems.

    And the Don ‘YES’ I’ve heard through 2 people that are close to the 26th street crew that Toots Caruso did not care to much for Frank sr. and really did not care to see him again on the streets.

    I’m told Frank jr. got a pass before he went to the can in 1997 to do what he had to do to keep his father in the can. The Frank Sr incarceration was a MAJOR COUP for certain individuals I‘m told.

    • Black Angelo, I don’t have a problem with Outfit blogging, and I’ve been around here a lot longer than you have.

      I come here because I like the articles. I’ve read books about the Outfit, and I follow Outfit stories in the newspaper. My family has some tenuous history with the Outfit, and a close friend of mine is the nephew of one of the Family Secrets defendants. So, I’m interested in the Outfit, the same why I’m interested in reading other True Crime genre books. I don’t cheerlead for the badguys; I like solid theories and investigations. I hope one day Joe’s efforts pay off and these guys go to prison.

      As for freeing Frank Calabrese, I assume you’re talking about Joseph Myles. I don’t see why his participation here on Joe’s blog reflects poorly on Joe. Joe is not trying to free Calabrese. I don’t have a problem with Joe Myles trying to help Calabrese out either. That’s his job. If I had a problem with Mr. Myles’ efforts than I’d have a problem with defense attorneys, too.

      You seem to struggle with maintaining a single train of thought and your comments are impssoble to follow. Every time I reach the “Jimmy Light” or “Marco” part of your comments I stop reading. The one thing that comes through crystal clear every single time, though, is that you love the Outfit. Since you subjected me to a short rant about government “price gauging,” and so on, why don’t you do a little research and find out what organized crime does to local economies in states like New York and Chicago, which have significant mafia presence.

    • Dear Black,

      I believe that I read your best comment yet. Thank you. Obviously, I will respond to parts of it.

      I understand that I am fighting (as Conrad Black put it, a “lonely battle,” which is in his article found here: an uphill battle, however, if the awareness that I am spreading in the communities as Elmwood Park and the others, reaches at least one young person and persuades him from perusing a life with the Outfit, American News Post will have succeeded. If it takes 10 more years, if I am still around, I will be working on reaching that young person. In the meantime, if ANP manages to cultivate some dry informants or full-blown informants that could bring murderers like DiFronzo down, God bless.

      Joe Myles who you credit with trying to help free Clabrese is of interest to me for two reasons. One, he has information relevant to our discussions. He has shared a little bit of it in various comments and when his workload thins, he will share more. Two, he is doing what he feels is right in standing up to the “governments tactics” in how the Family Secrets case was prosecuted. At the very least, I would agree that it was unfair to put so many different defendants together in one indictment (killers and non-killers). Again, looking at it from a standpoint of fairness in the American Justice System, one could make some valid arguments. Personally, I would have appreciated the same outcome, however, if it were done the right way, with fairness, would have been better.

    • Black Angelo, Fascinating. very interesting about Junior. So, I guessed correctly from what you hinted. I’m used to it from listening to My uncle talk in half code all the time. Look at my post at 10:47 P.M. By the way, I agree with everything you just said on the thread above me. These threads are suppose to be about discussions on the Outfit past and present. If someone hates the Outfit and is upset every f**king time we talk about something and they have to chime in and remind everybody how bad the Outfit is, then they shouldn’t read the threads anymore. My motto in life has always been, if something bothers me, then I STOP DOING IT. So, if some of the dialogue on these threads about the Outfit bother people for one reason or another, then stop f**ding reading it and ASKING QUESTIONS about it. Start reading about something more pleasant and realistic to you like trying to find Osama Bin Laden or the wonderful war in Iraq or the price of gas at 5.00 a gallon. You know, pleasant realistic things and leave the serious Outfit discussions to people who want to talk about it. Thank You.

      • Don,

        I’ll continue to submit questions to Joe about the Outfit or whatever other weird crap I please if it interests me. I’ve been reading and commenting here for a while now.

        I hope you got your tin foil cap on by now. Those toxic White House mind control waves will be headed our way shortly. Get to bed soon, so you can get up bright and early for your batshit crazy conference call in the morning. 🙂

        • Horsey, You’re right. I agree with everything you said. The Outfit is evil and the White house is great. I should believe what my Government tells me about the JFK assasination, 9/11 and the reason for the war in Iraq which was to find weapons of mass destruction. I apologize and agree with everything you said. I Hope you don’t mind if I have some discussions about the Outfit on these threads and feel free to chime in whenever you want to remind me and anyone else how you bad the Outfit is and how truthful the government is about everything. May the Lord be with you.

          • Don,

            I never once said that we have a great government. All I said is that it is theoretically possible because there is nothing inherently evil about our democratic-republic form of government. We have regular elections at which time we can vote to make changes if we are unhappy with the way things are.

            I do think the Outfit is bad–a truth you think you can somehow get away with denying (or ignoring) because Uncle Joe said so and because you’ve seen too many movies. We have a difference of opinion. That’s OK. I would add, though, that if you think the U.S. government is truly evil then you’re not doing yourself any favors by living in the United States. You should consider moving to Sicily. The mafia openly runs everything over there, so you’ll have some peace of mind knowing that you are in good hands.

            Outfit talk doesn’t bother me, obviously. That’s why I’m here. You can not like the Outfit and still enjoy reading and writing about it. Joe Fosco doesn’t like the Outfit, and neither do I, and neither does Father G. It’s OK with you that we’re here, though, right?

          • Horsey, I said I agree with you. I do not want to move to Sicily. Leave Father Guido out of it. I do not care if you are on the threads. Please do not discuss this with me anymore or I will consider it harrassment. Thank You.

      • Black, Hello its me anti mafia Guido chiming in. Thank you for bringing the phrase “hard on” into the discussion’s vernacular. Now, whenever we discuss the outfit guys like toots, jimmy “light”, jimmy I etc. We can talk about our “hard on” Nothing gives me a “hard on” like discussing the where and when about a real gangsters making ceremonies. I will get with the program here on ANP and stop whining about murders and extortion. Let’s dig in and get to “the real outfit stuff.” Like seeing “real gangsters” like “Marco” or “Solly D” Guys who did time “standing on there head.” Much like the Don I find your hypothetical theories about Junior facinating. I agree the Government is evil. My mailman gave me a real odd look today. I will watch my back, I think he may have grown up on Taylor Street were “guys are very loyal.”
        Thank you for helping me to get over my hatred of the outfit. Your thoughtful and carefully worded posts have helped me see “the light.” Please keep it coming because I would not want to go back to hating the outfit! That would be a terrible thing.

        • Father Guido, a lot of very fine people grew up on Taylor St. and they were very loyal. I didn’t understand your sarcasm about the mailman? Mailmen work for the government but they are not politicians and they don’t make decisions that effect people’s lives negatively. When you say the government is evil, I think you have to be specific about what PART of the vast government is not truthful to the American people. The regular rank and file government people are getting screwed and lied to just like everybody else on certain matters of importance.

          • father guido on

            Don, you do not have to get my sarcasm. We disagree on the evilness of the outfit and the government. Its ok. Most of my sarcasm was directed at Black Angelo, I realize I drew you in with the Taylor street reference. No hard feelings. I agree many fine people have come from Taylor Street.

          • Father Guido, No problem. The funny thing is that I keep saying the same thing but nobody wants to listen. I don’t think the Outfit is any different than the people high up in Government who make all the rules. Sure, you can vote, but nothing changes because it’s the same old wine in a brand new bottle. Remember the rock band ‘The Who’ Their song ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ says it all. ‘Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss.’ The Outfit as bad as it is many times, is not as hypocritical as former president Bush & his buddy Cheney. I get the impression that you think the Outfit is bad and the government is good. If that’s the case, the only difference between you and I or between me and somebody else, is that I say they are BOTH BAD but People like President Bush are worse because they pretend to be something they are not. That’s the bottom line. I don’t even like some of these Outfit guys. However, I don’t hate them. But I do hate President Bush and all the people high up in government who are like him for sending my 21 year old nephew to Iraq so he could get blown up stepping on a land mine in a bullshit war over oil.

          • father guido on

            Don, I get you on the Government stuff. I agree with your earlier post to leave that alone. I never typed a word about the Government. I think Horsey addressed that Government vs the Oufit very well.

          • Thanks Father. I’ve dealt with this issue before, as you can tell.

            I’m not the one who brought up the government aspect of the thread, though. Someone else did.

            This has been going on since Al Capone was convicted on tax charges way back when. Outfit sympathizers will always trot out “the government” and compare it to the mob because they’ve heard it before and, to them, it’s a clever analogy.

          • I don’t think he addressed it well at all. He just showed how naive he is about how the whole Americam system works including the criminal justice system. You can tell bt the stupid questions he asks Joe Fosco. Anybody who steals someone’s picture to use it for himself and calls himself Horsey Fart needs to get their head examined.

          • The Don doesn’t understand irony, apparently. Maybe his Uncle Joe L. can explain it to him sometime.

    • @Black Angelo…SWAN SONG??? LOL Just because someone makes a statement of fact from personal experiences doesn’t make it a “Swan Song”….What’s your “Swan Song”???? My guess is you grew up in of the aforementioned neighborhoods and like myself and many others at a young age were impressed with them but for some reason never grew out of it. You come out here anonymously like some groupie at a rock concert trying to impress everyone with what you know and who you know is that it???? Did the thought ever cross your mind that one of the reasons why you’re not what you obviously so behold is because you talk too much and want to impress people???? Maybe it’s you who has a “hard on” for the Outfit-literally…You’re obviously an intelligent guy with street knowledge but Jesus Christ the Outfit is not some f***ing football team or baseball team that you cheer for with a hot dog in your hand….YES I agree with you the G in many ways if not most ways is much worse but that doesn’t excuse what these guys really are and what they really do….We all have choices to make in life..Relatives of mine made bad choices vis a vis the Outfit and have paid dearly for them but that was the price they paid for the lot they chose in this life. I’m not at all excusing their behavior they had options in life and chose the wrong ones…..Obviously in terms of cunning and intellect guys like Ricca, Accardo, Giancana, DiFronzo all stand head shoulders above the rest but most of these guys get to be where they are as capos or bosses simply through attrition as they outlast everyone else. And NONE OF THEM are worthy of any adulation for being what they are. That’s not “hating” Angelo that’s just calling a spade a spade..

  31. Funny story, O’brien I’m told had around 30 to 40 bookmakers working and reporting directly to him. When O’brien went to the can in 1986 these bookmakers where left with their pricks hanging out in the air.

    Joe Nick did some things in Cicero in conjunction with these bookmakers after Obrien went away that almost got his head knocked off.

    Cancer inasmuch did Joe Nick a favor.

    Okay about Jimmy I… recently JF told us that Jimmy I was in fact MADE. And he was sponsored by Jimmy LaPietra. This is certainly believable. Do the math. The trucking company, his sponsor in the Outfit, and his dealings with Bruno Caruso in the late 90s out in Darien.

    Jimmy I is aligned with 26th st post 1990. Pre 1978 Jimmy I was WILD BUNCH to the core. He was partnered up.

    He belonged to Turk and Joe Nick unequivocally up through 1978. After 12 years in the can and by the year 1990 came around when Jimmy I was released the WILD BUNCH was literally history.

    I’m told the Caruso’s and Barbara’s helped him considerably when he was away. They also assisted two of his sons in his trucking company while he was away. His trucking company goes way back actually.

    His juice on the streets that he left behind was intrusted to some of the 26th street crew also.

    Understand Jimmy I’s lineage may be Cicero / Wild Bunch but that was up to certain time frame in his life. Jimmy I actually grew up on Taylor Street. So by their very nature the Caruso’s would take a liking to him.

    But if 26th street wanted to swallow in Cicero it very well could. The green light is their because of Jimmy I. Remember The Don the two organizations (26th street and Cicero) are basically partners in the video poker thing.. Post 2005.

    Of course you know Jimmy I uses Cicero as his personal money laundering Disneyland.

    If your wondering about Solly D I believe post 2006 he did the same thing Jimmy I did but he went partners the other way of I 290 and partnered up with Pudgy Matassa. I do believe Cicero is run by committee.. Solly D, Jimmy I, Toots and Pudgy.

    For the record Jimmy I also has had a “hard on” for Frank Sr. also.. So he is not at all choked up about his LIFETIME incarceration either.

    PS By the way JF I think your doing a good job with ANP.. keep it up. And I dont have a problem with the Joe Myles hiring.

    • Black Angelo, were did Joe say that Jimmy LaPietra sponsored Jimmy I? That would have been during the late 1980’s or early 1990’s because Jimmy LaPietra died in 1993. I was under the impression he was made into the Cicero Crew during that time period. I’ll look into it some more. Since Sarno had his problem, Cataudella seems to be the Top Boss and since Toots Caruso is the Capo of 26th St., it makes sense that Jimmy I is a Capo within the extended Cicero Crew. I know 26th St. & Cicero are very close.

      • Black Angelo on

        I never knew of Jimmy I being MADE before 1978. Based on JF’s analyst he was sponsored by the Lapietra’s.

        I mean the guy did 12 years for the Outfit and kept his mouth shut. I’m sure he was rewarded for this unequivocally.

        Turk and Joe Nick where both dead by 1990. So his two direct bosses was dead. And Rocco Infelise and company was off the streets by 1990. So Jimmy I was probably taken care of between the years 1990-92.

        He belonged to Jimmy LaPietra I surmise. And remember Apes became the # 2 guy in all of the Outfit shortly after Jimmy L’s death. So Cicero and or Jimmy I would of belonged to Apes.

        But Joe probably could give you more details on when and where Jimmy I was officially made…

        • Black Angelo, If Jimmy I got made around say 1991, I believe Rocky or Carlisi sponsored and made him into the extended Cicero Group. Once you start with a crew it is very unusual to switch. However, Cicero & 26th Street are pretty tight and have been for years. It makes more sense for Jimmy I to be the Capo of the Cicero crew like Rocky used to be then for him to be a regular made guy under Caruso. I think Jimmy I’s stature is very high. Sometimes Joe might be wrong on a detail. I mean, nobody’s perfect, especially, when you get into the ‘made’ discussion.

          • Black Angelo on

            It depends on the Top Boss if you switch. For Instance Angelo LaPietra and Apes where Cicero guys direct with FiFi and then Obrien. In the mid 1970s Obrien sent Angelo L, his brother Jimmy and Apes to run 26th street.

            Marco for years was direct with Obrien and then in the 1980s he got a move okay’d to be direct with Johnny DiFronzo. This coincided with Marco getting the Elmwood Park Social Club around 1985/86.

            Jimmy I may have gotten a switch after 12 years. This is also based on his business dealings with the 26th crew and what JF has said about sponsorship. And yes the Made thing is hard to get right because it is so secret.

            All Jimmy I has ever cared about was making money really (I guess like any Outfit guy). Pre 1978 he used to love putting money on the streets, grabbing independents for street tax, and organizing his trucking company. The latter would be his down fall in 1978.

            Post 1990.. I believe he focused more on his trucking company and schemes involving kickbacks – money laundering in Cicero. The latter being his downfall in 2002. Ironically probably laundering a lot of that cash he had pre 1978 and in between 1990.

            If Jimmy I was rising to Capo status in the years 1990-2002 somebody filled that void after him and Spano got incarcerated in 02. I would say LT should have been in control out that way around 2002. Pudgy Matassa, Sarno and Solly C being on the fringes till around 05-2006.

            When Marco D and Solly D was released that may have changed things in the Outfit. Solly D got out in early 2006 (before the LT alleged kidnapping) and Pudgy I know for a fact partnered up with Solly D. Solly D would inherit Cicero. Jimmy I got out in 2008..

            Also I’m not trying to confuse you but I know for a fact within the last 6 months Marco D has met with Pudgy and Solly D. As a matter of fact Marco, Pudgy, Solly D, and a guy named Johnny Moe have been very close for the pass 5 years.

            I believe Johnny DiFronzo made Marco a # 2 type a la Apes in the 1990s and that Marco is well insulated in Cicero and OTHER AREAS with guys like Pudgy, Solly D, J. Moe, Jimmy I, Solly C, and Tony Dote. Your thoughts…

            Also remember if Jimmy I was Capo of Cicero mid 1990s – 2002 the Apes was still above him in power. Because of his 2 status.

          • I wonder why Toots Caruso didn’t want Frank Sr. back on the streets? Frank Sr. was a strong made guy, a good earner and a very capable hitter. He actually was more valuable than his brother. The man was a good asset to any Crew, in particular to the 26th Street organization. I figured Junior was walking around not being in the witness protection program because there was a huge bright light shining on him all the time so he would be difficult to kill. You said Junior went into the can in 1997. I believe Junior went into the can around 1995 but I could be wrong. If it was 1995, Why would he wait 3 years before contacting the honorable Feds? Unless, sometime during those three years Caruso got word to Junior that he could do whatever he wanted in order to keep his father in jail. I think the Caruso’s, all three of them, are very capable guys. I believe at least two are made and possibly all three. Do you feel the two sources who told you this story about Caruso & Junior are reliable? Have they been reliable about other things? That is a very interesting story. If true, Junior is better than any of the current highly paid actors in Hollywood.

          • Black Angelo, You might have misunderstood me a little. I think Jimmy I. got made in 1990 or 1991. I think he became a Capo AFTER 2008 when Sarno got into trouble. They needed a very capable guy to step up and over see the made guys day to day management of the franchises with all the recent trouble with Sarno. See what I mean? Jimmy I would be the perfect guy to step up to that very important spot.

          • Black Angelo on

            Okay The Don, here is what one of my sources from Bridgeport told me. The Ronnie Jarrett murder contrary to popular belief had nothing to do with him financing drugs and or not reporting to Toots. The murder was (1) to send a message to other Frank Sr. co-horts to fall in line and (2) to protect Frank Calabrese jr. and the stolen money ..

            I’m told when Frank Jr was released from prison in late 1999. Ronnie Jarrett was putting a lot of pressure on him to collect on some of his fathers missing/stolen monies. Frank Jr. purportedly got an audience with Toots (sit down). And Toots went to Apes with a bullshit story and that was the end of Ronnie Jarrett.

            You must remember Ronnie Jarrett was very loyal to Frank Sr. He held and collected cash for Frank Sr. Joe Nick’s kid was also with Ronnie. I would not be surprised if Toots has some of that money that Frank jr stole. That 600 k was part Frank sr. and part 26th streets bankroll.

            To answer your question why would Toots want Frank Sr off the streets with all he has to offer? Well a lot of reasons (1) Greed (2) To prevent a power struggle.. (3) I’m told a lot of guys where in debt to Frank Sr and did not want to pay up upon his release.

            The 2nd reason being the biggest. Toots inherited the Capo spot upon Apes death in 2001. But upon Frank Sr’s release he would have had that spot.. It was his to have based on age rank and Outfit rank.

            But from what I hear Frank Jr. is not really that worried about people on the streets because of certain insurances. But then again you always have somebody out their wanting and willing to prove themselves..

            So Frank Jr is a lil cautious and cognizant of that fact. But the Ronnie Jarrett murder was a message part of a coup. By the way Frank Jr went to prison in 1997. Indicted in 1995 but did not report till 1997. Released in late 1999. Off of paper in 2000.

          • You mean, Toots didn’t see the potential for Junior’s beefing to take down a whole bunch of other guys?

            And did Toots tell Junior to give the John Fecrotta murder to the FBI, thus implicating Nick Calabrese, which opened the flood gates for Family Secrets and this imending RICO tsunami we’ve been reading about it the paper on and off for a year now?

            If what you say is true, then Toots sounds like the most dense, short-sighted gangster in the history of the Outfit.

          • Black Angelo on

            Frank Calabrese jr had nothing to do with implicating his uncle. The DNA is what sealed Nick Calabrese’s fate. Their fore leading to him turning into a stool pigeon. Nick put away Paul Schrio, Jimmy and others. Frank jr. just testified against his father and that was it. He wanted to stop his father (so he claims). He did not want to bring down the Outfit inasmuch.

          • I thought that Frank Calabrese Jr. gave the FBI information about the murder of John Fecarotta.

            The FBI used that information to get a warrant to x-ray Nick Calabrese’s arm and draw DNA samples to compare to the bloody glove from the Fecarotta murder scene.

            When it matched, they told Nick he was going to be executed, so Nick decided to cooperate.

            Nick was the floodgate, but Frank Calabrese Jr. was the person who opened it.

          • Black Angelo, Thanks for the information, It does make sense to me. Don’t waste your time repeating yourself and trying to explain some of this stuff to certain other people on these threads. They are not in the know and will never understand it completely anyway. I totally get what you’re saying. Boy, the guy in the middle of the picture really aged! I didn’t even recognize him. 16 years in the can. Now there is a real man!

        • What does this mean,”I never knew of Jimmy I being MADE before 1978. Based on JF’s analyst he was sponsored by the Lapietra’s.” Where in the threads did Joe say that?

          • Black Angelo, a good picture is worth a thousand words. There was no message, just the picture. Which one is you? Let me guess, the one in the middle. Who are the other two? the one guy on YOUR left looks familiar. Great picture!

          • Many of those photos used to be available on Carl Dote’s website for his deli called Cuzzins. I have not checked it recently to see if they are still on his site.

          • Black Angelo on

            The Don, I’m not the guy in the middle ! lol. I figured JF would of emailed you the message also.. That would of cleared up things.

            And Carl Dote WOULD NOT in a million years put a picture up on his website with those cast of alleged Outfit characters.

            But TRUST ME that is not from Carl’s website. Like I said I have many others.

            I will say this the guy in the middle of that pic is way too “old school” (like your uncle) to be blogging on a website like this. I imagine he reads ANP though on some free time.

            And yes the guy in the middle to his left is very recognizable.. the guy on the right is very unknown to alot of outsiders.

            ps The Don I’m not so sure I even want the names of those guys in that pic talked about on this blog (even though we’ve mentioned said individuals before).. food for thought.

          • Black Angelo, did you see my post at 3:40 A.M. about the Jimmy I. clarification. I did not receieve any message from Joe Fosco, only the picture. I believe I now recognize two out of the three. Thanks for the picture.

          • Actually he’s in pretty good fucking shape.. He was in his 50s when he went to the can. Paid his debt to society. But he is the type of guy that would of did a Life Sentence if they would gave it to him.

            Kind of like a Bobby Salerno or Gahbeet type (both doing life sentences and both have sons that are attorney’s).

            But he is older than everybody in the pic and looks better than them if you ask me lol. I’ll send you another pic later. He is in his 70s now obviously.

            And the Don quit arguing with these people on here. This is a free country and their entitled to their opinions and patronizing statements. I don’t give a fuck what they say.. I respond to what I want to respond to.

          • Black Angelo, is the other guy in the picture Italian because his last name doesn’t sound like it. You made a good point about Toots, Frank Sr. would have wanted that spot and would have deserved it. His problem was his weakness to be accepted by his son. Every father wants to have his son admire him. I know Senior talked too much to his son, but he really got tricked by the last person he would have suspected. However, if I were Toots, I would never trust Junior and I would never ‘make’ him and put him in charge of a franchise. No Way. Looks like the one in the middle and the one to his left are pretty tight. The one in the middle knows th far North like the back of his hand. By right, and attrition, the one in the middle should be Capo of Cicero. Maybe he is and maybe Jimmy I is the underboss to Caruso. Either way, you have to admire a guy with that kind of fortitude. Where in Chicago was the guy in the middle born and raised?

          • The other guy is most definatly Italian. That is his nickname/moniker. And the other two are in fact very very close.

            Their was another individual who was their that night the pic was taken. He is very high ranking.. But he was not in the pic because he wanted to stand behind the cameraman and tell everybody to “fucking smile”.

            (It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out who was missing in that pic)

            The one in the middle is originally from the near westside of Chicago. The one on the right is being groomed for bigger things.

            And Frank Jr. would never run a franchise. But then again he works and lives way out in Phoenix.

            Out in Cicero I will say this Sarno and Solly C where just puppets for Marcello and the new # 2.

            That is why I tend to believe JF is right on about the LT kidnapping and not the horseshit media.

            The puppets wouldnt of did that without Jimmy’s okay. But obviously according to JF that decision was made by the Top Guy Johnny DiFronzo.

            And i’m told the real boss of Cicero would be the # 2 man in the Outfit.. This used to be Apes and then Jimmy Marcello, but I beleive and have been told the # 2 man in the Outfit is the man that was not in the pic.

            So that is entirely different than who the Capo is of Cicero or the true power.. I imagine I could find out. But I imagine JF might know or have an idea himself.

  32. Black Angelo on


    I sent you a private message with something attached. Please send what I sent you to The Don. JF you can also keep what I sent you for your own personal needs. Thank You.

    Also The Don I will discuss Frank jr and his Hollywood act a lil later today and answer your questions. I need to talk with somebody.

  33. I can certainly relate to The Don & Black Angelo. I am from Melrose Park. My mother & father however, were – “transplants” (moved there in 1950) rather than “thoroughbreds” as it relates to coming from Melrose Park. I am female – the Huge Ass thing was an attempt on a co-workers part to be funny and I am not sure how to change it. (For the record while I am not a skinny minny, my rear end is not huge either =)

    My father was Army/Aiforce WWII and a very honest decent law abiding hard working man. My oldest brother on the other hand who is a “thoroughbred” took up with those types and lead a life of crime. So I guess there are outfit guys murders/thieves etc who have law abiding kids and then there are very law abiding successful parents who end up with immoral criminal kids.

    I actually as a teenager, resented my parents, that they were not more like, Franks’ dad “Louie the Lip” or Jane’s dad “Gaspipe” etc. as those kids SEEMED to have it so much better. Today I can honestly say I know that was not so. They had more “things” nice things but today many of those friends I had are just a giant mess and have had no substance in their lives moral or otherwise.

    Unless you are from there, it is a very hard thing to explain, Melrose Park. It was the very best of the best (neighborhood wise) and unfortunately the very worst of the worst. There’s a certain mindset that one gets from “coming from there” no matter who/what/how your parents were. I have been trying to put it into words for many years now and I just can’t.

    I do know that I wouldn’t trade it for anything though (being raised there).

  34. Joe and guys,

    Sorry for tying up the threads yesterday. Looks like our debate took away from the Magnafichi topic. Of course, Black Angelo and the Don are welcome to hold whatever ideas they want. I didn’t mean to come across like I was trying to recalibrate their moral compasses or anything. I broke a personal cardinal rule, which is to never engage others readers except for Harlem Playboy (for obvious reasons) and look what happened.

    Getting back to business…Joe, if you ever have a follow-up interview, would you consider asking Michael is he thinks there will be a Family Secrets II? Maybe ask him if it is always the case the you have to do at least one murder before you’re made.

    • Dear Horse…,

      I do not need another interview with Michael to answer those questions. I have asked those questions of him in the past. I have his answers and would share them with you right now.

      1) He thinks that a Family Secrets case is on its way
      2) No, murder is not always a prerequisite for being ‘made’. He explained that ‘connections guys’ were sometimes ‘made’ in order for them to have the ability to meet with various bosses throughout the city as well as the country.

      • Is he worried about what might be in store for him as far as Family Secrets II?

        Joe, I also wanted to comment on something you said above about murderers being on trial with non-muderers in RICO cases.

        My brother is an attorney and an acquaintance of Robert Blakey. In case you don’t know, Blakey is the guy who basically invented RICO, under the auspices of Bobby Kennedy and McClellan, specifically to destroy the mafia.

        I’m not an attorney, so bear with me. I understand that one of the reasons that the government does what you described is because there is no statute of limitation on murder. So if the feds can tack on smaller O.C. offenses to a larger RICO case with murder predicates, limitations are often extended for the lesser crimes. So the feds can take all the time they need to develop a solid case. They can take 10-years if it suits them. It’s already been 6-years since the original wave of Family Secrets indictments.

        In this day and age, the government is not going to take any mob case to trial unless they know it is a slam dunk.

        • Dear Horse…,

          I understand perfectly how the governments trick works, however, the question is whether that is fair or not.

          • I see what you’re saying and agree with you. But if such maneuvers are done in a manner that is technically legal, then a discusion about the “fairness” of fit all can only ever be an academic or philosophical discussion.

          • Joe, Of course it isn’t fair. The Fair is in downstate Illinois. The upper echelon part of the government that is involved in these cases, not the rank and file secretaries or other workers, I’m talking about the powerful highly placed government people involved in a RICO case will do anything to win. On the other hand, so will the Defense attorneys. Anybody who knows anything about law at all knows that in these kinds of high profile cases, it’s WAR and the rules are bent and violated on purpose when it comes to winning or defending the case. Each side brings their best bullshit to court which is truth mixed with lies, and whoever has the best bullshit wins. That’s reality. Joe, I know that you know this very well, but I wanted to make sure that any of your possible readers who are naive would understand this point.

  35. Frank Calabrese Sr. and the rest of them are scum. Period. There is no discussion.

    You understand that when Tony Accardo’s house was robbed they didn’t know who did it so they grabbed one burglar from every ethnicity–Irish, Jew, etc.–choked them to death and slit their throat, right? Knowing full well that these people very well might not have been involved in the particular burglary, but to make a point and send a message?

    That is one of many examples.

    Gee, is that enough to consider them “bad guys?”

    Maybe just one psychopathic random murder isn’t enough. Maybe you need to slit 50 throats to truly be a reprehensible figure.

    • Ring Walk, you’re wrong and your statement about grabbing any burglar off the street and killing them is ignorant. They knew exactly who robbed Accardo’s house. Your hatred is clouding your better judgement.

  36. Well I don’t purport to know them personally but that is what came out at Family Secrets and what a burglar named something The Beak testified to on the stand. It was in the book Family Secrets. You guys know a lot more than me but that is what was stated at the trial. I could be misinformed but I’m not ‘ignorant.’

    I don’t care, you can defend an organization that sees nothing wrong with torturing people to death with electrical cattle prods, putting peoples’ heads in vices and the like if it suits you. I certainly don’t waste my time ‘hating’ a bunch of illiterate goons, however, I do find them vile, indeed.

    • I’m not defending anybody. I’m telling you that you’re wrong. I didn’t say you were ignorant, I said your false statement was ignorant. It’s very interesting to me that some of the people on these threads sure spend a lot of time asking questions and talking about people they hate. Very interesting. For example, I hate Charlie Manson. Because of this hatred I have for him, I spend no time reading about him, asking questions about him or wanting to know more about him.

      • It’s on page 270-273 of Family Secrets by Jeff Coen, you can google (part) of the excerpt right now if you want. It was the testimony of a mob thief named Benny The Beak Siegel.

        Well, flip your statement on its head: Do you ‘like’ Tony Spilotro? Think he was a cool guy? Sam Destefano? Would you have wanted to run into Frank Calabrese Jr. on Rush Street back in the day, when he was a bully and would humiliate you, knowing you would, and could, do *nothing* to him in retaliation? Yeah, they seem like super cool guys!

        I find the mob fascinating to a degree, and from a distance. However, generally, yes, I find most participants reprehensible. I find Charlie Manson reprehensible too but still have watched a few docs on him. I guess you could call it a morbid curiosity.

        • Joe, is there a reason you did not forward the message from Black Angelo? Is it possible to forward the message to me?

  37. Ringwalk,

    Your statements make sense and are worthwhile. Your ideas are also stated clearly, which can be a rarity in these threads 🙂

    For as long as there has been a mob, there has been these sympathizers. I’m sure that there are many different reasons for this. I’m Italian and grew up in a mob stronghold of a community and many of my friends were like this. The difference was at the end of the day, I’d go home to normal Italian-American parents, while many of my friends would go home to Robert DeNiro and Cathy Moriarty from Raging Bull. In that way, I suppose it’s not entirely their fault.

    I suspect that a lot of the people I grew up with are the ones who posted all the illiterate crap in the Tribune and Suntimes threads after the big Family Secrets sentencings were over. “JOE LUMP IS A GOOD MAN, NOT A GANGSTER THANKS FOR THE RAW DEAL, G!!!” –ah, priceless, isn’t it?

    It took them a while to find this site, but they have, obviously.

    Take care.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      It used to irk me when I would go out to dinner in certain Chicago based restaurants right after the Family Secrets indictment, and the waitresses or waiters would make comments to me (thinking they were talking to a current friend of the Outfit), stating, “What a shame that the government is going after all of these poor guys, I feel sorry for Joe and Frank.” I would immediately respond by asking, “What’s there to feel sorry for, do you think they are not murderers?” The looks I would get were interesting. You would think someone just broke news to a grandparent about being in a homosexual and interracial relationship (great deals of old people are anti gay and racist).

      • Interesting anecdote. That’s exactly the way my grandfather would have responded to such comments.

        I imagine that it’s difficult to have relationships with these people on a personal and not criminal/business basis, and then see them go to prison. In the end, though, these guys have to pay the piper in the form of financial restitution and dying in prison. If that’s too hard to accept, then tough. They should have just worked straight jobs and been regular people, then.

      • Joe, I don’t know if you saw my previous question, but I would like to know if you would forward the message from Black Angelo to me?

  38. Thanks for the note!

    Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I despise or look down on some bookmaker and I don’t even have strong feelings about people like thieves, counterfeiters, etc. I’m talking about the bullies and murderers.

    I’ve had limited experience with the Outfit, thankfully. I was at a nightclub downtown once and a friend of mine was bullied around by an Outfit associate, which to me is the whole thing in miniature—they humiliated him for no reason at all and it was very clear that he couldn’t do anything about it or else we would have gotten our teeth knocked in. Keep in mind this person, my friend, was almost 70 years old. Yes, I burn with hatred when I think of that type of behavior. Small men who want to be big men. And I suppose it makes me angry that other people think these people are somehow cool or respectable.

    I grew up next to a gangster family in another big city. We minded our own business and stayed away from them. Without exaggerating, they’re all dead or in prison now, to a member—sons, uncle, father. The wife now works at a supermarket.

    Anyway, I enjoy this site, it is a real trip. I hope Magnifichi is correct that Family Secrets II is coming, that would be cool to see another big nail in the coffin and watch them all scurry like rats in a cage.

  39. Like them or not, they are who they have been for a over a century, and it was never any secret what they are capable of. In my opinion, there is not anyone person associated with them that didn’t know what they were capable of or the possible consequences of their association with them.

    Yes there are some unfortunate “collateral damage” (if you will) victims but for the most part those that have been murdered were somehow involved with or tied to the outfit as a free will choice they made.

    You can make an argument that in the 1950’s, 1960’s and maybe even the 1970’s that a person who chose to do drugs or smoke cigarettes may not have realized what very bad problems, consequences (death) the drugs/cigarettes might have because nobody really knew back then.

    You cannot say the same for the mob. It has always been known that they are ruthless killers since the early days here and in all the other major cities they infested.

    I am not saying that anyone who was involved with them deserves to die.

    I guess I am just wondering how someone can be so repulsed and shocked by 8 burglars being killed on the job so to speak. A job they willingly did for an organization that they knew was ruthless and capable of anything.

    • You’re not repulsed by 8 murders? To me, it’s not open to discussion that that is a monstrously evil crime. Who cares what they did? They were human beings.

  40. I don’t mean to get off topic but I saw Frank Caruso’s name mentioned earlier. I work at a CD/DVD replication company and someone came in to have some tapes transfered and I noticed one of them had Frank Caruso labeled on it. I dubbed a copy and watched it. It was right after the Lenard Clark beating that Franks son took part in. On the video it has Frank “Toots” Caruso accepting an award from a African American Organization for helping with Racial Unity. Then it has him being interviewed and the guy interviewing him asks about his son and he had no comment and mentioned that the press scares him. I will try and capture some of it and post a link on here.

  41. I think it’s easier to digest these things on paper. If you read Nick Calabrese’s eye-witness account of the last few minutes of Paul Haggartey’s life you might feel different.

    Anyway, I am not shocked by the murders at all, though I am vehemently repulsed by Frank Calabrese Sr. It’s good he’s rotting away in solitary confinement with zero contact with the outside world, I hope the government keeps him there for the rest of his miserable life.

    It’s worth noting that Judge Zagel found some measure of redemptive qualities in all of the defendants with the exception of Frank Calabrese Jr. whom he referred to as an “odious creature” or “noxious monster” or something, I forget which.

    Anyway, yeah…I’m not sure what there is to talk about in my book regarding someone who has slit the throat of 12 people.

    It doesn’t really matter if someone was going to send you away for life, murder is murder. It’s still murder.

    • If think you meant “with the exception of Frank Calabrese Sr.” You wrote Jr.

      Frank Sr. is a pretty sick f*ck.

      Yes, it’s still murder.

  42. Good catch! Yes I meant Sr.

    He is reportedly living in a tiny cell with no contact with anyone under a special order by the court usually reserved for terrorists. Presumably this is because of the threat he mouthed at Markus Funk during the trial, “You’re a f–king dead man,” although who knows if he really said that or not.

    • Joe Fosco & Black Angelo, Joe I’m surprised you haven’t said a word to Horsey Fart or Ring Walk. They have basically said that your FATHER and Your Uncle Romie are no good ***tards and should rot in hell. They fell right into my trap. Instead of judging each person on their own merit like God would do, they have condemned every person who ever belonged to the Outfitand have judged each person as an entire generality. Boy, I would hate to see them on a jury. Nobody would ever get a fair trial. I was just wondering what your thoughts were about the insulting and unfair exaggerated general insults against your family?

      • Don’t put words in my mouth. I never said, “Joe’s FATHER and Your Uncle Romie are no good ***tards and should rot in hell.”

        Since you can’t read, I’ll direct this at Joe and Black Angelo. My criticism were broad and directed at a criminal organization.

        The Don, in his trademark cluelessness, trotted out the government-Outfit analogy that is older than the hills. It was stupid when it was said 70-years ago, and it isn’t any less stupid now.

        • Don, if you attribute false statments to me again, I will consider it harrassment. (LOL)

          • FART, Do you want me to start quoting what you put in writing refering to Joe’s Father & Uncle Romie that you said or agreed to? “all of them are scum”, “OUTFIT IS EVIL”, “OUTFIT IS A CANCER”, “ORGANIZATION OF KILLERS”,”OUTFIT HAS ALL BAD APPLES”, should I continue? You literally called Joe’s Father & Uncle Romie liars, cheaters, extortionists, murderers and bad for society. How dare you say that about two men you don’t even know! wow! Talk about some false accusations! I wonder what Joe thinks of your remarks about his family?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Again, everyone is entitled to an opinion and free speech. If I could not handle it when times get a little difficult, I would not have established a message thread that is open to others. However, again, I thank you for your protective position.

          • Seriously dude. The Outfit is a cancer, and it is evil. For crying out loud. Do you read about any of this stuff? Like the Mike Sarno trial–why were they on trial. Because a legit competitor started a business that threatened theirs so they blew his business to pieces.

            Doesn’t that seem a bit, uh, “wrong” to you?

            If not, please explain the logic behind your thinking.

          • Dear Don,

            I said all those things–but I didn’t call Joe’s dad and uncle rotten bastards who should/will rot in hell. So, don’t put words in my mouth again or I will consider it harrassment 🙂

            Anyone who is in the Outfit–and I guess I’m talking about made guys–are all of those things that I said, regardless of who they are related to.

            Joe has explained that his father is believed by some to have been a hit man in the ’60s with Battaglia. He also said it is possible that he was made and was present at the Spilotro killings. If any of that is true, then, yes, the same applies to him. I don’t care who he is related to, but I also can’t speak to what kind of dad he was to Joe.

            Your stupidity and habit of defending evil is getting tiresome. By the way, my friend’s dad is acquainted with Uncle Joe, so I’ll see that he follows up on the irony lesson with you.

          • Don,

            You don’t seem to realize that I haven’t said anything on here that Joe Fosco hasn’t said at some point, too. Joe does not admire the Outfit, which ruined his financial situation.

            I realize that some readers are friends or relatives of gangsters. The point is that it doesn’t change the fact that they’re also part of an evil club that has been able to exist into the 21st-century by relying on murder and violence.

          • OH, The little Nazi isn’t man enough to apologize to Joe for ignorant generalizations. You just insulted him again! Now, you want to threaten me! You are really revealing youself for everyone to see. I’m almost embarrassed for you. My uncle would laugh in your Dad’s friend’s face and then call me and tell me about it. Blood is thicker than water. Go ahead.

      • I actually don’t think anything of the sort and never said anything of the sort. To tell you the truth, I have serious doubts whether people like Capone, Nitti, Murray Humphreys and maybe even Joe Lombardo would have anything to do with the Outfit if they’d been born in a later generation. They all seemed smart enough that they’d probably have gotten their MBAs and made a killing legit. But those men were born at a time when they had to choose between pulling a vegetable cart for the rest of their lives or cut a few corners. I don’t think they have much in common with losers like Aleman, Spilotro, Calabrese, Stefano.

        Anyway, I don’t see how you can admire the Outfit as an entity. Certain individuals, sure. What’s to admire about it? If a bunch of Russian mobsters came in who were meaner than they were and shot them all dead and took over their rackets would you then admire the Russians?

          • Ha. A member of my extended family went to the can for bank fraud. Of course I still love him but if you told me bank fraud is evil, I would agree with you.

          • You need to apologize to Joe for what you said about his relatives. You would never make it on a jury, DUDE. Each person must be recognized and judged by their own actions. Are you a Nazi?

          • Don,

            You say you don’t admire anybody, but the way your comments read one would jump to the conclusion that you admire the hell out of certain “loyal” Outfit guys.

          • Maybe you would like to point out a few mobsters with a heart of gold, then. The ones that could withstand intense scrutiny of their lives and come out looking all right. Although, by your standards, apparently that would not be precluded by burying corpses in various concrete edifices around the city. “Dey wuz askin’ for it!”

          • I do not amire the Outfit as an entity. However, I do admire certain individuals within the Outfit who are loyal or who do have redeeming qualities in the same way Christ would admire the good within someone. Have a problem with that? Now, are you going to apologize to Joe or not? You two have behaved like over zealous Nazi’s.

          • Oh, OK, so you’re just trying to be like Jesus now. That’s good to know.

            I’ll try to be more like Jesus, too, and less like a Nazi, OK?

            I don’t owe Joe Fosco an apology because he never said his dad was made guy who killed people as a statement of fact. All I know about him was what Joe has posted. So for all I know–or all Joe knows–the information about him being a made killer could be off base. Since I haven’t said anything about Joe’s dad (because I don’t know if he was in the Outfit), I don’t think I need to be forthcoming with an apology.

      • Joseph Fosco on

        Everyone is entitled to an opinion and free speech. If I could not handle it when times get a little difficult, I would not have established a message thread that is open to others. However, I thank you for your protective position.

  43. And I already acknowledged that I can understand personal as opposed to a criminal relationships with Outfit figures.

    And on that point, if someone is a killer, as well as a beloved uncle, he’s still a killer. He might not be his familiy’s “no good bastard” but he’s someone’s “no good bastard,” alright.

  44. I don’t need to apologize because I never said anything about Joe’s family. I said “Frank Calabrese Sr. and those of his ilk are scum. Period.”

    If anything, you should apologize, as you made an immediate connection between a monster like Frank Calabrese Jr. and Joe’s family.

    Or, rather, that is what I would say if I was a moron who wanted to play juvenile games, but I’m not, so I won’t.

    I’m confident Joe knows that neither Horsey or I would insult his family or him, he is doing a great and courageous thing with this board here.

    As someone once wrote on the Sun Times board when someone was sticking up for Tony Spilotro, “We all know there are people involved in this stuff from not-that-bad to monsters. I grew up with Tony and he was the worst.”

    I would disagree with you vehemently that there is any honor in being loyal to the Outfit, but, to each his own. If you would better explain your position and cite a specific example of what you mean it might be easier to understand.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      The only things that I could possibly understand in honoring the Outfit are rare instances, where gangsters fed the poor during the depression. Or, when the fire at Our Lady of the Angels School in Chicago took the lives of dozens of children, the Outfit, especially Willie Messino, organized fundraisers in the community for the families victimized by the tragedy. The media was not aware of these noble acts. In fact, Willie actually saved some kids from the fire and was badly injured in the process.

      • Joe,

        I’m sure there are some mostly good guys who just got caught up in it. Sometimes I ridicule the Outfit to try to drive a stake through the glamour of it some people have bought into.

        And evil is certainly not limited to the Outfit, I think there is a great deal of evil in corporate America that is more sophisticated but just as evil as the Outfit.

        The common denominator of course is greed!

        Love the site, it is truly unique on the Web. Stay safe!!

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Ring,
          I make no excuse for any adult criminal that is truly a criminal. The decision to be a criminal is a bad decision. I merely pointed out some mitigating circumstances for some of the criminals in the bunch; however, at the end of the day, the generous criminal is still a criminal.
          Thank you for visiting ANP.

  45. Hey Joe,

    By criticizing the Outfit and refering to it as an evil organization full of bad apples, did I offend you in any way? I ask because these remarks are pretty much totally consistent with statements you have made at different times.

    Don is trying to fight a battle for you, which is admirable in a brown-nosing kind of way, but the problem is that there is no battle. He’s been doing a poor job of defending the Outfit–which is not surprising because the Outfit is indefensible–and now his bitter about it.

    Let me know if I have offended you in some way.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      I am hard to offend. More importantly, I appreciate all of your involvement in the threads. Only one of you had a chance to see the new piece about Giacchino, which does not really say anything new. I am working on another Outfit piece that should be of interest to you. Thank you.

    • For the last time, I wasn’t defending the Outfit. I was defending the Individual honor of some Outfit men like Romie Nappi. I think you purposely don’t want to acknowledge the difference. If you want to threaten me, let me know where we can meet and you can do it to my face instead of using your Dad’s friend.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          The Don,
          I think we should simply leave it alone. I understand how frustrating matters could create the feeling of being aggravated, however, stop and look at what you are saying (in your previous post). You appear as if you have challenged a man to a physical fight. Whether you have or not, it looks as if you did. It is not worth it to depict you in such a way. Is it? Consider taking the highroad by letting it go.

          • Joe, I believe it was a threat because mentioning him had no bearing on the arguement at all. However, for the sake of good will, I Accept your word.

      • Don,

        Chill out. We disagreed in the threads and gave each other hell. It’s over. My friend’s dad knows your uncle. I wasn’t threatening you and only brought it up as a stylistic way of referencing a previous comment. Take it easy and try to get some sleep.

  46. I cannot imagine what would have to transpire in the threads for me to be forced to resort to some kind of action in real life.

    I’ve never threatened anyone online, and I’ve never taken an online threat seriously.

    (I was once a member on an online dog forum. You know how female dogs are referred to as “bitches” by serious pet owners and breeders? To amuse myself, I was referring to male dogs as “bastards” in the threads. Aside from that, I was engaging in normal discussion. I was banned from the forum immediately and later recieved an email from the site’s moderator saying that he traced my IP address and was going to come to my house and kick my ass in front of my wife. Guess what? It never happened.)

    Threads are fun, and they can provide opportunities for really great discussions. Sometimes they get very contentious. I try to not take anything too seriously, and I’d urge others to do the same.

  47. Joe–

    Is Alby Vena a short little man with a mustache who hangs out in the back room of Richard’s? Just curious.

    Also, what has become of Richard and Gene Spizziri?

    Finally, would love to hear the background behind Magnafichi’s meeting with Gotti. I’m assuming that was Gotti’s first introduction to Chicago so I wonder which Chicago guys had connections to the Gambinos.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Logic,

      To me, it sounds as if you described Bobby Dominic, who owns Richards’s Bar. However, Alby is a small man as well. Bobby keeps Alby feeling welcome at Richard’s by letting him do as he pleases. Then again, poor Bobby really does not have a choice at this point.

      If I owned a bar in Chicago and a gangster tried taking it over, I would send letters to the FBI and U.S. Attorney, informing them that federal law enforcement drinks free at my establishment, and if anyone of their friends comes in with a photo of them with their FBI friend, or a business card from the agent, they drink free as well.

      I will get back to you on the Spizziris. And, I will be disclosing another piece soon, where I will touch on the Gotti subject.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Horse…,
          That sounds reasonable to me. I believe he avoided many indictments as well (for murder). He was one of the suspects in the Allen Dorfman murder. However, I believe he did spend time in prison on a charges related to kidnapping that may have involved him threatening to throw his victim out of an airplane, while they were both in the airplane as the victim was placed in the open doorway of the plane (in mid air).

      • Thanks Joe…Bobby Dominic was in Vegas in the early 90s right? He was a porn guy and pal of Pudge? Is he a gangster?

        Also, who used to own Richard’s before Bobby? Thanks for the info as always.

        • Black Angelo on

          Logic, I’m sure JF will give you more info about Michael Magnifichi and John Gotti’s greet and meet but the Gambino Crime Family and the Chicago Outfit do have a connection.

          Their was a major summit in which many high ranking Chicago mobsters attended a Genovese Capo’s funeral in South Florida.. Many Gambino capo’s where also present. A big big meeting I’m told took place.

          I will also tell you Solly D has access to many Gambino’s via his old attorney Bruce Cutler (who of course was also John Gotti’s attorney for many years).

          Solly D is also very close to one Carmine Agnello who is a major Gambino capo. (Carmine of course was married to John Gotti’s daughter for many years.)

          Solly and Carmine did time together in a FCI joint in Ohio for many years. Carmine I’m told was “honored” to meet one Solly DeLaurentis.

          • ChiTown Dago on

            I’m guessing that’s how the guys from New York were allowed to have strip clubs in the Midwest? For example Wisconsin.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Yes, I believe that Bobby Dominic was in Vegas because of Joe Nick’s decision. As soon as Joe died, Rocky knocked him right out. Bobby is not ‘made’ but does have close connections with ‘made’ guys. He does not like Pudge whatsoever! Richard’s Bar has been around since the mid ’90s (approximately). Bobby’s family has always owned it. I am unaware of who owned it prior to it being Richard’s Bar.

          • Thanks Joe. Funny story, I bumped into Shorty’s adopted son the other day who lives in Crystal Lake now…Aldo. Interesting to see guys from 26th Street that far north now.

            Was Joe Spa a friend of your father’s? He, Large Cortina and Donny Angelini always appeared to be some of the more gentler mobsters…Donny’s nephew Mike Caracci would attest to that. In your view, was Joe Spa a killer, or simply involved in the gambling rackets?

  48. Joe Fosco, Do you have an opinion on Black Angelo’s Frank Calabrese Jr., Toots Caruso scenerio. Can any of your sources confirm that Frank Jr. was given the ok to do whatever it takes, including wear a wire on his old man, to keep him out of Chinatown.

        • Joe,

          Both me & Father G are wondering about Black’s theory, pasted below. It seems to me that Myles would be the one to evaluate a statement like this:

          “Black Angelo 19 April 2011 at 4:32 pm #

          Okay The Don, here is what one of my sources from Bridgeport told me. The Ronnie Jarrett murder contrary to popular belief had nothing to do with him financing drugs and or not reporting to Toots. The murder was (1) to send a message to other Frank Sr. co-horts to fall in line and (2) to protect Frank Calabrese jr. and the stolen money ..

          I’m told when Frank Jr was released from prison in late 1999. Ronnie Jarrett was putting a lot of pressure on him to collect on some of his fathers missing/stolen monies. Frank Jr. purportedly got an audience with Toots (sit down). And Toots went to Apes with a bullshit story and that was the end of Ronnie Jarrett.

          You must remember Ronnie Jarrett was very loyal to Frank Sr. He held and collected cash for Frank Sr. Joe Nick’s kid was also with Ronnie. I would not be surprised if Toots has some of that money that Frank jr stole. That 600 k was part Frank sr. and part 26th streets bankroll.

          To answer your question why would Toots want Frank Sr off the streets with all he has to offer? Well a lot of reasons (1) Greed (2) To prevent a power struggle.. (3) I’m told a lot of guys where in debt to Frank Sr and did not want to pay up upon his release.

          The 2nd reason being the biggest. Toots inherited the Capo spot upon Apes death in 2001. But upon Frank Sr’s release he would have had that spot.. It was his to have based on age rank and Outfit rank.

          But from what I hear Frank Jr. is not really that worried about people on the streets because of certain insurances. But then again you always have somebody out their wanting and willing to prove themselves..

          So Frank Jr is a lil cautious and cognizant of that fact. But the Ronnie Jarrett murder was a message part of a coup. By the way Frank Jr went to prison in 1997. Indicted in 1995 but did not report till 1997. Released in late 1999. Off of paper in 2000.”

  49. Both Merlin and Black Angelo think they have the Frank Junior thing figured out, so one of them have to be wrong. Joe Myles is a good resource for this kind of thing. This is interesting.

  50. Horsey Fart, Funny coincidence happened today. I had lunch in Melrose Park with one of my fraternity brothers who happens to have a very good job working at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood. He said he remembers you from a week ago. It’s a good thing to only take the muscle relaxants instead of the pain pills. That’s a very good idea. Anyway, He & I hope that you continue to have a safe & speedy recovery from your spinal surgery.

    • Dear Don,

      I thought we had dropped our old dumb internet argument (from 2-days ago) about the mob, of all things. I haven’t fanned the flames because I didn’t take anything you said personally and don’t hold any of your ideas against you. I’m OK, you’re OK–that’s my motto. Judging from your behavior, you must feel like you lost the argument. Are you bitter? Well, it’s going to be OK, buddy.

      But since you seem to want to make an issue of it again, I’ll say that your short remarks reveal something very ignorant about you and your nonexistent source’s insight into my situation. I’m not going to address your comment further other than to say that based on your comments in the threads, I don’t believe that you attended school beyond 11th or 12th grade, so I don’t believe you have frat. brothers.

      Readers, take note of the fact that if the Don did have such a source, the source would be as bad as Dr. Giacchino who violates HIPPA laws. Is the Don trying to tell us that he admires both gangsters (killers), as well as crooked, law-breaking doctors? The Don and his pals are beginning to seem more and more like the individuals Joe targets in his articles.

    • Joe,

      It’s disappointing to see the Don crash and burn like this. Up until recently, I enjoyed his comments.

      I think it bothered him when I wrote that my friend’s father knows his uncle. Apparently he didn’t see my follow up comments where I indicated our disagreement wouldn’t result in any kind of real-life recourse on my part because such online arguments are stupid.

      I’d also like to note that I didn’t break any laws with my comments, obviously. But if something weird happens with my medical records or insurance, you, Joe Fosco, would have to be forthcoming with the Don’s IP address if my attorney obtains such a subpoena–a course of action I wouldn’t hesitate to pursue, since I’m related to a dozen lawyers, or so, and haven’t paid a single attorney fee in my adult life.

      • Horsey, Please do not be paranoid! I WAS SIMPLY WISHING YOU WELL BECAUSE I HAVE A FRAT BROTHER THAT WORKS THERE! You must have a guilty conscience to be so paranoid. You, youself, said not to take anything too seriously on these threads. Listen to your own words! Anyway, despite all your rude comments, I still wish you well. I’m sorry you took it the wrong way.

  51. Joe,

    Is the same crowd that used to hang out at the Loon now hanging out at My Way? I’m sure you know who I mean.


  52. Dear Readers:

    The Don contributed some very good information to our message threads, which is why my decision to block him from making additional comments was very difficult. However, I refuse to allow abuse to occur on these threads. First, he appeared to have challenged one of you to a physical fight. Finally, he (in my opinion) tried to intimidate one of you in a comment that I have pasted below this message.

    Abuses of any kind are not tolerated by anyone on this message board. On behalf of American News Post and personally, I apologize for these disturbances.


    /s/ Joseph Fosco

    From: The Don
    Submitted on 2011/04/21 at 12:35 am
    Horsey Fart, Funny coincidence happened today. I had lunch in Melrose Park with one of my fraternity brothers who happens to have a very good job working at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood. He said he remembers you from a week ago. It’s a good thing to only take the muscle relaxants instead of the pain pills. That’s a very good idea. Anyway, He & I hope that you continue to have a safe & speedy recovery from your spinal surgery.

  53. Dear Joe,

    I am very impressed with your professionalism and objectivity in this matter.

    I feel like the Don and I let this debate about the Outfit get away from us a little, and it escalated to something unpleasant. I was able to let it be before the Don, apparently, but I do take some responsibility, too. I could have been a little less sarcarstic and acknowledge that I contributed a few unnecessary insults.

    At this point, I don’t really hold anything against the Don, and, as you said, he contributed a lot of good information to the threads–while I contribute color commentary, analysis, and, at times, silliness. My inside knowledge about the Outfit is mostly hearsay (stories from acquaintancs and friends), and I lack a primary source like the Don’s uncle. So, his comments were of some value to me, as well.

    Joe, if you were to unblock the Don at some point, like you did with Black Angelo, after he’s had some time to cool off and reconsider his approach to discourse, I wouldn’t have a problem with you lifting his ban. Everyone deserves a second chance. Black Angelo is doing very well his second time around.

    For the record, my comments about legal recourse were not a threat to anyone at all. They were directed at the Don, however, and I was just letting him know that I would do what any normal person would do to protect his medical information.

    Thanks, Joe.

    • Dear Horse…,
      I am sorry, but I cannot offer anyone who has allegedly committed crimes via our message board a second chance.

      • Black Angelo on

        JF .. I’m in agreement with Horsey I feel you should give the Don a second chance. I respect your reasons for blocking him and understand the position your in to come down heavy handed on certain bloggers..

        I believe you blocked me for making “threats” directed towards you. You gave me a second chance .. And I have behaved since then (although I must say I don’t think I’ve changed much lol).

        Sometimes people like to get in the last word.. It may have something to do with their nature, the Italian in them or just their ego.

        The Don may have crossed the line with Horsey but I think the Don is smart enough to understand the error of his ways. I agree with you and others that he submitted good information.. It would hurt ANP if he was gone forever.

        So inasmuch I’m impressed with your shrewdness. In the Outfit some good guys where murdered I thought, but at the end of the day they crossed the line and was made an example of.. A sacrificial lamb if you will.

        Again I can appreciate the position your in being in charge of ANP and being responsible to a certain degree for others behavior.

        Thankfully ANP is not the Outfit and the Don is still alive. You said I made threats and I was given a 2nd chance.. I feel it would only be fair to give the Don his 2nd chance.

        Since the Don is a “former” Frat Boy maybe you should put him on “Double Secret Probation” a la Animal House lol.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Readers:

          Let me explain how this blogging system works. Each of you has your own subscriber account. In order for me to ‘block’ a subscriber, I have to delete your entire account. The Don’s account is gone. I cannot unblock it. He would have to resubmit a new account for me to consider approving. Here is what I will do if The Don resubmits a new account: I will require him to be The New Don, and he must address his wrongdoing by admitting that his intent was to intimidate. And, he would be required to apologize for his inappropriate behavior on our threads. After this is done, I will approve his account.

          As a side note, I will check to see if The New Don is the Real Don by verifying the IP Address (if Don wants to come back).

          Thank you.


          Things on message threads can be very serious. We had that nut Erik that resorted to criminal activity in which I was the target after I blocked him.

          • Dear Joe,

            Erik was the first reader banned for INSANITY, wasn’t he?

            I wasn’t involved in that part of the thread, but I revisit it sometimes and always laugh when I get to the part where Erik pretends to be the “Alderman.” You might recall that right on the heels of his thread shenanigans was that super weird felony bird theft thing, lol.

            God is good sometimes, isn’t he?

  54. Black Angelo,

    I am curious about your theory involving Toots Caruso and Frank Jr. It’s very interesting to me, but at this point, I find it very hard to believe. But I want to hear more.

    One reason I don’t believe it is because the FBI didn’t know about Nick Calabrese’s involvement in any murders until Frank Calabrese Jr. told them about the Fecarotta murder. That information was enough to get a warrant or subpoena so that they could swab Nick and compare his DNA to the bloody glove that was left at the scene of the Fecarotta murder. They also x-ray’d his arm to find evidence that he had been shot in the process. When it all matched up, Nick decided to cooperate when he learned that the death penalty was on the table.

    I disagree with Inspector Merlin on the other thread that Nick Calabrese and Frank Calabrese Jr. were developed into informants independently of each other in the early stages of the investigation, mainly because Nick was never believed to have been involved in anything heavy. Frank Jr. implicated his uncle, which resulted in opening the flood gates.

    That’s why I find it hard to believe that Toots convinced him to cooperate. Toots wouldn’t have had Frank Jr. give up Nick, too, because of the potential for Nick to give up a bunch of old murders. Toots surely would have seen the potential for such a scheme to blow up in his face. Either that or Toots is a major dumb ass, which I doubt.

    Another reason that I find it hard to believe is because Frank Calabrese Jr. didn’t get a deal, and by giving up the Fecarotta murder, he was exposing himself to a murder or murder accessory charge because he had prior knowledge of the murder, and according to recent reports, was involved in the planning of it, too. For as dumb as Frank Jr. might be (and as crooked as he might be), I find it hard to believe that he would expose himself to murder charges for Toots’ benefit.

    I do think, however, that you may be correct in thinking that Frank Jr. conspired with others (not the government) to reap what was left of his dad’s hidden cash fortune after Frank Sr. was sentenced to life in prison. I don’t agree with Merlin who seems to think that everything was and is on the up-and-up with Junior.

    Joe, do you know if Myles has read these comments yet? What do you think of Black’s theory about Toos and Junior?

  55. Joe–ran into Shorty LaMantia’s godson Aldo the other day in Crystal Lake, where he now resides. Interesting to see guys from 26th street so far out of their base.

    Did you know Joe Spa growing up? He along with Large Cortina and Don Angelini always appeared stand up guys and I know Mike Caracci well. Was Joe Spa a killer or just a gambling guy?

    • I’d go as far to say that Don and Large were sweet men…gentlemanly and cordial. Were they close to your father?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Logic,
      I did not know Joe Spa. I vaguely knew Donald Angelini and Don Cortina. I know that old man Cerone hated Joe Spa. Actually, he was not overly fond of Cortina and Angelini, but he despised Spa. I am not exactly sure if Spa was a killer. Off the top of my head, I would say no. However, I will check wit ha reliable source for you.

  56. Black Angelo on

    Horsey… I understand your argument. But Nick C regardless of the fact was goners with that DNA evidence. He was already suspected in the Fecoratta murder before they swabbed him and it had nothing to do with Frank jr.

    Obviously some major players in the 26th street crew did not care to see Nick C or Frank Sr back on the streets for a whole host of reasons. I find it “very interesting” that Frank jr would tell everybody he just wanted to lock his dad up.. But then target his Uncle Nick.

    Nick and Frank Sr where on the “chopping block” if you know what I mean. Just by the mere fact of Frank jr exposing himself to accessory charges shows you how far he will go and or how nuts he is. But in turn it shows you that the Gov’t could care less about bringing people to justice. It’s one big friggin show with lots of collateral damage (the tax payers being one).

    I have “strong” reasons to believe Toots did not want Frank Sr back on the streets and Nick Calabrese would have been murdered upon release in 2002 if he would have gotten out. And it would have had nothing to do with Family Secrets.

    One thing about Frank Sr. he was a very smart man.. Blessed with great street smarts if anything. And he could sense him and his brother falling in a Spilotro brothers situation (because of the DiForti thing and his brother airing personal family business amongst Outfit guys in Pekin)..

    The only thing Frank Sr. miscalculated was it had nothing to do with DiForti (if he would have lived and or flipped) or Family Secrets or Nick running his mouth and complaining like a lil girl.

    Also Horsey I’ll bring you back to the fact Frank jr. refused to testify against anyone else in the Outfit at trial. He also till this day refuses to talk about any active members of the Outfit in public (unless your Jimmy DeLeo or Curly Peluso). But Jimmy DeLeo is a politician and Curly is shelved. By the way Nick Calabrese upon release will MOST DEFINITELY be in the WITSEC. He does not have insurances.

    • Black,

      I can imagine that Toots wouldn’t have wanted to see Frank Calabrese Sr. back on the street. Hasn’t it been said on here that Toots always saw himself as a big shot like his dad? That part of the theory makes sense.

      It just seems more likely to me that Toots would have waited for Frank Sr. to be released and then make him do a disappearing act, a la Tony Zizzo, rather than convince Junior to flip and risk exposing the Outfit itself to serious government scrutiny. The absolute worst case scenario (Family Secrets) resulted from Frank Jr. and Nick’s cooperation, and chances are the Outfit hasn’t seen the end of it if we are to believe that Family Secrets II is looming.

      The implication of your theory is that Toots is the biggest dumb ass in Outfit history who unwittingly caused Operation Family Secrets.

      But, understand the reasoning behind the theory. If you look at who benefitted from Frank Sr.’s downfall, Toots is at the very top of the list. I just have difficulty accepting that he’d develop snitches that would inform on/testify against guys in his own crew. That’s playing with fire.

      By the way, I’m not in the FBI, but Nick Calabrese was never a suspect in any murders before Frank Jr. told them about the Fecarotta murders. This is where Merlin T. is wrong: The government didn’t develop Frank Jr. and Nick into informants, independently. If I recall correctly, didn’t they think Frank Jr. was pulling their leg about Nick’s involvement because Nick was so mild mannered and well-liked in legitimate and criminal circles?

      • Black, this is going to sound confusing, but try to follow me on this.

        For those who believe that Frank Jr. and Nick conspired to keep Frank in prison, the conventional wisdom is that Nick gave the government information about Outfit murders that the brothers may OR may not have been responsible for. That is to say that Nick lied about certain murders to make himself appear to be a more valuable witness than he really was.

        The feds then took the disinformation provided by Nick and had Frank Jr. get his dad talking about these murders in prison. Frank Sr. talked about everything, and some think he bragged about murders he wasn’t involved in. Nick then falsely corroborated Frank Sr.’s disinformation, thus sealing Frank Sr.’s fate forever, and giving himself a chance at early release so he could steal from Frank Sr. with his nephew.

        But if you’re saying that Nick and Frank Jr. were developed into informants separately, then that would imply that there was no cooperation between Nick and Jr., or their FBI “handlers,” and that Frank Sr. was telling the truth on those tapes because he would’ve had no one to entice him into incriminating discussions.

        So your Toots theory is incompatible with the theory that holds that uncle and nephew conspired to keep Frank Sr. in prison and that Frank Sr. was telling the truth on those tapes.

        Don’t get me wrong. I like your theory–and theories in general, if they are good. At this point, it’s difficult to accept, though.
        The thing I like about the Toots theory is that it is consistent with what has been reported is his reputation of being a vainglorious aspiring boss. I believe there are also precedents for “positive snitching” in organized crime history.

        If you hear anymore details please don’t hesitate to share them.

  57. Black Angelo on

    Horsey you actually make some very good pts. I’ll be the first to say I’m no psycho analyst or able to get in the mind of a mobster or any human being for that fact.

    But Horsey I think your giving these guys (Outfit guys) a lil bit to much credit when it comes to how smart they are. Some aren’t that smart lol. And I believe Toots either 1 did not care about the domino effect (to which he has risen from) or 2 didn‘t think anybody would turn into a stool pigeon because of it.

    Frank Sr, Joey L, Paulie and Jimmy all got LIFE. They could of rolled but did not.

    And this would not be the first time the Outfit created their own mess. I could go on and on about things the Outfit did to hurt themselves in the long run. The attempted murder of Ken Eto certainly hurt the Outfit. Vince Solano had no business in the first place trying to rub him out.

    The same thing with Frank Cullotta.. The Outfit normally knows if certain individuals get killed or perhaps live an attempt on their life that could be bad for them and cause a tremendous domino effect that leads to indictments and long prison terms.

    But TRUST ME Horsey.. Toots wanted Frank Sr. off the streets for good and Nick C regardless of his testimony or becoming a stool pigeon was a marked man upon his own release because of his close association with his brother. Look what happened to Ronnie J.

    Apparently or rumor has it Apes did not mind if Nick whacked his brother pre 1997.. Before they even reported to prison. Again Frank jr was given some Outfit immunity. Mario Rainone was given this too years ago.

    Nick on the other hand brought down Jimmy , Paul and threw Johnny DiFronzo and Louis Marino’s name into the ring of fire.

    JF has already called Frank Jr out.. IF Frank Jr is who you think he is then he would come on here or use his new found platform (15 minutes of fame) to call out who he thinks is the major mover or shakers in the 26th street crew.

    But you see he’ll NEVER DO THAT. Because of the immunity Toots got him. Toots is very much a powerful individual. Frank jr. is I imagine by his good street smarts somebody “going of the reservation” and maybe making an attempt on his life..

    But that is not supposed to happen and he has been given assurance he is okay. But this goes back to before 2005 when he was given immunity from Toots.

  58. I guess your theory seems a little more realistic in light of other Outfit blunders, but I’m not quite ready to buy it yet–mainly because I think the FBI took Frank Jr.’s info, flipped Nick, and then developed the case from there. I also think that even if Toots isn’t a genius, he’d have to have foreseen the potential for a scheme like that to come back and bite him.

    I’m not sure what the Eto and Rainone incidents have to do with anything. The Eto attempt was well-executed (no pun intended) but the killers used faulty homemade ammunition, and Rainone was given a pass because he decided to STOP cooperating after the front porch of this mother’s house was blown up. In cases like the latter, the Outfit has to give passes otherwise future informants would have no incentive to reconsider their cooperation.

    Black Angelo, I want to say that your comments, like this one, are a lot easier to read when they’re narrower in scope. So thank you.

    btw, Paul Schiro didn’t get life. He got 20-years, which for an old man is pretty much a life sentence.

  59. I always understood that Jimmy I and Jerry Scalise are much closer then they like people to know. Jerry being a very secretive sort. Also they both were made in the 70’s when the Wild Bunch were so active in the South Suburban Chop Chop Wars. Also, does anybody know what/if any/is the relationship between Jerry and Don Scalise. I have always found Jerry to be one of the most interesting of the made guys.

  60. Dear Readers,

    The Don wrote me a short while ago. He is in denial that he did anything wrong. Instead, he accused me of favoritism and breaching his privacy by disclosing whom his uncle is, which was done inadvertently (I apologized to him for this several days ago and he purportedly accepted). A short while later, in his opinion, he reclassified my late fathers status of being ‘made’ to not being ‘made’. The Don is humorous without even realizing it.

    He has vowed to refrain from ever applying to ANP’s blog system.

    If he changes his mind, he will have to admit his wrongdoing and apologize to all of us.

    WARNING: Readers, if you want to be assured privacy on who your relatives are, please think hard before telling anyone on line who they are. So many things could be exploited, intentionally and unintentionally.

    Thank you,

    Joseph Fosco

    • Joe,

      Sorry to hear about this.

      I am not aware of where in the threads you revealed the Don’s uncle’s identity. But then again, I began following his comments closely only recently, as work has been tremendously busy for me, lately. I could have overlooked it.

      I have a loosely knit group of associates who follow ANP, too, and one emailed that he knew who the Don’s uncle was. When I found out, I realized that I have an older acquaintance who personally knows this man but not from any criminal circles. The Don need not worry because I wasn’t going to mention this to my acquaintance, honestly. I alluded to it in the threads at one point, but the reference is extremely vague. You can remove the comment if you like, but I don’t see how it (the comment) can do any harm. There are 2 other Outfit figures with the same initials as the Don’s uncle who are far better known.

      The Don shouldn’t see this as a breach of privacy, though, seeing as he posted dozens of comments per day, and often referenced his “uncle” in them. The person who revealed the Don’s uncle’s identity to me said that it was “painfully obvious,” as if anyone in the world could have deduced his identity if he read the Don’s comments closely enough and had some knowledge of his particular crew.

      The Don could have saved himself a lot of anguish if he just said he had a source, instead of saying the source was his uncle. “Source” would have been good enough, since it was clear in his comments that he knew more than the average reader. Also, didn’t the Don himself state his uncle’s first and last name at one point, too?

      Anyhow, I have trouble seeing this as a true problem for the Don since only about 4 people in the world–including Joe Fosco and the Don–know (or care) about his uncle’s identity, and no one is going to say anything. It’s really just a trivial detail, anyway. After all, the Don didn’t really reveal any specific information about Outfit crimes.

      In the future, I suppose they can both the Don and his uncle can avoid these situations by being tight-lipped.

      Lastly, I want to say that obtaining information about someone’s medical history through some backchannel is a breach of privacy. It is also a felony. Determining and revealing who someone is related to–whether intentionally or unintentionally–is not a breach of privacy and is not a crime. And, obviously, in most cases it is not a big deal, either.

      • Joe,

        I want to say that the Don’s suggestion that favoritism played some role in his current predicament is absurd. For months, ANP was “The Don & Joe Show” in the threads.

    • It wouldn’t suprise me that he hung out at Riis park since it was only a few blocks from his boyhoood home. He married his wife Nancy at St. John Bosco church which is only a couple of blocks from the park. I spent many a night hanging out at Riis park myself!

  61. Dear “the Don”

    I want to apologize for the less-than-civil aspects of our argument that I was responsible for. You’re an intelligent and, as far as I can tell, well-meaning person who contributed good information to the threads, as Joe said. Apparently, we have philosophical differences. No matter.

    I was reviewing our exchange yesterday, Easter Sunday, and laughed at some of your criticisms of me because they are accurate and funny; to wit: “Anybody who steals someone’s picture to use it for himself and calls himself Horsey Fart needs to get their head examined.” Yes, I should probably see a shrink.

    Anyhow, if you return, I promise to leave you and your ideas alone, even if I disagree with them. I will also not bring up the subject of your uncle in any way, shape or form.

    I understand if you don’t want to re-register, and I’m sorry if this message enrages you further. That is not my intention. I just have a feeling that there’s going to be a lot of interesting news stories coming our way, via ANP, and I would be remiss if I didn’t say that you’re an important part of such discussions.

    I noticed that Joe is requiring that you fess up to your behavior and publish and apology upon returning to the threads. If you do so, I will so the same, relative to my own antics. After all, that would only be fair, and composing such an apology might be therapeutic to my troubled mind, anyway. I may also consider changing my screen name to something less unpalatable.

    Please consider it, and take care of yourself.

    Sincerely yours,

    Mr. Horsey F@rt

    • Horsey, I accept your apology and I also apologize for making some of my comments. Believe me, noone at Loyola University is going to look up your medical records or anybody else’s. Nobody cares, especially me. I do not think Joe Fosco was fair because he never reprimanded you once which provoked me to protect myself. I now realize it was unneccessary. Again, I apologize. To be honest, I’m a little more upset with Joe Fosco than you. But, thanks for writing what you did to me and I’m willing to forget it. No problem.

      • Joseph Fosco on

        Dear The Don,
        I am happy to see that you apologized to Horsey. In addition, I was pleased to see that Horsey had previously apologized to you. The Don, in the past I elected to stay out of the conflicts and sometimes-inappropriate exchanges of dialog between you and Horsey, obviously. However, in that entire hospital records inference, you brought things to a much different level. Deep down I believed that you were not serious; however, I decided that something on my part had to be done to force the ugly situation to collapse. Perhaps, I should have contacted you by email to discuss it with you before deleting your subscriber account. Therefore, I apologize for not discussing the situation with you first. Thank you for your apology and clarification to Horsey. If you are back, welcome back! Clearly, the message threads have reflected your loss. And, I have missed you.

      • Horsey F@rt on

        Welcome back, Don. Just to let you and everyone know, Joe Fosco advised me, Horsey F@rt, that if I engage in long, protracted disputes with other readers that reach the point of being anywhere near criminal, I will be promptly banned. This was done via email. So, I was put on notice, too, but plan on operating in accordance with Joe’s rules, as well as the rules of common decency from here on out.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Horsey,
          It was nice of you to make such a friendly effort to show The Don a nice homecoming, but I wish to point out that my rules pertain to what the laws say. None of us should wind up in any grey areas with the law. Thank you.

        • Horsey F@rt on


          I understand why you have to get in the middle of personal disputes in the threads sometimes. Despite Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, site owners are sometimes dragged into court in very rare, extreme cases of cyber crimes that are played out on blog threads and message boards. You need to protect yourself, so I understand why you issued a stern warning to me via email and have temporarily blocked other readers.

          Again, sorry for crossing swords with another reader in such a public way. The temptation to hurl insults and resort to juvenile tactics while online is too much to resist sometimes, especially when you are embroiled in an ideologically charged debate. Please do not hold it against either of us.

  62. on the sidelines on

    man, i step away for a couple days and all heck breaks loose on here! LOL Joe, i respect you just for the fact that not onlu are you brave enough to have this site, but also to monitor it with the strength you do! i am still thinking about your offer to contact you via email. by no means is my family anything worth talking about, but i know how it goes when you want to put names to who is posting on your site. hope you had a nice easter.

  63. Black Angelo on


    I’ll tell you what I’ll do I will blog all day today and then I’m going to call it quits indefinatly but more than likely forever. I have my reasons that’s all. Every once in a while I might pop up with some good info.

    Anyhow I believe Toots Caruso is very much behind the murder of Hatch Chiaramonti. And I believe Bruno Caruso’s good friend Jimmy I supplied the hitman for the job (I.e Anthony Calabrese belonged to Jimmy I)..

    People in the Outfit have been whacked for less let me tell you. For the Hatch he tried to intrude on turf that was not his (according to Toots). And I’ve already explained the street tax he was enforcing on Connie’s pizza. I do know Captian DeFazio (or DiFazio) was not happy with the Hatch and wanted him knocked down. He had Toots ear.. (DeFazio being a big moneymaker for Toots).

    Then you have JF’s scenario of why the Hatch was knocked down.. I remember that trucking company very well. But I just think that was a small percentage of the pie into why the Hatch was ultimately knocked down (it very well could of been the nail in the already closed coffin for the Hatch). But with the Hatch murder you have the Jimmy I and Toots connection on top of everything previously stated.

    As for LT Zizzo I have my theories and hunches. Yes he was 71 and he “allegedly” was in bad health (emphasis on the word allegedly).. Clever ruse to fool the Gov’t.. His wife I believe fooled the Feds even more.

    But I have reason to believe he skipped town well before the indictments in that video poker bombing where handed down. I have a good source who felt he might be tied into that bombing and to a RICO case with Sarno even before he went missing in August of 2006.

    Obviously Fat Sarno should of skipped town too in order to exceed the Statue of Limitations. But Fat Sarno at the time had high school aged children and was less likely to go on the lam.

    As far as if he was really kidnapped and if it is true.. I most defiantly feel Toots and his faction was behind this also.. It’s quite simple once LT went on the lam/disappeared who took over ? Toots Caruso’s guy and in law Casey S. coincidence I don’t think so.

    And Fat Sarno’s kid is named after Marco. And for the record I never said Sarno had more than one son. I said his first born was to be named Marco. He just has a daughter and a son. I have no idea if he has any other illegitimate biological kids.

    I do know that if anything was to ever happen to Fat Sarno.. I know from a good source Tony Borse’s two multi million dollar kids Joey and Lewis where to care for his kids. I believe they are doing so know. The Borsellino’s and Sarno’s are said to be very tight.

    And yes everything I said about these mobsters is true. I don’t claim to know everything and sometimes my sources get things wrong or I could be a lil off but I certainly for the most part know what I’m talking about.

    By the way even though this is my final day on the threads.. I enjoy this website.. I think its run well and even though I’m Italian and from Chicago.. I’m not being bias when I say this but the Outfit is much more interesting than any other mafia crime family in the country. That is one thing you have on Jerry Capeci and his New York blogs..

    Like I said about Marco D’amico he does enjoy Sports Center in the mornings and despite his good health.. He is loosing his hearing. I know a lot of “good” secrets about these fellas. JF does too obviously.. Speaking of which Joe F. how did you come about knowing about Joe Gags “homosexual” tendencies ?? I’ve heard the same thing years ago. And is their any other stuff “secrets” you know about these guys ?? Obviously Old Man Cerone was a sexual animal.. Sleeping with other mobsters wives. Sam Giancana was said to be a connoisseur of women too.. Your thoughts….any stories…

    Oh and as for that Jimmy I son being married to Fat Sarno’s daughter. I have no fucking idea where in the hell that even came from. I recall Merlin T saying something about it once. And about 3 weeks ago I corrected him on it. But I’ll go in more depth this time.

    Jimmy I has a brother named Sam. His brother Sam has a kid named Sam. That Sam is married to Fat Sarno’s NIECE (not daughter). Jimmy I also has a son named Sam also (I believe he has 2 other sons also). But Sam’s Sam is married to Nicole (Sarno’s niece). End of discussion.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Black,

      As I indicated in my first comment in the thread of the article on The Hatch, his escapade with Michael’s trucking company was the straw that broke the camels back.

      Captain D was very good at impressing waitresses and cocktail servers and bartenders, however, by far not important enough to have anyone killed. I repeat, “by far not important enough to have anyone killed.”

      As far as my source on Gag’s being bisexual, I would have to say that nearly every ‘made’ guy in old man Jack’s crew told me.

    • Jimmy’s son is named Sammy too, but is in his 40s. He killed that poor guy with a dump truck a few years ago working for JMS…it was all over the Tribune.

    • Black Angelo,

      With regard to your information about Toots’ alleged involvement in the Chiaramonti and Zizzo incidents, as far as I can tell, you have a “feeling” that Toots must be involved, and it is this feeling that shapes your theories.

      As for the Chiaramonti shooting, I think Joe’s story is straightforward and makes sense. Why would Michael Magnafichi lie to Joe about that? Why would Joe just invent the story?

      A recent FBI report stated that Zizzo is believed to have been murdered and disposed of by Sarno or his people because of a longstanding feud over a gambling enterprise between Zizzo and Sarno.

      Neither of these situations require the involvement of the Carusos, so, aside from your own inuition telling you that Toots was the orchestrator of these crimes, I can’t understand why you think it must be so that he was involved.

      Let me ask you a question if you don’t mind: Why don’t you believe Joe’s account of Chiaramonti being killed for ripping off another gangster, which earned him the wrath of Rudy Fratto?

      I guess Toots’ possible involvement in the Zizzo disappearance seems a little more realistic. But even though I understand the relationship between Sarno, Inendino and Caruso, it’s quite a leap to go from ‘Zizzo is missing’ to ‘Zizzo was murdered by Toots.’ Attributing it to Sarno is more reasonable because of the FBI report I mentioned.

      I find it interesting that Toots is featured as the central conspirator in all your recent theories.

      • Don’t get me wrong, Black Angelo. I believe Toots to be serious and very dangerous gangster who is high enough in the organization for the average Chicagoan who reads the newspaper to at least know his name and know that it is connected to the Outfit. Joe told a story in the threads about how the Caruso men savagely beat and elderly acquaintance of his, allegedly. The Cutler murder is troubling, too, to say the least. And I think the fact that Toots’ son did what he did to the Clark boy speaks to what kind of environment he was raised in, and what kind of parents he has. A kid with even semi-normal parents would not have behaved in that way.

        It’s just that, as far as anyone can tell, there is nothing to truly implicate Toots in the Chiaramonti or Zizzo murders, and the idea that he convinced Frank Calabrese Jr. to cooperate against his father (inadvertantly causing the greatest American mafia trial in recent history) is counterintuitive.

        It is getting to the point now where I am growing suspicious of my own suspicion, so, if at any point in the future, these theories come to bear fruit, I will apologize to you.

        Joe, what is your take on Black Angelo’s “Toots-centric” view of the Outfit, ca. 2001 to present?

        • Dear Horse…,
          I find Black’s view interesting. A good deal of what he brings to the table seems plausible. Toots is not a regular person, obviously. However, he does not compare to an Andriacchi or a DiFronzo. The Hatch was not the kind of guy to be gunned down without an okay from DiFronzo (thru Fratto). The Hatch had many people mad at him. However, CMS Trucking ended it for The Hatch.
          As far as Black’s previous assertion that Toots has killed on numerous occasions without seeking an ‘okay’, I would like to point out; the Outfit does not care a great deal if one of their members kills people unconnected to the Outfit. In fact, they would have no way of knowing the details on such murders. However, the fact that Toots is still alive is proof to me that he never knocked down an Outfit connected person without approval (if he ever knocked down an Outfit connected person at all). A major rule in the Outfit is, “If the boss cannot control your gun,” you will be knocked down. Willie told me about such rule.

          • I agree with what Willie M told you years ago.. That is very true. And Horsey you ask why would Michael Magnifichi lie to JF about certain things ? LOL.. The guy is a sociopath and obviously a big talker.

            On the other hand I’m not saying he is not a good source of info, but I have a feeling JF has other “reliable” sources. Again Michael is the Charlie Sheen of the Outfit.. He might say anything just to be relevant or rear his big ego. And then he might be off base on certain matters.. even if he is Made. But again I reiterate I believe JF has other sources.

            As for unsanctioned murders not Outfit related .. obviously Cutler and the kidnapping of a witness would fall into this category. The Ronnie Jarrett murder was defiantly okay’d by Apes and Johnny Bananas. The hit on the sitting Cook County Judge may have been a Caruso thing schemed up.

            And LT Zizzo was with Jimmy M and at the time of his disappearance was a very high ranking mobster. Fat Sarno/ Solly C and others belonged to LT. I just don’t believe Fat Sarno had anything to do with the disappearance of LT. I can’t believe that would have been okay’d. I do know Toots Caruso guy Casey S. took over once LT was out of the picture (kidnapped, knocked down, on the lam).

            And Captain D is not a heavyweight in the Outfit by any means, but then again he is not a lightweight either. He was a big moneymaker for the 26th street and was president of the Italian American social club down on 26th street.

            I would normally say Rudy Fratto and Captain D are the same types of characters. Except I think Rudy was direct with Johnny D (who was obviously more powerful than Toots). But Captain D is much more sharper with his finances. I would take him more seriously as a man.

            I was curious JF In how sophisticated do you believe the Outfit is getting now ? Specifically when it comes to hiding assets and money laundering that sort of thing ??

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Black,
            Willie told me about the Outfit rule about executing unapproved hits less than 10-years ago. All the same players are here today, minus Willie.
            I despise Rudy, but I have to give him credit, he is a deadly person, unlike Captain D. And your comparison between Charlie Sheen and Michael is off base. A major part of Sheen’s identity is that he was making 50-million bucks a year. How do you compare that to Michael?
            Toots is a hothead with a bad temper, who is capable of hurting someone when the victim is on his turf, provided he has enough people with him. Even his son needed a bat and two friend’s wit him in order to try killing an innocent child in cold blood.
            Casey was nothing but a route guy with vending machines, lol.
            Right, Rudy is direct with Johnny (and Joey A).
            Toots was direct with his own father and that is about it for the most part. When did Skids die?
            If I knew how the Outfit was hiding assets I would be blowing the whistle. However, I will look into it.

          • Black Angelo,

            If Toots was behind the Cutler murder, it was not an unsanctioned Outfit hit. It was personal matter that only concerned the Caruso family, so it was personal and not business, and so not related to the Outfit. Joe already touched on this.

            By the way, there was no kidnapping of any witnesses. The witness you’re thinking of, Rick Desantis, skipped town. His dad was an Outfit bookmaker under either Angelo LaPietra or Johnny Apes and fled as a matter of course. Thank God that he later came forth (of his own free volition) and signed an affidavit stating that he saw Caruso Jr. and his animal buddies beat the hell out of that poor kid.

            I supposed you could make the argument that DeSantis was intimidated into fleeing, but there was no kidnapping, and there is no way this falls under the category of an unsanctioned Outfit hit because no one was murdered.

          • Black Angelo,

            Which do you believe to be true, that Zizzo was murdered and his murder was orchestrated by Toots, or that he skipped town and that his wife was complicit in deceiving the feds? Those are the two theories that you have mentioned.

            Why don’t you believe reports that Zizzo clashed with Sarno, and so Sarno and (or) his Cicero guys made him disappear?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            THIS JUST IN – Zizzo spotted pushing old man Jimmy Hoffa in his wheelchair, while shopping for prune juice for Helen Brach.

          • Black Angelo on

            I honestly believe LT Zizzo skipped town “plain and simple”. However I do have one source that told me he was kidnapped and dumped deep in Lake Michigan. But I had a really good source out of Melrose Park who is in the know that told me LT bamboozled the Gov’t. So obviously these two sources have heard different things with their ear to the street.

            Everything I’m told was set up perfectly.. there is nothing to track him by. And his wife calls him in missing like clockwork. And as I said before if you know LT .. well then you’ll know he is capable of doing such a thing. The Sarno and Zizzo feud I think is a joke.

            I can just assume whatever informant told the FEDS that is misleading them even more. Plus with some of the capable guys available to Zizzo and Jimmy M know one was going to be fucking with him without retaliation. Unless you assume the presumed “alleged” hit on Solly C in Park Ridge was in fact that.

            I recall when Joe DiFronzo went on the lam in late 1993.. Informants (double agent types) where misleading the FEDS. They told the Feds Joe D went to Las Vegas or San Diego to hide out. When the whole time Joe DiFronzo was in Boca Raton, Florida under a different name.

            It took the FEDS 5 years to grab Joe DiFronzo.. And the FEDS knew he was alive. These guys (the Feds) think LT is dead. So if he is on the lam .. He has got it made. And LT owns property everywhere.. Wisconsin, Arizona, and South Florida. And he certainly blends in with the public.

            All I know is is that Toots guy took over after LT and Mickey Marcello went away.

          • I am interested in the idea that Zizzo lammed it, too, but I think it’s more likely than not that he was murdered.

            There was a theory for a while that Zizzo chose to cooperate, but the feds said that, for as convincing as it might be, they could not launch a federal missing person campaign with taxpayer money if they knew the individual to be in their custody.

            On the other hand, they could launch such a campaign even if they knew the individual was deceased because any information gained could shed light on the whereabouts of the body or the circumstances surrounding the murder.

          • Joe,

            Thanks for the breaking news about Zizzo, lol. I’m sure I’ll see Chuck Goudie’s piece on it sometime later this evening.

            btw, I think Toots’ dad passed away in 1983.

            Joe, did Turk have dominion over Chinatown at any point? I remember hearing that he was not fond of LaPietra, and that there was nothing LaPietra could do about it.

  64. Also, who is this Joseph Myles referenced on the comments? Never heard his name…who is he affiliated with?

    Interesting insight on Alex Dana…he’s a major figure in town with celebrities and others. Donny Scalise was also a fixture at the old Rosebud on Taylor. Did Dana get loans from Cerone and others to get his restaurants, or did they get their hooks into him because of the location of the Rosebud on Taylor? Interestingly, Gerald Scarpelli’s father ran a barbershop across the street in the 1950s.

    Speaking of restaurants…how roped in is Phil Stefano with the Outfit?

    • Joe Myles is a PI who is employed by Frank Calabrese Sr. He is investigating what are considered by some to be questionable or ambiguous circumstances surronding some of the murders Frank was convicted of.

      Myles efforts are intended to strengthen Frank Calabrese Sr.’s appeal in the event that his current attorneys (whoever they are) get their acts together.

    • Thanks for the link, Dom. It looks promising, especially since the one daughter, the troublemaker, does not appear to be in on it, lol. When does it come out?

  65. I have no idea, I came across it on youtube. I do not expect much out of it being that his family is involved with the production. The CIA theories seem a little far-fetched, in my opinion. We will see.

  66. Black Angelo on

    JF ..Zizzo has not been found so we cant say for sure he was kidnapped or went on the lam. John DiFronzo use to sometimes “disappear” for 6 to 7 months years back and then would just pop back up in Elmwood Park somewhere.

    I guess the Feds would be tailing him for an amount of days and then he would vanish. I believe the last time he did that was in 2004 into 2005. The only difference is his wife did not call him in missing.

    Also Johnny DiFronzo has never been convicted of a murder in his life.. So any allegations he is a murder is just that.. unfounded allegations not proven in the court of law.

    I asked you yesterday about money laundering and how some of these mob guys are hiding their assets ? Thank You for your response.. But would like to read more on this subject even though I won’t be on the threads anymore.

    I know of one deceased powerful 26th street upper echelon mobster who had a illegitimate biological son with a Chinese woman. This kid now is in his 40s and purportedly was left with millions of dollars to launder. The kid is half Italian and half Chinese (obviously)..

    He worked at the Merc for a while in the late 80s early 90s and is now involved in real estate I believe. His dad (the dead mobster) had a love affair with a Chinese woman in Chinatown and he came from that affair. He looks somewhat Italian I heard at first glance but has some Chinese features.

    I also know of a half Black and half Italian kid in his early 30s. His father is a very high ranking mobster (who is still alive). I know that my source has run into this bi-racial kid on two occasions once down on Rush Street and once at Grotto’s or another restaurant bar out in Oak Brook.

    I was actually with my friend/source out on the town one night and he pointed me out to this kid. He actually looks just like his father but is much darker (no pun intended lol). Anyhow this kid is said to be holding down a lot of his fathers assets.

    I heard he puts a lot of his fathers money into condo’s in the Gold Coast .. River North etc. .. He’s like a bodybuilder type (real big kid). I’ve heard he can be a rough guy (his father is the same way)..

    I heard the kid is for the most part friendly and if he has a few drinks in himself he will sometimes slip up and say who his father is.. (since the general public and especially the Feds have no idea) .. I have heard this mobster’s kid uses different identities to keep people fooled or confused to his real identity.

    When I found out said high ranking mobster had a half black kid it did not really shock me.. Since I know a lot of Italian men posses a Robert DeNiro gene (if you know what I mean) and a fondness for “woman of color” lol.

    I just mention this because these mobsters (especially in the Outfit) are getting very sophisticated with their monies and assets now. Even slip ups decades ago (like illegitimate kids) are starting to pay dividends (in that their using their illegitimate sons and daughters to launder money and or hold down assets).

    Sam Marcello was said to have 6 illegitimate kids (one with a Irish woman who became to be very powerful in the Outfit one Jimmy Marcello another kid with another woman who became somewhat powerful Mickey Marcello).

    These Outfit guys seemed to all have goomah’s some Irish, some Polish, some Italian and obviously some Black and some Chinese. Hell some where homosexual (JF has mentioned one that was a switch hitter one Joe Gagliano).. So nothing amazes or fazes me any longer lol.

    But yes I promised my wife I would be getting off the threads but I told her better me on here than on some porn site lol. Maybe I will send you some interesting pics of some guys you might know in the days and weeks to come. I’ve actually been holding back on some good things that might be of interest to you, but did not want to reveal my identity.

    But anyhow I look forward to hearing your response about the money laundering or if you’ve heard of these gangsters using their illegitimate kids for such a thing ?? (we already know they use the legitimate kids and wives for such a thing). I guess at the end of the day a Outfit guy would be willing to hide or launder his cold hard cash anywhere.

    Congrats again on beating cancer and RIP to your Nana . God Bless

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Black,
      Saying goodbye to you has taken a great effort, but a worthwhile one. Thank you for the kind words in your final sentence. However, addressing the earlier portion of your previous comment, I would say that I know Zizzo has not been found over the last number of years, which is why I compared him to James R. Hoffa and Helen Brach in my lighthearted comment yesterday. Hoffa and Brach have not been found over the years either. Perhaps all three will show up someday, granted Hoffa and Brach would be in their 90s today.
      As far as the Outfit going high-tech, I would simply call it ‘going legit’. And, ‘going legit’ is by far a very old practice for the Outfit. Stocks and bonds and legitimate enterprise have been around since the Capone days and gangsters invested their money in these ventures right along. And, a child born out of wedlock is not a new epidemic either, although, I appreciate your input. Take some time and consider writing a piece on the investments that gangsters are making today (or, a piece on anything of interest). I would be glad to publish it under one of your monikers (since privacy seems to be an issue for you). In the meantime, do what your wife says so ANP is not the cause of your divorce. Perhaps, after a while you will get her to ease up a bit. And, I do not want ANP to be sued for alienation of affection.

  67. I will miss you, too, Black Angelo.

    I did not agree with all of your theories, but I enjoyed all your comments. You seem to have the right attitude toward thread discussion, which I appreciated. Please consider Joe’s offer of publishing an article of yours under a pen name.

    Sorry to hear that your wife is giving you grief about the time you spend on ANP. I was in similar situation before, but I convinced my wife to actually read the articles and post comments, which she does, occasionally.

    (In fact, I believe she may be behind some of the intentionally offbase remarks, and there was once a time that I even suspected her of being my arch-nemesis, Harlem Playboy. However, this suspicion has since waned, as I made her swear on the Holy Bible that she is not. Interestingly, learning that she is not Harlem Playboy has somehow made the whole Harlem Playboy phenomenon more intriguing and mysterious for me. For the record, the discord between Harlem Playboy and I emerged when we realized that we had fiercely opposing ideologies regarding mob associate, Nick Gio.)

    Black Angelo, good luck in all of your future endevors, and beware of Toots and Marco if they truly are onto you.

    Take care, buddy.

  68. Joe,

    Black Angelo’s preoccupation with Toots and your comment that he was direct with his dad got me thinking. Now, I already asked a similar question, which you overlooked or possibly ignored, but hear me out.

    Even though he was a Cicero guy, didn’t Turk have dominion over Chinatown while he was alive? Did his authority extend to Chinatown?

    I’ve been told that both Skids Caruso and Angelo LaPietra were second fiddle to Turk, and that LaPietra couldn’t ever win with Turk and that there was nothing he could do about it. Turk, I understand, vetoed many of LaPietra’s schemes simply because he didn’t like him.

    It was told to me that for all their name recognition, Skids Caruso and Angelo Lapietra were not as powerful as many people believe until Turk’s death in 1979. (And Skids only outlived Turk by 3 or 4 years.) Skids was reportedly a capo, and LaPietra obviously was. But if Toots was direct with his dad, as you said, maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal as being direct with someone like Turk, because, contrary to popular belief, Skids was not actually a top guy.

    • The way I understand it, Turk was a Capo “at large” whose dominion was not necessarily limited to a specific crew, and was not wedded to a particular hard-and-fast geographical location. He had his guys, his power base, but his power extended beyond them.

      It seems to me that there might be other instances of this in the Outfit. Ferriola was never more than a capo, but, at the pinncale of his “career,” his influence went beyond his guys, arguably. He was also not tied down to a particular locale.

      (Turk was comparatively more valuable to the Outfit than Ferriola, I’m told, even though Ferriola was slightly older than Turk…by 2 or 3-years.)

      • father guido on

        I too would like to hear any information in relation to Horsey’s questions. From what I know the way Horsey lays it out is about right..Turk was well liked by Joe B. and Joey A. Skids was a “local” and he controlled the local area, bridgeport chinatown, but was not a power outside that area, he did not run “rackets” outside that area. Part of the reason they survived after Mooney was the connections with certain mayors of Chicago. I would think that Joe Fosco can shed light on this since Rommie Nappi was a power in the old 1st ward. Cicero a la Auippa was always more powerful in the outfit than any Bridgeport “locals.” I heard that Gus Alex and Giancana were not to fond of the LaPietra’s, and that he was banned from Chinatown while Mooney was in charge.

      • Horsey, Turk Torello succeeded Fiore Bucciere when he died in 1972. The power center for the Taylor St. Crew shifted about 16 blocks further south to 26th St. Skids Caruso was a strong made guy who belonged to the Taylor St. Crew and ran his franchise around 26th St. Skids now belonged to Turk Torello. In the late 1970’s, Turk was the strongest of all the Capo’s under Auippa & Cerone. Had he not died at a young age of 49, He would have been at least one of the Two Top Bosses in the Outfit in 1986 when Auippa & Cerone went away.

        • The Don, welcome back! So, who did Angelo LaPietra belong to. I know he was involved with Cicero during the early years of his career.

          • Dom, Angelo LaPietra belonged to Turk Torello. He succeeded him in 1979. After 1972, the power centers of the 6 Street Crews in Chicago were as follows, Extended Cicero Crew which included The Top Boss Auippa & Capo Joe Ferriola, The Extended Elmwood Park Crew which included Top Underboss Jack Cerone & Capo John DiFronzo, North Side/Rush St. Crew, Grand Ave. Crew, 26th Street Crew & Chicago Heights Crew.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      In Turks latter years, which were all of the 1970s, he had a unique closeness to Aiuppa. His closeness to Aiuppa essentially made him like an honorary and an additional underboss (within reason) over the entire city.
      I never knew Skids to be considered a powerhouse.

  69. father guido on

    Good bye Black…I hope you can return, your posts have the feel of bar talk which has it’s appeal. How many illegit kids does Solly D have. I might know one. He goes by the name Tore and looks like Solly. He is a nitwit.

  70. Dear Readers,

    Below, you will find a copy of an email that I cut and pasted, which I sent to an anonymous smear job artist that has threatened my family with a subtle threat that we should “drive carful.” Among the threats made to me, I am told that various friends and acquaintances of mine will be receiving libelous information about me. This attacker has been threatening me from IP address

    My email to the bad person:

    Your subtle threats are not scary (relating to carful driving & smearing me).

    You are on a mission to smear me. Below are some addresses that you would like to have, as you have named these individuals in your threatening email and messages to me.

    Lord Black
    1930 S. Ocean Blvd.
    Palm Beach, FL 33480
    (Hurry up he is moving, however, his mail will be forwarded to New York)

    Joe Konen, Bishop Lyne and Fr. Dan Mayall
    730 N. Wabash
    Chicago, IL 60611
    (Might as well address the Cardinal while you are at it. Be advised, Konen retired, however, Holy Name will forward his mail)

    FBI Agent Holt
    2111 W. Roosevelt
    Chicago, IL 60608
    (Might as well address Agent Chris Mackey too)

    Please let me know if I could help you with any other addresses. And, please do not take this note as sign that I am condoning your harassment and smear campaign against me – I am not. Thank you.

    /s/ Joseph Fosco


    Extremely smart people like the ones named above know a smear job when they see one.

  71. Just Curious on

    Another example of how weak the Outfit is today.  Magnafichi giving an interview!  Would have never happened in the old days. What happened to Magnafichi?  Answer:  Nothing.  He walks around Chicago a free man occasionally shoplifting. The Outfit is a joke in 2012 and DiFronzo doesn’t care about it at all. The Outfit will be gone by the year 2025. Basically a 100 hundred year run. Anyone who believes otherwise is living in the past and doesn’t understand what has happened in the last 12 to 15 years. The pattern will continue in the same manner, slowly going downward more and more every year. What the Outfit has become today is an embarrassment to the Old Outfit. The Outfit of today is  like Ann Margaret ( in 2012)  walking around in a bikini trying to pretend she is with Elvis in 1974. It’s an embarrassment.