Wednesday, March 26

Joseph Giacchino v. John Lagattuta, Et Al

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Dr. Joseph Giacchino

Dr. Joseph Giacchino

If I did not know Joseph Giacchino as well as I do, I would be somewhat surprised by the recent court complaint that he caused to have filed in Cook County’s Chancery Division last week. Giacchino’s sad little quest (equal parts tragedy and comedy) to regain his medical license seems to be never-ending. Apparently he will not be happy unless he can ruin the reputations of others as masterfully as he has ruined his own.

Please take a look at the ludicrous complaint before proceeding. In case the law firm hosting this document decides to suddenly ‘move’ it, I have archived a copy of the complaint here at ANP.

I can certainly sympathize with Illinois State Official John Lagattuta (now former supervisor of medical prosecutions) since we both have had purported sexual-related medical ailments leaked by our doctor in a public record. In my case the information leaked by Giacchino was seriously distorted, not making any sense whatsoever. I have not had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Lagattuta to determine if the medical information leaked about him is accurate, though given the source I am inclined to believe it is not.

When in trouble, Giacchino lashes out against his alleged attackers, who are usually his patients, typically by publicizing their medical information and in the most humiliating way possible. The way I see it, Giacchino does not understand HIPPA and it remains unclear to me why he is not held accountable for his breaches of medical privacy.

I once brought a civil suit against Giacchino for breaches of privacy. However, as my communications with the court and law enforcement show, my efforts were cut short by specific threats of physical violence. If the statute of limitations had not already expired, I would resuscitate the civil case immediately as I am now ready to deal with the intimidation that I once feared.

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  1. Mr Fosco, I believe that you also have a never ending destination that you have set sail for. I have read all that you have posted about Dr. Giacchino, and I know your hurting, but do you really believe in your mind that you can do anymore damage then what has already been caused? His pockets will never be empty, and his dying will wont ever allow him to set his pride aside in the fight to gst his license back. Just as you will never stop the fight of stopping him from getting it back. I believe Dr. G is old news and not worth reading about any longer. He hurt alot of people for a long time, and im one of them. But sometimes you just have to let go.

    • Dear Don’t,
      His pockets may never be empty, but he will likely be spending his money from a prison cell some day (in my opinion). My latest article on Giacchino is based on a current event, nothing that has been harped on before. Thank you for your readership and comments.

  2. Special Quest Explorer on

    Joe Fosco, I would like to thank you for keeping the public informed on Dr. Giachinno as well as all other aspects in your stories in ANP. I feel you are doing a deed by keeping us “One Up” on a possible murder suspect.  Taken these means of your true articles, the media have become the primary means of relaying information to the public about crime and they have consistently made crime a staple of daily reporting. It is easy to see why the media including ANP plays an important role in the public policy process. I also, might make a further statement by saying that much if this articles are centered with the fact that the media has the responsibility of reporting crimes.
    Public awareness is public policy. A perfect example of this; happened just last week when I got in a conversation with my ex-spouse who I consider a very close minded person. He told me that Dr. Giaccinno didn’t approach him on buying pills when he made his last doctors visit 4 years ago! Dr Giaccinno didn’t approach me either a very long time ago when I paid a doctors visit to him. I think it’s because Dr. I think it’s because Dr Giaccinno knows how to feel people out. They must also, be “Pure Evil” as he is. He must be able to victimize the m Most people know how to show their true devil horns when the time is right. Like you said in your other articles, it must be a prostitute or an indigent person with burdens like the troubled youths from the streets. Thank you for your view on public policy in the media. SQE

  3. Special Quest Explorer on

    I bet you you that the Police officer was only being dramatically sarastic to this Giachino deviant twosome! Let’s face it, they both need a gun. If you can imagine the surmounting crowd out there that awaits Giachino? I’m surprised he wasn’t picked off a long time ago. Nope, a gun probably won’t help. A drive by shooting is usually the drama of gang bangers. Maybe the police officers knows something that he hasn’t mentioned, like gang bangers in the out field of Giachino, since that’s the indigent crowd he catered his evil pills to! Can’t think of a more deserving man to get in the way of a drive by shooting. Can You? Good piece! SQE

    • Can't read silly stuff on

      ” Maybe the police officers knows something that he hasn’t mentioned, like gang bangers in the out field of Giachino, since that’s the indigent crowd he catered his evil pills to! ”

      Joe, does SQE have some kind of special software that allows her comments to bypass moderation entirely, giving her immediate access to the threads? I mean, “gang bangers in the outfield of Giachino?” Come on, already. 

  4. Special Quest Explorer on

    The Justice system, in its attempt to serve and protect, is also a source of victimization through poor discretion, lack of resorces, and inefficiency or incompetence by those sworn to protect and serve!

    It is ironic that now the doctor is the victim. I find it most humerous, that now, Dr. Giachino is a victim of a hate crime! Oh, poor, baby! Now, he is a primary target for victimization. Well, how does it feel Dr. Giachino? BRAVO!!! How does it feel to be a victim?

    The point is, does this DR. Menace even deserve the right for protection from harrassment???SQE

  5. Your question made it sound like you were looking for a single name. Joe gave you the absolutely correct answer. Cicero. Think of the Outfit as 5 ( USED TO BE 6) powerful Street Crews operating in  seperate territories and being in partnership with the Dominent Crew.

  6. Maybe Giacchino is accusing Lagattuta of getting him drunk and raping him. That seems to be Giacchino’s favorate story about other men. Was Giacchino ever in prison?  Maybe that’s where he gets these ideas.  

  7. Dear Readers:
    After doing my periodical review of public records related to Dr. Joseph Giacchino, tonight I noticed that he lost his lawsuit against the State of Illinois a couple of months ago. He was attempting to convince a judge to reinstate his medical license over the objection of the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations. LOL

    In the interest of being fair, I should mention that Giacchino’s unsuccessful lawsuit is presently being appealed. I will take a look at the appeal in the near future and write something on the matter if it seems interesting.

    According to credible confidential and professional sources, I am told that it is not going to be very long before Giacchino’s alleged cohort; Dr. Paul Madison is in a similar position as Giacchino. LOL

  8. Mr. Fosco, I’ve been watching the court case involving Giacchino and his attempt to regain his professional license. Do you know anything about his present lead attorney Ms. Tamara deSilva? How did she become his attorney? Who does she know?

    • Among what I know of Ms. de Silva, I believe that she is an extremely ambitious attorney. I suspect that an attorney who is a member of Riverside Country Club, who knows Giacchino and de Silva, introduced the two to each other. Giacchino’s appeal is moving along at a slow pace. It is in front of the Second Division. There are a number of briefs yet filed and I would not be surprised if the matter goes into next year. Frankly, in my opinion, anyone who could represent a person as complicated as Giacchino would be capable of doing almost anything. I am of the impression that she is a kind person.