Friday, March 28

Happy Anniversary Dr. Giacchino

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April 22, 2010 has a dual significance in my life. It was the day that I was diagnosed with nearly a Stage III blood cancer. I was told it would take my life within one year if I refused treatment, an option I was seriously considering.

It was also the day that Illinois State Drug Inspector Dan Murphy drove out to the Melrose Park Clinic to inform Joseph Giacchino that he was no longer a licensed medical doctor in the State of Illinois. According to sources, Giacchino began screaming and throwing things as Murphy removed his medical license from his office wall.

Joseph Fosco and Joseph Giacchino

Joseph Fosco and Joseph Giacchino

In my opinion, the timing of these two matters was perfect. If it were not for the overwhelming joy of learning about Giacchino’s suspension, which trumped everything else going on in my life, I might not be alive today. Dr. Giacchino, thank you for keeping me here.
Sometime over the summer of 2010, I received an anonymous message from someone who I suspected to be Giacchino. The author of the message told me that he “knows that I am dying of cancer,” that he “hopes that I suffer a great deal of pain while I die” and that “I should be dead by the end of the year, which will be the time Giacchino gets his medical license back.”
Well, please be advised, anonymous message sender, that at the end of the year, 2010, I tested negative for cancer and was told that I am in full remission. I pray that it stays that way. However, I have noticed after doing a medical license search today on the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations website, Dr. Giacchino did not get his medical license back.

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  1. Joe, if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of blood cancer did you have? (You don’t have to answer, obviously.) My wife and I both have a co-workers who have survived it. One guy is in his forties, and the other is in his mid-thirties.

    I’m also just plain interested in medical issues, and actually underwent major spinal surgery last week.

    I was thinking about Giacchino this past week because my procedure was done at Loyola University Medical Center on 1st Ave. That is where he got his start, correct? Anyway, I was on narcotic pain meds in the hospital, and when I was discharged a few days later, I didn’t even fill my prescription for the pills. I’m only on a mild muscle relaxant now because, after reading your articles, I see that there is significant potential for addiction with pain pills.

    I wonder how many of his patients have liver and kidney failure because of long term use of pain meds? I wonder how many OD’d?

    Congratulations, Joe. I am confident that you will stay cancer free because you’re a young man, and some the factors that contribute to cancer are within your control.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Horse…,

      I will email you in a bit on the details of my former illness. I do not want to put it on the threads. Thank you for your concern.

      Yes, Giacchino started out at Loyola Hospital in Maywood, Illinois. Too bad Loyola hushed his conspiracy to sell kidneys. If Loyola would have been more prudent by contacting the authorities, Giacchino would have been knocked out of the medical field approximately 30-years ago.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      • Ok, Joe. But it’s not necessary to email me if that’s information you want to keep to yourself. HIPPA laws are in place for a reason.

        I’m sorry to have read what I have about Loyola on here. I had a very good experience with their neurosurgery center, so it’s ashame the same can’t be said of all their departments.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          I am pleased that your experiences at Loyola Hospital have been positive. The hospital has done a lot of good. I was once a proud member of their Leadership Society.

          • I got word from Melrose Park yesterday that the Feds are still on his ass. He is a known drug pusher. Your ANP Street Crew has damaged the good asshole doctor.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Good, very good. Yes, my sources have explained that the feds have plans for the evil doctor.

  2. ChiTown Dago on

    I can’t get myself to even refer to this scumbag as a doctor. We need to come up with a new name to reference him by.
    Just the sight of this guy in this picture makes me want to punch him in his freakish face. I met him at a boxing gym a while back. He was talking with the owner of the gym. I remember when they told me he was a doctor I thought they were BSing me. He thinks who he is!

  3. He’s a dope dealer. No different than the one’s on Keeler & Van Buren.

    Actually he is different. He is far more lethal than those dope dealers.
    And way more dangerous than an Albie Vena. What you see is what you get with the Albie’s and the heroin dealers on the corners. But when you go to a doctor, who swore and oath to practice medicine ethically, and he feeds one of, if not thee hardest habit to kick. Now that is shocking and repulsing.

    He welcomes and will “treat” anyone. Your kids, my kids, his lifelong friend’s grand kids, etc.

    If the law isn’t going to stop him, all one can hope for is that he ends up himself beholden to the dope. The dealer doing his own drugs. Then it will all unravel in quick time.

    • Hugh Jass, couldn’t agree with you more. And, your same logic applies to all the crooked politicians and and all the people high up in government who have also taken that oath when they’re sworn into office. You know, the same people who have lied to the American people and are indirectly hypocritical mass murderers.

  4. Black Angelo on

    Again CONGRATS on beating cancer again JF and Dr. Giachhino is going to be pissed off even MORE at you for posting a pic with you and fudge packer extraordinaire Elton John lol. And telling your ANP followers its Dr Giachhino.

    I had to do a double take when I looked at that pic. He’s certainly “flamboyant” You sure that is not The Rectum Ranger ? lol

    • Dear Black,
      Obviously, you are joking and do know that that is Giacchino and not Elton. Its funny you made the comparison. One of my brothers was teasing me earlier about the photo. He thinks that Giacchino looks so gay that it makes me look gay just being next to him, lol. As a side note, I have nothing against gay people because being gay is as normal as not being gay. My brother finds it funny that we look gay because we truly are not gay. In my defense, I would point out that that photo was taken at his wedding (to a woman, lol). Another thing that my brother did, he sent me a photo of Elton and his boyfriend in the exact same pose. The boyfriend was sporting a goatee as I am and Elton was wearing the same kind of glasses that Giacchino was wearing. I laughed so hard when I saw it.

  5. Yes it was a joke I Know that is Giachianno and not Elton. For the record they could pass as butt brothers. Also For the record I have nothing against gay’s, fags, homos etc. and I have nothing against mobsters that hang around Belmont/ Boystown collecting street tax from bars, (gay) porn stores, or use Craig list for gay prostitution rackets.

    It’s good to see the mob does not “discriminate” when it comes to collecting said street tax lol. The Elton John story is hilarious. And also for the record YOU DON’T look gay in the pic. But I guess standing next to a guy that looks like he’s shooting flames from his ass is not good for you especially when your smiling and he has his arm around you lol.

    • For the record, I am a rampant, raging heterosexual, despite being hugged by Giacchino, LOL.

  6. Dear Readers,

    Below, you will find a copy of an email that I cut and pasted, which I sent to an anonymous smear job artist that has threatened my family with a subtle threat that we should “drive carful.” Among the threats made to me, I am told that various friends and acquaintances of mine will be receiving libelous information about me. This attacker has been threatening me from IP address

    My email to the bad person:

    Your subtle threats are not scary (relating to carful driving & smearing me).

    You are on a mission to smear me. Below are some addresses that you would like to have, as you have named these individuals in your threatening email and messages to me.

    Lord Black
    1930 S. Ocean Blvd.
    Palm Beach, FL 33480
    (Hurry up he is moving, however, his mail will be forwarded to New York)

    Joe Konen, Bishop Lyne and Fr. Dan Mayall
    730 N. Wabash
    Chicago, IL 60611
    (Might as well address the Cardinal while you are at it. Be advised, Konen retired, however, Holy Name will forward his mail)

    FBI Agent Holt
    2111 W. Roosevelt
    Chicago, IL 60608
    (Might as well address Agent Chris Mackey too)

    Please let me know if I could help you with any other addresses. And, please do not take this note as sign that I am condoning your harassment and smear campaign against me – I am not. Thank you.

    /s/ Joseph Fosco


    Extremely smart people like the ones named above know a smear job when they see one.

  7. Is this the same Dr Joseph Giacchino who was a kidney transplant surgeon at Loyola U Med Ctr in the 1980s?

  8. Dear Mr. Fosco,

    First off, I would like to congratulate you on your remission! I can imagine the journey that was for you. I lost my mother at a very young , both her and myself, to stage 4 colon cancer. They have her weeks,told her she’d be lucky to get months. she fought an extremely hard battle for about 8 months or so, but as cliche as it sounds, she’s in a much better place and no longer in pain. so, you are in my prayers for a long, indefinite even, happy, pain free remission.

    Secondly, I wanted to share my disdain for this Dr. G, as his “friends” aka unfortunate, completely unaware patients. This man, if you even want to call him that, ruined my