Wednesday, March 12

New Kid On The Block

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Frank Coconate

Frank Coconate

I am happy to inform you that American News Post has acquired another reporter. His name is Frank Coconate. We will be publishing his first article very soon. Mr. Coconate will bring valuable insight to ANP on political corruption matters, especially where involvement with organized crime is concerned. I cannot wait to read his first article.

Welcome aboard Frank!



  1. Frank, best wishes to you. And congratulations. If I can advise 1 thing, I would say please remember that there are only 2 mainstream parties, the Republican Party is the only 1 that represents your grandparents values, American values, family values and Christian values, and as times change at breakneck speed the only way to save our USA is for former conservative democrats such as your family and my family, is to JOIN the Republican Party. – Carl Segvich