Elmwood Park, Illinois, residents, friends and visitors, please contact me either on the message board below or at my email address, jfosco@americannewspost.com.
I intend to help the families who were allegedly destroyed by police Sgt. John Wasilenko and the lax Elmwood Park Police Department.
I will discuss my ways of providing help one-on-one in private.
Thank you.
Joseph Fosco, Publisher
For those unfamiliar with this subject, please click here.
This is nothing new, saw this this happen numerous times over the span of my career
in Cicero, one former officer did this several times ,even marrying one of the domestic victims after arresting the husband.
Steve, this is sad, very sad. Thank you for telling us how prevalent thist is. It is high time something happens to stop such deplorable abuse of power. In my findings, Elmwood Park Police abuse power as if laws were made for EP to ignore.
Dear WildBill,
Thanks for the information! SEnd more on Skip and everyone via our contact page on ANP. Thanks. J
Mr Fosco, I also had a run in with this Sargent in the not so distant past. It was also a domestic issue. He asked my wife out even while I was being detained.(charges dropped) and lets put it this way I feel there were certain things done to make sure I didn’t get out of detainment to soon probably so he would have time to play his game(speculation). Anyone I told about him asking my wife out and what I felt he did so I couldn’t get out of detainment to soon didn’t believe me until now but my wife and I are afraid and are not willing to come forward. One other thing this cop is a BULLY with a capital B start to ask some Elmwood Park residents and you will see. I don’t like to wish bad Carma on anyone but this cop is bad bad news……What I don’t understand is he harassed some of these guys and used police computer systems to do illegal background checks which to my understanding is a felony and all he got was a reprimand? Another disgusting abuse of power.
With all due respect Mr. Doe, your fear is Wasilenko’s best ally. I implore you to face your fear in the spirit of justice and contact me via email. My email address is jfosco@americanenewspost.com. Thank you. Joe Fosco
Why wouldn’t you come forward? What’s to be afraid of?
I had a incident a long time ago with a state college Blue Belly. I had met a girl at the school and got her number . I called her like four times in a two day period (which was a mistake on my part )
Then one day , I get a call from some lieutenant or sergeant who tells me that I had lost something with my name on it. He was evasive, finally he says I lost a money clip with $50 bucks in it and my name on it. I was suspicious but once he said that I knew he was full of shit. He was trying to lure me to the blue belly station.
I figured my over aggressiveness caused the girl to call to the peo lice. Who knows what she said or what BB planned. This article made me realize that blue belly was going white knight.
Also as a side note a survey from the book “The wisdom of Psychopaths” lists the poe leece as in the top ten of professions that attract a high % of psychopaths.
You see there was a reason predators join the squad or become a priest
Attention readers:
The information in the paragraph below is presently
unsubstantiated. Please do not consider any of the information below as factual
until/unless proven in a court of law. However, as far as for the purpose of
research, please read the information below and respond if you know anything.
Thank you.
A suspicious tip came in to ANP alleging that the Elmwood
Park Police are currently in the process of helping a supposed complainant who
tried running an enemy down with a car by Johnny’s Beef Stand on North Avenue
in recent days. It is further alleged that the EPPD are possibly helping the
supposed complainant cover his a** because he is related to some influential
people, additionally, his biological father is a well-known Italian Mafioso in
Chicago. The tipster explained that the supposed complainant is pursuing
charges against the real victim to cover his a** because the supposed complainant
is presently on bond for two serious felony cases. In other words, if the complainant
would appear as the victim who files a police report first, he is clever enough
to know that he stands a good chance of escaping charges for the crimes that he
genuinely committed (allegedly) against the other party. We have also learned
that the true victim who was almost killed by the supposed complainants car did
not go to the police for fear of retribution and was satisfied to be alive. If
anyone know anything about this alleged
capper, please contact me immediately at jfosco@americannewspost.com.
Joe Fosco
It now looks as if the EPPD (alleged pros at fixing, framing
and cover-ups) are being very careful to have the SA’s office take a hands on
approach in the alleged framing of a genuine victim, as if the genuine perpetrator was the one who was victimized. this is going to be interesting.
Is it just me or does anyone else remember that it takes 2 to tango? I am not really understanding how he is solely to blame for women cheating on their husbands. First of all if the police are called to your house for a domestic there is a reason that they are there, so what did these so called “gentlemen” do to their wives that prompted them or their neighbors to call the police? You don’t just call the police unless the situation is ugly. So these people are probably not that trust worthy to begin with. Maybe the news media should look into their backgrounds as well and see who is more trustworthy. In addition if I was a woman who was fearful of her husband/boyfriend, and was having an affair I would make up a crazy excuse too to save my own skin. The bottom line boils down to the fact that their are 2 parties involved, what about the women? Did this man come to these women’s house and put a gun to their head and say go to dinner with me or else? No I am pretty positive that didn’t happen, there are 2 parties at fault not just one. The one devastating the lives of anyone are the women who cheated and the spouses that abused them. Does the new media not think that Sgt. Wasilenko has kids, or a wife or a family that this could have devastated as well? Also why is it only the men are coming forward? No women have sat there and come forward or come to the news media…. Because these men are jilted. And sir if you want to help the families that this man has allegedly destroyed do you plan on helping him and his family as well? You want to help the cheating wives right? This is horrible news at best.
Dear Getover,
I have talked to a number of the men. Abuse of police power, such as using the background search equipment for private use, running license plates for invalid reasons and stalking are among some of their complaints. It is my understanding that the police officer in question was even disciplined for some of these allegations. I think the main reason he was disciplined was for EP to cover their butt. I do not think the town or the department really cares about the abuse of power stuff, otherwise more would have been done. As far as suggesting that the men are not trustworthy because 9-1-1 was called, remember, “it takes 2 to tango.”
Absolutely it takes 2 to tango so what about the women? Why have none of them come forward? Its just the men, how would the officer prompt a wife to call the police obviously there are more parties than just the officer to blame. This seems to one sided I suppose I should just do what I do best and get back to work. Obviously you are really hard up for a story, and really don’t think about others or who you hurt in the process.
Your words are now coming back to bite you in your A$$ for a stupid comment … What about now huh??? I suppose it’s the old mans fault ?? Get your head straight because this crooked cop got his lunch pretty good and no one , no one can get him out if this mess , this hole he dug so deep, he can’t even crawl out!!!!!
Now you can get back to work!!!!
Applause to your rebuttal! He thought he was never going to get in trouble for his actions. Well he day has come. And there will be more to follow. All good things come in due time! Lowlife Sgt.John Wasilenko surrendered and was charged with 3 felonies this morning by Cook County. He will be arraigned at 1030 this morning in Maybook.
Joe, it’s a violation of citizens rights , period! Lowlife Sgt.John Wasilenko surrendered and was charged with 3 felonies this morning by Cook County. He will be arraigned at 1030 this morning in Maybook.
Thank you for the information No Mercy!
Wasilenko was officially charged with 1 felony count of official misconduct and 1 felony count of financial exploitation of the elderly. His attorney is Ralph Meczyk, who also represented Drew Peterson. Judge Panarese gave Wasilenko a very lenient I bond of $10,000 on 26th St. Subject has court on 01/31/14 on 26th St.
Dear No Mercy,
The 10-thousand dollar bond that you mentioned was actually an I bond, which is a recognizance bond. In other words, Wasilenko did not have to raise one-penny for his freedom. If you take a look at my facebook wall, you will see that I basically predicted (accurately) that this might happen about an hour before the 12-noon hearing took place. As soon as I discovered that Elmwood Park ally Judge Donald Panarese was setting the bond.
It’s a joke. So, again he is laughing! Corrupt
I looked into the John Wasilenko indictment matter:
Sergeant John Wasilenko is in custody at Central Booking,
which is at 2650 S. California. He is presently charged with two felonies, “Financial Exploitation of Elder” and “Official Misconduct.” He is scheduled to appear in Courtroom 100 in
front of an Elmwood Park Ally, Judge Donald Panarese, Jr. Let us pray that if His Honor is unable to be impartial in this Elmwood Park matter, that His Honor would recuse himself from the case. If His Honor remains on the case and impartial, bond should be very high. Wasilenko’s case number is 14110055701.
Good to know! Thanks… I’ll share the news
Dear Getover…,
“Abuse of police power, such as using the background search equipment for private use, running license plates for invalid reasons and stalking are among some of their complaints. It is my understanding that the police officer in question was even disciplined for some of these allegations.”
No , what horrible , is when the police are called and a police officer feels the need just because he’s horny, he finds a way to exploit himself with any one , any time, and yes he does have children and a wife , so he should be doing his job and going home instead of laying down with any sloppy seconds he gets his hands on which he still does it because it’s who he is!!! So what now?? Ignore his kids, disgrace his family, friends and god help the poor looser he’s with now , she has to be just as low to stay with someone with a filthy track record …. Grow up and learn your facts when you speak …. There are a lot of hurt people involved here!!!! No he’s hurt an older man who by gods grace no way deserved that from anyone let alone a low life piece of scum like him …. His next wrap upon him and trust it will happen , he’s gonna get sick one day , go to the doctor and BOOM….. HIV !!!! From all those scummy women he touched!!
Actually the person who wrote this most likely didn’t know anything about the old man as it was posted 6 months ago….. so your comments attacking he/she are 1. probably not being read by the poster……… and you say look/think/ before you blog! I don’t think its ok to attack people for their insight, this is a BLOG used for OPINIONS after all. And for the people saying that his wife is a scumbag or making comments about his kids….. that is just not ok at all. No one besides the person who has done wrong deserves any kind of backlash, kids are kids and you don’t know his wife. Comments like this about his children, wife and family are really awful. I keep seeing these comments about how don’t let the actions of one cop give a bad name to all of them well the same goes for regular people. Obviously there is a lot of pent up anger towards this man and his actions are atrocious, however making comments about innocent parties make you no better.
You are so wrong! And maybe women haven’t gone to the news, but I can assure you that it’s being handled with the appropriate people! Maybe not everyone needs to be in front of a camera on channel 2 to come forward. And unless you know exactly what your talking about you should just not comment! Sgt wasilenko has cheated repeatedly on his wife and she knows. Not sure who is more pathetic . I know for certain those 2 kids are better of in foster care!! Lowlife Sgt.John Wasilenko surrendered and was charged with 3 felonies this morning by Cook County. He will be arraigned at 1030 this morning in Maybook.
so you are saying this officer is in the right? you think it’s ok to harass people or follow them around or run license plates? How about steal money from an elderly man? I wonder if he was a relative of yours if you’d feel the same.
most of the ep police are worthless, they take there sweet time, n the biggest hypocritical police dept i have ever seen……..MARK……..just saying.p n plain n simple 90percent. of em r pieces. of shit……. 90 percent. ….n i hope they c this ony speaking truth…….