Wednesday, March 26

Terrorists Are More Likely To Target Freight

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Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden

Since the assassination of Osama Bin Laden approximately one week ago, the media has revealed examples of purported terrorist plots supposedly targeting America’s railways. However, all I have seen in the news pertains to passenger cars. I understand that any threat against innocent American citizens, especially located on American soil, is extremely frightening for all of us to imagine. The far wiser target, though, would be freight trains and the yards they use.

My message today is designed to spread awareness on the most vulnerable areas of our local freight system. Most of us are aware that Chicago/Illinois is the central transportation hub for the continental United States. Nearly all freight from the East coast on its way to the West coast is transported by CSX to Chicago/Illinois, switched over to Union Pacific and sent on to its delivery location out west. In the same way freight from the West coast heading to the East coast uses Chicago/Illinois to switch in the opposite direction.

There are a number of vital train yards in the Chicagoland area. Each of these train yards are identified by a specific name. I am going to focus on the two yards that carry the largest potential for creating a massive interruption in freight, commuter and even automobile transportation. It would take months if not years to fully restore things back to normal should either of these two yards come under attack. It need hardly be added that we Americans rely on our freight system for nearly everything that we purchase in stores, such as clothes, food, lumber, fuel, automobiles and medical supplies.

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  1. Merlin Tenderpony on

    I agree that it’s likely that they could go for the freight, mainly because I think they’ve learned that they don’t have to kill thousands or even hundreds of people to have a devastating effect on the US. The can “win” by bankrupting us or interfering with the day to day lives of US citizens.

  2. Merlin Tenderpony on

    If they crashed a plane into the Hoover Dam or detonated a bomb there or something, they could kill the power source for tens of millions of Americans. That would have catastrophic effects without even killing anyone. I hope the feds are looking at these kinds of scenarios.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Merlin,
      Great point on the Hoover Dam, however, I trust that the feds have been addressing that possibility.

    • Merlin, Hi, how are you? you,ve been off the threads for about a month. Anyway, I answered your question and added some extra details on April 12 on the “DiFronzo Authorized Hit On The Hatch” article. Check it out. Also, above and beyond what I wrote, my source told me years ago there was some sort of ceremony but never went into detail about it.

  3. Horsey F@rt on

    For large scale attacks, it’s easier to imagine terrorist attacking diplomatic missions abroad, like embassy sites and so on. At home, our ports and railways are vulnerable because they’re so hard to keep a watchful eye on. For smaller attacks, I’ve always worried about suicide spree shootings and stuff like that. A guy with nothing to lose who has pledged allegiance to some insane religious ideology can do a horrifying amount of damage short order.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      I am in shock. Why would he watch such a video? It amazes me that the CIA was able to capture that.