Saturday, February 22

Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino And Sam Chapman’s Empower Public Relations Part Ways?

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Last month KTF Media Group contacted Empower Public Relations for the purposes of communicating some vital facts about one of their clients, Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino Jr., MD. Today it would appear Empower Public Relations firm, according to a recent review of their website, has dropped Giacchino. If my conclusion is correct (and I believe it is), I have to commend public relations boss Sam Chapman on his sound decision to move on without Giacchino. I am very pleased by this result.

Last month Sam Chapman and I exchanged heated words over Dr. Giacchino. Of course I realize that Mr. Chapman was simply doing what a good PR boss should do, supporting a client without hesitation. However, it is likely that Mr. Chapman has now completed a further review of Dr. Giacchino and appears to have made the decision to move forward in his PR business without having Giacchino aboard as a client.

In my experience, it does not take long to acquire credible intelligence within the Chicago community. There is a veritable mountain of evidence that Dr. Giacchino is not what he seems. Underhanded professionals use legitimate credentials, like a medical license, in the same way a bank robber uses a mask. Most of us assume that licensed doctors, like Dr. Giacchino or Dr. Conrad Murray, are ethically sound professionals because they have a medical license. The hapless victim is cheated the opportunity of recognizing the evildoer.

Most of us never see it coming when a doctor is a villain. That is why it is our responsibility to let everyone know when these sorts of grievous transgressions are taking place. I let Sam Chapman know what sort of a person Dr. Giacchino is, and it looks like Mr. Chapman did the responsible thing.

As long as Dr. Giacchino is not on Empower Public Relations website as a client, I fully endorse the PR firm.



  1. Finally, some movement in the right direction! Giacchino must be stopped! I have yet to speak to anyone that considers Giacchino a legitimate doctor. I have talked to roughly 20 different people about this doctor.

  2. I think its incredible to be dropped by a PR firm. Heck, alleged wife killing cop Drew Peterson has not been dropped by his PR firm.

  3. This Giacchino freak should have his medical license revoked indefinitely! Why is the State of Illinois allowing him the privilege to practice medicine?

  4. KTF Media Group on

    Dear Lisa, I wish you had not shared your opinion. Now Giacchino will likely hire whatever firm is representing Drew Peterson.


    Dear Jimmy,
    Here is what is going on. The Feds asked the State of Illinois to stay their prosecution of Giacchino while the Feds conclude their review of Giacchino’s shenanigans. Which means, while the doctor is afforded all the rope he needs to hang himself, he, basically, has immunity (in a sense) to do as he pleases? However, the ball will drop at some point, and the evil doctor, most likely will be joining his wife’s ex-husband in prison when it does.

  5. KTF Media Group on

    A ‘Giacchino’ Update:

    Yesterday afternoon, an official for Westlake Hospital (located in Melrose Park, Illinois), informed KTF Media Group/CCOC that Dr. Giacchino received a letter, form Westlake Hospital, approximately one year ago requiring Giacchino to submit a letter of resignation. Giacchino has been on staff at Westlake Hospital for a number of years. Confirmation of the actual resignation has not been made as of yet. KTF/CCOC is awaiting said confirmation from Westlake Hospital’s CEO.

  6. Below is an email to me, from Yoda, who provided a bad email address. My response email to him was returned. Therefore, I am adding the piece to the blog.

    Dear Y,
    Why are we off the blog? In the future, I will post your emails on the blog. If you have a problem with it, do not email me regarding your opinions of my articles that are why I have a blog.
    Chuck Giancana is not a reliable source, at least not extremely reliable. I disagree with the idea that Spilotro killed Giancana. Lefty’s wife meant nothing to Aiuppa. No one cared about who she f*****, except Lefty. Spilotro lied to Lefty for years feeding him garbage that he was with the Outfit, controlling the skim. That was a lot of bull. Lefty ate it up the same way he ate up his wife’s s***.

    Joseph Fosco
    KTF Media Group
    KTF Media:
    Cody Commission:

    ——– Original Message ——–
    From: yoda
    Date: Mon, December 07, 2009 12:19 pm

    Message body:
    Giancana’s half brother Chuck in public he goes by another name – has told me Auippa secretly arranged for Sam’s murder using the Ant realizing it would be a touchy situation – this is why the Ant’s nonsense which you call listening to reason was tolerated for so long – I call it screwing Lefty’s wife and skim in LV decreasing – if that is true – other outrageous behavior in LV when he was supposed to low profile. Can’t blame him that town eats everyone up and any town with gambling and hookers galore of course will survive. My contention is he would not have lived as long if he had not murdered Giancana for the Outfit – though rumors are Sam had inoperable bladder cancer.

    • Spilotro did not kill Giancana. Auippa & Cerone didn’t care about Lefty’s wife. The fact that Lefty married a professional hustler/whore was Lefty’s business. Chuck Giancana was not in the Outfit and knows very little about it. Cerone the other top Boss in the Outfit had Giancana knocked down.