Wednesday, March 26

Outfit Killer/Extortionist Rudy Fratto On The Wrong Side Of The Law And The Outfit

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author’s note: Please be sure to read the first comment for this story

A major source told me that Rudy Fratto’s latest legal battle involving the shakedown of numerous businesses (despite him only being charged with tax evasion) has enraged his boss Johnny DiFronzo. Rudy Fratto is fortunate that DiFronzo is being overly cautious right now, with my pending lawsuit against him charging that DiFronzo approved of the conspiracy to murder me. If things were different today, Rudy Fratto would have already been ‘knocked down’ for the heartache that he has recently created for DiFronzo.

When Johnny DiFronzo came home from prison in the 1990s, he ordered his underlings to refrain from engaging in various Outfit schemes, unless they had his expressed approval. At that time, DiFronzo was already scaling back his street interests in hopes of appearing as clean as a whistle. With the multi-million dollar per year gambling operations abroad, DiFronzo refused to allow common street business in Chicago to destroy his opportunity of remaining a major player in the international gambling rackets now controlled by his lackey, Joey DeVita.

According to my source, it further infuriates DiFronzo that Fratto used his connection to him to intimidate the business owners that he extorted for many years. Fratto used DiFronzo’s intimidating reputation as the driving force to coerce and extort the business owners that paid him blood money.

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  1. Dear KTF readers,

    The above article coupled with it being Christmas time inspired me to share a little Holiday carol with you:

    You know Lumpy, and Dyno, and
    Mooney, and The Hatch,
    Apes, and The Bug, and
    Dinger and Buddy
    but do you recall
    the ugliest gangster of all.
    Rudolph, the huge-nosed gangster
    had a very burly nose.
    And if you ever saw him,
    you would even say it grows.
    All of the other gangsters
    used to laugh and call him names.
    They never let poor Rudolph
    join in any video poker games.
    Then one foggy Christmas Eve
    “No Nose” came to say:
    “Rudolph with your nose so solid
    won’t you guide my shotgun tonight?”
    Then all the gangsters accepted him
    as they shouted out with glee,
    Rudolph the huge-nosed gangster,
    you are going down in the penitentiary!

    Ugliest Gangster In American History
    Dear Rudy,
    Happy New Year to you – in jail!
    One of your many extortion victims,
    Joe Fosco

  2. Heh heh…

    Wow. You’re carol has a catchy ring to it, Joe.

    You know, the only time I’ve ever heard Fratto’s name in connection with “heavy work” was the Mario Rainone thing a long time ago–when Rainone thought he had been set up by the Outfit up in Rosemont, and it supposedly Fratto who been designated to be the one to take care of him.

    Then again, you know more about Fratto’s rap sheet and activities than probably anyone, really.

  3. Dear TD,
    In all honesty, I think Mario Rainone jumped to conclusions by putting together that he was a target of an Outfit hit. Who knows, maybe it is true? I doubt Rudy will confirm it.

  4. You must know Fratto pretty well if you’re calling him an Outfit killer when, besides the recent tax fraud, he has no prior criminal history. Your sources must be pretty great.

  5. Dear SB,

    If you are implying that I am off base, or that I cannot substantiate my assertions against Fratto, please be advised that libel is an actionable offense; Mr. Fratto has the right to challenge my assertions and hold me accountable for my actions. If you doubt if Fratto is aware of this article, feel free to inform his attorney, Mr. Nasser.

    Contact Information:
    Arthur N. Nasser, Esquire
    110 East Delaware Place, #1802
    Chicago, Illinois 60611
    (312) 726-6726

  6. Nah, I was just commenting. Clearly, you can substantiate what you’re saying, which is why I’m assuming that you’ve got what’s gotta be a hell of a source.

    But I’m wondering if Fratto wasn’t at the b-day party for the sake of staying out of sight. I’ve read that mob guys in Chicago don’t go to each other’s funerals in order to stay off the radar of law enforcement. Maybe that’s also why no one else of stature showed up.

  7. Dear SB,
    I am sorry for not being clear enough in the article. I cited Fratto’s absence from the party as a situation that lends credence to my already stated assertion that Fratto is on DiFronzo’s bad side (according to my source). In addition, Fratto has never once missed Johnny DiFronzo’s birthday party. How would you know that – I am sorry for not stating that in the article? In fact, I was joking with a friend last night on the phone comparing Fratto’s fondness for attending DiFronzo’s birthday parties as equivalent to an actor’s excitement about attending the Academy Awards. In the past (as recent as last year, as well as all the years prior), it would have taken an incarceration to keep Fratto from DiFronzo’s party. Actually, a rumor circulated at the party that Fratto must have turned in to federal authorities since he was not there (be advised that Fratto is not in custody).
    Difronzo knew why Fratto was not there. Of course, DiFronzo is not one to tell stories, so no one heard from him about the reason for Fratto’s conspicuous absence.

  8. Dear Leo,
    Indeed, my wish is to have a lawyer depose Fratto. This is why I am wishing for an attorney for Christmas. I think that I might finally have one. I will know in the first week of the New Year (regarding Dr. Giacchino). It has been unbelievably difficult for me to find an attorney willing to take on the people that I am fighting as a pro se litigant (the Outfit). Unfortunately, I had to voluntarily dismiss one count in the Giacchino state case because there was no way I could prosecute the case as a pro se litigant (med mal). The lawyers that are willing to look at my cases want 6-figure retainers, which I cannot afford. However, I am close to working a deal with a lawyer next month, thank God. My background in law has kept me going thus far. Because of my background, I have an advantage that most pro se litigants do not have, unfortunately for them.
    If you know of an attorney possibly willing to take my cases, be advised I am donating whatever I get to various chartable programs.

  9. Leo,
    I forgot to mention that retaining a lawyer for defense on a libel suit would not be a problem, which Fratto would face a deposition, of course. I would ask a former U.S. Attorney if he or she would like a crack at it.

  10. Joe,

    Could you demystify the idea of a “civil RICO” case a little bit. What do they entail, exactly? When you have court dates, are all of the accused physically there (DiFronzo bros., Fratto, Giacchino), or are just their attorneys present? If they are there, are you scared?

  11. Leo,
    Another thing; if I do not collect anything from my lawsuits (which is very possible, I am afraid), various charitable causes will suffer. However, I have established a wonderful network here at KTF championing good causes such as fighting crime and enlightening readers on Catholicism.

  12. Dear SB,
    I hate to do this to you, but I am too tired to explain RICO right now. There is no simple and fast way to do it. So, have a look at this site:
    So far, none of the defendants has appeared in court. Attorneys represent them all. Donald Angilini, Jr (prior to Rudy being caught for the tax problem, before John became infuriated with him) represents the DiFronzo’s and Fratto. A fellow named Pablo de Castro, who shares office space with Angilini, represents Jack P. Cerone. And attorney and former Cook County Judge Joe Casciato and Yvonne O’Connor (they are from the same firm) represent Giacchino.

  13. never in my life heard of a civil rico case before – (but then again, i’m a semi retired cobbler, so what the hell do I know about it?)

    do your organization take donations?

  14. Dear Vic,
    If you are referring to KTF Media Group, my organization does NOT take donations. I would check with my lawyer to see if accepting a gift would be acceptable, if someone wanted to give KTF Media Group a present. However, KTF Media Group is not in the position to help with a tax credit. KTF Media Group is NOT a 501C3. Nor is our division that is called the Cardinal Cody Observation Commission ( a 501C3.
    In the past, I have donated money (my money and/or my family’s money) to charity and/or the Catholic Church. In addition, I have suggested to friends and family to do the same, however, I have never collected a commission or served as a fundraiser.

  15. Anthony Anonymous on

    Dear Joe,
    I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but you just never hear about any mob hits anymore (thank God). This is why I strongly disagree with you that Fratto would have been wacked by now, if it were not for the boss’s current precarious situation. It is my understanding that nobody wants to do the job anymore, which is definitely a good thing. Your work is ground-breaking yet very risky, however I don’t think that u have anything to worry about. I know that’s easy for me to say but if I were you, I would probably be more worried about some other form of retaliation. I just think that they are probably too smart to make an attempt on your life. 2+2=4. In other words, if something were to happen to you, all roads would obviously lead to them and I don’t think anyone wants to spend the rest of their life in prison. Regardless, I see why you would be concerned. Some of the older guys, who may not have many years left, could still be capable of anything, especially if they’ve done it before; even if it is not their normal business practice. The thing that I would be most concerned about would be having to live the rest of my life in fear and with anxiety. At the risk of sounding redundant, I ask you the following questions: I mean, what are you going to do? Are you going to employ a private security company for the rest of your life or are you going to go into the witness protection program and relocate your family after the case? Is it really worth it? My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  16. Dear Anthony,
    LaValley was murdered in 2009, Zizzo disappeared without a trace in 2006 and Chiaramonti was murdered in 2001. Anthony, I am not seeing the act of murder going out of style for the Chicago Outfit.
    You disagree with me about Fratto being killed. You are ‘dead’ wrong (lol). Johnny DiFronzo is a killing machine. He is a man that fantasizes about mutilating people on a daily basis. The movie Hannibal Lecter is truly the life of Johnny DiFronzo, minus cannibalism, homosexuality and confinement. Trust me he wants Fratto dead. I will not argue with you if you tell me that DiFronzo’s decision to spare Fratto’s life (for now) has nothing to do with my lawsuit. However, you cannot be taken seriously when you tell me that DiFronzo does not want to kill Fratto (and me) – he wants to kill Fratto so bad he can taste it.
    I pray that you are correct that DiFronzo is too smart to come after me and kill me after all I have done to shine a light on things. Look at what I have done. I have put my life on hold to file lawsuits and write articles to attempt to make DiFronzo and Fratto uncomfortable about killing me. This is not a picnic for me. My life is upside down. This ordeal has devastated my family. These people are the lowest form of life. Do you think that I want to be up tonight looking at my comment threads? I want a peaceful life to enjoy with my family. I want my family to have peace of mind. It is easy for you to pop in and check out the novelty that KTF provides for you. This is my life and it is not a good one, not right now. I pray to God every night asking him to help my family and me from the troubles that I created by associating with lowlifes that ultimately united in a murder/extortion conspiracy that has devastated my family.
    It is too late to go back now. The damage is done. I have security consultants that advise me. However, I cannot afford to employ a fulltime security detail for my entire family.
    I have said it before; the Outfit has made the decision to murder me. Why should I be nice to them? F*** them!
    You think they are too smart to kill me – all roads will lead back to them, eh? And what if I disappear? Will people think that I ran away with Drew Peterson’s wife? Keep in mind, Peterson is not sitting in jail because of the wife that disappeared.
    Is all of this worth it? F*** no! Do you have any better ideas?

  17. I agree with Anthony A.

    With your civil case pending, Operation Family Secrets a success, Fratto off to jail, there’s far, far too much heat on traditional organized crime right now for anyone to looking to kill a guy.

    Indulge my story, though—————————

    What follows is a real-life example of the kind of thing that I would worry about.

    A long time ago (10-12 years ago, at least) a friend of a friend was into some Outfit guy who hung out in the Addison, IL area.

    I’m not sure how much money he owed or how exactly he came to owe it. But, I do know that he couldn’t pay his debt–at least not per whatever the agreed upon terms were.

    The way it was handled was this… Over the course of about six months, the gangster sent some guys, who literally kicked this kid’s ass every single time they saw him. And sometimes, they happened to run into him more than once per week. It didn’t matter if this kid was in his folks’ front yard, or if he was walking down the street, or if was in a public place like the Stratford Square shopping mall. Morning, afternoon, or night, it didn’t matter. Most of the time they were careful to stop short of what required hospitalization, but they beat him pretty badly, nonetheless.

    The thing that was so scary was that this kid was as tough as nails (and if memory serves, he was giving/taking boxing lessons at some gym that temporarily employed Leon Spinks). He put up with it for as long as he could, but the beatings eventually broke him (physically-emotionally). Things haven’t turned out well for him, as he basically became an alcoholic and did a little bit of prison time for some alcohol-involved crimes.

    (The kid never gave my friend any name(s), but I suspect whoever was running DuPage Cty. in the late 90’s was the guy who had it in for him.)

    Joe (excuse the familiarity), all things considered, please do what you have to do. After all, you are the one being informed by the FBI of threats against your life–not your readers. I hope the Outfit suffers because of your efforts, and with any luck I hope there will be a sequel to the Family Secrets Trial.

    As for Witness Protection, I have a far better option for a Catholic man, and I’m being serious. Try joining an order of monks, like the Cistercians/Trappists.

    First of all, you’ll get to relocate and change your name. More importantly, you’ll become a super intellectual, as they teach you all these interesting ancient languages and you’ll study religion and philosophy all day. (Plus, in the case of the Trappists, you get to make and enjoy delicious beer, bread, and cheese using ancient recipes, and can have visitors whenever you want.)

    Best of all you’ll have an opportunity that no one has nowadays, and that’s to live a quiet, contemplative (prayerful), and PEACEFUL life.

    I still think about doing it.

  18. Dear SB,
    A monk? I am not so sure that I can do something like that (lol).
    Can you give me the kid’s name that had a problem in Addison? I could probably tell you who was behind it by late tomorrow morning, if not row.

  19. Joe, you’re courageously and admirably naming names in order to deter threats against your life. If I put a name out there, I could catch a beating, and I’m too old for that. (The thing is, I think the guy is probably keeping up with this blog, as he keeps a close eye on most all Outfit stuff.) In sharing that story, I was trying to support Anthony Anonymous’ point about death threats being unrealistc, but which you promptly and successfully dismantled. (touche)

    There is one other thing I’m curious about, though, and this name I can mention.

    Around the same time period (1999-2001), in Villa Park, IL (which neighbors both Addison & Elmhurst) an establishment was raided, which I believe was called V.P. Sports Bar and Grill–at the time, anyway. Not surprisingly, off-duty cops and firemen used to hang out there. This raid yielded a few illegal handguns, along with a small/mid quantity of coke. But, the thing that got everyone’s attention was the fact that a good-sized bookmaking operation was being run out of the place. The person who took the fall for it had the surname “Silva,” who I believe was just some poor, middle-aged sap that bar-backed part-time. (Whenever I’m back in town, I see him lumbering down the Prairie Path or St. Charles Rd.)

    Anyway, my dad, who used to work at the Merc, mentioned that he had heard some bookies (who were known to be connected), prattling on about it for few days afterward. I just always thought it was weird how, as a newsstory, it just died. I’ve never been able to find anything about it online.


    I realize that you’re not an all-knowing Outfit scholar, but I find your articles more interesting than Warmbir (Suntimes) or Kass’– obviously because you have some idea of what you’re talking about.

    By the way: I read Vic’s comments too, and if you ever develop a non-profit or defense fund and set up a PO Box or Paypal acct., I’d be happy do donate.

    As for the monk thing, in addition to being a heavy hitting intellectual, Thomas Merton was a pretty hip guy. The whole Trappist scenario seemed to suit him just fine. I’m not the kind of guy who makes it his business to micromanage other people’s reading habits, but, if you haven’t already, check out his autobiography–Seven Story Mountain.

  20. vp sports bar was well known for gambling and why they were easily busted as it was rumored they were literally taking bets over the bar. now it is a biker hangout called dimito bar and the owner is a relation of sal delaurentis and apparently more than happy to tell you so. bartender in glen ellyn told me recently someone got beat pretty good coma style but of course it was the victims fault. with bikers come drugs and fights i guess.

  21. Anthony Anonymous on

    Dear Joe,
    In no way, shape or form did I mean to belittle your situation. My heart goes out to you and your family, and I wish you well. As for any better ideas, if I were you, I would simply get the heck out of dodge. If what your saying is true, then I think witness protection would be your best bet. It is my understanding that the witness protection program offers a whole new life for someone. Living on some farm somewhere wearing a fake beard could potentially be boring, but it’s like you said, at least you and your family will have peace of mind and you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of your life. I think that is what most people really want anyway, just to enjoy life with their love ones peacefully. It is my assumption that you know what your doing. I mean everything makes sense, but maybe there is a hidden method to your madness that I’m missing. Regardless, if I were you I would simply drop everything and just do what I said. It’s that simple from my point of view, but I don’t really know if it’s a realistic option for you. Only you know for sure. Lastly, they say there are seven deadly sins. Don’t let your PRIDE get the best of you. I will continue to read your articles and follow your story but this will probably be the last time you will hear from me because I’ve said my peace. As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  22. Dear SB & Mia,
    Yes, Debbie owns the bar now. What do you want to know about the bar? Do you want to know the identity of the previous owners? The subject itself seems rather insignificant to me. As to Debbie’s relation to Solly DeLaurentis – big deal! One of Solly’s kids accused me (about 12-years ago) of saying hello to him all the time because he was Solly’s kid (as if I was impressed by Solly). My response immediate response was, ‘for that, because you are Solly’s kid, I will never say hello to you again’.

  23. Dear Anthony,
    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers (and advice). However, going into the witness protection program is impossible for me. Not because of my decision, because the government requires information that leads to convictions for serious crimes such as murder. Unfortunately, I do not have the means of providing such information (concrete information), right now. Therefore, I am left to fend for myself.

  24. Joe

    I guess I was just looking for an explanation for the VP Sports Bar thing because Villa Park was a nice community and no one ever believed for a second that Mr. Silva (who was also an usher at my folks’ parish) would’ve been able to orchestrate and maintain an operation like that. An Outfit connection was always suspected, and I was just wondering if you could corroborate it, which you did. Thanks. Incidentally, isn’t DeLaurentis is prison for the rest of his life?

  25. Dear SB,
    Please be advised that everyone can email me at If someone tells me to refrain from publishing information directed to me in an email, it would be an injustice to my profession to deny such wish. SB, will you consider giving me the name of the ‘kid’ from the Addison area?

  26. DeLaurentis was released from federal prison approximately 5-years ago. He spent several years in prison. He currently lives in the Chicago area.

  27. joseph

    i grew up in milaukee but it was chicago gangsters that ruined the deli round the corner of my house

    at one time it was nice place to go to get a coffee & a sandwich. until one day they were put on the arm (as they say) .

    guys came and went like it was their own house. eating for free…hogging the payphone & the restrooms…talking loud and foul mouth. i once even saw this fat ape come in off the street and shuffle behind the counter to fix himself sandwiches for him plus his two lackeys. he didn’t even wash his hands, the bastard! another scary time was with this big guy who had to “go” so bad that he forced open the door to the lady’s lavaratory (because the mens room was being fixed) and scared this beautfiul poor woman almost to death (she was still sitting on the toilet when he finally got in). even if anyone tried to call the police the payphone wouldve been all tied up. (i am trying not be crude but that actually is the cleaned up version of what happened). they are f***ing TERRORISTS. in the end, the owner just stopped going into work. can you believe it?

    i don’t mean to whine about just my old deli because there is lots worse that can happen with the mafia – like robbing your property which is something that happened to my friend. or in the worst case scenario they can use extortion against you for a million or more like in your situation.

    i hope you win your case

    one last thing

    i hate when the mob acts catholic. (joe columbo in new york had a guy who robbed from a church strangled with rosary beads. gimme a break!) many italians are catholic, some mobsters are italian, but I find it hard to accept that anyone who is a mobster of any nationality can also be a real catholic!

    (i am 100% italian)

  28. Dear Vic,
    Are you saying that Chicago gangsters ruined the deli in your hometown of Milwaukee, or are you originally from Chicago, speaking about a time prior to your move to Wisconsin?
    What was the name of the deli? Do you have the identity of any of the Chicago gangsters?
    I agree some criminals attempt to hide behind the church, like the clergy members that condone pedophilia. In fact, I believe that I was suspected by some church officials of being unsavory, because of the people that I once knew. Perhaps the articles that I write will eliminate any suspicion that may exist within the church about my character. No matter what, they enjoyed accepting my money.
    The amount that I was extorted is well under one-million dollars. The amount is $500,000.00. And property played a role in it – unfortunately.

  29. Dear Mr. Fosco
    I’ve been reading your articles for the past year. I commend your actions on taking a stand against these people, it’s unusually unique. You obviously have some inside knowledge of the mob and it’s activities. Curious to know your opinion concerning the outfit’s current statis in the south suburbs. According to the government the outfit in Chicago Heights is nonexistent. I find that hard to believe, with all the strip clubs and poker machines that operate in and around that area. Is the outfit in the western suburbs involved? Thanks for your time,Merry Christmas

  30. Dear John,
    The Heights are still booming for the Outfit, probably better ten any other territory in the Chicago region. The ‘guys’ from Cicero are running everything. Johnny DiFronzo can certainly come in and do what he wants whenever he wants; however, instead he is focused on his gambling ventures abroad. The Outfit is still in the west suburbs as well. Merry Christmas to you.

    Dear Santa,
    I have never heard of Francesco Ciranato. I was very close with the Cerone family for many years. Never once did I hear the name Ciranato come up. I know that Cerone is not a derivative of Ciranato, at least not the Cerone family of Jack Cerone.

  31. Dear John,
    LaValley was found dead earlier this year with shrapnel in his head. The government does not like it when news of their protected witnesses gets out, which is why you have not read about it in the papers. A friend of mine in law enforcement informed me of his death.

  32. Who’s running the Western suburbs, and can you name specifically that are home to Outfit activities? How bought DuPage County?

  33. Dear Mr. Ramones,
    The Cicero based ‘Outfit guys’ have been running the day-to-day operations of the Outfit for many years now. In Du Page County, mainly the unincorporated parts, you will find a number of renegades, freelancers that are providing gambling parlors. However, these renegades usually bluff others as if they are under the authority of the Outfit, which is an easy sell because their rackets are consistent with the Outfits interests.

  34. Dear Mr. Ramones,

    Furthermore, some of the renegades might honestly believe they are connected to the Outfit, thru an ‘Outfit guy’. Plenty of phony ‘Outfit guys’ are out there taking advantage of desperate wanabe’s that are happy to pay protection money to someone they believe is a real ‘Outfit guy’, which allows the wanabe the belief that he is consummating his connection to the Outfit by paying. A true wanabe is glad to pay money to the Outfit, whether it is the real Outfit or the fake Outfit. The advantage that a pretend ‘Outfit guy’ has is that it is not easy to disprove his credentials, as it is for a lawyer or doctor.

  35. Joe, what is your take on Joey the Clown? In my opinion he was one of the most colorful mobsters ever.

  36. Dear Gus,

    Personally, I met Joe Lombardo a number of times from the middle 1990’s to the early 2000’s. All of our meetings were insignificant social introductions. I remember one of the times Lombardo came in to II Jack’s Restaurant (owned by Jack P. Cerone), the owner, Cerone, approached Lombardo and pointed out a bust that Cerone had made via the Prosperi family of his late father the Outfit Boss Jackie Cerone. What was interesting about this was the look on Lombardo’s face. If Lombardo’s expression could speak, it would have said, ‘Jackie you are f***** crazy’.

    I knew Joe Lombardo’s brother Nutch well.

    It has been argued by some that Joe Lombardo was referring to me in his testimony during the Family Secrets trial, when he mentioned that he called George Colucci (my late dear friend), who sent a kid named ‘Joe’ to give him (Lombardo) a ride somewhere with reference to Oak Park, Illinois, while Lombardo was on the lam. For the record, I, Joseph Fosco, am not the kid named ‘Joe’ that was mentioned in Lombardo’s testimony – sent by George Colucci.

    My take on Joe Lombardo is consistent with the obvious, he has a good sense of humor, knows how to be charming, in a rough around the edges way, however, he gives off a sense that clearly tells people that he is not a person to screw with – without saying a word.

    I do not feel sorry for Lombardo that he is in prison. He knew what the risks were when he made the conscious decision to be a gangster. He is a man – he will do his prison time and die there as planed. He will be okay in prison. I strongly disagree with the portion of the Family Secrets case that holds him accountable for taking part in ordering the death of the Spilotro brothers. I know that Lombardo loved those guys. And I know that he was unhappy with the “German’ for his role in the Spilotro murders. However, nothing could convince me that Lombardo was not behind the Seifert murder; therefore, I do not feel sorry for him that he is in prison. I feel sorry for innocent people like Conrad Black that are sitting in prison.

    I certainly believe that Lombardo is not in control of anything relating to the Outfit, now that he is in prison. In my opinion, he will try to get even with Dr. Pat Spilotro who turned him in to federal authorities (again, this is strictly my unadulterated opinion). Lombardo may not have control over the Outfit, however, he has several loyal capable friends that will die trying to help him (again, this is strictly my unadulterated opinion that is merely my sincere response to your question).

    • Clarification:
      It is not that Lombardo misidentifies me as someone else; however, I contend that he made up the entire story about George Colucci and me.

  37. Readers:
    Below is an email that came in from Italy. I added it to the thread along with my response.

    Hey joe i’m Paul from Italy, your articles about the mob are very interesting, but on the newspapers,TV they don’t speak a lot about the actual situation of the family. We know everything about the 5 families of NY, Philly, New England but not so much about Chicago. For example are they powerful like in the 70’s or the 80’s,how many made members they have?????? Do you know something about this?????
    Merry Christmas,happy new year and good luck for everithing (sorry to disturb you)
    Dear Paul,
    You have a good name. Paul was the name of one of my father’s mentors and is the name of my brother.
    The Chicago Outfit is considered one organization – it has one boss. The Outfit has an underboss, several capos and numerous members. There are probably less than 30 “Made” members today. In addition to the boss, there are advisors. The number of members is difficult for me to assess. There cannot be more than 100. In the 1970, there might have been 400 members.
    The power of the Outfit has diminished compared to its strength in the 1970’s. However, it remains a highly capable criminal organization.

  38. Joe, I can’t believe that you went to the trouble of writing a 4+ paragraph response detailing your feelings and thoughts about Lombardo. I fully expected you to say: “He’s a killer and a gangster, enough said,” or something to that effect.

    Anyway, do you know if there was any truth to the rumor that Outfit guys wanted him dead (as reported by the FBI) in the early half of the decade?

    Do you think he was in-charge of anything at the time of his apprehension?

  39. Joe,

    Do you think there was any truth to the idea of the Outfit boss(es) wanting Lombard dead in the first half of this decade (as reported, perhaps falsely, by the FBI)? If so, why?

    In your opinion do you think Lombardo was in any kind of position of power at the time of his apprehension?


  40. Dear St. Nick,
    You raise an interesting question. I am glad you asked it. When the order came down in the 1980’s to kill the Spilotro’s, it would have included Joe Lombardo’s name if he were not in prison. Lombardo was a huge supporter of Tony Spilotro; therefore, blame was focused on Lombardo as much as it was on Spilotro. The orders came from Aiuppa and Cerone. Like anything, pain diminishes over time and that is what spared Lombardo his life. When Lombardo was finally released from prison the hit on his life was old and weak, coupled with Lombardo having John DiFronzo and Joe Andriacchi watching his back. My source for this information is as good as it gets.
    I do not believe that Lombardo was in charge of anything related to the Outfit at the time of his apprehension. However, guys of Lombardo’s stature never seem to lose their power because the new guys have so much respect for the older guys that accommodations would be made no matter what the case would be.

  41. Readers:
    Below is an email thread. The commenter asked me to keep it from the public; however, I see no reason to grant his or her wish. There is not any sensitive information within the thread. In addition, the commenter issued a false email address; therefore, I was unable to respond to her about discussing the matter. In other words, I have to make it public in order to respond.

    ——– Original Message ——–
    Subject: RE: please not for public info
    Date: Thu, December 24, 2009 9:58 am
    To: “Jim”
    Dear Jim,
    I believe that you are correct. George was likely already deceased in the time frame that Joe focused on in his testimony. I remember thinking, thank God he impeached himself while dropping my name (if he meant me when he said Joe). I NEVER saw Joe while he was on the lam!
    I do know that Joe remained in touch with all of his siblings while he was on the lam, especially his sister Terry.

    Joseph Fosco
    KTF Media Group
    KTF Media:
    Cody Commission:

    ——– Original Message ——–
    Subject: please not for public info
    From: Jim
    Date: Thu, December 24, 2009 9:48 am

    Message body:
    Joe when I heard about that testimoney I really thought that it was you who drove lumpy guess not but wasn’t George passed away when that call was made – did he call his bro?

  42. On Steve Warmbir’s blog on the Suntimes website, titled “The Outfit on Trial,” there was a lot of chatter about a DiFronzo-Marcello rivarly, and even a DiFronzo-Marcello/Galioto rivarly. It was often suggested that DiFronzo was completely boxed-in/encumbered with Marcello’s power, and so it was a major coup for him when the Marcello brothers were convicted. Do you know if there’s any truth to that? It may be common knowledge for all I know, I just find it intriguing.

    Also, judging from the Milan MI tapes, Marcello seems quite powerful, indeed. On the subject of Lombardo’s indictment and disappearance, he laughed and smirked wryly, as if the Clown (or “Pagliacci” as he referred to him) being mentioned in reference to Outfit business was a complete joke.

  43. What was Lombardo talking about when he told Pat Spilotro that the New York mob was trying to take over Chicago?? Was that bluff or truth??

  44. Dear St. Nick,

    Steve Warmbir’s sources are not as good as mine are – I am very confident in that. No other media person has sources like me, respective to the Chicago Outfit.
    In my 11:50 AM comment today, I made a misstatement. I alleged that Aiuppa and Cerone wanted Lombardo dead at the time of the Spilotro hit. Not so, Cerone and Carlisi wanted him dead (even though Lombardo was in jail at the time). In fact, Aiuppa loved Lombardo. Regardless of who wanted him dead, he was obviously not murdered. And I wish to clarify another statement in the 11:50 AM comment today. At the time of
    Lombardo’s apprehension, he might not have had any official authority with the Outfit anymore; however, he maintained an active position as a boss within the Outfit prior to his several month long escapades evading the law.

    There is absolutely no rivalry of any kind between DiFronzo and Marcello. Marcello assumed all of his power because DiFronzo allowed it. Remember what I stated earlier, DiFronzo scaled back his involvement in ‘street’ business in Chicago, keeping the bigger picture in mind, his gambling enterprises abroad with Joey DeVita. Allowing Marcello to sit in the hot seat in Chicago was a good move for Difronzo, which is blatantly obvious. Make no mistake; DiFronzo had the capability to consult with Marcello at anytime to get whatever he wanted.

    Your mention of Galioto in the same breath as DiFronzo and Marcello is humorous. That is like talking about the late Jay Pritzker, the late Conrad Hilton and Paris Hilton as though all three were close in stature. Galioto is simply fortunate that his relative (Marcello) allows him to make a good living off the Marcello power. Even though the Marcello power is drastically compromised right now because of obvious reasons, the Outfit will show respect to the Marcello’s for standing up for the Outfit by going to prison without beefing, therefore, whatever businesses the Galioto’s are involved in will remain in their control. Whatever the Galioto’s private deal is with the Marcello’s is personal. There is not one Galioto that has authority over the Outfit – the Galioto’s are simply very fortunate – God bless.
    As to your mention of Marcello’s smirk during the trial, you are reading too much in to it.

  45. Dear John S,
    I have no clue what Lombardo was talking about when he told Dr. Pat Spilotro the New York Mob was trying to take over Chicago. In my opinion, I could believe it. With Chicago’s style in recent years of keeping such a low profile, I could see other states contemplating a move – Chicago appears weak to outsiders – vulnerable. However, something like that could not be done without a Chicago crew aiding in such endeavor. If my suspicions are correct (and I would bet 4 of my 10 toes that I am right), Jack P. Cerone, Esquire is sitting on tens of millions of dollars in cash left to him by his father, late Outfit Boss Jackie Cerone. Cerone would have been a great candidate for a renegade Outfit guy to tap for major backing to facilitate such a huge project. That coupled with Cerone’s lifelong dream (which is my opinion) of being a full-fledged gangster like his father, he might have been game for backing a renegade Outfit guy to team up with New York. The name Cerone has national recognition among Outfits/Mafia’s in all the major cities throughout the United States. In fact, Cerone told me himself that he met a number of Mob bosses throughout the country over the years – because of his late father’s prominent position in the Outfit – Outfit Boss Cerone was on the National Commission. Perhaps Cerone could have established some meetings with the bosses from New York in an effort to facilitate a takeover. However, with the recent publicity that I have brought upon Cerone, I doubt that he is game for very much these days. He is happy to have a lot of money with no serious risk of going to jail, unless the government could somehow prove that he did not pay taxes on the large number of millions that his father gave him. If the government has not brought a case against Cerone by now, they never will.

  46. For the record:
    The second from last sentence in my previous comment in this thread is based on my opinion.

  47. Warmbir addressed this a year ago.

    There are police reports to corroborate the fact that a Bonanno soldier tried to open a strip joint in downstate IL a few years ago, and was busted for gambling/bookmaking or something. That is, it was no big deal–but was a blip on the Outfit’s radar, nonetheless.

  48. Sorry, Joe. I can’t find the exact Warmbir article I was talking about with regard to the NY mob. But I was able to find the below comment buried in the comments for an old, old blog post of his:

    “I do know that in early 2000 an alleged Bonanno solider Vincent R. Amarante, of New York, was arested by Chicago police at a suburban Strip Club he owned outside the city. The charges were related to prostitution and alleged gambling.

    Either Mr. Amarante had permission from the Outfit to operate in Chicago or as Joey Lombardo referred to this may have been an early attempt by a New York family to muscle their way into Chicago.”

    Here’s the link:

    I realize this could be a suspect source, as it is only a comment, but I swear there was documentation describing the situation. I’ll keep digging.

  49. Dear St. Nick,
    The Chicago Outfit does not hold Southern Illinois as place of importance. However, I could see someone like Joe Lombardo forming an opinion that New York could be testing the water by starting out on Southern Illinois. Honestly, who cares?
    I am more worried about the politicians that are currently in office here in Illinois that suck up to Outfit figures and/or close contacts of gangsters. In addition, it concerns me that we have an Illinois politician in the White House. Southern Illinois is nothing but a lot of land and shabby houses. The White House is my concern. However, I made a promise to myself many years ago to respect the President of the United States of America no matter what the case is. Therefore, I withdraw my concern about the White House.
    St. Nick, I believe that you sent me the photo of Fat Boy via email, thanks. What a good looker.

  50. Somebody I know has a **theory** that the following list of individuals pose the biggest threat against Nick Calabrese because he can tie every single one of them to a hit.

    1. Michael Marcello
    2. Frank “Toots” Caruso
    3. Aldo Piscitelli
    4. James Inendino
    5. Michael Sarno
    6. Michael Spano Sr.
    7. Paul Spano
    8. Joseph Andriacchi
    9. Joseph Lombardo
    10. Alphonse Tornabene
    11. Rudolph “Rudy” Fratto
    12. Peter DiFronzo
    13. Michael Magnafichi, born 2/16/52
    14. John Matassa
    15. Dino Marino
    16. Anthony Zizzo

    Do you have any opinion on this theory, Joe?

  51. I do not know Nick Calabrese. I do not recall ever meeting Nick Calebrese. I think I was at one of their homes in Lake Geneva several years ago. However, I am sure it was not Nick. I was also at one of their homes in Elmwood Park a number of years ago – at a party. However, I do not recall much about it.

    I like to think that Magnafichi is not a killer; in fact, deep down I do not believe he is a killer. If it were proven to me, I would reconsider my association with him. He attempted to help me in a big way recently – lawfully of course.

    I do not know #1 on the list above.
    I met #2 a few times thru Jack P. Cerone less than 10-years ago – I was not impressed.
    I do not know #3.
    I met #4 a couple of times over the years – Is he not dead now?
    I do not know #5; I do know several people of a lowly stature that look up to #5.
    I met #6 once at Gianotti’s Restaurant in Oak Brook before he turned in to federal prison – I hardly remember it.
    I do not know #7.
    I met #8 several times over the years. I like #8 – he is a great person! In fact, it was #8’s advice to me in Vegas in the fall of 2003 that I should file a lawsuit against Jack P. Cerone. I wish I had followed #8’s advice sooner. If it were proven to me that #8 is a killer, I would change my mind about regarding him is a great person.
    I met #9 several times, however, our interactions were totally social – appropriate.
    The only time I saw #10 was on the news and he made me laugh to the point that I thought I wet my pants (I know, ‘too much information’ to share).
    Number 11, well, I do believe he is a killer, because not only that he threatened to kill me personally, but I also have a reliable source that indicated #11 is a killer.
    Number 12, I believe is a killer, for the same reasons that I gave for #11.
    Number 13 was discussed in the beginning of this article.
    Number 14, I do not know him.
    Number 15, I do not know him, although I know someone very well with a strikingly similar name, ‘Gino Marino’, which is Johnny DiFronzo’s driver and good friend.
    Number 16, I do not know him.
    Number 17 is not listed, Johnny DiFronzo – he should be first on this list. I believe Johnny DiFronzo is a killer. More then one reliable source has indicated this to me (aside from him being a threat on my life – for the same reasons indicated against #11). In fact, Nick Calebrese testified that Johnny DiFronzo was present while the Spilotro’s were being murdered. However, Difronzo caught a pass from the government, unlike the others that Calebrese helped put in prison.

    I believe several individuals on the list above appear as likely threats to Calebrese, however, from my personal experiences, I have to give the credit to #11, 12 and 17. Might I add, I could think of a half dozen other names that should be on the list (based solely on my opinion)?

  52. “The FBI keeps an inventory of individuals who are associates or members of Organized Crime. In order for the FBI to categorize a person as a member or associate of Organized Crime, certain requirements must be met. Generally, those requirements are that two known made members are heard on a wiretap discussing another person as a made member; or that two known made members are heard discussing a third person as a made member, in the presence of an undercover FBI agent; or that two reliable organized crime informants independently identify a person as a made member.”


  53. Interesting but if you look back at FBI FOIA surveilance or notes of “made” members sometimes they purposely mislead knowing full well they might be or are being recorded/under survielance – the same could be said of informants – if they think someone is a rat – give them bad info rather than take the risk of killing them.

    If two made members said someone was a banana would that make that person a banana? Of course not but they might get some amusement out of it.

    In my opinion OC members assume their phones are tapped and anyone not “made” that they are in contact with will only be shown/told what OC wants them to see/hear. But I could be wrong.

  54. Dear Anonymous,
    At best, you are challenging my methodology in which my sources function, without knowing exactly what my process is. At worst, you are challenging the credibility of my sources without even knowing who they are. You are on a fishing exhibition. People that fish for information are most often paid to do it. If I am correct, who is paying you? Is it law-enforcement? A law firm? Or the Media? Perhaps you are simply driven by personal interests and are taking on a new hobby?

  55. My last post (8:11) had nothing to do with challenging your sources, methodology, etc or you and my post was only based on something I had read where what I described was done – responding to xmas tree.

    I am not on a fishing exp and by that I am not sure what you are referring to. If I am bugging I will stop.

  56. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize if I offended you, as it was not my intention. On behalf of KTF Media Group, I thank you for your readership and I welcome you to remain interested in our stories.

  57. Isn’t there a Joseph DiFronzo who is involved in Chicago rackets? I assume that he’s related to John and Peter, but I noticed that he wasn’t involved in your law suit.

    Have you actually met both John and Peter DiFronzo or did they just try to gain access to you via Fratto? Just curious.

    (I saw Chuck Goudie’s piece titled, “Lunch With No Nose,” and I belive Marco D’Amico was present at their pizza meeting. Honestly, though, I doubt they would have been discussing criminal business in the middle of the day at a crowded lounge. The Lounge, I’ve been told, is the Loon in the Western burbs.)

  58. Dear Smelt,
    I know both Peter and John DiFronzo fairly well (although they deny it since I filed the lawsuit – John denied knowing Marco D’Amico when Chuck Goudie caught up to him earlier this year. I do not know their brother Joe (Joe is their brother). Johnny used to rely on me to update him on my now late relative “Romie” Nappi’s health during the late 1990’s thru early 2000’s (when Romie died). In fact, Johnny told me many stories (short unimportant stories). For instance, he asked me how well I knew a late friend of Romie’s, Charlie Nicosia. I answered, very well. From the time of my father’s death, Charlie served as my second father in many ways, until his death in 1991. For whatever reason, Johnny shared with me that he bought a home from Charlie that was located next-door to the building Charlie lived in for many years in Elmwood Park. On other occasions, Johnny told me that Joe ‘Gags’ Gagliano brought him into the picture (meaning Outfit?). I could not believe that John told me something like that (this took place in 2001). In fact, I mentioned it to Michael Magnafichi and his response was, “wow.” Michael told me that in all the years that Michael knew Johnny, he never told Michael that. Michael attributed it to his age at the time. However, Johnny did not look like a person that rambles on when he denied to Chuck Goudie earlier this year knowing Marco D’Amico – regarding the meeting at the Loon Café in River Grove, Illinois.
    As to how my situation turned bad. Jack P. Cerone instigated the entire extortion process, immediately hooking the financially strapped Fratto into it (I know that Fratto made a lot of money as alleged in his latest IRS case, however, he gives most of his money to women, and therefore, he always needs more). Like a dumb ass, I thought I could go to John DiFronzo for help since we became fairly well acquainted. To my surprise, the matter blew up in my face because DiFronzo eventually supported Fratto, not me (which helped Cerone automatically). The entire ugly state of affairs snowballed to the point that Cerone had me arrested on trumped up phone harassment charges as a tactic to turn the tables and depict me as the aggressor (which is laughable). I eventually filed my civil RICO claim, which was unsuccessful.

  59. I thought I had a real chance getting help from John DiFronzo. We shared many stories and fond memories of our days of being close with the late Outfit Boss Jack Cerone’s now late wife, Clara Cerone. Aunt Clara really loved Johnny and me, and we loved her very much. Johnny and I had many occasions to reminisce about Aunt Clara, who was very much alive then; however, Johnny was off that detail since her now late husband’s imprisonment (only I called her Aunt Clara). I was close with Aunt Clara’s son, which is why I was actively acquainted with her.
    Johnny DiFronzo and I found mutual ground in knowing Clara, which is why I believe that we discussed so many things between us. He felt comfortable talking to me to a point. I really thought he would have helped me – he helped Fratto. However, today I believe DiFronzo wants Fratto dead – and me too.

  60. In fact, Johnny Difronzo used to enjoy when I would share with him intimate details about Jack P. Cerone. Johnny loved to hear negative information about Cerone. Which is one of the reasons that I believed that Johnny would have supported me in the extortion matter. Apparently, I underestimated Fratto’s strength with Difronzo. Too bad it did not occur today now that Difronzo no longer likes Fratto.

  61. John DiFronzo is really up there in age. I wonder if he’s getting senile or anything like that, as implied by your friend Michael’s comments to you. When DiFronzo passes, do you have any guess as to the new “boss?”

    Joe Difronzo is a hanger-on, and hardly anything at all is known about Peter DiFronzo.

    The only thing you can find about Peter in print describes his cartage-theft arrest in the 1960’s with Daddino and some other guy. In fact, his 60’s mugshot is included, for some reason, in the back of the ridiculous work of historical mob fiction, titled, “War of the Godfathers.” It’s also widely known that he’s the owner of D & P Trucking in Melrose Park.

    Also, over the last few years, Goudie has done a few reports focused on the DiFronzo’s, and I remember in one he condescendingly referred to Peter DiFronzo as the Outfit’s “major domo,” by which I think he meant errand boy, lackey, or “go-fer”. But, according to every other report, he is a full/made/lifelong member of the Outfit. It’ll be interesting to see what surfaces if and when there is a Family Secrets 2, if he were to be included in that indictment. If he’s a full member it totally implies that he’s been responsible for some pretty serious, dangerous, and illegal activities.

    Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but Charlie Nicosia is the most famous Outfit guy we’ve never heard of, right? He’s portrayed in the book Double Deal as one of the greatest Outfit “connection guys” (political/union/business) since Murray Humphreys…or something like that. I always wondered how accurate that was. I’ve heard both good and bad, as to the reliability of the late Michael Corbitt and Sam Giancana’s nephew.

  62. Dear St. Nick,

    I believe the Illinois Secretary of State has a duty to require John DiFronzo to undergo a medical exam to determine if he has the mental aptitude to retain a valid Illinois Drivers license.
    Peter DiFronzo is a ‘made’ member of the Outfit. I believe he was also involved in the incident that cost Rich Penachio his life. He should be charged with murder. Not many people like Pete; they seem to tolerate him because of his brother John.

    One brother that I do not underestimate is Joe DiFronzo. My sources tell me that he recruited a number of the psychopathic killers from Grand Avenue.

    Charlie Nicosia was a wonderful person. I wish he were here today. I would have never been victimized. Of course I would not be writing anything either because he would not approve of it. Charlie loved his wife Francis. He loved his son Conrad. He lost both of them within roughly 4-years. He died within a few years from Conrad’s passing. The deaths of his wife and son killed him. He is buried at Queen of Heaven Mausoleum in Hillside, Illinois. I visit him every time I go there to visit my dad. Charlie is buried with his wife in the St. Simon Stock section of the mausoleum.

    Charlie’s cousin was Sam Carlisi. Charlie had a voice at all of the major Outfit meetings. Accardo, Aiuppa, Carlisi, Alex and many more Outfit Bosses that are prominent always listened to what Charlie had to say. The one weakness Charlie possessed that surprises me for someone from his era is that he talked on the phone too much. Charlie had amazing connections from Mayo Clinic and various politicos’ to the Cook County Democratic Machine and its judges.

    I would not sell my relative Jack “Romie” Nappi short. Here is a man that is not mentioned in one book. However, Pat Marcy, The Hump, Nicosia and Fred Roti always considered Nappi’s advice before making a major move. Heck, Accardo himself installed Nappi in the liquor employees union with the Duff’s as a token of appreciation for a lifetime of good work. It was Nappi’s opportunity to earn a pension. The same went for my father, however with the Teamsters.
    Look up Jack Romie Nappi on Google. You will be amazed to see his old connections with an extremely controversial person.

  63. Whoa–I see what you’re saying about Nappi. Maybe he’ll appear in the book YOU write someday.

    By the way, who is Rich Penachio and when/how did he pass? I’ve never been able to find an article about it, though I’ve heard him mentioned before here. Did it happen in River Grove? What is the popular understanding of happened to him? What can you say about what transpired?

    If he was murdered or died under mysterious circumstances, it’s’ suspicious that there’s absolutely no information about it.

  64. Dear St. Nick,
    Sometime in the early or mid 70’s, the Aiuppa-Cerone faction ordered a few of its men, including Penachio, and (in my opinion) Peter Difronzo to burn a building down. In the process, Penachio was accidentally killed. Nonetheless, when coconspirators are in the commission of a felony and one of the conspirators dies, the remaining coconspirators are guilty of murder. I do not know where this occurred. However, the FBI is well aware of the details. Ten years ago, they tried hard to link people to the incident. I briefly referred to it in my article on Clara Cerone (search KTF for it).

  65. Inquisitor Generalis on

    Does the Chicago Outfit use terminology like “capo” or “consigliere” “soldier” or are there other terms exclusive to the chicago region?

    does the boss appoint these titles and positions or are the “understood” ?

  66. I intend to help prove Peter DiFronzo is guilty of the Penachio related murder and I will sit in court the day he is sentenced to life and smile at him. And I will dedicate my hard work to his brother John, for letting me down.

  67. The Old School Outfit guys used the terms Capo and Consigliore. Today it is all different. No one knows who the bosses are (capos), soldiers are not ‘made’, and they are nitwits. I am not sure what the day-to-day stuff is like now.
    Regarding yesteryear, I remember Joe Ferriola being falsely regarded as the top boss. He was a capo, never the top boss. John DiFronzo was over Joe Ferriola in rank forever.

  68. If I’m not mistaken, Joseph Gagliano has a son in the Chicago rackets named, Gary, who seems to have more or less disappeared off the scene.

    Also, another commentator asked you about one “Francesco Ciranato.” According to this chart (, Francesco Ciranato was also known as “Frank Cerone.” Frank Cerone is described as “a relative of top Chicago top hoodlum Jack Cerone,” on page 10* in one of Joe Aiuppa’s FBI files available via FOIA ( So, while he may not have been his father, it’s clear that there was some familial relation, and that, in fact, “Cerone” was probably an American bastardization of “Cironato.”

    The Outfit Chart is especially interesting because if you compare it to contemporary names associated with OC in Chicago, it exposes how nepotistic the Mafia is.

    Not necessarily the best was of operating a business.

  69. Dear Beer,
    You are mistaken; Joe Gagliano is the uncle of Gary Gagliano. Joe Gagliano is the father of a man named Tore Gagliano. Everyone in the Outfit loved Joe ‘Gags’ Gagliano. He was Jack Cerone’s underboss. Johnny DiFronzo told me himself that Joe Gags brought him in to the “picture,” as he put it. I know he brought Willie Messino in to the ‘picture’ too, Willie told me as well. Johnny DiFronzo loved Joe Gags so much that he made his son Tore the executor of his estate.
    Jack P Cerone told me that his name Cerone was pronounced Cha-dro-nee back in the old country. Therefore, I do not believe there is a relation between Cerone and Ciranato. Other Cerone’s I am aware of that are related to Jack Cerone, are “Skip,” “Tar” and “Cy.” Unless one of them is Frank (Ciranato), I do not believe there is a relation. If one of the three Cerone’s that I mentioned is a Frank, which I think might be the case, there may simply be two Frank Cerone’s (not related to each other). On the other hand, Elis Island could have incorrectly written down Ciranato, instead of Cerone (your bastardization theory). I have the means to look into this a little deeper for you. I will let you know what I can find.
    A KTF commenter recently reported that Jack P. Cerone has been frequenting a restaurant/bar somewhere around Villa Park, Illinois. If you happen to bump into him somewhere having a drink, he will tell you anything you want to know about his late father and their relatives, however, it will most likely cost you the price of a few Vodka and waters. Regardless of how many millions he has, he is always looking for more money.

  70. You mentioned someplace on this site you were close to George Colucci – what can you tell me about his brother Joseph Colucci and the Russian Bath House – I remember almost ten years ago the bath house was all over the news with Jesse Jackson “escaping” the pressures and embarassment of fathering a child during a extramarital affair by spending time there.

  71. Dear Nick,

    I was very close to George Colucci. I was extremely compassionate to his unfortunate circumstances over his final years – which I will not comment on. I was glad to help him with anything that he needed – never violating a law.

    I am aware of his now late brother Joe Colucci’s bathhouse. I merely met Joe Colucci a few times over the years. The two of them were always mad at each other.

    I spent 6-days a week with George for roughly 7-years.

    I do not know much about Joe’s bathhouse. I simply know that his now late son Jimmy managed it. And Jimmy’s son allegedly mismanaged it. I understand the Colucci family no longer owns the bathhouse.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Attention reader:

      Please submit comments through American News Post, not through the old KTF Media Group page. Comments at KTF are turned off and everything has been transferred over to ANP.

      The following comment came in today on this article:

      (Author: Joe)
      Dear Joe bath house was not mismanged by the late Jimmy Colucci son, he had
      money stolen from an arab named Murad.He is in the process of getting it back.
      As he owns the property adjacent to the building.

  72. Think of it this way, if DiFronzo had sided with you instead of Cerone and Fratto, maybe you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to ‘turn over a new leaf,’ as they say.

    Blessing in disguise?

  73. Dear ibid,
    Unfortunately, I had to be burned in order to wake up. I believe that I would have made the same decision at some point in my life. The problem I experienced certainly made it happen a lot faster.
    A blessing in disguise – I will agree to that. Thank you.

  74. To what extent were you involved with these gangsters? From what I’m able to tell, you were just friends with some of them, perhaps an associate.

    Did you have an all-together different moral code when you were hanging out with them, or were you just naive?

    In your opinion are there any members of the mob who are good people or good Catholics / Christians?

  75. Dear ibid,
    I did not pop out of a bubble. So, no, I was not naive. I knew they were gangsters. I was of the impression that because of their wealth, coupled with their age, they were done with all their old tricks. They put on a good show. Therefore, I guess I was somewhat naive. I am sorry.
    I was nothing more than socially acquainted with most of the gangsters I knew. However, I did become friends with a couple of them. Never did I engage in unlawful business as a conspirator with any of them. I am putting it like this because I did play as a small gambler on occasion (not as a bookie or agent of any kind – a gambler) thru Jack P. Cerone’s gaming activities that he operated thru his restaurant, II Jack’s. Then again, I witnessed Mayor Daley’s son Patrick do the same thing at II’Jack’s in 1999 – now he is regarded as a war hero.
    It is impossible for a gangster to be a good Catholic. They put their boss before God. This makes them bad Catholic’s right there. However, a number of gangsters have some compassion for the less fortunate. Some are extremely charitable.
    I suppose that I thought a little bit like them when I was running around with them, socially. For instance, my opinion of laws was different. I thought the government was ridiculous to outlaw gambling. Today, I see it differently. I respect the laws in place without question. I learned to understand that procedures are in place for everything. One exception relates to my friend (who is a very good Catholic), Conrad Black. Black helped me see how one should deal with laws that are considered unreasonable, you take your case to the United States Supreme Court and have that law stricken, or modified. In the meantime, you respect that law.

  76. Joe~

    Let me get something straight.

    Is the “Jack Cerone” that DiFronzo & Andriacchi dislike the late mob boss Jackie the Lackey, or his son, Jack P. Cerone, who is an attorney? Who did Andriacchi recommend that you sue? What is the reason they dislike him?

    (The fact that this question is even intelligible does not reflect well on Jack P. Cerone, as he is supposed to be an officer of the court. What the heck is/was he doing operating a gambling operation?)

  77. Dear Gspeed,
    Jack P. Cerone, Esquire, is the 69-year old son of the late Chicago Outfit boss, John “Jackie” Cerone. DiFronzo and Andriacchi hated both father and son. However, they were stuck having to obey the father – the father was their boss. Think about it, how many people hate their boss – it is not uncommon. However, DiFronzo and Andriacchi despise the son. We will call the son “the lawyer.” The ‘lawyer’ mistreated his father’s men nearly his entire life, as some spoiled brats do.
    Andriacchi told me to file a lawsuit against the ‘lawyer’, I believe that he was unaware of the others that were involved, because I do not believe that he would have instructed me to sue the DiFronzo’s – perhaps Rudy Fratto, but not the DiFronzo’s.
    Jack P. Cerone has flouted the law in my presence many times, gambling is nothing compared to the other things he has done. Good luck trying to get the ARDC to do something. Illinois government is far from decent. Remember what the boss of the FBI said in the news conference after they arrested Illinois’ previous Governor last year? Special Agent in Charge Robert Grant basically said that Illinois is likely the most corrupt State in the Country.

  78. So, Jackie Cerone’s wife, Clara, loved Johnny DiFronzo, and he her, while DiFronzo despised her husband, the boss? Weird.

  79. Dear St. Nick,
    Indeed. In fact, I believe that Jack’s harsh treatment of his wife, Clara, was a contributing factor to Johnny’s resentment for the old man. Johnny’s hands were tied, he belonged to Jack and there was nothing he could do about it. Joe Andriacchi loved Clara too, as she loved Joe.
    Speaking of Joe Andriacchi, I was informed today that his health is not good, and he could possibly be in real trouble, health wise. I feel bad about this.

  80. What bar in Villa Park does Cerone go to? I know all of them. Does he go to Demito Time on Villa Ave?

  81. Dear Kody,
    I have no idea where Cerone goes these days. I have been to Demito’s; therefore, I am familiar with it. Since I am familiar with Demito’s, I am confident that Cerone would not frequent Demito’s. Cerone is usually found wearing a suit or a sports coat. Cerone is an arrogant person, perhaps a snob. He does not fit the profile of the sort of person that would find Demito’s as a comfortable place to spend time. However, I could see him warming up to Debby.
    Kody, I never suggested that I saw Cerone in a Villa Park establishment. An anonymous commenter reported this information.

  82. Dear Readers:
    When Rudy Fratto was initially charged with tax evasion, I was humored by his stupidity. Did Elliott Ness not set an example for gangsters on tax evasion nearly 100-years ago? When Rudy marched into the courthouse, immediately pleading guilty, I was almost impressed. I thought, interesting – he wants to face the music and get it over. Then I learned that his geriatric patient and convicted felon-attorney, Art Nasser, decided to plan a vacation and schedule a minor elective eye-surgery, compromising Fratto’s January 13, 2010 sentencing date. Then I heard that John DiFronzo was infuriated with Fratto, which made me look at things a little harder. DiFronzo’s furious with Fratto, Fratto changed his attitude from, “let me get this over,” to “wait a minute.” What is the real hold up? Is it simply the medical issues concerning Dr. Giacchino’s treatment of Fratto’s severe migraine headaches (another example of Giacchino’s disregard for HIPPA – Giacchino used to brag to me that he treats Fratto for migraines and Joe Lombardo for blood pressure)? On the other hand, could Fratto be reconsidering saying goodbye to his cigar smoking, obese, shoplifter of a wife Kim Fratto (I nicknamed her ‘Ma Barker’)? If he married her in the first place, he must be attracted to her.
    January 27, 2010 is the new sentencing date for Fratto. Will he go quietly, or, will he deal his way out of this predicament by using some of the Outfits secrets that he holds to his advantage. I believe the U.S. Attorneys office would agree to an insignificant punishment (home confinement) if Fratto offers up something juicy. Then again, would Fratto waste his get-out-of-jail-free card on escaping a short prison sentence? I would have to say ‘no’. However, does Fratto believe that another, much more serious, score of charges are right around the corner? I suppose we will have a better idea on January 27, 2010.

  83. I understand Fratto made a brief appearance at the Moose Head Lodge in River Grove, Illinois, recently. No doubt one of his desperate attempts to portray himself as a man with no worries – when he in fact is worried about everything – worried enough to feel the need to keep the show alive a little longer by taking it on the road from Derain to River Grove. He is lucky that Johnny DiFronzo does not spend time at the Moose Head Lodge, which Fratto is well aware.

  84. One palce you will not see Fratto is at the Loon Cafe in River Grove between 4-6 pm.

  85. Dear Readers,

    Anyone familiar with my threads will get a laugh out of the stupid email that was sent to me – listed below:

    Message body:
    dear Joe,

    Pray tell…

    How could Mario Rainone be a prime murder victim of Johnny No Nose if he is currently facing federal charges? That is not even logically possible. plus, how could you contend that Difronzo cut off his – – – – (i guess that is what you mean by your allegation of “mutilation”) if that did not even come in during Difronzo’s de-briefing during Family secrets?

    and finally joe, there is an indeterminant number of evidence to suggest that mario rainone was seeking to get treatment for his genitalia from Dr. G., especially since there is such a thing as medical privacy also known as H I P P A — even if Dr. G. told you he was seeking such treatment! even if dr. G swore you to secrecy, you should not make it go on the intenet via your blog. how humiliating for mr rainone!

    and finally joe, what does mario rainone getting kicked out of harlo grill in Melrose Park, il (on the south side of North Avenue) have to do with YOU at ALL? you don’t need to write an editorial about it.

    Grow up, my friend. AND GET YOUR FACTS STRAGIHT!

    this blog is a joke!

    This mail is sent via contact form on KTF Media Group

  86. JF-

    What’s so ironic about that message is that whoever wrote it manages to get every single fact wrong, but then demands that you “get your facts straight.” Ha ha.

    If I had to guess, I’d say that this person (who is obviously a supporter of Rainone) received some second or third-hand information about some of reader comments on this website and rushed to his defense without verifying anything.

    Joe, do you know of any spouses or relatives of Outfit members who read this blog, specifically? I ask because on the Mary Ann Mungo thread, someone floats the idea that a member of the Fratto family comments here. Also, do you know of any Outfit members themselves read it? I read somewhere that gangsters who are convicted of lesser crimes than murder have computer access in prison.

  87. Dear Vic,
    I do not know with certainty who reads this site, except for a few friends, relatives, regular viewers and you. I believe that Rudy Fratto’s wife reads this site for two reasons. One, I have been told by a mutual friend that she surfs the net a lot. Two, because I have been linked to her husband many times thru internet articles, newspaper articles and court documents. I know former Chief Vito Scavo receives updates, once in a telephone conversation he asked me to ‘please stop writing’. I know that DiFronzo’s attorneys have read many articles on KTF; they included some of them as an exhibit with their motion to dismiss. Therefore, I would believe that DiFronzo’s attorney is likely to keep an eye on KTF and continue to inform his client of particular updates. I believe that some gangsters that know how to use a computer (cannot be many) could find themselves reading KTF. I am extremely confident that several gangsters receive updates on KTF from computer savvy confidants.
    May I ask why you are interested in knowing my thoughts on this matter?
    Go to and run Rudy’s wife, Kim Fratto. You will see that she is a petty thief (shoplifter). She smokes cigars and talks like foul-mouthed thug.

  88. I’m interested in knowing your thoughts on the matter because you are putting out a lot of damning info about the Outfit on the world wide web. And, in this day and age, everyone is online; as you’ve mentioned previously, Outfit wives and children have social-networking accounts.

    I’m sure they’re aware of your website and probably regularly read and possibly even comment.

    What you’re doing requires a lot of guts and bravery considering you could run into any of these people any time you leave your house.

  89. Hey Joe,

    It seems like you are only against the Outfit insofar as it serves your own agenda.

    You write pieces ripping Cerone, DiFronzo, and Fratto, but then celebrate your friendships with Michael Magnafichi, Joe Andriachi, and Willie Messino. Mobsters are feared for a reason, you know. Murdering someone is prerequisite for membership in the Outfit. You stated that Lee Magnafichi was a great man & father, even though your source put him at the Spilotro killings.

    You slam those who you believe want to cause you harm, but wax sentimental about those who do not–even though they are part of the same organization.

    Which is it?

  90. Dear Faux,

    Without any contrast, people like you would stop digging through my articles. Thank you for your readership – whether you like it or not.

    I will clarify things a bit.

    First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to raise issue with my articles. I speak from my personal experiences on Cerone, DiFronzo and Fratto – who personally attacked me. Therefore, I believe its reasonable that I hold these three in a different light. However, I do not condone any kind of Outfit related business. In my opinion, Willie Messino was an old man, retired from the Outfit for many years after repaying his debt to society. In addition, his family and mine date back to the 1920’s. I cannot be held responsible for that. Willie treated me well. If it were proven to me that he committed murder, I would feel very bad. I admit, sometimes I think that he might have committed murder during his lifetime, and I struggle with those feelings. It is a very sad thing. However, Willie is deceased now and is not an important factor in today’s Outfit. I do not focus on ancient history. I am focusing on the here and now.

    Joe Andriacchi advised me to file a lawsuit against Cerone, how could I dislike him for giving me such good advice. I never put Andriacchi at the Spilotro murder scene. Furthermore, if it is proven to me that he is a killer; I will never speak of him in a positive way again. Nonetheless, I am compelled to say, Joe Andriacchi is a gangster, therefore, I do not associate with him. I saw him 5-times over the last 8-years. Each time was by coincidence.

    Faux, I am afraid I will have to ask you to show me the piece that you allege I referred to Lee Magnafichi as a ‘great man’. Lastly, I would like to clarify there has never been a gangster on this planet that I would ever consider to be a ‘great man’.

  91. Dear Faux,

    I am sorry for leaving Michael Magnafichi out of my previous comment.

    Michael Magnafichi has helped me stay alive. I admit that I have sometimes questioned if this is correct, however, I seem to continue to believe it after careful consideration.

  92. I never said your source put Andriacchi at the murder scene. I said your source put Lee Magnafichi at the murder scene.

  93. Dear Faux,

    I know, I can read. I merely pointed out that I am not alleging Andriacchi committed murder.

    I am still waiting to see this statement where I supposedly referred to Lee as a ‘great man’. Thank you.

  94. Joe,

    That I could find, there is no statement tha you have made in which you refer to Lee Magnafichi as a “great man.” So, I apologize for saying you did.

    You did call Lee a “wonderful father,” though. My error is that I assumed that for one to be a great father, one would also have to be a great man. I don’t see how someone could be a wonderful father while having been complicit in a brutal double murder.

  95. Dear Faux,
    If it is common for you to make mistakes and assumptions, coupled with wrongfully accusing others, I hope you never sit on a jury.

  96. “Michael, who already had a wonderful dad of his own, came to think of Jackie as a second father figure.”

    from the article “Mr. Michael G. Magnafichi” by Joseph Fosco

    Dear Joe,

    Is it common for you to not remember what you have written in the past? I hope you don’t consider yourself a writer.

    (Yes, I admitted to making an assumption. But if you’re going to call me out, I want to say that your articles are riddled with inane assumptions.)

  97. Dear Faux,
    I have never claimed that I do not recall writing Michael had a “wonderful father.” Nor did I deny it. However, you have still not proved it. You obviously do not remember what you read. Should I suggest that you not call yourself a reader? That would be silly, right. Do you remember this started because you asserted that I referred to Lee as a “great man?” Which you admit that you erred.
    As far as my assertion that Michael had a “wonderful dad,” I believe that a reasonable person could conclude that I was basing my comment on Michael’s information. However, in the interest of being prudent, I will now clarify that I was citing information from a source when I stated Michael had a “wonderful dad” of his own. I apologize to anyone that feels offended by this matter.
    Faux, please get your facts strait before you take up space on this thread.
    Any other small issues?

  98. Dear Joe,

    Thank you for responding to my comments and sharing your opinion. I think your silence on this point has adequately proven my point, which is: sometimes you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Thank you.

  99. Dear Faux,
    Some of my articles may contain opinions, which I clearly indicate as such, not assumptions. If you do not like this site, go away.

  100. Dear Joe,

    Thank you for trying to confuse the issue with your gibberish. As I comb through you articles, I can see that this is not an unusual strategy.

    Dear Bart,

    Calm down and listen to me. Adults don’t really use excalmation points, let a lone three of them at the end of a sentence. Thank you.

  101. Faux, you are missing Fosco’s 12:33 comment. He is not being silent! Fosco kicked your but, again.

  102. Dear Faux,
    You have confused thing, which you already apologized for in this thread. Are you retracting your apology?
    Thank you for spending so much of your time here. Glad to help you spend your day. If you wish, go away, if not, come back again another day.

  103. Dear Joe Fiasco & friends,

    I am impressed with 12:58 P.M. switch tactic. Congratulations. And congratulations on successfully working John DiFronzo’s name into an article about the President of the United States.

    For the record, I came here because a friend of mine mentioned that this blog made for good reading. I’ll have to correct him–it makes for good entertainment.

  104. Dear Faux,
    Whatever your pleasure, thank you for all of your time. Glad we were of some help to you.

  105. Faux,

    I like your “Fiasco” observation, as well as your claim that adults don’t use exclamation points. Too bad you didn’t direct the comment at Fosco himself. If you’re new to these threads, you may not yet have noticed that he happens to be Mr. Exclamation Point.

    I want to inform you that obfuscation and switch tactics are two of Fosco’s specialties. I won’t elaborate for the sake of brevity, but he was guilty of committing the most shameless switch tactic in the history of Internet publishing a few months back.

    The thing is, Fosco can write good material. I mean to say that he has that potential. Unfortunately, he is well-known for defending outlandish, irrational positions and contributing rubbish follow-up commentary, which you experienced earlier today, obviously. Fosco chooses to be an Internet clown. Too bad.

    Supposedly, Fosco has a coterie of dedicated disciples who will chime-in with puerile, peanut-gallery remarks in an attempt to defend his unclear, often self-contradictory retorts. Jimmy T’s hilarious comment (above) is about par for the course: “Fosco kicked your but [sic], again.” As you can see, Jimmy T spelled the word “butt” incorrectly. Usually, that sort of thing is funny. Around here, however, you’ll see that it is commonplace, and there’s nothing funny about that.

    (I still visit this website but mainly for Alex Sharp’s articles.)

    If you ever doubt for a minute that Fosco is an Internet clown, just take a peek at his behavior over on this thread:


  107. Dear Kelvin,

    I meant to ask you a couple of months ago, are you the Kelvin that owned the E2 Night Club in Chicago?

    I believe Dr. Giacchino knew the owner of E2’s Kelvin (perhaps Calvin). In fact, Dr. Giacchino was quoted calling me “Joe Fiasco” as well. I cannot wait to see the “fiasco” that Giacchino will be dealing with soon – in federal court, again.

    “Obfuscation and switch tactics,” Kelvin, you make that sound like murder. First, I disagree and second, some of the commenter’s here are the ones switching things around. Take a good look at the thread. Not a big deal, it is a blog that everyone can visit to share their thoughts.

    Thank you for the compliment – “potential” is rather positive.

    “Outlandish, irrational positions” would be your opinion – you are entitled to an opinion. And KTF Media Group will not stand in your way of sharing it. Please do not call the wonderful commenter’s here ‘rubbish’ makers (most are not).

    An Internet clown, eh? Interesting. Joey The Clown II?

    “Supposedly, Fosco has a coterie of dedicated disciples who will chime-in with puerile, peanut-gallery remarks in an attempt to defend his unclear, often self-contradictory retorts.” Kelvin, you are something. I admit, at times blogs could appear as peanut-gallery wars. Some find it amusing.

    So far the one thing you have said that makes sense, Alex Sharp’s articles are certainly the best reason to visit KTF Media Group. I am very grateful to have a fine and talented professional writer like Alex on board.

    As to the thread that you have directed my readers to, regarding Lord Black, I am not ashamed of it. First, I believe some of the posts on that site under my name are impostures. However, the comments that I wrote were during a time I was in pain, worried about a friend that was railroaded. As you can see by the comments of Scalia and Breyer in my latest article, dated 1/14/10, on Obama and Ryan, Black’s case certainly seems to look good for him now – finally.

    Too bad a serial killer as John DiFronzo was not railroaded the way Lord Black was.

  108. Hey Kelvin,

    People come to this website on their free time to read articles.
    Joe is kind and interested enough to respond to his audience’s questions. If you have a problem with that, or the way he goes about it, then piss off and be a blog bully somewhere else!!!
    Oh, sorry! Is that too many exclamation points?! Jackass.

  109. Joe (if you are still reading this thread):

    I hate to use the hoighty-toighty, academic, pretentious language of Mr. Kelvin, but let the record show that “Faux Josco” is implying that he knows the metaphysical criteria for good fatherhood, which he doesn’t. No one does.

    “Faux Josco” is not all-knowing. If he was, his comments would be far more interesting.

  110. Fiasco,
    The search function on this website doesn’t work too well. You see, I was trying to find that article that you wrote about Vic’s mother’s ass but was unsuccessful.

    Hey Vic,
    You look like a creep with that hair, mustache, and jaundice skin tone. And keep your nonsensical philosophical musings to yourself because you’re making yourself look like an educated retard. I never claimed to know the “metaphysical criteria” for anything, boob.

  111. Hey Faux,

    I’m sorry if my appearance bothers you. There’s not a whole heck of a lot I can do about it, other than shave my mustache, to meet your standards. By the way, you don’t know me, so how could you comment on my jaundice ‘skin tone.’ I could be terminally ill – how would you know?

    And, regardless of what you may think, you are implying that you know the unknowable, which is why I used the word “metaphysical.” There was a more choice way of communicating my opinion, but Joe deletes profane language. So, I wouldn’t been able to get my point across. Joe schooled you in this thread, so go piss and moan somewhere else, or go back to making sweet love to Kelvin, and leave me alone.

  112. You know what, Faux? I argued against what you said about someone being or not being a good father, and I thought I made a good point. In response, you personally attacked me.

    I think that speaks for itself.

  113. Dear KTF Media Group Viewers:

    On behalf of KTF Media Group, I thank all of you for your readership. We have been fortunate enough to have roughly 1-million viewers come to this site since its inception.

    Because of our growing readership, coupled with the recent disaster in Haiti, KTF Media Group is teaming up with the other Media organizations in Chicago to help the Haiti Victims.

    KTF Media Group is respectfully requesting that you visit the following URL and do whatever you can to help the many troubled people of Haiti:

    And/or call (877) 565-5000 to help in Haiti!

    Thank you and God bless.

    Sincerely yours,

    Joseph Fosco, Publisher

  114. Vic,
    I’d ask you to meet me at a Starbucks or something so we can settle our differences through conversation. You know, like two grown adults? But I’d be too worried that I’d throw a hot coffee in your face. Not out of anger necessarily, but maybe in an attempt to singe of the unbecoming mustache of yours.

  115. Hey Faux,

    If you were to extend such an invitation, I’d make sure to be 100-miles *in any direction) away from said Starbucks.

    By the way, this sentence of yours, “maybe in an attempt to singe of the unbecoming mustache of yours,” doesn’t make any sense. Proofread your comment next time, tard.

  116. From what I understand, Peter DiFronzo and Marco Damico (and some others) left town recently on a short trip to Costa Rica. Be reminded, Cost Rica is one of the principle locations of the Chicago Outfit’s international gaming enterprises that has been controlled by Joey DeVita and the late Carmie Bastone on behalf of Johnny DiFronzo.

  117. At 1:00 pm today, I will be in court witnessing the Fratto sentencing. I predict that Fratto will be okay, unfortunately. He is in front of a judge that practiced law as a criminal defense attorney for many years. The judge is Irish Catholic and is from Chicago.

    If I were Fratto, I would have been kissing my ‘rich relatives’ ass for the last several weeks, begging for a loan to pay Uncle Sam his money. Could you imagine if Fratto has done that? Could you imagine if he walks in to court today apologizing for what is technically his first offence and presents a check to the government for his income taxes – or, if he merely hands over a decent portion of the tax money that he failed to pay earlier? If so, Rudy will walk out of that courtroom with a sentence of probation, or maybe receive 6-months home confinement.

    In fact, I believe Fratto stands a good chance of receiving a sentence other than penitentiary time whether he presents a tax payment today or not. Too bad. However, I will respect the courts decision no matter what happens today. If Fratto avoids jail time, all I have to say to the government is ‘better luck next time’.

  118. Please be advised at the time I authored the article above, I was unaware my civil RICO case was dismissed for the second time – four days earlier. I was intimidated therefore did not attend the December 17, 2009 dismissal hearing. I believe I found out about the dismissal thru an email from the court on or around December 23, 2009, which inspired me to write the following article:

    Thank you.





    WHO’S NEXT??????????

  120. This afternoon, I witnessed Rudy Fratto’s four children, his supposed semi-crippled wife and him plead with the judge for leniency. I feel sorry for the family. According to them Rudy is a good dad. The defense was seeking home confinement. However, the judge was not moved by the family’s words (I was wrong about my earlier prediction). Therefore, Rudy Fratto, Jr, was sentenced to 1 year and 1 day to the United States Bureau of Prisons. Rudy’s turn in date is April 28, 2010. However, Rudy’s attorney, Art Nasser hinted that more time would be requested later. I plan to write an article on this matter this evening. It will include the threats that were made to me today by Fratto.

  121. Correction: One of Rudy’s children did not speak today (his oldest daughter). Three of his children and his wife spoke. I am sorry.


    WHO’S NEXT??????????

  123. Dear Mr. Fosco

    Are you a member of the Chicago Chapter of the Guardian Angels? If not, I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by “vigilante.”

  124. Dear Mr. Miles,

    Vigilante – Somebody who punishes lawbreakers personally rather than relying on the legal authorities.

    That is what I call my style of journalism. I am not a member of the Guardian Angels.

  125. The news has it as Fratto’s first criminal offense. You’re calling him a murderer. Who did he murder?

  126. Dear Bogan,
    Gacy murdered at least 33-boys before he was caught. Rudy participated in several hits over the years. Whether someone pulls the trigger or serves as a look out, he or she are guilty of murder. I will give you one name, Chuckie English.

  127. Joseph Fosco on

    Rudy was given a 90-day turn in date at his sentencing hearing on January 17, 2010. However, his lawyer hinted that additional 90-days would be requested in a motion sometime in the near future. I do not know what to make of it. I have heard that Rudy might expect to be indicted again on charges that are more serious very soon. I would not be surprised if he beefs.

  128. I’m made, hey Fosco you knuckle dragger. Get a real job and stay off of these message boards.

    PS-Costa Rica was very nice.

    • Dear Marco D’Amico, you might be made in the Elmwood Park Mafia group of 2011, but you were never made by the Outfit back in the 1980’s. Why? Because you’re old buddy Jack Cerone said so, that’s why.