Wednesday, March 26

Tony Spilotro And Valerie Percy

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Charles H. Percy and his daughter, Valerie

Charles H. Percy and his daughter, Valerie

It has been my long intention to write this piece, though I have been unable to select the right time to focus on it. However, the recent passing of former U.S. Senator Charles H. Percy has compelled me to move forward. Ironically, today is the day that Valerie Percy lost her life 45-years ago; and like today, it was Sunday.

The year 1966 marked an unstable and rambunctious time for organized crime and politics in the City of Chicago. The top tier of The Chicago Outfit changed multiple times. Sam Giancana stepped down as Outfit leader, and my late father’s then boss, Sam Battaglia, was installed as the Outfit’s overlord. However, Battaglia’s term as top boss came to an abrupt end, as criminal problems quickly compromised his ability to lead the Mid-West’s premiere criminal empire.

So it was welcomed when news that a champion of the government’s efforts to destroy organized crime had thrown in the towel reached The Outfit’s First Ward in Chicago, which was partly controlled by my late Uncle Romie Nappi (who was the silent boss of the ward’s day-to-day leader, Pat Marcy). The successful efforts of fighting political corruption and organized crime by then U.S. Senator Paul Douglas (D-IL) were finally over. The Outfit and their political puppets had allegedly worked very hard for many years to reach an under the table resolution with Douglas. Now The Outfit had to keep him in office to reap the benefits.

So it was a horrible shock when it became clear to many that a rising political star, Charles H. Percy, had a good chance of unseating Douglas in an upcoming election.

Percy served in the United States Navy in World War II and was a brilliant businessperson, outstanding public servant and most of all a wonderful husband and father. To make matters worse, Percy was a Republican, automatically putting him at odds with the by-and-large Democrat-dominated political puppets of The Outfit.

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  1. They said the murderers were Outfit connected home invaders.  There names are Frank Hohimer and Fred Malchow.  Hohimer wrote a great book about his life of crime and one chapter is dedicated to the murder.  Its called “The Homer Invaders”.  You should check it out.

    Also, off topic now.  There was a Christopher Battaglia arrested with the gaylords in addison last month.  Is he related to the Outfit family?

    • Dear Red…,

      I am aware of the Hohimer and Malchow possibilities. Neither man was charged with the murder. The crime is considered unsolved and the case remains open.

      I have no knowledge of a Christopher Battaglia. I am sorry.

  2. Joe or anyone–a few years ago, a made member of the Bonnano family was busted running a strip club in Harvey…his name was Vincent “Elmo” Amarante.  Any inside info on how this Bonnano was able to operate in the Outfit’s territory?  Was he associated with the Galiotos by chance?   Just interesting as to why of all the places in the US, the Bonnanos would choose another mafia dominated city to open a strip club. 

    • Great question, Logic.

      Joe Lump was reported to have been infuriated about it. He ranted about it to Pat Spilotro during a dental appointment while he was in hiding.
      It was said that either 1) Amarante WAS paying street tax to the Outfit but Joe Lump didn’t know about the details of the arrangement because he was in hiding, or 2) Amarante (with the Bonannos behind him) was trying to muscle his / their way into Chicago.I don’t know how it happened or how it was resolved.Maybe the Don will know…he knows the Spilotro family.

      • HF–I believe Lumpy said NYC mobsters were muscling their way into Chicago on purpose to throw the FBI off…implying that he knew Pat Spilotro was working for them.  At least that’s what I had always heard.  This “Elmo” was no associate…he was a made guy under Louis “HaHa” Attanasio who had done time and was well respected…he’s also back out of prison…whether he lives in Harvey or NYC is anyone’s guess.  I wonder what Rudy, Johnny, Joey A and all the rest of them think about a guy like Elmo making money in Chicago.  Given the weakened state of the Bonnano’s, I’m not so sure they could take on the Outfit…though the NY families (especially Bonnanos) continue to import zips as muscle whereas Chicago has a bunch of guys with grey hair.  

        Joe–would be interested in your thoughts on this….is the Outfit still able to compete with east coast families and how many associates or “muscle” would you estimate them to have below the age of 35?  

        • I see what you’re saying, but if Lombardo really thought that Dr. Pat was working with the FBI, then surely he would not have ventured out to see him for a dental appointment while he was in hiding.

          • Dr. Pat hates Lombardo. He blames Lombardo for his brothers getting killed. He’s dead ( no pun intended wrong ). Lombardo saved Tony more than once. At the end, Lombardo couldn’t do anything about it. The Decision was made by the Top 2 Bosses Auippa & Cerone, who were madder than hell that they were going to prison basically for the rest of their lives and blamed it on Spilotro. Lombardo even went to prison for about 6 or 7 years because of it. I explained this to Spilotro’s son & his mother. I think they realized what I was saying. Lombardo could not overrule Auippa & Cerone. Period. Case closed. I have never met Dr. Pat but I sure his hatred for Lombardo would overrule logic.

          • The Don,

            Something Joe said a long time ago is right in line with what you’re saying now. i.e., If Lombardo was out of prison at the time the Spilotro bros. were killed, he would have gone, too, because he was their patron.  The feds tried to rehash this situation when they swabbed him just prior to the F.S. indictments in an effort to get him to flip. Judging from the Marcello bros. prison tapes, they weren’t fans of Lombardo, but they didn’t want him dead either, so it seems like the feds were playing mind games with him, which he saw through, easily. It is well-known that Lombardo loved the Spiltro bros–he loved Tony, anyway.


            The Don,

            Can you weigh in on the question that Logic asked above about the Bonanno guy seemingly muscling his way into Chicago? I am interested in hearing your opinion on the matter.

          • I don’t really have an opinion about the Bonnano guy in Harvey. I’m sorry but I don’t know enough about it. I do know that noone could ever muscle their way into Chicago in a serious   way without the approval of the Outfit. They still have muscle, but in a reduced way, and more importantly, they have tremendous political connections and control. A couple of phone calls and someone could be run out of town. Sometimes, you don’t have to beat somebody up in order to achieve a goal. The stupid Bonanno family is fucked up  anyway with a lot of major problems.

          • On the contrary, I contend that Joe outsmarted himself. I think he intended to play the jury. Joe would have wanted the jury to to say, “He could not have ordered the hit on the Spilotros, or he would not trust their brother while on the lam.” Instead, the jury read into it as if Joe was stupid. Joe Lombardo is far from stupid. I worry about Dr. Pat. You do not see me saying anything bad about Joe.

          • I think it wouldn’t be out of line to do a little story on Joe Lombardo to bring some people up to par on his bio here, for the readers that might get a little confused about all the different people on our posts.
            Which brings me to another thought I’ve continued to to forget to bring up. I figure between ANP Joe, Logic, Horsey, Black Ange, and the Don, there is no reason all of you can’t collaborate on a outfit chart. I think that would help a great portion of the readers on ANP. Sometimes I even get confused with all the “extended crew” posts. Maybe a timeline type chart?
            Just an idea.

          • Chitowndago,  I personally could do an excellent an accurate chart of the structure of the Outfit from 1957 to maybe 1999. From 2000 forward it would be more difficult but could be done reasonably well. There is also a big difference of opinion about Marco D’ Amico which would effect the chart a little as you go into the 1980′ s. By the way, Extended crew means the crews that have the Top Boss and the Underboss of the entire Outfit in them. That’s really the proper use of that term. For example, Joey Auippa was Top Boss of the Oufit for a long time, however, he was still the Boss of the Cicero Crew. No Boss is alone or ever gives up his power base. He only builds upon it. The Top Bosses have the strongest Crews and also inherit some made guys who were ‘direct’ with the previous Top Boss.

          • I believe you could put together a kick a$$ chart/timeline. Whether Marco is made or not I believe he belongs somewhere up near the top either way.

          • A lot of us readers would love to see a chart.  The Outfit’s hierarchy is complicated compared to other Families, so that would definitely be a good thing.

    • The East Coast originally started with the strip clubs in Wisconsin before Illinois. The question about Vegas & East Coast is interesting because while I was young, I personally witnessed New York guys & Joey Blasko (sp.) meeting at the Crazy Horse II in Vegas back in the early 90’s. He tended bar there. He had just  got done doing time (for the Spilotro stuff)
      It makes sense to me now. I went to school with Cusamano’s daughter and I was treated like a king (especially because I wasn’t old enough to even be in there) I worked for Italian guys from New York when I lived there & they always introduced me by name, which is Italian, & said I was from Chicago (Legitimate Job while attending U.N.L.V.) The New York guys were definitely connected.

      • Chitowndago,  I had a good friend who had a bachelor party at the Crazy Horse II and he was treated like a king ( Rodney King ). Rocky took the word of a stupid whore over my friend ( who was also his friend ) concerning a lap dance if you can believe it. My friend ended the party and left.

        • The Don, sorry to hear about your friend. Not that it really matters but I was sitting here thinking for a minute. It was the “Crazy Horse” not II.
          We frequented the older one, I remember it was by “Cheetah’s’ at the time. Cheetah’s was where the NY guys always went.
          Not for nothing but Rocky & Rizzolo were a couple of stereotypical clowns back then. The look and persona they gave off makes me wonder how they never got nailed, for being such bravado jack rods. They dressed and acted “cheezey” I don’t know how to explain it. “Dorks/Nerds”

          • Yeh, That’s the place. They were having a big party spending a lot of money on booze and lap dances. One of the girls complained to Rocky that she wasn’t paid her $20.00 or $40.00 dollars for a lap dance. Rocky demanded payment. My friend said she had been paid and they were doing many lap dances. Rocky demnded payment. My friend got upset and everybody left. Rocky’s behavior was, as you stated, cheezy to say the least. Rocky had known this guy’s family for twenty years. I guess the friendship was worth one dollar a year.

  3. Logic,

    One guy I know says that the Bonannos were using the place in Harvey as a testing ground. If it went well for them, maybe they would have tried to make a bigger move. The feds broke it up, obviously. Who knows to what extent the Outfit knew about it, or at what point the found out about it, or what steps they took to stop it? Interestingly, Harvey is only 5 or 6 miles north of Chicago Heights.I think for the past 10 or 12 years the Outfit has largely been perceived as weak or inactive to people outside of the Midwest. Cerone and (obviously) JB and Aiuppa were prominent mob figures well-known to people outside of Chicago. After they died off (along with Carlisi), and it went DiFronzo, he scaled back the Outfit’s activities significantly. (The Outfit didn’t have a “face” anymore.) While I’m sure guys in New York, New England, and Philly know who DiFronzo is, they probably haven’t thought there’s been a whole lot going on with the Chicago Outfit for at least the last decade or more. So the Bonannos, independents like Vince Dublino, etc., might have felt completely comfortable setting up shop where they wanted without worrying about some Outfit guy arming them.Yes, it would be interesting to know who the younger guys (<35-years old) are these days who are available (and competent enough) to do “things” for the Outfit. Joe mentioned that Sarno made a handful of guys a few years ago.In all honesty and actuality, it doesn’t seem like there’s very much left of the Outfit. If DiFronzo has effectively dismantled it, maybe there isn’t a whole lot that can be done to protect its existing rackets when faced with situations like the Harvey thing. He’s insulated himself well, that’s for sure. But does that come at the expense of other mobsters and the existence / legacy of the Outfit? If so, does he even care?One last thing about the Bonannos: If the Outfit has ever had a rival LCN, the closet thing would be the Bonannos. Mooney HATED Joe Bonanno and all his guys. In fact, wasn’t it said that he planned to have Joe Bonanno knocked down at some point? Accardo was not a fan either. There’s a wiretap out there between Mooney and JB when they’re ranting about Bonanno. Even when the Commission exiled him Bonanno, the thought of him living in Arizona did not sit well with Mooney or JB. If the Harvey thing was the beginning of a power play by the Bonannos, I can see why it would have really raised the hackles of the Outfit, even all these years later.

    • Horsey, their is a funny story about Bill Bonanno flying into Chicago around 1964/65 and how he had to meet with Paul Ricca/ JB and others and how he was scared shitless (in fact he admitted it). It was about his father and the faux kidnapping and what not. And if they could help him. He said Ricca couldn’t of been more polished. He was highly scrared and very impressed by the man. And their is no more Bonanno family.. Every body has told on themselves, their bosses are all stool pigeons. Their done. The Genovese and Gambinos are whats left out that way. And DiFronzo (the alleged psychopathic killer) ironically has scaled back killing in Chicago. The heat the feds put on that 1992 bombing of that Patrick girl changed his mindset on alot of things. Plus DiFronzo and others own everything now. He took something criminal (the Outfit) and made it a corporate juggernaut (the new Outfit).. of course gambling (bookmaking, sports betting is never going anywhere) or legal abroad gaming that the Outfit has.

      • I am familiar with this story. I think I read an account of it in Bill Bonanno’s memoir, years ago. (btw, In that book–which I think is called Bound by Honor–he talks about the Outfit killing Kennedy, and Roselli and Nicoletti’s involvement, specifically). Take it for what it’s worth.

        As I recall, Bonanno, Ricca, and Accardo went to some Italian restaurant located in Melrose Park. He described Ricca as a refined Godfather and Accardo as a street thug (i.e., muscle for Ricca). 

        Bonanno knew that Accardo hated the Joe Bonanno, Sr. 

    • Well stated.  Would anyone else agree with this?   I personally don’t believe DiFronzo is “dismantling” anything…he’s been caught on camera meeting with known capo’s and has devoted his entire life to the Outfit.  I just believe he’s scaled back considerably and has everyone lying low.  I’m convinced that Zizzo was whacked merely 4 years ago and that there are other recent murders connected to the Outfit, many of which Joe has shed light on.  Its still a lethal force…but there are not nearly the amount of young Italian kids in Chicago left around as there are in NYC.  Also, in NYC, you still have a lot of Sicilian and Italian immigrants coming in.  So where do guys like Frank Caruso, Jimmy Inendino, Cautadella brothers, etc get the muscle to collect on their loans?  Jimmy I is not beating anyone down these days if you’ve seen him recently…who are the modern day Nick Gio’s that are young and out there breaking heads?  If the Outfit doesn’t have that, then the Bonnano’s can indeed walk right in because you can bet they still have young guys around who want to score points. 

      I however believe that Chicago allowed Elmo to own that strip club or perhaps had an interest in it…remember that Chicago and the Bonnanos had a more recent connection via Rick Rizzolo and Crazy Horse Two in Vegas…not only did Rocco Lombardo work there, but so did the son of Jonny “Green” Faraci, a major Capo who recently passed away.  Bobby D’Apice also worked there who has numerous relatives throughout the five families.  Thus, you can imagine that Johnny Faraci and Lombardo rubbed elbows and that Johnny Green was perhaps put in touch with Lumbo…regardless, I believe Elmo was busted running a Rizzolo joint in partnership with the Outfit. The Outfit knew they couldn’t put one of their own guys in as a manager and not be noticed…thus they outsourced to NYC.  My theory anyway. 

      • That’s a good theory. Rizzolo is definitely someone to take note of. 

        He supposedly attended that meeting with Don Stephens and Outfit Brass at Armand’s on Grand a few years back. I personally think the meeting NEVER HAPPENED (for a laundry list of reasons), but I think the fact the Rizzolo’s name was included is significant.

      • Logic,  I agree. Doing things a little differently is more appropriate wording then dismantling. He is not and cannot dismantle everything.

      • “So where do guys like Frank Caruso, Jimmy Inendino, Cautadella brothers,
        etc get the muscle to collect on their loans?  Jimmy I is not beating
        anyone down these days if you’ve seen him recently…who are the modern
        day Nick Gio’s that are young and out there breaking heads?”

        They are all at Venuti’s in Addison pretending to be gangsters! Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahaahahahaahaha!

  4. It’s not just the case with the Outfit either. It came out a few months ago that the New York Commission hasn’t formally met since 1985, and that the last meeting was a only ragtag group of interim bosses and “consiglieres.” It’s as much in a state of disarray out there is over here.

  5. Ringwalk,  I don’t think you have some valid points. The Outfit is operating at about 1/4 to maybe on the positve high side 1/3 of what they used to be. The Street Crews have downsized from 6 to 4. Plus the new blood aint equal to the old blood. I mean if you’ve got a made guy like Mike Magnaficchi giving interviews and calling Johnny DIFronzo an asshole right in the interview and you have a couple of other people who have beefed walking around Chicago, you have to wonder how weak has the Outfit really become? This would have NEVER happened years ago. Also, you have a Top Boss like DiFronzo who really is afraid to make any substantial moves and would really prefer to shy away from certain things rather than take charge. No, you’re not wrong at all to question what you did.

    • Excuse me Ringwalk, I made a typo error. My first sentence should say  ‘ I DO think you have some valid points. I apologize for my typing error.

  6. There were hundreds of children that could have said many nice things about the nice and funny clown that served as the entertainer at their birthday parties many years ago, however 33 other young people would have called the same man a killer. I am not calling Spilotro a child killer, but my point is that some people have two sides to their personality. Unless you could prove where Tony was at 5am on September 18, 1966, I will keep him on my personal list of suspects. Thank you.

  7. If anyone wishes to contact me directly, not wishing to have their comments published on the threads, I could be reached via ANP’s contact page (or,
    I gather that some of my readers believe that my findings, which prove to me the Chicago Outfit had been involved in the Valerie Percy murder, is not reasonable because the sympathy vote that Charles Percy received is what probably put him over the top in what was an otherwise close election. Therefore, for those of you that are misunderstood please be reminded that in my article I contend that the murder was not the crime that was supposed to take place inside the Percy home. I allege that Valerie Percy was inadvertently murdered because the home invader panicked, which caused him to act unpredictably. In fact, if you need to, please reread my article. Thank you.

  8. Joe,  Within the Extended Elmwood Park Crew, there are almost two subdivisions. Both are allied to the Grand Ave., Group.  Who is more closely allied in your opinion, DiFronzo or Andriacchi?  My bet is Joey A.

      • Dear The Don,
        I review the messages as they come in from a different page than you. Would you help me by cutting and pasting the comment and placing it in the same post with your question. Thank you.

        • I’ll just repeat it. Within the Extended Elmwood Park Group, there are almost two subdivisions. Both are allied closely with the Grand Ave. Crew. Who is more closely allied in your opinion, DiFronzo or Andriacchi? My bet is Joey A. 

  9. The newest recruitment in the last 5 years came from the Cicero Faction of the Outfit. Also, there is the Grand Ave. Faction and the 26th St. Faction. The Elmwood Park Faction is the elite Crew but more dorment and stagnated as far as new blood.  

  10. I did not post this sooner because I thought you wanted it quiet. However, i reviewed your comment on the giancana thread and quickly realized that you are not happy that i did not post it sooner. 

  11. on

    this is what surprises me after what like 47yrs they still cannot find out who killed this poor girl, granted they didnt have the forenics they have now then, but they have them now so what is keeping them from using what they have now to solve this crime, most of the people are gone or are they. hmmm why isnt it they cant solve this now, or a lot of other murders that they have forenics on. those who have been murdered have the right to be set free after all this time.