Saturday, February 22

The Village of Rosemont’s Connection To The Chicago Outfit

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I believe the late Mayor Donald Stephens knew some gangsters back in the 1950s and ‘60s. The question is what does it mean when you know someone? I know Billy Parrillo, Founder, Chairman and President of Safeway Insurance. I have called him numerous times to suggest that he think of Holy Name Cathedral when donating money (which he has graciously done). However, I am sure if I called him and asked him for a personal loan he would hang up on me.

My point is that knowing someone does not necessarily mean much. I know many people, but does that mean I could do business with them or vice versa? Sure, anything is possible. Is it a guarantee that we are doing business together because we know each other? No. I have dealt with many different kinds of people in life, from Bishops to Mob bosses and I am neither in the clergy nor in the mafia.

The late Mayor Stephens knew many people, as he was the Mayor of Rosemont. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but unlike Illinois State Representative Angelo ‘Skip’ Fosco Saviano, who accepted numerous political donations from immediate sources of major Chicago Outfit leaders, I doubt the late Mayor Stephens had ever acted so irresponsibly. There is the difference in knowing someone and not doing business with them.

Politicians cannot help who they meet. They are always out in the public shaking hands and networking – it’s their job. However, they must exercise prudence when deciding whose money to accept and with whom they do business. My rule is if you are not ashamed to introduce someone to your mother, he or she is probably okay to do business with (assuming you’re not Ma Barker’s kid).

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  1. This a puzzling article given that it is titled, “The Village of Rosemont’s Connection To The Chicago Outfit,” but the conclusion of the article is: “The Village of Rosemont’s connection to the Chicago Outfit is non-existent.”

    So you know, the “confidential source” was present at the meeting, and was also a person whom the FBI had used for 30 years and helped with arrests and indictments (according to FBI Special Agent John Mallul).

  2. Dear Sleepy,

    The title of this article is an attention grabber, I admit. I apologize to you and anyone that feels mislead, however the conclusion comes out in the article, as you are aware. As to the CI, I do not care where he or she appeared to tell his or her lies. I do not care how many decades this person has been informing the FBI, the idea that Stephens sat down with gangsters is absurd. In fact, my (now of late) friend Willie Messino affirmed my assertion in 2001 when he told me himself that he was not at the imaginary meeting in 1999. In addition, I was having lunch with Willie one afternoon in Rosemont sometime in the summer of 2000. We were having lunch at the old Huddle (now Café Zalute). During our lunch the owner of the Huddle, Frank, pointed out Mayer Stephens at a table across the room. Frank yelled to the Mayor for his attention and pointed out Willie. I could not help but realize how awkward of a situation it was. Willie did not seem comfortable nor did His Honor. In fact, Mayor Stephens finished his lunch early and left the place without saying a word to Willie. Willie commented on how long it had been that he saw Stephens, as if it were decades. This was one year after the alleged meeting took place in Elmwood Park when Willie and Stephens supposedly met with the other gangsters. It never happened! The CI is a liar and it amazes me that most people refuse to believe that a CI is capable of telling lies. I would like to further point out that I have nothing to gain by writing any of this.

    Incidentally, yesterday was my late friend Willie’s 93rd birthday.

  3. Dear Sleepy,

    I forgot to mention a vital piece to the lunch at the Huddle with Willie. Within a few days of seeing Mayor Stephens, Frank (the owner), was contacted by an official from the Village of Rosemont informing Frank that Mayor Stephens wanted Frank and his business out of Rosemont because of Frank’s associations with people like Messino. Frank tried to argue and respectfully fight it because he wanted to stay put. However, soon after Frank’s business went down the tubes and he left Rosemont.

    Please tell me how any of this points to Stephens working with the Outfit – it does not!

  4. Boston Baked Bean on

    Dear Joe,
    Are you and IL state rep “Skip” related? Furthermore, do you know when the new casino is scheduled to open up? I heard that instead of Rosemont it is going to be in the DesPlaines area, but I do not know for sure. Do you think that the Outfit is in this particular town. That is something I never understood. If they felt that the Outfit could infiltrate a casino in Rosemont, why not Desplaines? What’s the difference?

  5. According to one KTF contributor named ‘Vince Marron’ (who claimed to have inside information on the Oufit), Giuseppe’s Ristorante in Des Plaines was (and perhaps still is) a major meeting place for the Outfit, and was the scene of a major brawlo of its leadership approxiamtely a decade ago. During the course of this fight, John Di Fronzo almost lost his nose, thus earning his nickname, “No Nose,” which still sticks to this day.

    I believe Jack Cerone, the lawyer, has professional ties to Des Plaines, also. However, ‘Marrone’ said nothing about his presence at Giuseppes on the night of the fight.

  6. Vincent Marrone contributed his piece on January 1, 2010 at 3:59 pm on the thread about Dr. Demorest and Giacchino.

  7. Dear Boston,
    Skip and I are old acquaintances. We had a number of mutual friends. I attended several Good Friday gatherings at his home in Elmwood Park, with Willie Messino and the DiFronzo’s (though I never arrived at the party with the Difronzo’s). I used to frequent the café that Skip’s brother Nick and Willie Messino owned in Elmwood Park (after the Spano’s of Cicero sold their shares). I knew Skip’s late father Pat – Pat was a very nice man, may he rest in peace. I know his mother Rose Fosco Saviano. In fact, I made sure that my friends at Loyola Hospital took great care of her when she faced a health scare several years ago. I once belonged to Loyola’s Leadership Society during the Corona administration of the Office of Development at Loyola; therefore, I was able to call in various professional curtseys.
    Skips mother Rose and the late Angelo Fosco of the Laborers Union are first cousins. I assume Skip was named after his Uncle Angelo Fosco; actually, Angelo would be Skip’s second cousin. In fact, I might be a little off with this information as it has been many years since Rose and I discussed the Fosco family tree. And frankly, it does not mean very much to me. I mention the name Fosco with Saviano to remind Skip that he and I share a special bond.
    Are we related (Skip and me)? I am not sure how we are related, however if we are related it goes back to the Old Country. Both Fosco families are from the same town in Italy. However, if you ask Paul Fosco, son of Angelo Fosco, he will tell you that we are not related and that he was merely a good friend of my fathers and they shared office space with in the same office building at 220 S. Ashland Avenue in Chicago for many years, which pertained to their prominent positions in the labor movement. I am hopeful that we are not related because Angelo Fosco’s families were corrupt union officials and my father lacked federal indictments, unlike Angelo Fosco and his son.
    You heard correct, the casino is going to be in Des Plaines. Sadly, what was done as a safe guard, in my opinion, turns out to be counterproductive to law enforcements goal of keeping the outfit from the casino industry. I believe the chances of the Outfit reaching the casino business thru the City of Des Plaines are far greater than going thru the Village of Rosemont. We can thank the CI for that one.

  8. Dear Saffron,
    Yes, Jack P. Cerone is a landowner and businessperson in Des Plaines. He has been both since 1999.
    In 2004, Jack P. Cerone decided to use the Cook County Circuit Court (thru his daughter Judge Jill Cerone Marisie’s connections stemming from her old position as Assistant Cook County States Attorney, coupled with the assistance of Des Plaines Police Chief), in an attempt to turn the tables on me by charging me with misdemeanor phone harassment. I left messages on Cerone’s voicemail at his office in Des Plaines – the messages indicated my feelings about the Outfit hit that he was partially responsible for lodging against me. He called my messages harassment. Thank God for Judge Garritt Howard for obviously seeing thru the nonsense and preventing me from receiving a conviction. However, the point I wish to make pertains to the Des Plaines Police Department. When Cerone decided to press misdemeanor charges against me, Des Plaines Police Chief Jim Prandini (a fellow Italian) met with Cerone personally. When is the last time you heard of a police chief meeting with a complainant for a phone harassment report? During Prandini’s meeting with Cerone, Prandini had two other detectives with him. They reviewed the evidence that Cerone brought with him and ignored the portion of my voice mail messages that mentioned the Outfit-hit on my life, never once investigating if my life was in danger. Prandini simply decided that Cerone was right and I was wrong and the Des Plaines Police Department got a bench warrant for my arrest for phone harassment. Again, thank God for Judge Garritt Howard for realizing that Cerone was manipulating the system – I was not convicted. Too bad the Des Plaines Police Department and Cook County States Attorneys Office was not as decent as Judge Howard was.
    Does this information address any questions that you have about the integrity of the Des Plaines police Department?

  9. Yes, that’s quite disturbing. Clearly, Des Plaines, IL thinks that police protection is a negligible public service. How unacceptable! Do you think Des Plaines will become the next Cicero?

    Your essay also raises some questions about the history of the Des Plaines Police Department. Do you think that Police Chief Jim Prandini acquiesced to Outfit meeting/fight at Giuseppe’s? I’m asking because I never read anything about it in a police blotter or saw it on on the news or anything. I imagine that a police chief who is apparently beholden to the son of Jackie the Lackey would also be beholden to the Chicago Outfit as a whole, and would completely allow (not interfere) with Oufit business…even if it was going on right under his nose.

  10. Dear Saffron,
    I would like to reiterate that I do not believe that John DiFronzo was attacked in an Outfit meeting at Giuseppe’s. In fact, I go into detail on this subject in the ‘Fratto is on the outs with the Outfit’ thread.
    However, my Des Plaines arrest was omitted from the local medias police blotter, which I am sure could only mean the chief requested it. Therefore, I am inclined to rule in that some sort of an Outfit meeting could have taken place at Giuseppe’s involving an altercation. However, I am firm in believing that DiFronzo did not sustain a physical injury and was most likely not even present.
    Based on the Des Plaines Police Departments victimization of me, I believe that Prandini would cater to the Outfit in anyway possible.

  11. Dear Joe,

    Your comments about Des Plaines and its Police Force & Chief are fascinating. When I can get my head around it, I’ll have a bunch of questions.

    Also, it is my humble opinion that Marron’s story was utter delusional bullsh*t.

  12. Johnny Apple Seed on

    Dear Joe,
    I was reading an interesting article on the Lenny Patrick street crew. Guys like LaValley and others were on trial. Apparently, someone by the name of Nick Gio (I think a young guy, maybe around 25) was convicted and is now serving a life sentence for murder. In your opinion, is this how the outfit typically operates. That is, getting a young, confused soul to do the dirty work and then just writing him off. Do you know anything about Nick Gio, Lavalley, or any of the others in Lenny Patrick’s street crew? Where could I go in Elmwood or Melrose to see some gangsters in person, simply as a tourist attraction of sorts.

  13. Joe,

    I’m sure your readers would appreciate it if you disassociated yourself from this clown.

    Let the record show that he wrote: “Don’t you understand that Joe Fosco and I are 2 sides of the same coin?”

    What a lot of garbage.

  14. Why did you delete my articles, Joe?!! If you don’t want to respond publicly, please email!

  15. Dear Joe,
    How many street crews are there in Chicago? Who is the boss in Cicero? What about Bridgeport? I remember seeing somewhere that Chicago is down in the number of street crews compared to years past. What’s your take on that? Also, whats your take Manheim road, is the outfit there?

  16. Dear Johnny Apple,
    I know plenty about both Gio and LaValley. LaVelley was murdered last year. What do you want to know?
    Yes, for the most part Outfit thugs recruit youngsters and brainwash them like most any other cult. However, what makes this cult worse than the others is that some judges, politicians and police officers are under its influence.

  17. Dear Vin,
    Please do not be offended that I pulled your comment. I need time to consider your wish to advertise on KTF. KTF uses ADBrite as its advertisement agent.

  18. There is no proof that John DiFronzo, Jack P. Cerone, or Rudy Fratto are in the mafia. Period.

  19. Johnny Apple Seed on

    Thanks for getting back to me. So, this LaValley character was recently murdered? Interesting…Is there anything on the internet with the story that you know of? Is it true that Gio was convicted of murder and who was it that he murdered? Is it true that he was only around 25? How old was LaValley and wasn’t he in witness protection?

  20. Anthony Anonymous on

    To whom it may concern:
    The last time I checked, we are free to discuss anything that we want. If you don’t like this blog, you are free to visit another one. By the way, these are not comic book stories. They are reality. Clarifying them will better help spread awareness. Awareness is the key to shaping the lives of young people. Try looking at it like this: ie. a young gangster is contemplating things and is about to make a horrible decision that will adversley affect the rest of his life. Then he stumbles upon stories like these and decides not to go through with it because he has been made aware of the consequences. Thus, victory for everybody, society-at-large, the would-be victims and, of course, the former troubled youngster who completely turned his life around by reading stories like these.

  21. Dear Anthony,

    You hit it right on the nail!

    At this point, I probably (I pray) succeeded in stopping the Outfit from killing me (anytime soon) because of all the attention that I have shined on my problems with them. However, it might be a young man, not so wise (yet) that wants to prove a point and earn a reputation by coming after me and harming me. If something like that would happen, how sad would it be? My family would suffer, and if the would be killer is apprehended (which is likely) his life would be over and his family would suffer. And for what? In other words, awareness is the key here.

    Plenty of young kids look up to gangsters, unfortunately; sadly, it is a tradition in most Italian-American families (part of Italian culture). Go to any Italian family party and you will hear at least one mafia story told by someone with pride. There is nothing to proud of about gangsters and/or any gangs. We have to drill this in the heads of young people. If not, where does it end?

    If I had a dollar for every time I heard an Italian defend Al Capone by saying, what did Capone do wrong; he sponsored breadlines and soup kitchens. Never do these ignorant people say he was a serial killer like Gacy.

  22. The following email came thru KTF’s submission page:

    Message body:
    J Fosco
    Hate to be a chop buster but what about American Trade Show Services inc 1986 with owners consisting of Stephens Daddano Jr Boscarino and others?

    It can’t be easy having Daddano as last name and being in business with anyone.

    Also wasn’t Bill Jr married to Rudy Frattos neice – I wonder what his opinion of Fratto is?

    This mail is sent via contact form on KTF Media Group


  24. Thanks again, Ken. Your participation in this “SO CALLED MOB” thread is no-longer required.

  25. Johnny Apple Seed on

    Dear Joe,
    When you get a chance, could you tell me a little more about LaValley and Gio. Were these guys fellow Italians?

  26. Dear Johnny,
    LaValley might have been French and Irish. Gio was Greek. LaValley was killed last year. Gio went off to prison when he was in his early twenty’s. Gio might have gone away for murder, or something quite serious. I have no other information on them. I might be able to get more info but I am not very interested in these people.

  27. Joe, some questions

    what about Joey the Clown? He seemed like the most colorful gangster in history. I know he is in prison now, but what power did he have over the outfit? Was he over or below Difronzo?

    Other than family secrets, the government has not been successful at convicting a large number of chicago mobsters. Do you think the Chicago mob is very powerful, but we just don’t hear about them?

  28. Dear Gus,
    Joe Lombardo had a great deal of power in the Outfit; he was one of the bosses. As soon as a gangster hits prison, its retirement time, especially in a case where the gangster is serving life. Who knows what the appeals process can bring? I doubt anything from the 7th Circuit. However, I do not a number of people that were sentenced to life; in one case, the same person received life 2 or 3 times, on different cases. They are all out on the street today.
    In my opinion, Lombardo was below DiFronzo in several ways. However, I will reserve the right to change this answer by tomorrow if my source disagrees with it.
    I believe the Outfit is very powerful. Perhaps not as powerful as yesteryear, but very powerful.

  29. Joe, I met Nick Gio years ago, thru family before he got life for murder. I think he owned a liquor store in the city somewhere but I know the kid drove a Lamborghini,Caddy,Benz and I think he also had a Ferrari. I know there is money in liquor but he was very young. Do you know if he was into something else? Drugs possibly? Another question, old Tony Zizzo I know he was missing was he ever found dead or alive?

  30. Murcialago,

    This image may help some of your concerns about the Outfit. If it doesn’t show up, I hope Joe makes use of the link and considers writing a comedic piece focused on the picture.

  31. Sorry that is the wrong link. Jeez, if my father knew I accidently put a link featuring pics of my mother he would roll over in his grave. Sorry again!

  32. Was gonna ask if that was a relative of yours. El Cocho?? Isnt that spanish for hillbilly??

  33. (yawns, rolls eyes)

    Why yes. This is my dear mother’s wedding photo. Her name is Michael Sarno. Isn’t she beautiful?
    El Cocho is Spanish for ‘Joe is sick and tired of being asked questions about hacks like Nick Gio and would rather concentrate on unimprisoned mob leaders like John DiFronzo who pose a significant threat to society.’ Also, if Zizzo’s body had been found, don’t you think it would have been splattered all over the news?

    The 2:34 a.m. was not made by me.

  34. I apolgize that was cheap and juvenile. Your absolutely right nothing is ever omitted from the news.

  35. Ok your also right about the past. Heres a question about current times. I dated Joe Ferriola’s daughter Dina back in my high school days and her brother Nick was known to talk and imply that he was affiliated. Is there any truth to that? Also Sammy Amabile, dated his sister Leah also, and he was known to make the same comments. These two I would think would be what you would call “up and coming” gangsters. Any truth to that?

  36. Murcialago,

    Nick F. was indicted as part of Operation Family Secrets, I believe. He was accused of being part of Frank Sr.’s gambling & extortion operations in Chinatown and the West Side. Sentenced to 3 years in prison.

    In one of his articles, Joe calls it both sad and funny at the same time but didn’t elaborate.

  37. What about Jimmy I? I know he was released from prison recently, not sure how long ago. Does he hold any power in the outfit? I also heard Chicago lifted the ban on video poker machines. I know in the past the outfit controlled alot of these types of machines. Do you think that was a big mistake? If it is in fact true.

  38. Dear Murcialago,
    I am sorry, but if I go in to detail with Gio, I will be offending a friend of mine. My friend was very close with Nick, and I would have to reveal that in order to respond to you.
    Zizzo never turned up.

  39. RE: your post on 1/16/10 at 6:01 PM
    Dear Murcialago,
    You claim you dated Dina (whom I never met). Nick (whom I have met several times) was affiliated, mostly because he affiliated himself with his father’s friends (which I am guilty of doing as well). It is too bad that he never made it off the wrong path.
    One of your statements confuses me, “…Sammy Amabile, dated his sister Leah…” You obviously made a typographical error because it seems very ridiculous.
    The idea of Sammy Amabile considered an up in coming gangster seems as ridiculous as the other comment I pointed out. Sam is a good person – he made a good life for himself, legitimately; he is too smart to throw his life away by engaging in criminal activities. Sam is the polar opposite of Nick Ferriola.

    • If Sam Amabile is so smart and clean cut, why did he personally escort Joe Lombardo to The Italian Riviera in 2002 so Lumpy could transact Mob business? A 3 week trip with a large entourage? Come on Joe! From what I understand, he was the Clown’s “Personal Assistant” for a long time up until he was arrested. Sam Amabile is definitely connected and possibly a made guy. How can you contest this information???

  40. Sorry to confuse, I dated Leah. I met Sam a couple times but never really got to know him. Ive heard rumors about him, thats all. Thank you for responding to my questions.

  41. Teets, I dont know if Im explaining myself wrong or your not understanding what Iam saying. I dated Dina F. while we were in high school and dated Leah A. a few years after that. I hope that is clear enough for you to understand.

  42. What I don’t understand is why you are talking about who dated in high school on this website, Murcialago. This is not a dating gossip website. Sexual activity is private business. If you’re here to brag about your sexual conquests, then I guess I’ll go to some other thread.

  43. First of all there was no mention of sexual activity, I respect women and still to this day consider both of them friends. Second I hardly consider that bragging. I was explaining how I came to know the names of the men I was asking about. Third, I could care less what thread you participate in, if you want to go else where I suggest you do. Either way makes no difference to me.

  44. Joe. the Outfit an officially racist organization? if so that would really piss me off because i’m black. if that’s true, i hope the outfit goes to federal prison system

  45. I would not call it racist. It is though an Italian organization. I would say not any more racist than say, the Conservative Vice Lords which is an all black organization.

  46. I would also say that wishing bad on anyone is bad karma, call me old-fashioned. If you have ever spent a single day in the prison system you would not wish that one anyone.

  47. Teets, I suggest you have someone that knows how to read and comprehend the english language explain my last two comments. You seem to be having trouble understanding what I have been saying.??? Sorry, but I dont know what is so confusing.

  48. As far as the evidence, he mentions racisim in his question. Again I suggest you brush up on your reading and comprehension skills because you obviously are lacking in that department.

  49. I’m noticing that Teets is a tattletale in addition to being a functional illiterate. Look at the TEC thread if you don’t already know what I’m talking about. You were talking about Nick Ferriola. If you Google-image his first and last name, you’ll get his arrest photo from 2005. I wonder if he represents the next generation of the Outfit, or if he’s learned his lesson and will go straight.

  50. I understand why gangsters of the past broke the law and would stop at nothing to make money in order to raise a family. What I dont understand is why someone like Nick F. who was raised in a four million dollar home in Oak Brook and Im sure had every opportunity, and then some to have a succesful life strives to be a gangster.

  51. Well, at least he wasn’t charged in connection with any murders, so he’s got that going for him. Hopefully, he’ll straighten out. But, yeah, I agree with you, the mob is a horrible thing to romanticize. p.s., If you Google him, there’s a ton of info out there about his role in the Outfit. He sounds like a pretty low level guy. Joe could probably enlighten us if that’s not accurate.

  52. Dear Wesley,
    What can I say – there are racists in almost every part of the world – I would not call the entire organization racist.

  53. Dear Murcialago,
    When Nick’s mother sold their home in Oak Brook, Judy received far less then 4-million for it.
    However, I would agree that he had more advantages than the average person did his age. He should have gone straight from the beginning.

  54. Dear El Cocho,
    I believe it to be true that Nick was a very low-level person in the organization. I sincerely hope for his sake that he disassociates with his cronies when he comes home. Otherwise, he will likely return to prison and perhaps for worse reasons than before.

  55. Ok maybe I exaggerated a little, but the home they lived in was a beautiful multi-million dollar home.

  56. joe –

    i have a question for you or your source or whoever can answer it.

    is there any relationship anymore b/w the outfit and the east coast organizations? i know up through the seventies, the outfit still had a place on the national commission. to this day, in print and on the web, it is implied that there still is some communication/cooperation with the NY families. do you or your source know if this is still the case?

    there used to be some family connections b/w the outfit and NY – sam carlisi’s brother was supposedly a capo in the Buffalo organization (maggadino) and louis “the mooch” eboli was the son of thomas eboli who was, at one time, the acting boss of the genovese family in NY. are there still blood relations b/w outfit guys and NY guys? gracias.

  57. I thought the home in Oak Brook (Forest Glen) was worth alot more. You would know better then I do though. My question about Jimmy Inendino(not sure of spelling) where does he stand in the outfit? If in fact he is affiliated.

  58. Dear Bud,
    Indeed, the Chicago Outfit had some good connections with New York gangsters in the past (your information about Eboli and Carlisi seems accurate to me). However, I have no idea what the status of Chicago’s connection to New York is like today. I know Johnny DiFronzo will not talk to the guys from Cicero Illinois, so New York has to be out altogether.

  59. wow. joe, you got the goods, i’m tellin you.

    can i ask who you’re referring to by ‘cicero’ guys? are mickey marcello and m. sarno the cicero bosses?

    i assume difronzo won’t talk to them because cicero is synonymous with ‘street’ (activities), and the boss probably wants very little to do with that kind of thing these days. does that sound right? (just look at what happened to ‘street boss,’ jimmy marcello, who’s in prison for life.)

    recently i read this thing that said that, comparatively, the FBI considers the outfit to be one of the most powerful (if not thee most powerful) LCN organization in the US.

    can your source provide any insight into that?

  60. Dear Barry,
    I suppose I had Fat Mike and his boys in mind when I referred to the guys in Cicero.

  61. Dear KTF Media Group Viewers:

    On behalf of KTF Media Group, I thank all of you for your readership. We have been fortunate enough to have roughly 1-million viewers come to this site since its inception.

    Because of our growing readership, coupled with the recent disaster in Haiti, KTF Media Group is teaming up with the other Media organizations in Chicago to help the Haiti Victims.

    KTF Media Group is respectfully requesting that you visit the following URL and do whatever you can to help the many troubled people of Haiti:

    And/or call (877) 565-5000 to help in Haiti!

    Thank you and God bless.

    Sincerely yours,

    Joseph Fosco, Publisher

  62. Dear Bud,
    I do not have to read anything to know that Rosemont is clean. However, thank you for the recommendation.

  63. The hard work those people did should be a model for every community in America. It’s truly a great town.

  64. Nick Gio was convicted in 1987 for the murder of a hair dresser. Does anybody know any details about the murder or the guy he killed. And how did a 21 year old kid have 5 cars??

  65. Nick and his brother were selling insurance policies w/o underwriting or any legit backing and printing fake documents to make the fish think they were insured. He also grew up in Glenview and came from some money. He was a wannabe to the extreme.

  66. I took that @sshole named “sucky-sucky longtime” on the other thread up on his advice, and looked up Nick Gio on the IL State Inmate Finder thing.

    Gio is now balding and appears to be pretty full in the face.

    Gio is doing time for murder, but Joe doesn’t want to talk about it because he said it will hurt his sources feelings. I think I know who his source is.

  67. Dear doobie do you have any information about the guy who Gio killed. Also Joe why dont you just come clean about Gio, he has gotten a lot of chatter on this blogs and people are obviously interested. Im sure your source will be okay being that Gio is locked up for life.

  68. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Johnny,

    Gio was close to some people that I do not want to talk about right now, people that I know well. And, what is the big deal about him?

  69. For whatever reason people want to know about him. He is has come up numerous times on your posts and not talking about him makes no sense. You write articles about big name organized crime figures all the time. Dont you think they know people who you know and are close to. Give the people what they want and they want to know about Nick Gio.

  70. Johnny-

    No one gives a termite’s taint about Gio. The people don’t want Gio knowledge. He’s in prison for life for committing murder–where he BELONGS! What else could anyone want to know? Why would anyone want to know more? Be quiet!!!

  71. Harlem-
    I love when people on this site try to get righteous about certain topics or certain people. Harlem let me clue you in on a little secret….EVERYBODY WE DISCUSS IS A MURDERER AND BELONG IN JAIL!!!! Why on earth are any of them worth discussing if not for the curiosity people have on these types of people and the lives they lead. They make movies about them, write books, etc. and people always want to know more. Get a clue Harlem because you are writing in a blog in a site that talks about these same people. Nick Gio has been discussed many many times on numerous Fosco blogs. Its time Joe discussing him or people are going to keep bringing him up. I would like to know more and I’m not the only one. Be quiet yourself Harlem…because Gio is no different then any of the other guys you glorify on these blogs everyday.

  72. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Johnny,

    I do not know where to begin with Nick Geo. Tell you what – ask me five specific questions about him and I will do my best to answer them. Thank you.

  73. I am really only wondering a few things. First off who was he convicted of murder for? Was the guy connected? Who was he and why did Gio kill him. How did Gio make money so fast at such a young age. What was his reputation like on the street? It seems to me that a lot of people dont like the guy on these forums. Why do you think that is? Thanks Joe….

  74. Upside down flint rubble double cake on

    It seems like all the other outfit guys or guys from other crime families who were tied to a murder and are serving time in prison have stories that can easily be found somewhere on the internet. Here are several examples: Nick and Frank Calabrese, James Marcello, Joseph Lombardo, Sammy Gravano, John Gotti, Vincent Boscaino, etc.
    When it comes to this Gio character, he is listed as an imprisoned Chicago Outfit member on other websites and that’s it.
    It seems like everyone knows that he was convicted of murder and is serving life without parole and that’s it. There isn’t anything else out there on him.
    It is not at all important to know more about him, but I think PEOPLE KEEP BRINGING HIM UP BECAUSE THEY ARE INTERESTED IN HEARING A JUICY STORY.
    Does this make us bad people? Absolutely not. A lot of the other gangsters discussed here have no bearing on any of our lives either, but we discuss them for similar reasons.
    I think it’s just like watching any one of the many Hollywood movies. I do not believe that this makes any of us ‘bad people.’ I think it is strictly for entertainment purposes.
    Now here is the moral dilemma: Are we, as a society, mentally ill for being entertained by shows like the Sopranos where people kill each other for silly reasons? I would say the answer is, no. Afterall, the audience is not responsible for the writing, producing, directing or acting. We simply partake in the viewing because it has been made available to us. Additionally, we are entertained by it, not because of our inherent corrupt human nature; but because of our desire to conform to society-at-large.
    It’s like the old saying goes: if you can’t beat em, join em.
    Joe, your thoughts please.

  75. Upside down flint rubble double cake on

    I forgot to mention one last thing. I’m not blaming anyone. The writers, producers, directors and actors were born into this world just like the viewers. Everyone has to earn a living and making these types of shows or movies has never been condemned.

  76. Shart on a horsey loaner on

    Dear Joe,
    Do you know anything about Nick “the stick” LaCoco, James LaValley, ‘little tony’ or Anthony “the hatchet”
    Joe, are you a government informant?
    I read your articles regularly and I was getting kind of annoyed by people bringing up this gio guy who was probably a nobody. I must admit though, if you did an article on him, I bet a lot of people would read it. Bye now.

  77. Dear Joe,
    What about Gus Alex? He was a pretty important guy in the organization from what I understand. I remember reading somewhere that he was part of the same crew as N. gio. I think that the two of them were both greek. I think that in Chicago they are mostly italian, but there are some non-italians. This is different than New York where non-italians are not let into the organization. I remember reading somewhere that the rules in New York have changed a little recently though.
    Before, you had to be full Italian, now you just have to have an Italian sir name.

  78. Second Banana on


    Here is a list of names that your readers are NOT interested in:
    1. NICK GIO
    2. James LaValley
    3. Leonard Patrick
    4. Gus Alex
    I’m sure you agree that Greeks and Jews cannot be ‘made’ but can be associates. There have been powerful and influential Greek and Jewish associates. This should be the end of the conversation.

    Joe, do you know if inmates have any kind of internet access in prison? I’m asking because it seems like only Nick Gio himself could be interested in bringing himself up over and over and over again on your website. Please tell us more about the CURRENT Outfit. Who cares about what a bunch of associates did in the 80’s!!!

  79. I caved in. I started my research on Nick Gio. I will publish an article on the subject sometime this week.
    Gus Alex and his brother Sam (Sam was the power, not Gus), were Greek, however, the top bosses, Ricca, Accardo and Giancana loved and valued them more than they valued most ‘made’ men.
    I know for a fact federal inmates can access the internet and email. I am not sure what the rules are in state prisons. However, I know for a fact that the prison Gio is in does not allow inmates to access the internet whatsoever (Stateville – Illinois).

  80. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear John,

    Late next week. Lot of research because there are no articles on the internet.

  81. Anthony DiValastro on

    You stunads don’t know jack shit about anything. If you’re black or non-Italian white, then what the fuck do you know about any private Italian-American organizations. I am personally appalled and offended, as such I am on the behalf of my nationality. What could you possibly know that you would create an online blog where a bunch of gavones would converse about a nonexistent organization making the entire Italian-American community look ignorant and inept at legitimacy and morality. Don’t believe everything you read. Don’t believe everything you hear. Did you experience it first person? Absolutely not, obviously.

  82. Dear Joe,

    Do you mind if I laugh at the painfully and irretrievably stupid comment posted above by “Anthony DiValastro”? What an ass.

  83. Anthony DiValastro makes some valid arguments.
    There is no proof that “Fat A**” is in the mafia period.

  84. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Lard,

    I do not allege that Fat A** is in the Mafia. All I point out is that he is a convicted Outfit bookmaker that has a brother that is close to Marco/Difronzo. Fat A** should not be doing business in a town that has a gaming enterprise going in. It would not fly in Rosemont and it should not fly in Des Plaines.

  85. Harlem Playboy on



  86. Real Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Joe,

    I want you to know that the 9:25 comment was not written by me.

    Apparently it was written by someone pretending to be me. In other words a “faker.”

  87. bartleby, the scrivener on

    the real harlem playboy is still very much active on here despite his silly claim that he is “out of it.”

  88. bartleby, the scrivener on

    joe, i was thinking that nick gio could possibly be aware of harlem playboy and his silly ideas and weird-obsessive behavior. i understand that they have computers with online access in prisons. but even without those, word gets around. you have a popular blog, so it’s easy to imagine all the different ways nick gio could have found out about him.

  89. Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Joe,

    Bartleby the scrivener is digging himself into a hole so deep, that he’ll probably never see the light of day again.

    At this point, it’s obvious that this disturbed idiot is the one who is truely obsessed.

    He should start reading the bible and going to church instead of babbling on and on about someone who is locked up for life.

    In the meantime, I will pray for him.

  90. bartleby, the scrivener on

    i haven’t been able to make sense of any of your comments. and thank you for the prayers. i’ll take those any day.

  91. Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Joe,

    I want you to know that I will never stop visiting the KTF website or stop reading your articles. I enjoy them too much. You and your staff do an excellent job.

    Bartleby (longtiime reader), I want to clarify one thing for you. Anyone with half a brain should be able to decipher that when I said that I was completely out of it, it meant any conversation relating to gio.

    I know that you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer so I’ll let it slide this time, but just don’t let it happen again. Okay?

    By the way, your rambling on and on about gio is really starting to get annoying. Maybe you’ll get over your obsession once Joe writes his article. Then you can get on with your life.

    Like I said before, start reading the bible and in the meantime I will pray for you. Have a good night.

  92. Horsey F@rt needs help on

    Dear F@rt on A Horsey B*ner,

    I’ve been around this blog for a few months now and I just want to say that you have been quite disgusting with many of your postings.
    You should really consider seeing a professional. I heard that there is hope for people like you.

  93. scared reader on

    Joe,who is this person who has cluttered your blog with personal attacks against other readers who don’t seem to have participated in this thread? He almost seems to be implying violence, or is making a kind of threat of serious violence with his reference to “hole-digging.” He was also making comments at 5:58 in the morning–on a Saturday. That makes me question his own mental health. Do you have any idea what the hole-digging business is about? I realize that you give all readers the privilege of participating with comments, but this individual is making me (at least) uncomfortable. I hope it is not a member of your staff or a personal acquaintance of yours who is making these threats. This is upsetting me.

  94. scared reader on

    Joe, are his raving comments some type of weird spam or something that have gotten past filters and have made it onto your threads?

  95. Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Scared Reader,

    Relax. Absolutely NO VIOLENCE here. I’m using the expression ‘digging yourself into a hole so deep, etc.’ strictly in a metaphoric sense.

    Personal attacks? What personal attacks?
    Just feedback.

    Have a nice day.

  96. scared reader on

    Joe, do you know this person/spambot? Does he/she/it have special privileges here on your blog?

    Harlem Playboy/Horsey F@rt/Conan, I am going out on a limb by directly addressing you, but I want to know what was meant by hole-digging. You claim it was a metaphor, but you were responding to what seems to be only a single comment. Don’t you think that’s an overreaction, or were you using violent language against other readers?

  97. Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Scared Reader,

    Joe does not know me. I do not have any special privileges.
    Let me ask you this: Who is attacking whom?
    There is nothing wrong with defending yourself.
    By the way, I’ve never used violent language against anyone.
    Don’t you think that YOUR overreacting.
    Once again, who exactly is attacking whom?
    That is the question you might ponder.
    P.S. I think that we would all agree that ‘Diggin yourself into a hole’ is a commonly used expression.
    Have a nice day. This conversation is over.

  98. scared reader on

    It’s clear that Harlem Playboy/Horsey F@rt/Conan isn’t a spambot because spambots don’t read and respond to other people’s comments. You’ll now see that this apparently crazy and very prolific comment-writer seems to be bringing the idea that I am somehow attacking him to the table. The situation is growing weirder. Maybe this special person will think before he uses ill-advised metaphors in the future. Joe, I will be emailing you if I encounter another situation involving Harlem Playboy’s confusing personal vendettas or threats.

    Have a nice day, yourself–and don’t scare anyone anymore.

  99. Harlem Playboy on

    Dear Scared Reader,
    I do not have any personal vendettas. I have never threatened anyone. It was never my intention to scare you or anyone else.
    You will not encounter me again, however I would like to point out that there was someone pretending to be me earlier.
    Just keep that in mind.
    I wish you well. I will not submit comments in the future unless it is to defend myself (And even then I probably won’t because this is beginning to get annoying). I do not believe there is anything wrong with using metaphors in the proper context.
    Good day!

  100. Ogden Playboy on


    Tell me whether or not you believe the following conversation actually transpired, or if you think that just reading it was a waste of your time.

    * *
    Tonight (4/10/2010). At an unnamed bar in Bridgeport.
    * *

    Anonymous patron: Hey, do you know if Mr. Jingledonkey, Harlem Playboy, or Just Wondering are made members of the Outfit?

    Unnamed Capo: Just Wondering is not made. Mr. Jingledonkey is made. Harlem Playboy is a very silly man.

    Anonymous patron: Thank you very much. Can I ask you another question?

    Unnamed Capo: Yes, you can.

    Anonymous patron: What is a “dingleberry”?

    Unnamed Capo: It’s a turd combined with balled-up toilet paper, which sticks to hair in your ass crack. It happens to everyone, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a very stupid phenomenon. Don’t ever eat them because they’re not food.

    Anonymous patron: OK. Can you use “dingleberry” it in a sentence?

    Unnamed Capo: Sure. How about, “My wife tells me that I need to wipe my ass better because my dingleberries are making my underwear an awful mess–however, I like the idea of her down in the basement doing laundry and cleaning up my foul nasty underwear.” How’s that? Does that make sense to you now?

    Anonymous patron: Yes. Thank you for using “dingleberry” in a sentence. Now tell me more about Harlem Playboy.

    Unnamed Capo: “While scratching my rectum, I was pleasantly surprised to find a plethora of dingleberries suspended in my pubic hair.”

    Anonymous patron: I was asking about Harlem Playboy. I’m over the “dingleberry” thing.

    Unnamed Capo: The only thing I want to talk about is dingleberries, so if you find that topic of conversation to be unacceptable, please go away and engage in a conversation with someone else. Thank you very much.


    Unnamed Capo: That is just your opinion.

    Anonymous patron: Blah, blah, blee, bloh, blee, bloh!

    Unnamed Capo: Don’t you ever talk gibberish to me again, OR I WILL CONTACT LAW ENFORCEMENT, YOU NERD!

    -THEE END-

    (Joe, I love KTF. Please keep on truckin’)

  101. Mr. Jingledonkey on

    What the hell is this shit? I see I’ve been getting some talk on here. Who is Harlem Playboy and who, in the name of all that’s holy, is Ogden Playboy? Cut it out.

    • Dear Harlem,

      I am sorry about the wait. I have the file now, but I have not looked in to it yet. I have been working on a few things. I will get to it soon. Again, sorry for taking so long.

  102. Any word on Addison cops being on the take?? Really don’t wanna go into why I ask