Monday, March 3

Sam (Dyno) DeStefano

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A Chicago Police mugshot of Sam DeStefano.

A Chicago Police mugshot of Sam DeStefano.

Not quite one full decade into the twentieth century – September 13, 1909 – something occurred that would change the Midwest region of the United States of America for the next 63-years, seven months and one day. Sam “Mad Sam” DeStefano (known as Dyno to his Outfit cronies) was born. His legendary, blood-curdling reputation, replete with homicidal rampages and a sadistic obsession with torture, has led several prominent authors and law enforcement officials to conclude that Sam DeStefano was one of the most vicious and sadistic murderers in U.S. history.

From the time Dyno was a teenager until he moved out on his own as young man he lived in an apartment building off Polk Street in the heart of what is known today as Chicago’s Little Italy. His home was one or two buildings down from the boyhood home of the now late Outfit henchman Willie Messino.

Willie Messino often had problems with Dyno. Little Italy was a rough inner-city neighborhood, the sort of place where physical violence was commonplace. DeStefano, nearly eight years older than Messino, found delight in brutally assaulting the younger, smaller Willie. However, Willie never backed down from Dyno. He took his occasional beatings like a man, fighting back, punching and kicking every time. Whenever Dyno was challenged to a street-fight as a young man, he would always say in a voice similar to the one Ben Gazzara used in the 1975 film Capone, “Okay, how do you want to fight? Do you want to fight on one leg? Do you want to fight with one arm tied behind your back? Do you want to fight with both arms tied behind your back? Do you want to fight with a knife? Do you want to fight with a baseball bat?”

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  1. Good Article Joe. Dyno was truly out of his mind but Ricca & Giancana used him well. He was a ruthless killer who actually enjoyed torturing and watching someone suffer more than actually killing the guy. He loved his Bosses Giancana & Ricca. DeStefano was also a good earner. He had a lot of money out on the street. Some of the Money that he put out came from Giancana & Ricca. The rest of it was his own money. He had a fairly decent size crew of soldiers who were his collectors. I believe that deep down inside, Cerone was a little afraid of Dyno. Cerone knew that Dyno, Alderisio, Niccoletti, Daddano, Caifano or the two Capos, Bucciere & Battaglia, were ready to kill him if the word was given.

      • Yes, he was a very clever s.o.b. He also had Acccardo who was actually part of the Extended Elmwood Park Crew as his guardian angel  semi-retired Advisor. Ricca played the same role in the Extended Taylor St. Crew. Ricca & Accardo worked well together, but their two protoge’s would not have anything to do with each other unless it was absolutely neccessay. Cerone was in the obvious weaker position, because Taylor St. was the absolute Dominent Crew and were based around the First Ward which controlled all Chicago. As you pointed out previously, Accardo had the absolute right to ask that HIS man, Cerone, be the Underboss of the entire Outfit. Mooney would not have any part of it and would not share the dominent power of Taylor St. with anyone but his mentor, Ricca. Joe, there is one monor spelling error in the article. Murder shoulbe murderer. Easy correction. How did Willie get along with Dyno in the later years?

        • Thank you for the spelling correction. I sent the work order off to editing; however, it will probably take until much later in the day to be corrected.

          Willie would never admit it, but I think deep down he looked up to Mooney and his guys. However, he was property of Grand Avenue. I believe that he was somewhat concerned that Taylor Street would do something bad to him. He told me that whenever he had to deal with Dyno, he would make sure Jack took the proper measures to assure that Willie would be safe (the same went for Mooney – when Willie would have to meet Mooney).

          Willie told me that he once roughed up a very low-level guy who was under Mooney (his name escapes me), which he was whistled in for. Willie went to Jack before meeting Mooney to secure some kind of protection. I believe Jack went with him to meet Mooney, but reached out to Joe B first.
          When Willie arrived, Mooney told Willie that he looked into the matter and decided that Willie was in the right, but fumbled by striking the man. Mooney told Willie, “Willie don’t ever kick the master’s dog.” Willie apologized and quickly asked if it was okay if he could leave. I do not believe that Jack was actually allowed to sit in on the meeting, but was in the next room. Mooney excused Willie and he left. Willie was very worried. Apparently, Jack was concerned as well.

          • Joe,  I love it! ” Don’t ever kick the Master’s dog”. Fucking great! You got to hand it to Mooney, He was it. There was a real gangster. They broke the mold after Mooney. Joe, was the low level guy named Tarquin Simonelli?

          • No, it was not Queenie Simonelli. Did you know him? I did. He died when I was a kid. He was a nice man, and a good friend of my dads. Back in the 50s, Queenie and his wife Maria were living in Joe B’s guesthouse, which was above the garage at his home on Franklin. One evening, when Willie was there, he was talking to Joe in the driveway, while Joe was waiting to be picked up to go out for dinner. Side note, Maria was Mr. Accardo’s sister (which I am sure you know). Anyway, all of a sudden, Joe and Willie heard screaming and a big crash from the guesthouse. Maria was rough. She used to attack Queenie. A few minutes later Queenie came outside (to get away from his wife) and Joe told him, “Why don’t you strangle her?” Joe liked Queenie more than he liked his own sister. The two had a son and daughter. I forgot the sons name – he turned out okay. I know the daughter Sheila, she is quite character. I believe she was recently released from the Illinois Department of Corrections after doing nearly a 20-year stretch for narcotics. The last time I saw her, I had breakfast with her at the old Jedi’s Garden on 22nd and Harlem, right before she went away (in the early 1990s). She had a 45 and a 357 (handguns) on her and she was with two men who were African-American. I did not invite her for breakfast; she invited herself to my table. She gave me some nonsense that she was selling some Oak Brook condominiums for Joey Aiuppa (who was away at the time) and wanted to know if I would buy one from her. I have actually prayed for her in recent years out of respect for her father (again, who was my dads friend). I hope she gets herself straitened out. When I finally fully financially recover (which I will), she would be someone that I would try to help, granted she is helping herself. I have empathy for people that were inadvertently exposed to mental illness while growing up, as Sheila experienced with her mother. Sorry for being winded.
            Are you saying that Joe B’s brother-in-law worked for Mooney? Come on?

          • I never knew Queenie but I met his apparent second wife. Her name was Gloria. She also has a daughter named Gloria. My relative made it sound like Queenie was somehow connected to Mooney on a lower level. Maybe I misunderstood him. Did Queenie divorce Joe’s sister?

          • I was told that Queenie’s marriage ended in divorce. When I asked my relative if Accardo was upset, he said it didn’t really matter too much because Queenie Simonelli was with Mooney. He didn’t say how or why but that’s what he told me. Queenie’s second wife was real nice. Anyway, to make a long story short, Queenie wasn’t the guy that Willie roughed up. By the way, that is my favorite Willie story of all time. You have to put that in your book.  

          • I am sorry if I was not clear enough, Joe B thought more of Queenie than he thought of his own sister. Joe loved Queenie, surly he was okay with the separation between him and Maria. Everyone liked Queenie; he was a very nice man. Willie loved him. In fact, Willie allowed his the troubled daughter, Sheila, to live with him and his second wife, Vickie, for a while in the 1980s. Willie was Joe B and Queenie’s servant for many years (similar to how Michael Volpe worked for the Accardos). The idea of Willie roughing up Queenie (who was basically an Accardo, living on Joe’s personal property) is impossible for me to imagine. When I said that the name of the person who Willie roughed up ‘escapes me’, I meant that the low-level person was someone that I never heard of before. Now, if Willie would have told me that he beat up Joe B’s brother-in-law, who basically lived with Joe, I would have asked Willie, “why are you still alive?” I will go a step further by saying that Willie would never raise a hand to anyone in the Accardo family no matter what the circumstances were; and anyone that knew Willie well would agree.
            You or your relative simply confused a name. No big deal. This stuff could be difficult to keep organized.
            Lastly, yes, you could be sure the ‘masters dog; will be in my book. Imagine how that line would come off in a movie by an actor portraying Giancana.

    • It’s also been said that Dyno is responsible for bringing the juice racket to Chicago. Before that it was strictly an east coast thing. He was the first to put money on the street in large numbers and was so successful others followed. He was allowed an open territory as a result and also because they were so afraid of him noone wanted to tell him what he couldn’t do.

  2. I should be able to project an approximate date for my book by next spring. Thank you for your kind offer. I will contact you about it in the future.

    • ah i believe ive heard of that guy.  He is the one that got willie in all that trouble in that bank robbery in schiller park in the 80’s when like every single person ratted each other out, it was 4 guys including him, thats what got potatoes that robbery conviction.  He ended serving time with Dick Cain when time finally caught up with him right joe

      • The Bank robbery took place in the 60’s, not the 80’s. Willie Potatoes put some of the guys on a lie detector test if you can believe it. If Willie had put me on the lie detector test and I knew my like would depend on it, I  probably would have failed it because the needle would be moving all over the place just from the fear of his questions!

    • Joe, fascinating article and I look forward to the book.  You know I enjoy the historical stuff, and would love to see Lefty, Ricca, Nitto, McGurn and others in their proper place.  I don’t know if you’re going that far back, but I hope you do.  There’s so much confusion about how the Outfit functioned.   There’s so much confusion of its history.  Nick DeJohn is a name we talked about, and others such as James Franzone, Lawrence “Dago” Mangano and others associated with the North Side and Near North Side.  What were the real roles of Jack Guzik, Jack White and Murray Humphries?  The more questions that get answered the more people will buy.

      • I am close with someone that knew Lefty, who spent time at his farm in Barren Springs, Michigan (in the 40s), with him and his wife Charlotte. I will get some ‘Lefty’ information together and write something. I will talk to my friend soon.

  3. Joe–any interaction with Mario DeStefano or stories about him?  Was he as sick as his brother?   Also, what was the story about Mooney ordering Dyno to kill his brother Michael and he and Mario both complying?  Also didn’t Mario or Sam have a grandson or something of the same last name who is a current soldier?

    • Dear Logic,
      I believe that Dyno trumped the entire family when it came to mental illness. If Mooney ordered a hit, it was Dyno’s job to carry it out no matter who the intended victim might be. Dyno was super loyal to Mooney. I know of some of their kids, but a grandson does not come to mind. Sorry.

      • Thanks Joe.  Were any of the kids involved in the Outfit?  Did your father know Mad Sam’s wife well?  She must have been interesting. 

        Also curious to know whether DeStefano’s murder was sanctioned or not…sounds like he was still a larger moneymaker than Spilotro at the time. 

        • No kids involved, perhaps one nephew. I do not know if my father knew Dyno’s wife. My father used to have a cocktail with Dyno occasionally; they would meet at Andrea’s Restaurant on Mannheim Road.

          I will address who I know to be involved in Dyno’s assassination in my book.

  4. He might have look like Shemp from the Three Stooges, but this guy was INSANE. He committed torture-murders in his pajamas too, according to local lore.

  5. Don, I agree. Dyno’s courtroom antics brought way too much attention on the outfit and he had to go. Boy, what a family huh? Dyno kills his brother Michael, and Mario kills Dyno. So much for brotherly love.

    • Tony,  I’m not sure Mario was involved in killing Dyno. Joe Fosco would know about this more than me. We each have our own field of expertise. Knowings details about murder is not mine. The reason why I have doubts about Mario is because I know Cerone was behind it. Cerone usually used made guys from his own crew to do murder. He would not have taken any chances with man as dangerous as Sammy DeStefano. I believe Spilotro may have been involved which would make sense because in 1973, The Grand Ave. Crew was in full existence with Capo Joe Lombardo. Spilotro was with that crew and was born and raised on Grand Ave. Mario DeStefano was a soldier who worked under his brother, Dyno, and was obviously not an Elmwood Park /Grand Ave. man. Joe, without giving away too much from your future book, do you see where I’m going with this and do you have an opinion?

        • I wast told a story that Mario & Tony Spilotro lured Dyno to a meeting under the guise of discussing the Leo Foreman trial and then ambushed him in the garage. But who really knows for sure suppose.


          • Tony, I read that story also. Again, like Joe also stated, I doubt Mario was involved for reasons  stated above.

  6. Joe,   If we had to lay out the Power structure of the Outfit during Dyno’s peak, it would go something like this: Taylor Street ( Dominent Crew ) which included Giancana as the Top Boss, Ricca His Partner and Advisor, Capos Bucciere & Battaglia West Side & West Suburbs. Next would be Elmwood Park (Sub Dominent Crew ) which included Accardo as Advisor & Cerone as Capo. Next would be on a basically equal level: The North Side Crew ( Ross Prio Capo ), Cicero Crew ( Joey Auippa Capo ), Chicago Heights Crew ( Frank LaPorte Capo ). Note: Battaglia & Bucciere were NOT more powerful than Accardo but they did belong to the Dominent Crew. Noone can argue that point. Finally, Yes Ricca & Giancana were the two most powerful  INDIVIDUALS in the Outfit. Then Accardo & Cerone. I don’t care what Roemer or any other uninformed jerk who ever wrote a book says, that’s the way it was!  I hope your book corrects the misinformation from the bullshit books by Roemer. Your thoughts? 

    • Your structure diagram looks good, in my opinion. However, I remember hearing George Colucci and Willie talk about Joey O being a boss since the 30s. I realize that they did not mean ‘the boss’, but I intend to get to the bottom of it.

      • Do you think George meant Auippa was the Capo of the Cicero Crew since the late 1930’s or early 1940’s? That’s possible, but how would that change the power structure diagram I presented? I Mentioned Auippa as the Capo of Cicero.

  7. Obrien was seperate of Accardo and Cerone and of Mooney and Taylor Street. Obrien I believe got his start through Rocky DeGrazia in Melrose Park in the late 1920s. Obrien controlled all gambling in Cicero by the 1930s. He also had control over Palatine when it was wide open. He was probably the first person to ever move into Oak Brook (we’re talking 1950s). The thing about Obrien that I really liked was he didn’t give a f*ck about anyone. And he was very very opportunistic, schrewd and cunning. He would of knocked down Cerone as fast as he knocked down Mooney if given the opportunity. I sometimes wonder what he liked best… being a avid hunter, a fisherman or a mobster. And Joe Fosco tell me if i’m wrong but the Robert DeNiro type of character in Cape Fear could have been Dyno all day long lol.

    • I suppose Max Cady is a reasonable comparison. lol
      Good point about Aiuppa being apart from the others. I agree. I am not sure that Rocky brought him in. I believe Capone did. However, yes, I could see Rocky bringing him up in Melrose Park, though Joe was from that town. I need to add Rocky to my list of contacts, I knew him through my dad. My dad loved him. He lived forever, lol (almost forever).
      Yes, Aiuppa was one of the first to buy land in Oak Brook. Actually, Tony Cap owned some land there as well (nearby). The entire southwest corner of Butterfield and York was Caps. Willie told me that every time we drove by.

      • I was told through a very-very-very good source Rocky D brought Obrien into the fold and introduced him to Capone. (Kind of like what Jack McGurn did for Joe B.) I was told Capone came out to Melrose Park in or around 1924/25 and Rocky D introduced Capone to a young Obrien. Obrien became a boxer around that time, but did not go work for Capone until around 1929/30. Rocky taught Obrien everything about Gambling and introduced him to hunting. Obrien was said up through his death in 1997.. to still own some shotguns and rifles Rocky gave him in the 1920s/30s. And Tony Cap did in fact own some parcels of land in the Oak Brook Area. But your right also in that Capone did give Obrien his baby.. Cicero. I believe for a while he was 2nd in command to Capone’s brother or one of the Fischetti’s.

        • What I have is that Ralph Capone controlled Cicero until his brother went to Alcatraz.  Ralph moved to Wisconsin and Aiuppa took over the crew.  Ralph was demoted to soldier.

    • Black Angelo,  I agree with you about Auippa. He was not a Taylor St. man nor was he a Grand Ave. man. He was simply a Cicero man. However, if push came to shove, my relative told me that Auippa was more comfortable with Accardo & Cerone than he was with Mooney & Ricca. Auippa was not one of Mooney’s favorite people, but he did like him better than Cerone. However, that’s not saying much of anything. I was also told that The made guys who were partnerts with Auippa in the Cicero Crew, even during the reign of Mooney, earned very well with him. During the 1960’s before Auippa became the Top Boss of the Outfit, I believe Joe Negall was his personal underboss, Carlisi was his driver/assistant & Cortina & Angelini were his men for bookmaking. Infelice rose to more prominence a little later. I also agree with Joe Fosco’s opinion that Auippa wanted to knock down Cerone at the very end. Jack didn’t have Accardo to protect him plus some of his own men were afraid of Jack trying to ‘arm’ them the minute he got out of prison. Auippa knew all of this and was going to use it to his advantage. However, he also died when he got out just like Cerone. I think sometimes they give them something in prison to slowly kill some of these guys or, maybe they simply give up. Solly D. never gave up and in my opinion is one of the most mentally tough Outfit guys of all time.

  8. Spilotro went to Las Vegas around 1971. Ricca died in 1972. With Giancana gone and Ricca dead, Caifano shelved himself and went to Florida before Cerone could take a shot at him. The message on the street after Paul died in 1972 was basically this in unspoken words: All made men left over from the Extended Taylor St. Crew had better give up any old allegiance to Giancana and become totally dedicated to Auippa & Cerone, or your days would be numbered. Case closed.


    • Khanz,  Nobody is blaming anybody for something one of their relatives did in the past. You’re correct when you say that certain good people had no control over what one of their relatives may have done that was bad. I say, so what? Nobody’s blaming any innocent person about what one of their reatives did in the past anyway. This is a forum for discussion about the Chicago Outfit. This is not a jury out to prosecute any innocent person so if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about it.

      • sorry don to disagree with you but i happen to have first hand experience with some of the people who you guys paint in a negative light.i respect the information you were given by your sources but i must tell you that i personally witnessed many things that your people can only attempt to have NO idea about the information i was privy to,but i can say with complete confidence that it is MUCH more accurate than yours. peace brother…

        • Who have I painted in a bad light that you disagree with? I rarely paint anybody in a bad light who was in the Outfit. I’ve been accused of defending them instead! So, be specific with your false accusation, Brother

      • sorry don to disagree with you but i happen to have first hand experience with some of the people who you guys paint in a negative light.i respect the information you were given by your sources but i must tell you that i personally witnessed many things that your people can only attempt to have NO idea about the information i was privy to,but i can say with complete confidence that it is MUCH more accurate than yours. peace brother…

      • by the way.queenie was a nice guy,and part of a group of guys(marshall,johnie bell,subbie)that i golfed with every sunday at fresh meadows for 3 years.he was a carpenter at mccormik place and had NO criminal history…

        • Never said Queenie wasn’t a nice guy. Never said Queenie had a criminal record.  However, I heard in the past he was connected on the lower level. However, I don’t really care and if you want to get upset about it, why don’t you argue with the estate of the former F.B I. agent Bill Roemer who says on page 68 in his bullshit book Accardo, The Genuine Godfather, that Accardo brought Queenie into the mob. GO ARGUE WITH HIS PEOPLE IF YOU’RE OFFENDED BY IT. Piece, Brother.

      • That’s okay Joe, With all the comments we make on here, we’re bound to offend somebody occasionally. You can change my name to Willie The Don Messino. I don’t react well to false accusations and even though I get upset when I hear bullshit, I can get over it. I’m a very loyal friend. Remind you of anybody? 

  10. Joe,  Since this article is about Dyno, I would also like to add that Willie Potatoes was his partner on some of the big juice loans. This also was an example of the great comradery between the made guys in the Extended Taylor St. Crew working together. Besides being involved with pinball & juke box machines out in the far west suburbs, Willie Potatoes was a very formidable loan shark and street tax collector. It was explained to me that when Dyno hooked a big one, sometimes instead of going to his immediate Boss, Giancana, for more money, he would enlist Willie Potatoes as a partner. The two of them would make the juice loan and would have a soldier from each of their crews collect each week. God forbid if the poor guy got behind on his payments. I would not have wanted to face Dyno, Daddano & their men being late on a payment. Double Disaster.  

    • I would add that Potatoes had a much nicer way about him in general. He helped the underdog. I know someone who worked for him many years ago. The person that I know told me stories that Potatoes gave money away to young guys that were released from jail to help them out. Dyno would never give money away. However, Potatoes’ DNA contains a serious disorder causing mental illness to plague a number of his offspring and their offspring (in my opinion). I am not making fun out of it, instead, I pray for them.

  11. Joe,  Did you know the old 42’s were also known sometimes as the ‘Youngbloods’ . I believe this term was used a little more often at a later point when Giancana and his guys started to graduate into the Outfit. Paul Ricca loved it and saw how the Outfit, mainly his crew, would be greatly strengthened with the influx of these men from Taylor St. Paul had a special fondness for Sammy DeStefano. Dyno would have done anything for his two immediate Bosses, Mooney & Ricca.   Accardo was always a bit nervous about all these Taylor St. men coming into the Outfit. He made sure, while this was happening, that he brought in some guys from Grand Ave. to try and balance it. It’s funny how Taylor St. And Grand Ave. continued their fierce rivalry all the way into the Outfit. My relative used to take me on a short little tour of the Taylor St. area and then we would go a little further north  to the Grand Ave. Area. Hell, the two distinct areas were only about 18 blocks apart. Taylor St. is 10 south and Grand Ave. near Ogden is about 5 north and maybe a couple or so blocks further west. Between the two areas, I personally preferred Taylor St.  

    • I am aware of the Youngblood’s. My father’s older brother was a 42. His name was Vito. He was very primitive. In the 60s, he was pulled over in the Niles area (or a surrounding suburb) for a minor traffic stop, which caused him to make the decision to bribe the police officer. Instead of using money, he opened his trunk and offered the police officer some guns. Naturally, my father was the person Uncle Vito called for help once he was arrested on the spot. Somehow, someway, my dad was able to get him out of it. In a bigger surprise, I learned the reason my dad was mad at Uncle Vito. My dad thought Uncle Vito was silly to offer the police officer items that were worth more than what the ticket would have cost him, not the fact that he was offering up firearms.

      • Joe,  Do you know where they came up with the name 42’s? There have been stories circulated. One story was that Ali Baba & the thieves numbered 41 so they came up with the 42’s to be one better. That is one question I never asked in the past. Your thoughts? On which street did the Fosco family reside in ‘ The Patch ‘ ?

        • I believe Willie once told me his perspective on how the 42-Gang was named, however, i am having trouble recalling. Let me think for a while.
          The Fosco Family were spread out in the area. Cousins lived on Taylor and Bishop. My father was born in a house on Spruce Street, prior to being relocated on his father farm for a number of years. When my dad returned to Taylor at age 7, I am not sure where he lived. I will ask an older family member soon to satisfy my own curiosity. However, when my father married Romie’s sister, they rented an apartment on Cabrini Street.

      • Who are is so called “Guys?” I see this clown here and there and he always is the “Hanger on” in the groups of people he hangs around with. I’m very surprised his so called friends that “you know nothing about” have not told him to stop with his idiot videos.
        P.s. the still picture above hints that he might be using the hormones Richard Speck used in Stateville prison to give himself man boobs.

      • Chitowndago,  I like your name. Tell me that Tosto doesn’t look like Telly Savalas, except that Savalas is much smarter, much richer, and a much better ACTOR on camera.


  13. Kkanz,  If you’re refering to Willie Potatoes Daddano you’re correct. Some other commentor somewhere else mentioned the eighties, but I corrected them. Willie went away in 1968 and I believe died in 1975 in prison. My relative who belongs to the Elmwood Park Crew always looked up to him for many of his fine qualities. He was one of the backbone men of the Extended Taylor St. Crew and had tremendous loyalty to Mooney, Ricca & his immediate Boss Battaglia. He was also a good family man from what I was told and a good earner.

    • He was a good looking kid. He was also very arrogant & extremely hot tempered. He might have been on steroids at that time(I’m saying that because he was at the gym every day and temper raged at the drop of a dime. I was introduced to him by a childhood friend that was not Italian. He had said to me “Blank Bastone ‘(because I can’t remember his first name for sure) is one of your paisans. His family owns Zenith Vending, have you heard of it?”  That conversation came about because I told my friend that he was a jag-off every time we were in public, (I wanted to pummle him) and for some reason felt that he had something to prove around all his friends.
      Memory lane…..this is when Schaumburg was the hot spot. Alumni Club, 34’s, Dakota’s, Johnny D’s etc.

      • ChiDago, Okay so this must of been 10 years ago lol when Schaumburg/Palatine had all those hot spots (I remember them well). Slice of Chicago, Durty Nellies and Bahama Breeze where nice too. And Joey definatly was on steroids for a long period (he is still a very big/strong fella). Jamie is his younger brother and always looked up to him so it would not surprise me if he was on them too. but Joey took his physical fitness very seriously.

        • Small world. I wish I could attach the theme song from “All in the family.”
          Just curious Black…Did you happen to know or hear of “The One Man Brute Squad?”

    • Joe and ChiDago, Carmen “Carmine” Bastone sr. had 4 sons: Phil, Carmine jr., Joey, and Jamie. I think he had one daughter also. Joey runs a succesful cigar business in St Charles amongst other businesses like a Air Cleaning business. (Ironically his older brother Carmine jr likes to steal cigars (amongst other things) from stores… I still havent figured that one out yet). Jamie is also a succeful businessman. From what I hear Jamie and Joey still have strong contacts in Spain (they both grew up their and went to high school and some college over their in Spain).

  14. Special Quest Explorer on

    To Tony if and when he comes in here again. Remember, you can not threat and brag about your connections, plus, be reported to the dectives all at the same time. I put a message on the article by Joe Fasco, ” The Victimization of Joe Fosco’s grandmother!” I am sorry, but I am sick of people with criminal backgrounds sticking together to victimize! SQE

    • Oh My dear SQE,
      Thanks for admitting you have been threatening me in these forums. I am convinced you are in league with the messino family ofd evil doers. You have constantly harassed both the catalano & defillipis families. I have taken the apprpriate steps and have reported you to the apprpriate agencies. The killer always returns to the scene of the crime. ding dDear

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        Accpet Joe Fosco has already reported you to the aythorities. Dear. Joe fosco has faced booked me that he has updated the detectives. That would include a copy of the threats that you did to me on here. Ak him? i am not lying. He did the reporting to the detectives not me! Joe Fosco has made good on his promises and I believe him1 What are you kidding me. The police have Joe email stating how I am suposta recieve some sort check mate plan from you. i am not kidding! You said I am on to you, well Joe has my facebook page to reveal who I am. Does he have yours/ No he doesn’t becuase you are a criminal. You now are a suspect> Ask Joe Fosco. was the deteives updated? I gave him a lead. I am not kidding! Who do you think the detectives will go with me or you with a criminal record? Once this is, done, the SVU will work with  cameras, you know from where. I hope you get caught, becuase you showed up twice in 2 years! The first time I told the detectives then! I have pictures!

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        Oh my Dear Tony, thanks for admitting that you know and are an actual aquaintance Of Joe Messino in Joe Fsoco’s “Defronzo in the Food Industry” article. I think that feds will have a field day on that one! Also, a will mention again that your comment threat was given to The Chicago area 5 detectives along with a myriad amount of my other leads! SQE

        PS, thanks, for the help, in helping the CPD get closer to Joe Messino! They know who to wire tap. Also, how is that same comment notto be taken as a threat to Joe Fosco!  Since, you are directing it to him!

        • Please provide the direct quote where I said I was acquainted with Joe Messino. Please cut and paste the part where I stated I hung out in clubs with him. The problem is you can’t, because I never said them. I feel sorry for all the detectives at Area 5 and the FBI that you hound with your cockamamie theories. SQE your nothing but a liar, trying to make your boring life in a suburban condo exciting by creating some fantasy world where people in Italian flag jackets and Chicago outfit Boss John DiFronzo stare at you from the produce line at Tony’s Fine Foods. You somehow are able to read their minds and know what their intention are. The only thing you have succeeded in doing is turning the investigations for the crimes against Michael and Tony into a joke, which I have a feeling was your intention all along.

          • Special Quest Explorer on

            First of all it’s Butera. And I am very proud of youfor staing that observation. Because, if you were to have stated the correct palce of Butera then you would know some of these peopel from the neighborhood. When I saw neighborhood, I am stating Cafe Piaza. I am happier now that you can easily say that your not from Cafe Piaza1 Thank Tony, that’s all I wanted to know.  You have no clue what I mean by this. Tony’s Finer. is connecting to someone I know that managed Super Low in Woodale, Illinois. This person has organized crime connections to the Chicago Outfit. Tony’s foods are cousins to Super Low. I spoke to the owner last summer about the person I am referring about. That was so good you cleared this up. I feel much better. I just know that I did my civic duty, by telling the detectives about him. The only reason someone by the name of Joe Mesino came about was because of ANP. Only thing, Go into “A hitman after Joe Fosco on tape article.” A guy by the name of Lonstar states that Joe Messino hangs at Cafe Piaza. Now, this is the same place where the guy Andera has hung at for years. So, Tony dear, scared of the neighborhood? You betcha, I am.  The flag Jacket came up with M. Defillipis, because of his actions. It was down right at the same time as seeing M.Def. He was kneeling down in a place where it was highly unlikely to do that and to be dressed as MR Elmwood ParK. SQE

            PS Do you think that these places have connections to Organized Crime. Super Low, Tony’s Finer Food, Battaglia Trucking, Greco Trucking, Butera, aaaaand Euro Fresh? These are the local cennections of the people I know! None of them are Joe Mesino. I have a hundred people that know I worked the places I did. Since, you don’t, I feel better!!! (oh yeah, this Andrea was manager/ Woodale, Super Low and now Euro Fresh) Go Figure??/ His connections,The Chicago Outfit..!!

  15. Special Quest Explorer on

    This is a true story everyone. Joe Fosco has upfated the detectives of my lead. That would include pictures. Why is this Tony treatening me then turning it araound and saying it is me?  Tha’t’s he wants me to be screaming for attention remember? I have facebooked Joe Fosco that his threats scar me! SQE (a copy a paste of what this person said IN THIS POSTS was given to the detectives along with the rest of my leads! JOE FOSCO THEN THANKED ME!!!!

  16. Not sure where it would be appropriate to post this but your buddy Tosto has some new feeds up.

  17. Joe,  You mentioned Frank Bucciere above as someone you knew at least to a certain degree. How well did you know Frank ‘ The Horse ‘ ? I believe at some point Frank left Chicago and went out West. He might have been stationed in Palm Springs. Am I Correct? If so, why did he go to California? Was he sent there by Auippa & Cerone?  Accardo used to go out to Palm Springs quite a bit. If the above is true, did Accardo see Bucciere when he would go to Palm Springs? It would seem a bit odd to me for Accardo to be close with a Taylor St. man, especially Fifi Bucciere’s brother. However, I never heard much about Frank so maybe he was one of those left over guys who posed no threat to Cerone and fit into the ‘new arrangement’.  I know Butch Blasi fit into the power shift very well. For that matter, so did Turk Torello, Angelo LaPietra & Skids Caruso and probably a couple of others I can’t think of right now. 

    • Dear The Don,

      Being around guys like young Jack Cerone (who did his best to associate with hoodlums connected to his late father), the now late George Colucci (who was used by a great number of gangsters over the years for the money he had in the 60s, 70s and 80s and therefore liked by them very much), Willie Messino (a gangster who weathered many Outfit storms and was one of DiFronzo’s most trusted guys), Buddy Ciotti (Outfit video poker kingpin) and Michael Magnafichi (Charlie Sheen of the Chicago Outfit), how could I not have come to know the people I have listed at the bottom of the article?

      From the middle 90s to the early 2000s, I spent almost every day (from early morning to late afternoon with Willie and George. However, I did have a number of dinners with George in the evenings (a couple of hundred at least, over roughly 5-years). In the same years, I spent almost every evening with Buddy. For 18-months, I scaled back my schedule a little bit with Willie, George and Buddy, to spend a great deal of more time with Jack (this was from late 90s to early 2000s). Make no mistake in knowing that I was well connected to Jack for several years prior to devoting much of my time to him for the 18-month period that I indicated. And, for a while, I remained connected to him even after we stopped spending a great deal of time together.

      George Colucci was close to Fif (Frank’s brother), in fact their children married. Yes, Frank had moved out west in latter years. However, he visited Chicago frequently, and when he came here, he would usually get together with George for dinner. I am of the impression that his move out west was initially related to the power change stemming from Joe Nick. In my book, I talk about his love affair with the famous Playboy Bunny, Patty Reynolds, the horse he bought her (in the early 60s) named ‘Frank’ and some of the favors I was asked to do (by Frank) in recent years for some of her relatives.

      • Joe,  Is that where they get that funny story about the Feds showing a picture to Fifi Bucciere of his Brother, Patty Reynolds, and the Horse? Supposedly the Feds questioned Fifi about the picture. He said  ” That’s my brother Frank, That’s his girlfriend Patty, but I take the 5th on the Horse. ” If true, that is a great story.

      • Allen James on

        Explain the “power change stemming from Joe Nick”   Wouldnt that be where the power all ready was from Carlisi and Auipa be for?

        • Joe Nick was a Capo in the last few years of his life. Joey O gave him his spot. Aside from the previous Outfit leaders (prior to the late 70s), Joe Nick would take orders from Joey O, Jack (prior to their incarceration), Black Sam and Johnny DiFronzo (after Joe and Jack’s incarceration), until the day he dropped dead.

  18. Joe,  Did you have much of a relationship with Marshall Caifano? Did Marshall have a non Italian wife named Darlene? In the Accardo book, Roemer says that the Feds told Marshall that Mooney was fooling around with his beautiful hillbilly wife when Marshall was in Las Vegas. Do you think it’s true that Mooney slept with her or was it more of Roemer’s stupid bullshit?

    • Dear The Don,
      Marshal would come in from Florida periodically. When he did, he always made a trip to visit George Colucci. I was usually with George during these dinners. The dinners were never business related, as both he and George were well retired from Outfit related activities. However, I was present for some great stories, which I will explain in my book. I did not know Marshal extremely well and have no idea about his wife’s relations with other men. All I have are some great stories he told George in my presence. One of my father and Romie’s nieces married Fat Lenny’s son.
      During one dinner with Marshal and George, Willie was present for part of the meal (Willie never liked staying out past 7pm); I noticed that Marshal was not as happy to see Willie, as he was George.

  19. My father lived next door to Sam in the early 70’s, Sam was on the corner of Wabansia and Sayer.  One day, Sam jumps over the bushes seperating the property and says to my Dad, I need to get to the airport asap,  he then crawled into the backseat of my dads car and layed down.  My Dad then drove him to airport and Sam got out and left. No idea where he was going,  But a few months later,  Sam was killed in his own garage, there were witnesses, It was Tony Spilotro and Sams own brother Mario.

    • There were no witnesses. That’s why the murder was unsolved. If there were witnesses, none came forward. I doubt Mario was involved. Cerone used his own people and Grand Ave. People,  ( like Spilotro) who were closely allied with Elmwood Park.

  20. OMFG one of the girls was rapping tonight on mob wives, I cant do it anymore.  I just wanted to see about the one guy flipping on his wives Dad.  But cant do it anymore…..

      • First time I ever saw actual news footage of Mad Sam speaking to reporters and just hearing his voice is very creepy. The guy was a total psycopath!! I grew up just a few blocks from his house but was just a kid when he was gunned down in his garage. Everybody in the neighborhood knew of him but rarely talked about it…

    • I caught it.  Sam sounded like a farmer to me when he was speaking to reporters.