Monday, March 3

Infamous Dr. Joseph Giacchino Settles Another Lawsuit

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Dr. Joseph Giacchino

Dr. Joseph Giacchino

American News Post is proud to announce that we helped an additional victim, who received a settlement just days after the lawsuit that Giacchino settled with Joe Norris. In this case, the relative of a deceased victim got justice by receiving an out-of-court settlement a couple of weeks ago in a medical malpractice case related to a wrongful death matter. The settlement amount was not disclosed.

For those unfamiliar with Dr. Joseph Giacchino, please read about him here.

The family of the deceased asked to have their identity protected. In light of their tragic circumstances, American News Post will not be printing any names in this article.

Below you will find a portion of the thank-you letter that I received:

Dear Joe,
I am very happy for the man who settled for the 300 k… I had been told by the DEA repeatedly I couldn’t say anything or I would interrupt their investigation and was afraid to tell anyone because I would be interfering with a federal investigation…
…my case was never for the money, it was for justice of my lil brother’s death…my nephew is being given… a settlement… for wrongful death…for the death of his father, my brother…
Giacchino… lost his license and other people’s lives have been saved. I’m going to try to write a book regarding my story dedicated to my brother…
Joe, there are other deaths related to Dr. Giacchino, please post something to let any of the victims that died of accidental overdoses that had children, they can sue for wrongful death as long as they can find the prescriptions, I know one lady that died that DEA told me about had 3 kids. These kids don’t know that they can sue…
I am very grateful that I am at least alive but really want the public to know what happened, my brother went to him for help for nightmares, he just wanted to sleep at night and get his life together, we had a pretty hard childhood and he was such a great father to lil Richie…
I think you are such a great person for exposing him and wish I would have seen your information before we ever went to him… Thanks for all the information and exposing him, I give you a lot of credit for your courage…
Keep up the great work Joe, hope you can help me…I want people to know the animal that he is…
I… liked… your post on the poor guy who went to prison and how you met with him and called Tim Mcardle (by the way, Tim worked so hard to help us, excellent atty, not sure if you’re aware but I divorced an atty and admire the ones who really fight for their clients) I personally think you’re a pretty nice person, that you do look out for the public…
I don’t understand how… Giacchino… can sit in his office, word on the streets is that he is still in business, I get confused to why he hasn’t been audited, insurance fraud, mostly….how he has never been charged for manslaughter. I know you’re on top of all of this, please let the patients know that it was illegal for him to have them sign papers that if they die, he wasn’t responsible. For the many that I believe have died… again… the surviving children are protected regarding the Statute of Limitations and can sue… I would like to thank you for never revealing any of my family’s names as I shared with you when I first wrote to you.
Thank you for that… have a great day Joe, again thanks for everything.

(Name withheld)

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