Saturday, March 29

Mobster, Extortionist, Tax Evader And Murderer Rudy Fratto Is Sentenced To Prison

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The judge took a great deal of time explaining as to why he was going to sentence Fratto to prison and not home confinement. His Honor eloquently pointed out that Fratto is a good dad, but he broke the law. It was not as if he failed to pay taxes for one year. In fact, he decided not to pay for seven years. His Honor felt it would not be a good example to potential scofflaws if Fratto were not sent to prison. At one point, the judge referred to the letters he received about Fratto’s character. The judge said Rudy appears to have good friends. I hope he was not referring to the DiFronzos and Cerones.

Speaking of the Cerones, Fratto is close friends with the father of Judge Jill Cerone Marise. Does anyone know if Cook County Judge Jill Cerone Marise submitted a letter of character on Fratto’s behalf?

District Court Judge Mathew F. Kennelly sentenced Rudolph C. Fratto, Jr. to one year and one day to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He was ordered to turn in on April 28, 2010. I believe His Honor will suggest that Fratto spend his time at Oxford Federal Prison in Oxford, Wisconsin. Fratto was not required to pay a fine, because the judge thought he could not afford it. However, Fratto is required to pay $140,000.00 in restitution. Art Nasser hinted that he would seek an additional three months for his client to remain free before turning in.

After the hearing, all of us emptied out to the hallway. At that time Rudy Fratto, Jr. threatened me by saying, “I know where you live – wait. You are dead.” Three of his children (Rudy III, Janell and Jeannine) made similiar threats – although I consider his sons threats to be idle. However, his daughters’ threats concern me because of the kind of men I remember them to associate with. Unfortunately, I grew up with Janell and Jeannine. I have noticed the many different men in their lives over the years – none of them good (except for one). For all of their sakes, I hope their threats remain hollow and do not go into action.

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  1. Is it the same Art Nasser that used to associate with Alan Rosenberg, the Alan Rosenberg that was murdered in 1967?

  2. Dear Rex,
    Indeed, the infamous fraud artist that worked for Milwaukee Phil is the Alan Rosenberg that was well associated with Fratto’s attorney, Mr. Nasser.

  3. Interesting ma barker could still read a laundry list of reasons while crying and apparently going blind.

  4. Cleveland,
    In the interest of fairness, I believe Ma was mentally reading her list. The kids however, were reading paper notes. However, Ma explained that she is almost blind in only one eye. She could obviously see when she walked around. I think they painted it on too thick for the judge. Although, with the high profile status of this case, I think it would have been difficult for any judge to justify no jail time for a defendant that decided not to pay income tax for 7-years. As the judge said, “it’s not like he only missed one year.” He did not pay for 7-years.

  5. Um 7 years is a trigger number for tax evasion. I think they can only go back 7 years and failure to pay for 7 consecutive years = jail time.

  6. fart on a horsey boner on

    I don’t believe that Fratto would have said, “I know where you live – wait. You are dead” at his sentencing (of all things) today.
    Even if you say he did.

    On the other hand, I do believe that name-calling by the Fratto family rose to some fierce levels, and even that their low-blows were all false and unsubstantiated ridicule. Can you elaborate on exactly what they were saying to you?

    You didn’t put Rudolph in prison, so I think your response was appropriate.

    Please address these questions.

  7. Dear F***,

    I find Fratto’s threats on his sentencing day very shocking. I implore the FBI to review any audio and/or video tapes that should exist on the 21st floor hallway right after the hearing ended. If audio is not an option, a video tape has to show the confrontation, which might show the lip movement to identify what was said. The threats were relayed to me quietly with lip movement as the primary way for me to understand what was said, which is why it might show up on camera.

    My sexuality was misrepresented and I was falsely accused of inappropriate acts with children – typical character assassination material at its worst. I invite anyone to search for my name on the following site: As for my sexuality, that is no ones business but my wife’s and mine.

    If I file a defamation suit against him and his family, I will call John Kass from the Chicago Tribune as a potential witness. Although, after hearing about Fratto’s finances in court today, I would be wasting my time suing him.

  8. fart on a horsey boner on

    How does Rudolph know where you live if you’ve gone into hiding, as your security detail has advised you to do?

    in reference to a previous thread, how did cerone spoil your credibility with Kass when Kass was going to write that article? What exactly did he say to Kass? Was it along the lines of the children thing, as stated above?

    And Why do you think Kass would want to help you in a defamation lawsuit?

  9. When I was facing jail time at the sentencing hearing that Fratto’s friend Cerone brought me to because of a trumped up phone harassment case, I did not put four family members up to speeches. I did not say a word to the judge; I showed up and took my sentence like a man, without saying anything. All I ever claimed to be was a victim of the Outfit – not a gangster like Fratto. Fortunately, I was granted supervision, which means I do not have a conviction on my record. Although, I was looking at several months in prison like the one Fratto is facing.

    Now, Rudy Fratto’s day in court came, and he is facing several months in jail. And the Mobster Fratto made three of his kids and his wife cry for the judge, and now he is trying to get 6-months to turn in. Old man Aiuppa and Cerone would slap the shit out of Fratto for being such a big baby over a 10-month sentence (85% of 1 year). Some gangster Fratto turned out to be.

  10. fart on a horsey boner on

    You’re setting a precedent by using the word Sh-t.

    How does Rudolph know where you live if you’ve gone into hiding, as your security detail has advised you to do?

    in reference to a previous thread, how did cerone spoil your credibility with Kass when Kass was going to write that article? What exactly did he say to Kass? Was it along the lines of the children thing, as stated above?

    And Why do you think Kass would want to help you in a defamation lawsuit?

  11. Dear F***,

    You will have to ask Rudy how he knows where I live. Please show me where it says I have gone into hiding. I believe I said somewhere that I exercise caution, perhaps you took it as meaning I am in hiding. If I were in hiding, I would not have appeared in court today. Yes, I have security advisors, so what.

    Cerone knows someone that he purportedly had call Kass and say discrediting things about me. I am not exactly sure what the person told Kass – However, I was informed it was not nice.

    If Kass heard what I think he heard and is an honest person, which I believe him to be (if I am right and he did hear the comments), Kass would not have an option to help me, I could subpoena him.

  12. For the record, I would not want to do one second in jail. However, I am not a gangster pretending to be a mob boss.

  13. I remember the day my late friend Buddy Ciotti was handed his 1 year and 1 day sentence. He was happy. He thought it was short.

    Rudy and his family reacted as if he received a 20-year sentence. Rudy, you are not being a very good gangster.

  14. Dear F***,

    I would like to share an afterthought with you. You accused me of being dishonest about my claim that Rudy threatened me in the hallway of the courthouse. You suggested that Rudy would not do something like that on his sentencing day. As if he is too smart to do something so stupid.

    I have one question; do 7-years of income tax evasion appear as something a smart man decides to commit? Especially a man that knows he has been a federal target for several years.

    Again, I would like to review the video and/or audio recordings on the 21st floor hallway.

  15. Rudys uncles Frank and Louie are turning over in their graves!!! His grandmother could have done 8 mos standing on her head. Rudy Kim and their children have made a mockery out of this family crying and begging in court for a measley 8 mos Whats gonna happen when they hit him with 20!!! see the real Fratto men!!!

  16. That is how Rudy Fratto does things. He categorizes the ones he dislikes. Rudy needs to quit the name-calling and begin preparing for prison.

  17. Rootin' Tootin' on

    Can I ask why he and his family called you a pervert and so forth? Were they referencing the Archdiocese inquest into your motives with children, re, KTF Vatican program, or was it for some other reason that they called you those names? Or is it totally made up?

  18. Dear Rootin,

    Fratto is the one quoted by Kass as making the comment you are questioning, not his family. Fratto was apparently very mad because of my presence at court. I cannot speak for him, all I can say is he is not Mary Poppins and we should not consider him very credible (although Fratto behaved like Poppins during his sentencing forcing his children to cry for leniency on a case that did not call for significant jail time to begin with).

    Surely, someone with the internet presence that I have (over 2-years now) would have been faced with undisputable facts relating to a real controversy if one really existed. Fratto’s name calling in baseless and false – consider the source.

    As for the church – My idea (along with several prominent people who joined me) of taking students to the Vatican (with their legal guardians – I inadvertently failed to mention the guardian aspect in my previous comment on the subject) was merely one of several concerns by the church. Perhaps I should have listed the others, like financial responsibility, liability, and etcetera. It could be the church simply exercised prudence in that area considering their history with children. I decided to pick the most outlandish reason to share, initially.

  19. Rootin' Tootin' on

    Do you think it’s reasonable to think that Fratto’s family has read your articles against their father/husband, and that this is what (partially) fueled their anger against you in court yesterday?

    Also, are you fearing for your life now more than ever, seeing as you received a death threat directly from Rudy Fratto himself?

    Finally, do believe that Rudy’s family will be facing financial destitution when he goes off to prison, or do you think he has money put away for a rainy day?

  20. Dear Rootin,

    Yes, I believe that my rough articles on Fratto caused the negative experience at court yesterday. That is why I am not upset. I would have to be dumb to find the name calling a surprise. The threat on my life was a shock. I never expected that.
    In an email to Kass, I told him, “I hope you do not believe all the baseless comments directed at me by the Fratto’s. I write some rough articles about Rudy.” I mentioned to Kass, writing rough articles about people is something we have in common. In fact, I know people who are very close with the Duff family that say things much worse about Kass than ‘pervert’. However, I consider the source, understand their anger and ignore the ridicule. It is impossible to do what Kass and I do and not have trouble.

    I am extremely fearful for my life and well-being, especially my families.

  21. Dear Joe,
    I think you have a great site. You are a thorough journalist. I am glad you showed Fratto up. He is a creep. Keep up the good work.

  22. Man, you must have the magic touch. If I was involved in that wacky skull stunt or in the matter of the phone harassment victimization of Jack P. Cerone, Esquire, my wife would have had me committed to the funny farm!

    (Please be advised that John Kass is of Greek heritage–NOT Italian heritage.)

  23. Dear Baff,

    Sending a Halloween item purchased at a Halloween store in October (the month of Halloween), and sending it to a party for a laugh is grounds for being committed to a funny farm? Really? Interesting. I am glad I am not married to your wife. However, no judge or psychiatrist in the world would commit someone for that reason.

    My family supported me in how I handle things because of the tragedies Fratto and Cerone inflicted upon us. Some people would have killed them for what they have done to my family. I merely sent a toy head of Uncle Fester from the Adams family.

    Anyway, let us stay on the topic of Fratto’s sentencing, please.

    I am aware of Kass’ ethnic background. It should not be an issue.

  24. The Fratto’s would have the court believe that they are facing foreclosure. But the real truth is that John DiFronzo would never let that happen. It is one of the rules of the mob–if you go away your family gets taken care of. The mob has also been known to absorb the attorneys’ fees for its members. A trusted Capo like Fratto as the undying affection and physical and financial protection of DiFronzo and Marcello. End of story. The court should have realized this.

  25. Dear Mr. Fosco,

    Please respond to my comment if you have time.

    I’m not sure if you’ve ever read or seen the Fellowship of the Ring (the first in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy by JRR Tolkien), but there’s one scene that can’t help but make me think of Patrick J. Fitzgerald (the current United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois and a member of the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel) and his battle against LCN, or the Outfit as it is known in Chicago.

    In this one scene, Gandalf the Gray (a wizard) is standing on a bridge refusing to allow a Balrog (a giant beast from hell) from reaching his companions. Famously, he shouts, “You shall not pass!” Initially the Balrog drags him to the depths, and it appears as if Gandalf has perished at the clutches of the forces of evil. Later, however, the fellowship learns that though he appeared to have plummeted to his death, Gandalf landed on a mountainside, where he fought the Balrog, eventually smoting his enemy with Glamdring (his sword). What I’m trying to communicate to you is to not be so critical of Mr. Fitzgerald because, while it seems he has “plummetted to the depths”, I believe the sentencing of Mr. Fratto is a harbinger of an ultimate victory for the forces of good. Yes, it may appear as if the US Government is failing in its attempts to successfully battle the Chicago Outfit, but, like Gandalf, I think that Fitzgerald will “smote” his enemies on behalf of the forces of good.

    Just to clarify my analogy,
    Gandalf the Gray = Patrick J. Fitzgerald
    the Balrog = Mr. John DiFronzo
    the forces of evil = the Chicago Outfit
    the forces of good = the law-abiding citizens of Chicago
    the mountainside= the City of Chicago
    the bridge = the Dirksen Federal building
    Glamdring = evidence submitted by the prosecution against the mob

    Thank you for your time, and thank you in advance for your response, Mr. Fosco.

  26. Dear Mooney,

    You could not be more wrong. DiFronzo would not give Fratto a dime to make a phone call (if phone calls were still ten-cents). Outfit bosses to not give money to anyone. If you are an Outfit member, you had better figure out a way to give your boss money. The similarities between organized crime and organized religion amaze me. In fact, Fratto is not a trusted Capo, first he is not a Capo, secondly, DiFronzo does not trust him. I guess that DiFronzo will not sleep well tonight. John Kass and I pointed out how desperate Rudy was in court yesterday trying to convince the judge not to send him to prison, coupled with Fratto wanting 6-months to turn in, says he is not a candidate for being a good prisoner. No doubt, Fratto could put DiFronzo on the lethal injection table if he wanted to and no one knows this better than DiFronzo. Will Fratto crack?

    You would think DiFronzo would take care of someone that could send him to prison. Trust me, no way! DiFronzo will not come up with a dime for Fratto.

    However, Fratto has a close family member that is very wealthy. I believe if Fratto drops the Outfit boss act, swallows his foolish pride and politely asks for help, he might get it from his wealthy relative – definitely not from Difronzo.

  27. Dear Sting,
    Very creative description – all I will say, I hope you are correct. And I hope justice is served sooner rather than later.

  28. Joe, I suspect a lot of Steve Warmbir’s blog’s readership has spilled over to KTF since Warmbir rarely updates anymore.

    I’ve repeatedly submitted comments and emails to him trying to promote KTF as good source of info about the current state of the Outfit, but he has never published these comments or anything. He has ignored them, which is very strange since he published even the stupidest comments and the most incendiary accusations. Why do you think this is?

    I’m also curious why Kass would include a description of your altercation with the Fratto family, and specifically that Rudy called you a liar and a pervert. It really has nothing to do with Fratto’s sentencing, and – frankly – I think it reflects poorly on you. If I were you, I’d be p.o.’d at Kass. Why would Kass do this?

  29. Re: my 2:45pm comment

    It seems like Kass has something against you. People who read the article are going to be going, “now, what would make Fratto call this Fosco character a liar and a pervert?”

    His news story could have gone on without the information about you.

  30. Joe , you are a loser and have way to much time on your hands. You dont have a wife and you are a pervert so grow up and get a real job

  31. Dear Peper,

    I cannot speak for Mr. Warmbir. I would not know where to begin speculating why Warmbir ignores information relating to KTF Media Group.

    In my opinion, I believe Kass included a description of my altercation with the Fratto’s because he probably found it amusing. I did. I would have included it if I were he. In fact, I included a couple of different altercations in my article on Rudy’s hearing. The Fratto’s fired a barrage of attacks on me yesterday, I am note sure that I actually heard everything they stated, but I heard enough to know my life was threatened, again.

    The price one pays of being a hard-hitting journalist.

    I report hard against their dad, I am not surprised by their response to seeing me, especially on such an emotional day.

    As I said earlier, if it were not for what Rudy had done to my family and me, I would have not been as eager to witness justice yesterday.

    As I have pointed out earlier, Fratto immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion when he saw me greeting his prosecutors on my way in the courtroom. Fratto thought I was there to testify at the hearing. Therefore, he attacked my credibility and character. He was like an animal that felt backed into a corner. He came out lashing, and so did his cubs. I get it. Why do you not get it? Again, I think Kass found the entire exchange too amusing to leave out. Remember, Kass is known for implementing things people find humorous into his articles. He does it all the time. Look at how he described the way Kim Fratto walked to the podium. He used the word ‘wobbled’. You have to love him! Kass is good.

    Sure Kass’ article could have gone on without including Rudy’s quotes about me; however, Kass obviously felt it was better to include me. You have to love him!

    I am not offended one bit by Kass’ article. I believe that any reasonable person can accurately distinguish reality from ridicule. Fratto had motive to ridicule me. He was praying for home confinement, he saw me prior to the hearing and worried that I was going to try sabotaging his defense. He spoke out attacking me and we know the rest of the story.

  32. Dear JonJon,

    I would rather not comment on which man was the good one, among the Fratto daughter’s men. I will save that as a back door if I am ever confronted by one of the dangerous men the girls have dated. To escape danger I will tell the individual confronting me “I meant you were the good one.”

  33. Joe,
    Please, examine the 5:45 comment closely. It is not yours, but an imposture. Are you aware of this? Where is this “pervert” accusation coming from? I’ve been reading and hearing it all day.

  34. Dear Coo-ma-do,

    Your name reminds me of 1970’s hairstyle for a man.

    I was never blessed with the good fortune of dating either of the Ms. Sisters Fratto.

  35. joe, can you please delete that lord of the rings bulls+t? it’s not offense, but it’s very stupid and distracting. don’t you think it’s ridiculous? i don’t care if the person was supporting you or what. just get rid of it because it’s going to drag your blog down if DDR & RPG types start posting on here


    don’t you think it’s ridiculous?

  36. Dear Teets,

    Thank you for your information. I am aware of Mr. fAsco. The ‘pervert’ accusation was indicated in a quote by Rudy Fratto which appeared in an article today’s Chicago Tribune, authored by John Kass. After you read it, please satisfy any questions you might have by reading my 8:07pm comment – today. Thank you.

  37. Dear Shrunk,

    I will keep in mind your advice, thank you. If I see a pattern of any kind of odd theme, such as what you have pointed out, I will do something about it. However, I will leave it alone for now. Again, thank you for the tip.

  38. Dear Shrunk,

    The courtroom was not packed. It was just about full. On the left side where I was seated, is where the press and other attorneys (perhaps federal officials) were seated. The right side had the Fratto clan. However, the back one or two rows (on both sides) had approximately 20 elementary students, wearing what appeared to be Catholic school uniforms. I am not sure if Fratto orchestrated their presence in a failed attempt to appeal to the Catholic judge’s religious side. Perhaps the judge invited his own child and his or her schoolmates to visit him for the afternoon.

  39. hahaha, joe. if you do a google search for “rudy fratto” one of the images that comes up is the red-nose one you did back around christmas. it’s really funny. try it.

  40. Dear Shrunk,

    I saw Rudy’s red-nose photo on Google before. Too bad Rudy ran out of money. He could have purchased KTF Media Group and removed the image.

  41. joe. i saw the fratto’s in the city shortly after the sentencing and noticed that there appeared to be a man with breasts in their entourage. do you have ANY idea who this might have been? at first, i thought it might have been a mob enforcer, until i got to thinking that his intimidating, hulking size was completely mitigated by his upper extremities.

  42. Dear Richie,

    I am sorry to ruin your excitement. No, you did not witness seeing a real mob enforcer. Judging by your description of this person, I would say that it was Mrs. Rudolph C. Fratto, Jr.

  43. Laughing Hyena on

    Dear Joe,

    Thank you for making me piss my pants laughing before 11 a.m. today. I won’t blame you if you delete your comment, though!

  44. Attention Public:

    I have recently received word from a confidential source that Rudy Fratto is livid about my presence at court the other day (in case you did not realize Fratto was upset with me by the malicious allegations that he made against me, which Mr. Kass was nice enough to help everyone see).

    According to my source, Mr. Fratto has likely commissioned someone to come after me and kill me. Apparently, my presence at the Fratto hearing disturbed Mr. Fratto more than the sentence itself.

  45. Attention Public:

    Mr. Fratto took part in putting an Outfit hit on me in the past, now he has recently renewed the hit on my life.

  46. Joe, you should not have gone to the hearing. You started the problem you now have with Fratto again. Now you want to complain about it. You made your bed now lay in it.

  47. Dear LH,

    Rudy Fratto is definitely stupid. His recent tax case proves it. He is stupid enough to engage in new criminal behavior and have me killed. Fratto is stupid. He is also deadly.

  48. So, was DiFronzo uninvolved in the original threat on your life, or were both threats just the product of Rudy masquerading as an authority figure in the mob, as you have claimed several times in the past? Can I ask how you found out about this? Also, are you expecting Outfit guys to be the recipients of the “contract” or other people?

    God, I’m praying for your safety!

  49. Dear LH,

    All the defendants named in my civil RICO complaint were involved in the original threat on my life (however, Dr. Giacchino’s involvement came later, regarding the protection money I had to pay to remain unharmed). Cerone and Fratto instigated the entire matter.

    I discovered the hit when FBI Special Agent Trisha Holt from the Chicago office informed my attorney, Mr. Robert DeMeo that organized crime members in Chicago were conspiring to murder me. In addition, a Chicago Outfit member corroborated the FBI’s report by tipping me off to be careful because Cerone and Fratto put a hit on me. The Outfit member informed me that John and Peter DiFronzo sanctioned the hit.

    I have no idea who to expect will carry out Fratto’s renewed wishes to have me murdered. I am working on that right now.

  50. What satisfaction does one get from posting such things that will endanger one’s family. I would never do something to put my family’s safety in jepordy. You must be brave and have good reasoning to do such a thing.

  51. Dear George,

    I have been waiting for a sick person like you to say something. In other words, you support the death penalty being ordered for a victim that simply visited a courtroom to watch his torturer brought to justice.

    Do everyone on the thread a favor – do not come back here.

  52. Dear Canary,

    You have it entirely backwards.

    The danger that plagued my family arrived prior to my internet pots. The renewed threat on my life was caused because I decided to witness the man who tortured my family and me for many years, brought to justice. This happens in court all the time.

    Posting comments on the internet is the only way that I know how to shed light on the matter in order to protect my family and me.

  53. Be advised the second sentence in my previous comment contains a typp (posts), see below.

    The danger that plagued my family arrived prior to my internet posts.

  54. Be advised the first sentence in my previous commnet contains a typo (typp), see below.

    Be advised the first sentencein my previous comment contains a typo.


    A former English teacher told me once, “everyone makes typo’s – no cares about them.”

  55. Be advised the final sentence in my previous comment contains a typo (no), see below.

    A former English teacher told me once, “everyone makes typo’s – no one cares about them.”

    I am being silly now.

  56. I definitely knew in advance that my presence at the Fratto hearing was not going to be appreciated; however, I never dreamt it would spark a renewed death threat on my life. I am appalled and scared.

  57. JOE

  58. For the record, I do not know you. You and I have never met or ever have had a conversation. You know nothing about me or my family. Your writings are some fictious warped fantasy that you are creating and leading readers into. I do know that in reading your statements, you live in some delusional world, and have an absolute morbid and preverse mindset to keep including innocent children into your demented illision. You need professional help. What grown mature person would call people names (who they have never even met!) and “ink” photographs? What normal person would continuelly bring up children that are not remotely known or involved with you? You have serious emotional issues.

  59. Dear JonJon,

    I have to admit, I have heard everything you stated about John and Marco. However, I have no evidence to support or dispute it.

    As to John and Marco picking up the contract on my life, I cannot see Marco doing a good job of washing his fat a**, let alone murdering someone. As for John, I suppose he would be interested in making money. However, I am not sure that Rudy would trust him with a hit (unless Rudy is more desperate than I think).

  60. Attention Readers:

    There is a person that post comments on KTF who goes by a name similar to my name; this person is known as “Joseph Fasco.” The last name is spelled f-A-s-c-o. Please understand that fAsco does not represent me whatsoever. Furthermore, fAsco’s comments seem misguided.

    Thank you,

    Joseph fOsco

  61. Attention Readers:

    The fAsco commenter spells ‘Joseph’ differently as well. I overlooked it. He or she spells Joseph as Joesh – be advised.

  62. Seriously Joe, why not just write a book already….Your blog is turning into a drama more than a news site. Im sure you like all the attention… Far as these people go, the more you mention and bash them the more glory you give these idots. Smear wont give you back what you apparently lost or the great satisifaction you feel after a nice creative writing session. Don’t you belive in the karma train? Those who prey on the innocent will pay sooner or later!

  63. Dear Mutorcs,

    I will write a book some day. I do not have enough material as of yet.

    I am not smearing anyone. I report the truth. If my ‘subjects’ feel as though my stories are smearing them, they should take a look at their conduct because the truth is what is being told.

    What I find glorious and satisfying is spreading awareness to the public about bad people in the community. I intend to stop the bad people that I write about on KTF Media Group.

    I do not believe in karma, I do not put weird God’s before my God. I am a good Catholic.

    As for preying on the innocent, it appears Rudy is beginning to pay for his bad decisions.

    I hope Rudy pays a great deal more for all the bad things he has done.

  64. You, JOE FOSCO are pathetic and repulsive. Belittling women and children for the sake of your demented self proclaimed sensationalism. What has Mr. Fratto’s family done to you? Do you realize you are slandering children, and mother(s) of children? What does repulsive comments about his wife, son(s) and daughter(s) prove other than your
    inferior ego? Please get help! Your creditability is null and void.

  65. Dear fAsco,

    “Self proclaimed sensationalism?” I do not believe that is possible. So much for your credibility as a literate person, (perhaps it was merely a simple mistake).

    A majority portion of Mr. Fratto’s immediate family threatened and assaulted me the other day; ask John Kass, he witnessed some of it. In fact, he commented on it in his article yesterday. Where have you been?

    You do not have the authority or the capability to void my credibility. Thank you for your rather desperate opinions. I hope you feel better soon. Take two aspirin and do not call me in the morning.

  66. Dear fAsco,

    Furthermore, Rudy’s wife has been arrested more times than some bikers that I know. So, do not spin your crap about slandering a mother. She is ‘My Barker’ in my opinion.

  67. Fake Fiasco – Slander is in spoken word libel is written word.

    Real Fosco I found Steve Warmbir’s column mention of you even more amusing than John Kass’s because of the way its written sort of like “some blogger showed up to heckle a known mobster on his sentencing day”

  68. Dear Cleveland,

    I know the difference between slander and libel. I am guilty of neither. Unless you can show me a certified court document proving that a judgment has been ordered in support of a slander or libel claim against me. Perhaps you can advise the supposed victims to file lawsuits if they believe they have a case.

    The definitions of the word heckle are: (1) transitive and intransitive verb to shout remarks, insults, or questions in order to disconcert somebody who is making a speech or giving a performance. (2) A very angry crowd of voters heckled the candidate for mayor.

    I did not engage in the act of heckling. On the contrary, the Fratto family heckled at me.

    Below, I have a copy of Warmbir’s article. There is no mention of heckling. Mr. or Ms. Cleveland, you have demonstrated the act of libel. You falsely printed that Warmbir wrote the blogger heckled. Not true (unless Warmbir wrote an additional article that I cannot find, if so please show us).

    See article below:

    January 28, 2010

    BY STEVE WARMBIR Staff Reporter
    For years, Rudy Fratto has been dubbed a reputed top Chicago mobster.
    But Fratto sees its differently.
    “I’m a reputed good guy,” Fratto said Wednesday, outside a federal courtroom, just moments after a judge sentenced him to prison for a year a day for tax evasion.
    Indeed, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly found Fratto “has done an outstanding job of raising a family,” but said Fratto’s crime was too serious to allow him to sentence Fratto to home confinement, as Fratto wanted, rather than prison.
    Fratto, 66, of Darien, had avoided paying taxes on more than $800,000 on income over seven years by having various firms, including a gaming technology company, pay him through a bank account of a defunct trucking company that Fratto controlled.
    “I was living beyond my means, and I was taking care of my family,” Fratto explained.
    Fratto could have been sentenced up to 18 months in prison. By being sentenced to a year and a day, rather than a year, Fratto becomes eligible for good conduct time and could serve as little as 10 months of his sentence.
    Fratto’s family tearfully requested that he not be sent to prison, citing him as the family’s role model.
    Right after his sentencing, outside the courtroom, tensions ran high as Fratto and his family clashed with a blogger who attended the court hearing and has written negatively about Fratto.
    Irate family members had to be restrained as Fratto yelled at the blogger, “Get out of here.”
    The tax evasion charge, investigated by the IRS, marks the first time Fratto’s been convicted of a crime.
    Before his current problems, “I never been arrested for anything,” Fratto explained. “Not traffic. Not a DUI. Nothing.”
    But he’s been a target of FBI investigators for years.
    Most recently, federal investigators listed him as a top threat to Nick Calabrese, a former mob hitman who had turned into the star witness at the Family Secrets mob trial.
    Fratto also allegedly attended a meeting in 2001 to approve the expansion of the video gambling territory of top mobsters James Marcello and his half-brother, Michael.
    On Wednesday, Fratto tried to appear unruffled about the proceedings, but as he walked down the hall he shouted, “What a f—— joke!”

  69. Joe,I have followed the Fratto Family. I personally know Rudy Fratto’s cousin Gill Valerio for many years,we grew up in Elmood Pk together. Gill was indicted in 1992 w/Carlisi trial. I say there’s no crying in the mob! As there was’t in the Carlisi trial (they would of laughed at you right then and there if there were tears at that trial). Gill took it like a man! With little kids at that time! I was at Gill’s sentencing he refused his family to be subject to his business. So in defense of the amazing Fratto Family let us not let one weak link in the this family ruin the integrity of these tough men!

  70. Dear Readers,

    I have called Rudy Fratto stupid in previous blog comments. Fratto committed income tax evasion, knowing he is a federal target, which is stupid. He did not commit income tax evasion once, but seven times – stupid.

    Another example of Fratto’s stupidity, he contributed to causing a big scene in the hallway after his sentencing hearing ended the other day: If such scene did not occur, the Fratto ‘blogger’ / KTF Media Group’s ‘Joe Fosco’ would not have made the newspapers.

    Rudy, thank you for helping KTF Media Group with its ratings – KTF’s ratings have skyrocketed for the last two days. Again, thank you Rudy.

    If it were not for Rudy’s stupid temper, no one would have known I was there and KTF would not have reaped any benefit. Again, thank you Rudy. And, on behalf of my advertisers, thank you Rudy.

    Rudy’s late uncles and late father, who were real men, would have never made the stupid decisions that Rudy has made.

  71. You are delusional and and in need of professional help. You have been harassing this man, and his family for months, just by the blogs I have seen. You are all consumed by him! You must really subconsciously want some type of noterity. Again, you reverted back to his wife. Why? Has she done something to you as well as you claim Mr. Fratto has? Or how about his daughters? Have they done something to you to have you discredit their dating choices? Or how about his son(s)? What, have they “threaten” you as well? Honestly, for how you have been slandering this family, and then to show up at a hearing you are not welcomed at, I think I would have spit on you personally. You really are pathetic and so not crediable not to realize your own delusions. I think you are harassing them, not the other way around. Who, in a normal state of being, would go to a courtroom unless they had an preconceived agenda, ie, to get free publicity for your own sick venue. Sorry, you are the fraud here. And I am starting to see the deciept and pathological pattern you are living. Readers, JOE FOSCO is a fraud and has definite physiological abnormaliites. Again, you’re creating your own saga for a self proclaimed notority. Repulsive! Mr. Fratto most likely pays you no mind and the only way for you to get any attention, is to provoke a negitive situation, you are creating yourself! You keep quoting John Kass. He dismisses you, as now I see, the Fratto Family did. Mr. Fratto is 65 years old, and has never had a conviction. You are obsoviouly the only person in his 65 years that seems to have a problem with him, as you do with many people. You have been arrested numerous times and have several lawsuits against you! You, Mr. Fosco, are not a good person. Not good, not crediable, not believable and quite frankly; nuts.

  72. I agree with you Pete. In fact, I was thinking of that when I wrote my previous comment (while you were writing your comment).

  73. Dear Mr. fAsco,

    I do not have several lawsuits against me. I am not ‘nuts’. I do not want Rudy to pay attention to me. I want the public to know that Rudy is a bad person – not a good person.

    Thank you for your emotionally driven opinions. Be reminded, courthouses are open to the public and I am an internet journalist, whether you like it or not. I was as interested as John Kass was about appealing to my readers and possibly attracting more. That is my business, and I do my job very well, with integrity, honesty and truthfulness.

  74. Dear Readers:

    Want to talk about being ‘nuts’ (crazy), someone who needs professional help?

    According to Mr. Warmbir’s article, which I have pasted in a previous comment in this thread, Mr. Warmbir quotes Fratto as saying, “what a f***ing joke,” as he walked down the hallway after the hearing. It looks like Mr. Fratto thinks his hearing was a joke – not real. Mr. Fratto, no joke, you are going to prison. Reality issues seem very popular amongst your clan, Mr. Fratto. Please get a grip and accept that you are on your way to prison.

    Thank you,


  75. Dear “Joesh” F_A_s_c_o

    I hope you feel like a piece of sh*t for denigrating a Joe who is facing threat of death at the hands of the mafia. If you’re that angry at him, go practice your self-indulgent, masturbatory whining on Steve Warmbir’s blog, and leave Joe Fosco the hell alone.

    Fratto is has been identified by our federal government as a made member of the Chicago Outfit, did you know that? You don’t earn that reputation by doing an outstanding job raising your family; you earn it by being a killer.

    Piss off.

  76. Dear Pete,

    All I meant is the Fratto name had a high level of respect in my family, while growing up – no credit to Rudy Fratto, Jr., of course.

    My father knew two of Rudy Jr’s uncles, Frank and Lou (now of late). In fact, my relative Romie (now of late), was involved in an aluminum business with Frank many years ago. My family loved the Fratto family (again, no credit to Rudy Jr). I remember Rudy Sr. very well. It seems like it were only yesterday when I was sitting with him at his grandsons wedding in Des Plaines about 6-years ago. We had a beautiful conversation. Too bad Rudy Jr is nothing like them. I hope that Rudy III will be a better man than his father.

  77. Dear Pete,

    All the other Fratto’s are good people. Rudy Jr’s brother Bobby was my oldest brother’s best friend while they were in high school at OPRF. Too bad Rudy destroyed as many relations with people as he did. Do not get me wrong, Rudy has a number of people bull-sh**ed that he is a great guy. However, we the ones that know better have his number – Johnny DiFronzo finally has Rudy’s number.

  78. Sorry Joe. Better late late than never, as they say.

    Who the hell is this bozo, anyway? Some Outfit wanna-be? Some ‘mob watcher’ who romanticizes that life? And why is he saying that John Kass “dismisses” you? I didn’t think Kass was dismissive of you at all.

    Speaking of Kass, in his article he specifically mentions: “the fear (Rudy Fratto) inspires in wiseguys when they spot him in their rear-view mirrors and the silence at the mention of his name.” What does that tell you, fAsco, about Rudy Fratto, regardless of whether or not he’s been convicted of crime before?

    Joe, I can’t believe there’s some sick bastard out there running to the defense of this Fratto psychopath. It’s been said on here before, and I’ll take the liberty of saying it again:

    the Chicago Outfit is a terrorist organization, and its members are terrorists!

    Joesh fAsco, you have some serious problems!

  79. Mr. Fosco, I have done alittle research and not only are you now not crediable, you are lying. You have been arrested more than 3 times and have 2 civil lawsuits against you, for the exact same harassment to another family! As for Mr. Fratto’s wife, I found no proof in any of your fantasy’s,except to prove you again wrong (you stated earlier she was not truthful about her inability to walk.) Her xrays of 2 broken ankle bones are available on line.
    I really don’t care what you say about the man. And once again, you make reference to his son. You are harassing this family.

    You seem to not be able to take ownership for your own actions and statements. Really, “inking” a mans picture? Showing up to court for something you are not involved in?Degrading the daughters, the sons, the wife? And you don’t consider this provoking, harassment and complete immaturity? No, it’s very obvious that you are craving attention, and bringing this demented attention to yourself. Again, please go get help for your compulsing story telling, lies, and childlike actions.

  80. Joe said he felt bad for the children and the family. Didn’t you read that part, or do you have selective memory, fAsco?

  81. JF RE 444 comment.

    First part was for Joesh Fasco.

    Second part you – sort of sounds like meant – too those not reading your blog Warmbir article which I read quickly yesterday – sounds like some blogger just showed up to bother Rudy – I know from KTF that is not the case.

  82. fart on a horsey boner on

    Joe and KTF readers,

    I’m sorry to have resorted to posting that link (January 29, 2010 at 7:45 pm). I would have much rather had an adult conversation with “Joesh Fasco” in order to try and reason with him. But, it appears as if I might have scared him off, which seems like the next best thing. Yes, dear readers, it appears as if he is gone for now, but if he comes back, I’m prepared to charge into cyberspace like a f%cking maniac to scare him off again. I can be an apesh#t bat outta hell when I want to be.

    I’d like to apologize to Joe Fosco for my 2 comments yesterday in which I express doubts about his claim that Fratto threatened his life.

    Joe I am extremely sorry.

  83. Dear fAsco,

    Your information is not entirely correct, especially the part calling me a liar. However, thank you for taking the time to research me. And thank you for expressing your opinions. Good luck trying to win sympathy for an Outfit member like Rudy Fratto. If you truly want to help the family, go away and let this story fade.

  84. Dear F***,

    I do not accept your apology because I do not believe that I am owed one. You expressed your opinions the other day. And yesterday you changed your opinion. Not a big deal. Thank you for your readership.

  85. Dear Readers,

    I mentioned Rudy Fratto’s brother Bobby in one of my earlier comments. Bobby and my oldest brother, Armando Jr, were best friends while attending OPRF High School in Oak Park, Illinois. Mentioning Bobby Fratto reminded me of something that I never mentioned in any of my articles.

    Approximately 8-years ago Bobby Fratto was stricken with Cancer, perhaps Leukemia. I am sorry to say I do not remember exactly. What I do remember is being contacted by a friend of mine about a donation my older brother Armando made to Rudy Fratto Jr’s underground fundraiser for Bobby Fratto’s medical expenses. My friend asked if Armando was related to me. I answered yes. He explained that Bobby Fratto earns a six-figure salary working for a relative and Bobby has the best medical coverage money could buy. In addition, Bobby was continuing to collect his handsome salary during the treatment phase of his medical situation without interruption. Therefore, the $1,000.00 donation that my brother made had likely gone to Rudy Jr instead, since Bobby was not in need of money period.

    I responded to my friend by saying, “I am sorry to hear that Rudy would do something so despicable. However, I am not very close with my older brother because of inheritance and estate disagreements relating to our late father.” Nonetheless, I learned yet another bad situation tied to Rudy and money.

    I want to make it abundantly clear, I do not believe that Rudy’s late father Rudy Sr or his brother Bobby were in on the scam. Sadly, I believe they were as much victims as everyone that donated to Rudy’s selfish, greedy, illegal and despicable cause.

  86. Dear “fart on a horsey boner”

    Perhaps this is obvious to everyone else reading this, but something tells me that you haven’t had very many adult conversations in your life. No offense.

  87. Joe F.,

    This info about Rudy using his brother’s terminal illness as an opportunity to make money reminded me of a scam that Angelo LaPietra purportedly ran in Chinatown. He held an annual “free” cookout every year that drew neighborhood people and Outfit guys from all over the Midwest who would be encouraged to “donate” to the Hook, who was then supposed to give the funds to the “poor neighborhood kids.” Actually, he used the cash to cover the cost of the cookout and pocket the rest. These mobsters are real dirty, rotten scoundrels if you ask me.

    PS “fart on a horsey boner” – Thank you for sparing us a disgusting Gravatar image.

  88. joe
    ive been hearing about joe abate
    what do you know about him
    also what if john rainone takes the contract with his
    uncle louie or his friend anthony gianone
    would any of the 3 above mentioned be willing or
    capable to do rudys contract on you
    3 being abate,louie rainone,and gianone

  89. Dear JonJon,

    Joe Abate was married to Rudy’s youngest daughter. I know very little about him, by choice, I do not find him very interesting.

    I do not suspect the money loving John Rainone would be willing to take the contract because Fratto is tapioca (busted – financially devastated). I suspect it would coast serious money to issue a contract.

  90. Dear Readers:

    Tonight while I was having dinner with some friends, I heard it is widely suspected by many that Rudy Fratto was the cause of his wife’s broken feet, which was discovered during her speech to the court. I heard Rudy was fighting with his wife and flew off in a rage grabbing his son’s baseball bat fracturing both of her feet.

    I would not be surprised if it were true.

  91. Hey joe
    what about that gianone character and louie rainone(john uncle)
    didnt he just get of jail serving like 20yrs for a double murder
    he would be capable of the contract
    iknow you said that rudy(the foot smashing husband)fratto has no money
    but maybe the rainones and that gianone guy would do it as a favor
    question why did rudy smash his wifes feet instead of her hands?
    answer so she could still boost.

  92. Dear JonJon,

    Look, I appreciate your willingness to help me figure out who my assign is going to be, however, I am not smart enough to solve this puzzle. If you have information that could be useful, please contact the FBI and tell them about it.

  93. look joe
    im just throwing things in the air at you
    i have no concrete facts of anything. you really would rather
    have the fbi know about something before you. when it pertains
    to you. you are smarter than that. do you know this gianone guy
    or louie rainone.also in a previous reply
    i asked you which one guy was a good guy that dated the fratto
    girls and you never gave an actual name.and what about the joke bout ma barkers foot vs hand
    ps ma barker is one of the best monikers ever

  94. JonJon,

    It’s completely tactless and in extremely bad taste for you to ask Joe these questions, anyway–let alone on the Internet. This shouldn’t be mob porn for you. It’s life and death.

  95. joey

    how does john rainone have any stature in the Outfit, or among prospective future members of the Outfit, if his father {mario} basically cooperated with the governement, and is now a two-bit burglar?!!

  96. hey robyn
    im asking joe if he has thought about these guys
    if anything im making him aware of his situation
    wouldnt you want to be aware of who might be the ones doing harm to you. or would walk around blindly and get attacked
    and what is mob porn? and i ridicule these sorry human beings
    just like fosco does.enough is enough of everyone being afraid to open their mouths.if everyone becomes brave
    all these bad people lose all their power.

    john rainone is a double agent
    he is the one who beefed on his fathers burglaries
    they dont like his father and especially him
    but since rudy is in the outs he could possibly turn to
    johnny “the beefer” rainone after all like fosco said rudy is a desperate and stupid excuse of a gangster

  97. Dear JonJon,

    I appreciate your willingness to help me. However, I am not concerned about any of the Rainone’s and/or Gianone. Although Lou Rainone is the one capable of murder, I do not believe Rudy would rely on him. However, I will keep an open mind. Thank you.

    As to the one good guy that dated or married one of the Fratto daughters, I have my reasons for not answering. I am sorry.

    I found your foot/hand joke amusing.

  98. Dear Reynaldo,

    I do not believe John Rainone has stature in the Outfit. For unknown reasons, I believe Rainone has a relationship with Fratto. If that is what you call stature in the Outfit, I disagree with your classification. Rainone has stature with Fratto. I realize Rainone’s father once accused Fratto of attempting to murder him, which is bizarre. From what I do understand, John Rainone does not hold a grudge of any kind against Fratto and Fratto does not have resentment toward the younger Rainone. If you want details, you will have to ask them, as I am unaware of the intricacies of their relationship.

  99. Dear Readers,

    Rudy Fratto has threatened my life more than once. In addition, Mr. Fratto has spent many years spreading malicious rumors about me. Rudy Fratto has conspired to murder and extort me. In what came as a great surprise to me today, Rudy Fratto begged a friend of mine to ask me to remove the articles about him form this website. My friend had the audacity to insult me by passing Rudy’s message to me. I forgive my friend because he was unfairly placed in the middle. However, I will never forgive Rudy for the pain he has caused for my family and me. He continues to cause us pain.

    Please be advised Rudy Fratto, since I am aware that you read these comments, or receive updates, that I will not rest until you are in prison. Once you are locked up, I will pray that more of your crimes are uncovered and that you ultimately die in prison, unless the sentence of death is applicable.

    Furthermore, if any of your loved ones are truly bothered by the information within this thread, which is based on real life experiences that you created, please offer my advice that a psychiatrist could help ease their pain. I believe that will be the only lawful option that I can offer your loved ones. Moreover, despite the fact that your doctor, Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr, MD, foolishly treats patients for mental health related issues, I suggest that you send your loved ones to a real psychiatrist.

  100. Mr. Fratto, one last thing:

    I wish to remind you that you may file a libel claim against KTF Media Group and me if you feel that I have published anything that is false. If you win your lawsuit, you can rely on the courts power to order me to remove the alleged libelous information. However, we both know that I am telling the truth and you will not win such lawsuit. Good luck with your options. If you act on the option to murder me, please make sure that you strongly consider the consequences and refrain from creating bigger problems for everyone involved, especially me. And remember, killing me will not shut down KTF Media Group and its articles. Thank you.

  101. revengeofthenerd on

    Joe,did u ever think of the consequences
    you will pay in hell? For making up all these stories about people and trying to affect their lives.I find it so amazing that you get a rush off of this..You are a constant and a never ending antagonist.I think you are a Mental case,to be quite honest.Your poor father….o he passed,right? I bet he is so proud of should be ashamed of yourself..

  102. revengeofthenerd on

    I researched some information for you because you caught my interest on several of your posts.
    Stature of the Outfit? Fratto girls and their husbands? Gianone-Rainone?
    Rainone’s last arrest involved another individual name Vincent Forliano.This happens to be the ex-husband of Rudy’s daughter(name unknown).Don’t you think he may be the guy everyone needs to worry about? Why is he not in jail for being a 4bit burglar,if he was arrested with the famous Mario.Could it be,he is the Donnie Brasco working to get these individuals.Rudy? Mario? Or can this be the guy who is playing the part as the quiet guy and going to seek revenge? Also if Fratto was supposed to take out Rainone(Mario)why would John have any association to Fratto?What makes you think John beefed on Mario?Who is Giannone? I love puzzles just trying to put all the pieces together.

  103. Dear Revenge,

    God makes the decision on who will pay in Hell. I believe Rudy Fratto should be concerned about that one. Please know, people that play God usually wind up in mental institutions. Please let God make these decisions.

    The Fratto’s have the right to litigate their concerns in the court of law. If the information I have shared is libelous, please inform the Fratto’s to simply bring a libel claim against me. Of course, they will not do anything of such, because I speak the truth. Again, save your silly accusations that I am being dishonest, and simply convince the Fratto’s to take their complaint to court. However, they know I will win. I have the truth to defend me.

    My father passed away 23-years ago. I am sure he never imagined that I would be embroiled in such a miserable state of affairs. I never did. What he would be very upset by is the fact that people that should have been kind to us – because of my father’s dealings – have actually turned on me, which created this nightmare in the first place.

    If you think that I would prefer responding to you right now, over doing anything else, you are sadly mistaken. Until Fratto and Cerone instigated the extortion and murder plot against me, I was quite content with my life. I never had problems like this before. These kinds of issues are not born by accident. Since the murder and extortion conspiracy began, I have suffered a great deal. Worse yet, my family have suffered.

    I have lived quite a few years never doing anything like what I have done in reaction to being threatened and extorted. I have certainly not entrenched myself in this fight for my life by mistake. I find it rather suspicious that you fail to see that Rudy and his friends have obviously victimized me. However, it is the victimization of my family that causes me to be as thorough in spreading awareness of the many dangers involving Rudy Fratto and his friends.

    I am not ashamed of myself for speaking out. You should be ashamed of yourself for being closed minded and insensitive to an Outfit victim. Your stupid attempt to bring sympathy to an Outfit member demonstrates the kind of person you are – an ignorant person to put it mildly.

    On behalf of KTF Media Group, thank you for your readership and willingness to share your opinions.

  104. revengeofthenerd on

    Based on your posts, I started to suspect you may be dealing with all of this grief and fear because of what you say and do.
    I mean,I do not think one should ever fear of their life and families life to be seized for any one reason.I believe that the Lord makes those decisions and only the Lord.
    I am very sorry that you have endured such pain and I am sure your father is also.I also found it very intersting to learn of Rudy’s wife going blind,she really won’t see him anymore.
    I am very ignorant to all of this,my comments are soley posted based on opinion and I would never defend an Outfit victim.
    I appreciate you writing back.

  105. Dear Revenge,

    Might I remind you, the murder threat against me was affirmed on January 27, 20210, by Rudy Fratto, Jr.

    Thank you

  106. Dear Revenge,

    As I have said in the past, the Chicago Outfit, including Rudy Fratto, has already decided to incorporate a plot to murder me. In Rudy’s case, he affirmed the threat recently. At this point, why should I cease and desist in speaking out? Their decision has been made to kill me. I cannot create a worse scenario than what already exists. However, I can keep attention on it and spread as much awareness as possible.

    Thank you

  107. Dear Readers,

    I was having lunch today with some associates that were theorizing on why the Marcello brothers (Jimmy and Mickey) have been transferred back to Chicago several weeks ago, where they remain. In a bizarre twist, it would appear to some that a deal could be in the works. What could this mean for some Outfit members that remain free?

    Will the Marcello’s cause a Family Secrets II?

    Some rumors that are going around the Chicago area in defense of why the Marcello’s have returned to Chicago are as follows:

    1) They are back in Chicago awaiting word on their appeal.
    2) They are back because it is easier for their family to visit.

    Readers, the two rumors I have mentioned above are ridiculous. The federal Bureau of Prisons does not move prisoners for either of those reasons.

    Something to consider.

  108. Dear Joe,
    Personally, I feel that if there was a deal available, he would probably take it in order to get out of having to serve a life sentence. A family secrets part 2 would shatter what little remains of the Chicago mob. Most of the old school guys are already dead or in prison, and these dead or imprisoned men would be the only people left that would have taken part in any major unsolved crimes, like murders. There hasn’t been anything since the early nineties (other than a handful of instances such as the R. Jarret hit) and it’s like I said, most everyone that the government would want is already dead or in jail anyway. I think it’s safe to say that organized crime in Chicago is either totally under control or non-existant these days. Moreover, when M. Marcello testified during the Ambrose trial he side-stepped certain questions and probably could have flipped then but didn’t. However, you do make one good point. James is still a relatively young man and was sentenced to life. That is the risk in having a younger man as boss. One opens themselves up to law enforcement as soon as they are designated boss. A younger man is more likely to flip simply because he has more years left to live. Even if he does flip and help put away the few remaining old school mobsters that are left, he’s not really doing anybody (other than himself) any favors. He probably won’t even have to join the witness protection program because the only people left that could pose a treat to him would be the few remaining gangsters that he would help put away. Of course, these are only my opinions. Joe, do you concur with any of this?

  109. Dear Santa,

    Your theory on young bosses seems logical. However, Chicago had a number of young bosses over the years that did hold up. Some of them were, Al Capone, Paul Ricca, Sam Giancana, Anthony (Joe) Accardo and Sam Battaglia. Sure, these people are as old as dirt now (and dead); however, when they initially reached the position of boss, they were very young – none of them were known to beef.

    I would agree, the Outfit has diminished quite a bit after the Family Secrets trial and the recent indictment of Mike Sarno. And, I agree, if DiFronzo (which I am not sure he will – I suspect he could be a double agent and has been one since he returned from prison in the 1990’s), Andriacchi and a few others are indicted, the Outfit will be on its last three toes. However, in the wings will be scores of young foolish men that will see it as an opportunity to enterprise. Anyone can commit murder; therefore, I do not believe a Family Secrets II case will totally solve the problem. On the contrary, once the government puts away the last few remaining people that have been keeping things quiet in Chicago, some young people will likely rush in and make a great deal of naive decisions involving violence, therefore causing unnecessary mayhem at level much higher than we have seen in the past 15-years.

    Thank you for your readership.

  110. There’s no way the Marcello bro’s will flip. Mickey gets out in a few years, and he’ll pick up and restore what’s left of their old enterprise. Though, officially, his position in the Outfit will be non-existent, James will run the whole thing from prison, and his cut of the proceeds will go to this family.

    There was a news story a week or so back about James coming back to a prison in IL. It seemed legit to me.

    There was an argument somewhere over here in the comments threads. And I think you’ll notice a lot of familiar screen names.

  111. Dear Reynaldo,

    Do you know the Marcello’s personally? I do not. This is why I merely raise a question. I have a hard time predicting the actions of my friends and family, I would not even think of predicting the actions of someone I do not know.

    I understand that Mickey has a short period to serve. I agree that it would be illogical for him to flip in relation to his situation.

    Are you suggesting that Jimmy Marcello would rather run the Outfit behind bars the rest of his life, apposed to retiring with his millions and living his life free of prison? If so, I disagree with you.

    In fact, Outfit bosses do not keep their positions while imprisoned.

    I believe it is very likely Jimmy is flipping. And I believe it is just as likely that Mickey would do everything he could to aid his brother, such as corroborating various assertions.

    Putting aside your predictions and my suspicions, we will get to the truth soon enough.

    Thank you for your readership.

  112. Dear LH,

    I caught that piece when it was aired. I suspected it was all smoke and mirrors then, and I believe it is now.

    Thank you for your readership.

  113. Dear LH,

    Think about this:

    Jimmy Marcello is serving life. Nick Calabrese testified that DiFronzo was involved in the Spilotro murders. However, the U.S. Attorney’s Office failed to corroborate it with a makeshift witness, as they are capable of doing, i.e., the stupid babble called testimony by Michelle Spilotro, therefore, keeping DiFronzo from being indicted. Now, Jimmy Marcello could believe that DiFronzo is a double agent, as I believe he is. That being said, I think it is likely Jimmy Marcello could have decided that his freedom is more important than the group of creeps that are considered Outfit guys.

  114. Dear LH,

    I would like to add, a source told me that Jimmy Marcello suspects that DiFronzo is a double agent.

  115. Joe,

    Aren’t James Marcello’s sons involved in Outfit business, as well as nephews and cousins? Unless they have marketable job skills or college educations, Little Jimmy would be destroying their livelihoods for the foreseeable future.

    Marcello’s father was a murdered juice collector. Supposedly he is scholar of American Organized Crime history. He knows how informants are generally regarded.

  116. Dear LH,

    There comes a time when enough is enough. Marcello’s extended family has become very rich while hanging on Jimmy’s coattails. Now, it could be time for Jimmy to think of himself and get out of prison. His family will be okay – they have enough money, as Jimmy may feel he had served enough time. Remember, these are my opinions.

  117. Why would the government want to go after an octogenarian (difronzo) when they caught a pretty big fish with marcello. joe, i’m starting to agree with you that they gave difronzo a pass because of his age.

    what could marcello give them that they would care about?

  118. Dear Brian,

    The U.S. Attorney’s Office does not take the age or health of a suspect in to consideration. That is a job for the court. The U.S. Attorney’s office did not give the ‘German’ a pass due to his poor health. The court did. In fact, despite DiFronzo’s status as an octogenarian, he is in good health, assuming my earlier concern for his memory has been proven unwarranted. I know Johnny still drives a car. I do not think he is driving without a driver’s license. And, I know the Illinois Secretary of State has a duty to suspend the driver’s license of octogenarians that have medical issues preventing them from driving an automobile safely.

    Brian, the U.S. Attorney’s office is not a charity that offers a ‘pass’ to suspects. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is an organization that offers passes to suspects that cooperate by giving them valid evidence to use in other high profile cases.

    Assuming Difronzo is of no interest to the U.S. Attorney because he is a cooperator, or because he is too old like you say – even though he goes out drinking and driving almost every day. I would say that Marcello could inform on several other people. If you want names form me, I will offer Rudy Fratto, Michael Magnafichi and Joe Andriacchi. Yes, the government already nailed Fratto, however, not on anything juicy keeping him out of society forever.

  119. Do you know anything of Jimmy Marcello’s character? Is he as ruthless as the US Government made him out to be, or is he assumed to be ruthless because of his status as “street” (front) boss?

  120. Can your source attest to any of thug-like behavior? Was he an enforcer, or did he go straight from being Carlisi’s wheelman to Capo or Underboss because of his wits?

  121. to revenge and fosco

    i have never heard of this forliano guy.
    maybe joe has
    if so give us some info on him
    i have heard from over 5 different sources that john rainone
    beefed on his father and that he had 2 motives
    1. to keep himself out of jail
    2. as revenge back to his father for beefing when he was a
    teenager it completely turned johns life around 180
    from being a gangsters son to a beefers son

    the gianone guy is supposely a hitter
    ooh and get this john rainone married gianones wife
    while gianone was doing time
    more i keep hearing about this john”the beefer”rainone
    the more of a prize he becomes

  122. There was a Vince Forliano arrested with Mario Rainone last year in relation to those felony burglaries in Lincolnshire. Forliano is Rudy Fratto’s ex-son-in-law.

    There is also an elder Forliano (Thomas) that used to have some connections to the Rainone’s, as well as the Outfit.

  123. jonjon,

    Do you know if Mike “Thunderfart” Sarno could be in line for Boss in the event that DiFronzo passes away or goes to prison?

  124. revengeofthenerd on

    I reviewed your post and also researched information for you via public records.You obviously have not been very thorough on your research.I recently read an article about Mario’s sentancing for accepting food while incarcerated.He also plead guilty to his most recent arrest with Vincent Forliano.The records for Forliano state that he recently had court and received, once again,a continuance.
    What I do know via public records is at the time of the arrest in Addison for the Lincolnshire Burglary,Rainone’s property was that of the search warrant,not Forliano’s.That draws some suspicion to think that Forliano may be the double-agent.
    I also viewed the records that of the son,John and I find your information not to be current.John plead guilty and recently served a sentence for a blow-out in Downer’s Grove that involved a weapon.If John pleads guilty and served his time,what reason would he have to beef on his famous father.

    This Gianone character, a hitman? I think the handsome dark skinned Stalone may be hitting the broads at Scores,rather than taking the jobs.It one article that I reviewed states Gianone as a book-maker,who claims to cause one to become arthritic when it rains.Basically it sounds like he will break your bones.I am sure the threatened individual moved to a drier climate,so he would be safe.
    The most bizarre twist to the whole question,is how these so called gangsters marry the daughters of gangsters.
    Thomas Forliano has been out of the limelight probably soaking up the sun somewhere warm with his tanned wife,daughter of Mr.Aleman and the son of Forliano marries the daughter of Rudy Fratto.
    My opinion on that of Vincent Forliano is somewhat of a man of desperation.He has hatred and resentment for his ex-father-in-law and is a feeding tube to the FBI.
    I also think that he purposely made burglaries with Rainone,as a set-up.Why would one jeopardize being in site,with a man that has a reputation of being a beefer.Solely to set him up.Do you follow me or am I being insensitive.An opinion is our right,records are that of factual information.
    You also need to share your sources,other than opinions.I’d rather your info be ,a bit more conclusive.

  125. Hey Joe Fosco, revengeofthenerd, jonjon, or Joe Fosco

    Can you answer my previously-asked questions from earlier today:

    Do you know anything of Jimmy Marcello’s character? Is he as ruthless as the US Government made him out to be, or is he assumed to be ruthless because of his status as “street” (front) boss?

    Can your source attest to any of thug-like behavior? Was he an enforcer, or did he go straight from being Carlisi’s wheelman to Capo or Underboss because of his wits?

    That is, do either of you have a source or first-hand knowledge about this. (I’m not talking about newspaper stories.)

    I’m wondering because I’m from Lombard where Jimmy (used to) live.

    Also, what about ‘nostrils’ claim about Sarno? (I never heard that he had a nickname of “Thunderfart’)

  126. Does anyone know anything of Jimmy Marcello’s character? Is he as ruthless as the US Government made him out to be, or is he assumed to be ruthless because of his status as “street” (front) boss? Can a first-hand source attest to any of thug-like behavior? Was James ever an enforcer, or did he go straight from being Carlisi’s wheelman to Capo or Underboss because of his wits? I’m wondering because I live very close to the house in Lombard where James Marcello sued to live and where his wife, I believe still does. Has anyone ever met Marcello?

  127. joe & readers,

    Don’t forget that it’s not impossible for Outfit guys to win their appeals. Look no further No Nose’s 1993 racketeering conviction, which was turned over on appeal in 1994.

    James Marcello has an excellent shot at winning his appeal. His lawyers did a great job, and there was no physical evidence to tie him to any crime, yet he was convicted of double murder. He may be in Chicago expecting to win his appeal, in which case he’d just hop in his car and drive 20-minutes west to his suburban home.

  128. revenge
    you research things and no way more then me
    i have never heard of these forliano guys
    and i have no idea if gianone is dark skinned or handsome
    just hear things around melrose
    do you know if its true that rainone married gianones
    wife while gianone was in jail
    but when you keep hearing about john rainone being a beefer
    over and over again
    you have to questioned it
    even fosco has stated he heard the same about john
    i will start asking bout these forliano guys
    and post back to you
    im still waiting for fosco to shed some light about this gianone character and now this forliano guy
    great research revenge.please keep contributing

  129. Forliano, Thomas
    DOB: 10-01-1949
    Criminal History: IR#181267; FBI#512 749G

    Forliano is a well-known name, jonjon. The information I included here is from a book about the Outfit published over 10 years ago. Vince Forliano has been included in news stories quite a bit in the last year or so.

  130. jonjon,

    The book is “War of the Godfathers” (978-0804108317) by W.F. Roemer, JR.

    Roemer is the most decorated FBI agent in history and was head of the FBI’s Top Hoodlum Program in Chicago.

    This particular book of his is a work of fiction but is based on real-life Chicago and New York mobsters. It’s actually not that interesting. And when it was published, a lot of people were expecting it to be a nonfiction mob exposé, so it never got popular. That’s too bad because in the back of the book is some very useful information from the FBI (compliments of FOIA), as well as the Chicago Crime Commission.

    In the back (Appendix B) there’s an excerpt from the Chicago Crime Commission’s “Hood’s Who’s Who in Organized Crime in Metropolitan Chicago”, ca. 1990).

    It includes federal mugshots that are normally not available to the public, as well as surveillance photos. (There’s one of an early-forties James Marcello sporting a mustache and sunglasses, and another of Williw Messino wearing Buddy Holly eyeglasses.) It’s definitely worth checking out just as a reference book.

  131. Dear Brian,
    I have talked to a dear friend of mine today that knows Jimmy Marcello well. My friend told me that Jimmy is a man, meaning no one to push around. Ruthless was not the word my friend used but I received the impression that he can handle himself. I did not receive any tough guy stories about Jimmy. Surely, Jimmy’s closeness with Carlisi was a big help to him.

  132. Dear JonJon,

    Tom Forliano is the father of Vince Forliano. A source of mine has a great deal of respect for both Forliano’s. I have met both Forliano’s on a few occasions. They appeared as gentlemen to me.

    The Gianone fellow (I am unsure of the spelling) is a ‘nobody’. He served time on a narcotics case. He knows how to threaten people according to a news clip several years ago that cited a threat he made to someone that owed him money (I believe he might have been a bookmaker as well). If my memory serves me correct, Gianone told his victim he “will remember what he did every time it rains out,” as he victims bones were going to be broken badly.

    Yes, the former Mrs. Gianone is the current Mrs. Rainone.

    All of the information in this comment is common knowledge.

  133. Sir Bedevere the Wise on

    Dear Mr. Fosco:

    One of your readers who identified himself as “Sting” made an ostentatious and very irresponsible (perhaps libelous) comment on this thread on January 28, 2010 at 12:46 pm.

    Joe, you know as I well as I do that characterizing the Outfit as being an analog of the “forces of evil” is ridiculous. A far more fitting metaphor would be likening the Chicago Mob to Tolkien’s “Orcs” or perhaps even the “Uruk-hai”, which are, of course, the breed of especially strong and vicious trolls capable of surviving sunlight.

    Furthermore, equating John DiFronzo with a Balrog is preposterous, as DiFronzo is a mafia leader—NOT a mere enforcer or henchman. Asserting that “John DiFronzo = The Eye of Suaron” (the Red Eye, the Evil Eye, or even the Lidless Eye) would be much more accurate.

    My point here is that the Chicago Outfit is just one species of evil beings that is COMPRISED by the “Forces of Evil “, proper. Likewise, John DiFronzo is the principal antagonist of Chicagoans and suburbanites in the exact same way that Sauron is the principal antagonist of the peaceful inhabitants of Middle Earth.

    Mr. Fosco: I call for you and your readership to IGNORE the lunatic and asinine ramblings of “Sting.”

    Now, to get back on topic: If James Marcello does turn state’s evidence and takes down the current hierarchy of the Chicago Mob, I can’t help but think that the remaining gangsters will react to their new leader the same way that the food foraging herbivorous apes reacted to the black monolith* that they encounter in the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. What I mean is that these apes reacted by shrieking and jumping about because they were confused and frustrated.

    *Please be advised that the dimensions of the monolith are (in the precise ratio) 1:4:9–the squares of the first three integers. Such ratios are often a matter of interest in sacred geometry.

  134. revengeofthenerd on

    I find you an interesting and an ignorant reader.So you are telling me that your source of information comes from “The Town that Never Sleeps.”(Melrose)??

  135. Dear Nostrils,

    Yes, Tom Folrliano’s son, Vince (Rudy Fratto’s former son-in-law, is divorced from Janell Fratto – Rudy’s oldest daughter), was arrested on the same case as Mario Rainone. In fact, I saw Mario in court briefly last fall – I appeared in front of U.S. District Judge Harry D. Leinenweber on my now former lawsuit against the Outfit, and Mario was in front of him with his attorney Sam Aamirante (serial killer John Gacy’s former attorney, and former Cook County Judge). I think Mario was trying to be moved from one jail to another. I had the distinct experience of bumping in to John Rainone in the hallway that morning; he was there to see his father. Johnny told me “you have more balls than anyone I know” for filing the lawsuit against the Outfit. I thanked him but told him that I am afraid.

    I do not know for sure, but Tommy Forliano might have known Mario Rainone from many years back.

    Fat Sarno will never be a pimple on Johnny Difronzo’s a**, even if DiFronzo is a double agent.

  136. Dear Revenge,

    I do not think a double agent was involved with the Rainone/Forliano case at all. I think the FBI planted a device on Rainone’s automobile during a parole visit – in order to keep Rainone’s whereabouts detected. In other words, while Rainone was inside meeting with his parole officer, the FBI was clear to tamper with Rainone’s car outside. Of course, the parole officer was in on it, keeping Rainone occupied with questions until the FBI finished bugging the car.

  137. Dear Tratt,

    I have a better one for you. Did the appeals court overturn Difronzo’s conviction because of DiFronzo’s cooperation? Was it all smoke and mirrors?

    The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals will not give any of the defendants on the Family Secrets case a fair shake – never. DiFronzo’s appeal was heard on the west coast. If it were in the 7th Circuit, Difronzo’s conviction would have been affirmed, unless he really is a double agent.

  138. revengeofthenerd on

    Dear Joe Fosco,

    Since you are friends with the Forliano’s.Is Vincent Forliano serving his sentence for the burglaries? If not,what kind of time will he get?Isn’t this is 5th time getting caught for burglaries?

  139. Yeah, San Diego, I believe is where that trial went down.

    But, I don’t know about the double agent thing, Joe. Tony Accardo supposedly “blessed” DiFronzo as having a higher stature than the other Capos back in the early nineties before he died. And Accardo didn’t have the career he did by carousing with double agents–he would not have left the Outfit in the care of someone he thought could beef. JB knew his stuff.

    Joe, this is my tentative prediction:

    If Marcello is a man, as per you source, he’s not going to roll over. He’ll do life in prison, appeal notwithstanding. (I agree with you re: the 7th Circuit, by the way.) Mickey will do his time, and come out of prison a gambling guy, as he was before, but in a diminished role because James will be in prison. Plus there’s the fact that Mickey isn’t regarded as a “made” guy, so he’ll be very small time.

    If what you’re saying about Fratto being on DiFronzo’s sh*t list is true, then I’ll bet it’s Fratto that’s going to be the one to roll over and get the next big federal thing going in Chicago. There’s a lot of heat around Fratto right now–his tax troubles are supposedly the least of his worries. DiFronzo’s smart, so I could almost see him wanting to “make a move” on Fratto. Do you disagree?

  140. Dear Revenge,

    I never indicated that I maintain friendships with the Forliano’s. I met them a few times. However, Vince is not incarcerated at this time. I believe he is looking at 4-7 years whenever he disposes of the case, which should be in the next couple of months.

  141. JF,

    JF, do you work for the FBI? Where do you get your information? I am currently using the internet and numerous search engines as a tool.I find it to be very current and up to date.Is there anything better?
    How would this Forliano even be able to get a sentence so light of 4-7yrs anyway? Isn’t this his fifth arrest for burgalry? Sounds to me like this vince guy likes prison,maybe he get’s to get is produce delivered to him to like Mario.
    How much time will Rainone do this time?

  142. Mario Rainone is looking at a minimum of 25 years for the felony gun charge alone–plus there’s the contraband food thing and the burglaries. He’s in his 50’s now, so he’s basically looking at life in prison. This is why people like Kass have been saying he’s going to cooperate. If info might be of no use whatsoever to law enforcement because as far as the Outfit–he’s been a pariah for like 20-years.

  143. Dear Tratt,

    Late Outfit boss Cerone had one good friend, Accardo. Cerone knew how to please Accardo very well. And DiFronzo knew how to please Cerone very well. Because of Cerone’s fondness for DiFronzo, DiFronzo was able to befriend Accardo. Accardo liked DiFronzo very much, mostly because Cerone thought highly of DiFronzo. However, Accardo appreciated DiFronzo’s involvement in the 1970’s murders of several Chicago based burglars, which was the Outfit’s response to the Accardo burglary.

    When DiFronzo was elevated to share control of the Outfit with Carlisi, the decision came from the Aiuppa/Cerone faction. Accardo had no say in it whatsoever, although he probably agreed with it.

    Very few people know that DiFronzo strongly disliked Cerone. DiFronzo truly loved Joe Gagliano, which was Cerone’s top guy – before DiFronzo replaced him. Most of the guys under Cerone did not like Cerone. Everyone under Cerone hated his son, Jack P. Cerone, Esquire. The failure of Jack P’s Restaurant, II Jack’s and the decrease in business with his law firm, are good example of the wide range of dislike for Jack P. Cerone, Esquire. Getting back to my point, DiFronzo was cunning enough to become Cerone’s top guy while not truly liking him. This is a quality of a cunning, underhanded and capable person.

    When Aiuppa came home from prison in 1996, according to my source, Aiuppa was preparing to ‘knock down’ Cerone upon Cerone’s scheduled departure from prison in July of 1996. Aiuppa disliked Cerone as much as DiFronzo did. Without Accardo, who everyone respected, here to protect Cerone, Cerone was as good as dead. DiFronzo agreed to help Aiuppa kill Cerone after his departure from prison. They never expected fate would do their work for them.

    The point I am trying to make about DiFronzo is he is a snake. Again, my source has informed me of this entire story.

    Another point I would like to make. Accardo has made mistakes before about people. Take the Giancana murder; I believe Accardo was involved in making the decision to kill him. Accardo also took part in making the decision to make Giancana boss several years earlier. Which time was Accardo right about Giancana? The time he thought Giancana should was a great enough person to be boss, or the time he thought Giancana was such a bad person that he should be killed (two very big differences)? Accardo clearly made one bad decision out of the two I just explained. I know some of you will say, “Giancana must have done something wrong.” I say, Aiuppa and Cerone (both greedy people) collaborated in an effort to takeover Giancana’s personal enterprises and convinced Accardo to go along with them. The same greed of these men, Aiuppa and Cerone, put them in prison for what turned out to be nearly the rest of their lives.

    I am not bold enough to make a prediction about the Marcello’s. I have merely raised some questions. We will see the truth soon enough.

    I agree with you about the possibility of Fratto rolling. He is a broken man who is very desperate right now. And, yes, Fratto might have bigger legal challenges to face in the near future. My question, why does Fratto want 6-months to turn in on a sentence as short as the one he received? The judge gave Fratto 3-months to turn in, however Nasser asked for 6-months and plans to file a motion to get it. I have never seen an Outfit guy make as big of a stink about doing much larger sentences as Fratto is making over an extremely short one.

  144. Dear Yank,

    No, I do not work for the FBI. However, I do a lot of their work for them, thru KTF Media Group. When I write my book, which will cover a great deal more than what I leak thru KTF, everyone will think I work for the FBI, because I know things that I should not know.

    Forliano will get a 4-7 year sentence. I do not think 4-7 years is light. I think one year and a day is light.

    I believe Mario received 7.5 years and continues to face a minimum of 15-years on the gun charge. Whether he does any time on the gun charge remains to be seen. Unlike state court, the feds allow 3rd party deals. Meaning, if you are in a federal prison doing time, you can have your brother set up someone of interest to the government in deal to be freed or receive a lesser sentence. I believe that is what will happen with Mario. The question is who will the rat be?

  145. Dear Tratt,

    Are you sure the gun charge for Mario is a minimum of 15-years? I though it is 15. If I wrong, forgive me.

  146. Joe,

    You are correct in saying mandatory 15-years for the gun charge.

    I was wrong; Mario Rainone is staring at a total of 25-years, which for a 57-year old man could likely be a life sentence.

  147. JF,
    I agree with you.I would not like to spend 5 minutes much less.I can never understand why someone who has served more then a day would even want to go back.Only they would be the one to tell us that.I can’t wait to read your book.It will certainly be good.

  148. Joe,

    You make some good points and raise some interesting questions. True, Accardo was not infallible. Another example could be the fact that he dispatched Tony Spilotro to be the overseer of Vegas–and we all know how that ended up.

    Man, the Cerone’s (father and son) sound like the least popular people in Chicagoland. Aside from greed, what personal qualities did other gangsters find so contemptible in Jack Cerone, Sr.? Is Jack Cerone, Esquire, in the Outfit or is he a wanna-be who is attempting to ride the coattails of his deceased namesake?

    Another thing you’ve recently brought to light is the fact that Rudy Fratto is not a Capo and doesn’t really enjoy any other kind of leadership role in the Outfit, despite mainstream media (msm) reports. Clearly, he is replaceable as far as the organization is concerned, don’t you think? I imagine that his recent high-profile financial shenanigans and masquerading as boss could have angered the real heavies enough to where they’d be interested in “cutting their losses.”

  149. Cheez-Its & Malbec on


    Here’s a question that I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while.

    Seeing as you have a source, I’m wondering if you could succeed in doing something that the FBI, CCC, and media outlets have consistently failed to do accurately or effectively since the beginning of time. I’m talking about describing current Outfit leadership.

    Here’s what I understand it to be:

    J. DiFronzo (Boss); P. DiFronzo (Underboss/Courier);

    ??? (“Consigliere”)

    J. Devita (Gambling boss);

    J. Andriacchi (Elmwood Park)
    J. Mattassa (Rush St.)
    M. D’Amico (Melrose Park)
    M. Sarno (Cicero)
    F. Caruso Jr. (Chinatown)
    ??? (Chicago Heights)

    Two names that constantly come up are Joseph “Joe Kong” Cullotta and Jimmy Cozzo—I have no idea who they are, do you? If so, are they leaders?

    Where does Mike Magnifichi fit into this?

    Also, I’m wondering about formerly imprisoned “made” guys like Sal DeLaurentis (Solly D). Are guys like him active anymore, or not? Al Tornabene seemed to come out of retirement to help the Outfit’s street activities when Marcello went away, so I’m wondering if any of these other old-timers will do the same when/if John DiFronzo passes away or goes to prison.

    Finally Joe,
    When the DiFronzo’s die or go to prison (and with James Marcello in prison and Joe Andriacchi very sick), who do you suspect could be on the short-list for Boss and Underboss?


  150. Joe I wonder if Giancana would have been murdered had the following not already died of natural causes/cancer Paul Ricca 1972 who was integral in promoting Giancana in 1955, Ross Prio 197?, Fife Buccieri 1973, Richard Cain 197?. Leaving Aiuppa and Accardo the remaining Founding generation of the outfit to deal with the young turks.

    There is FBI FOIA in winter 1974-5 phone records of Chuckie English who Giancana had recently disassociated himself from and Cerone calling Aiuppa in Hollywood FL more than likely campaiging for Gs murder.

    And Cerone even flaunting Giancana’s estrangement with Sinatra’s outfit party at Giannotti’s in Feb 1975.

  151. King Kong Bundy on

    Who is Scott M. Burnstein anyway? He has compiled his very own Chicago mob list on a web site called realdealmafia.
    Boss: John D.
    Underboss: Joe A.
    Consigliere: He still has Alphonse T. as the acting consigliere even though he passed away.

    South: Frank C.
    North: Joe A. (same as underboss)
    West: Joe C.
    Rush: John M.
    Melrose: Marco D.
    Elmwood: Rudy F.

    Joe, is this an accurate list? Also, I noticed that one of the soldiers listed is “Leo Mags.” Is he related to your boy “Mikey Mags?” If so, was he ever big time? Thanks.

  152. What reason would one even care to know who these people are,where they are?
    Someone told me about this KTF at work today so I wanted to see what the comments were.I think that the Mafia is extinct and people oughta worry about their own personal lives.This kind of stuff is worthless information.I am sure everyone that post comments on here are most likely the same person.I also think that these comments are nothing but a bunch of rumors.Sounds to me like Joe Fosco has a personal vendetta with quite a few people from what I have read on KTF.Other then that people asking about these other individuals surprises me.Why the hell do you care who’s who? Do you want to be a Mafioso or something? I think you are all a bunch of bored low life losers!!! Maybe you should look in your own closets and STOP worrying about everyone else.

  153. Gay A Low Life Loser Wanna-Be Mafioso on

    Dear “Malarky”

    “Malarky” is kind of a cute name. I’d like to hear more about what you have to think over a candlelit dinner. You are obviously as homosexual as I am.

    Let’s cyber!



  154. Dear Tratt,

    I have to inform you that Tony Spilotro was not sent to Vegas by the Outfit. In addition, Spilotro was working independent from the Outfit while he was stationed in Vegas. The problem was everyone and their mother assumed he was running things for the Outfit. He may have told people he was running things for the Outfit the same way Rudy Fratto has for many years. Because Spilotro was believed to be working for the Outfit, everything he did in Vegas heated up the Outfit, which ultimately contributed to the Aiuppa/Cerone indictment and conviction. I believe we know the rest.

    Jack P. Cerone, Esquire (son of late Outfit boss) and his son John C. Cerone (aka little Jackie) are not very well liked in Chicago (and they do not report hard facts via the internet – wink). Old man Cerone was a tyrent. He ruled with an iron fist and he was a big drinker. His sponsor, Tony Cap was the same way. Jack rarely allowed his guys around him make money. In fact most of them made the bulk of their money after he went to prison in the mid 1980’s. Rudy is one of the few people around Jack that has failed financially.

    Yes, Rudy has done a big job of pretending to be a top Outfit boss for several years. It amazed me how many people believed him. And probably still do. Yes, the heavies are not happy with him. We see how the heavies dealt with such behavior when Tony Spilotro was doing it. Lucky for Rudy, today the heavies are more paranoid.

  155. Dear Cheez,

    I will work on a chart for you – perhaps I will have something in the near future. As to your chart, DeVita is pretty much retired today. I know I have indicated that he is still heavy, however, some of my sources assured me that my facts are a little dated with respect to DeVita. He remains a solid force, however, DeVita has slowed down a great deal in recent years. Andriacchi is out of it all together (he is happier being out). And I will shed light on the others in my chart. Joey Kong was nothing but a collector working for Joey DeVita.

    As for a short list of future bosses, I have no idea who is on the list.

  156. Dear Bobby,

    Good point, I agree with you, Giancana would not have been killed if Old Man Paul was alive. And Aiuppa and DiFronzo would not have planed to kill Cerone in 1996 if Accardo was alive.

    Accardo suggested that Giancana make Cerone his under boss back in the 1960’s. Giancana told Accardo, “I will be my own under boss.” Cerone developed a hatred for Giancana, which was largely based on jealousy. Who would have thought Cerone would one day persuade Accardo to go along with a hit on Giancana? Again, Paul had to be dead for that to happen. Too bad.

  157. Dear King,

    I do not believe I heard of Scott Burnstein.

    As to his list, Joe Andriacchi is out of it all together. He has Lee Magnafichi’s first name spelled incorrectly. Lee is the late father of Michael Magnafichi. Lee was a Capo. I will touch on the other guys when I do my chart in the near future.

  158. Dear Malarky,

    Thank you for visiting KTF. I further thank you for reading some of our articles and sharing your opinions. Please come again.

  159. Cheez-Its & Malbec on

    I read somewhere on here that Peter DiFronzo is generally despised by other members of the organization and only has any stature because of who his brother is. They way I understand it, he used to pal around with Lee Magnafichi and Joe Andriacchi. Aren’t they old gangster pals?

    Also, is Andriacchi terminally ill or something? If he goes, will Rudy be Mr. Elmwood Park when he gets out of prison?

  160. Dear Cheez,

    You are correct about everything, except the Rudy Fratto part. First, Joe Andriacchi is out of it all together, he spends a good deal of his time on the east coast with his daughter. And, Rudy will never fill the position Andriacchi once held, which was under boss (day-to-day boss – Andriacchi has been out of that position for several years). Cicero runs everything (with the thought in mind that DiFronzo is free to give orders to them if he wishes).

    If Rudy is a free man after Andriacchi passes on, Rudy will certainly pretend that he took over an imaginary position within the Outfit. Rudy has been pulling such stunts like that for many years. His greatest line is, ‘my older friends told me to…’. Fratto imply’s that he is referring to DiFronzo and Andriacchi, when he is probably thinking of the hobo’s he has coffee with at White Castle in the morning.

  161. Dear Readers,

    Rudy Fratto is a fake Outfit boss and an inactive gangster, who acts as a renegade as he extorts the innocent as if the Outfit/DiFronzo’s are sending him. He has occasionally solicited the help of the DiFronzo’s, thru Pete on large scale deals, like the money they took from my family and me. However, today the DiFronzo’s have their backs turned to Fratto. Fratto’s IRS case has proven how weak, despirate and dumb he really is. The DiFronzo’s ran away from Fratto because of this. I wish this was the case 8-years ago.

  162. Cheez-Its & Malbec on

    If DiFronzo tells “the Large Guy” (Sarno) to jump, he jumps–is that what you’re telling us? Who else is considered “Cicero”? Mickey Marcello?

    Also, do you know if Solly D is still active?

    (I was just reading that in the 1980’s he retained John Gotti’s attorney, Bruce Cutler, is represent him in his Chicago RICO case.)

  163. Dear Cheez,

    I have no evidence that DiFronzo has ever ordered Fat Sarno to do anything, however, I know that Sarno would bark like a dog if DiFronzo told him to. Marcello was calling shots with the Cicero guys before his incarceration. Now that he is in prison he is done – the Outfit does not allow bosses to keep their power while they are in prison.

    I do not suspect that Solly D is doing very much these days. my guess is he is running a sports betting office, primarily for his own profit – although he would most likely cut Marco in on it.

  164. Dear Readers,

    Someone recently asked me (in person) why Fratto had it in for me over the years. My answer, jealousy. Not jealous of me. But jealous of some of the people I was close to over the years. Fratto was jealous of the late Willie Messino because of his tough guy reputation – Willie and I were close friends. Fratto was jealous of Buddy Ciotti because of the large income Buddy had for many years – Buddy and I were close friends. Fratto was jealous of Michael Magnafichi for many reasons, Michael’s looks, his money (when he was making big money), his closeness to Fratto’s ‘older friends’ and his ability to be well liked. Fratto is a very jealous person. Because I was close with the three individuals that I mentioned, coupled with the fact that I never made an attempt to pay Fratto any respect when I would see him, Fratto resented me. Therefore, when Cerone initially targeted me for money in 2002, Fratto was more than happy to help him. In 2003 when I briefly told Fratto ‘no more money’, Fratto began spreading malicious rumors about me. In additon, according to the FBI, an Outfit hit was issued against me. Since that time, Fratto has put my family and me thru Hell and back.

  165. Ricardo Montauban on

    How do you know that the DiFronzo’s have turned their backs on Fratto? How do you know that they in fact want him dead?

    What lead to Michael Magnafichi’s decline in stature as far as the Outfit?

  166. Dear Ric,

    My source has informed me of Difronzo’s turning their back on Fratto. In fact, Rudy mentioned it himself recently, last weekend when he reached a friend of mine asking him to persuade me to take down the articles I have authored about him. In addition, I know the DiFronzo’s would turn on anyone that has engaged is the stupid and reckless behavior that is associated with Rudy’s IRS case. Fratto is wanted dead because Difronzo’s now know Fratto was extorting people as a gangster, which is why he was paid all the money he decided not to pay taxes on. The reason Fratto was not charged with extortion is because his victims are too afraid to inform on him – the victims covered for him by misleading the feds, saying Fratto earned the money. Fratto’s ‘older friends’ helped him intimidate these people, probably without knowing it, then. Fratto is lucky, he will probably not get killed because of the attention on everyone right now.

    Magnafichi is to the Outfit what Marlon Brando was to acting. Michael is smart. Michael figured it out like only few gangster have ever done. He was never under the influence of the Outfit. The Outfit is a mind game, the member believes his boss is his God. Michael is too smart for that. In other words, Michael honestly did not care enough about the Outfit and its members to maintain good standing – just like Brando as an actor.

    Michael helped me understand that gangsters are as human as you and me. We are capable of doing anything they can do. Wake up Italian Americans, the Outfit is nothing but a gang like the Latin Kings. They are scum bags. better yourself and join the side of right.

  167. Ricardo Montauban on

    Man, knowing that the threat on your life has been renewed, you have some brass b*lls to go and meet with a mutual friend who have with Rudy Fratto!

    Rudy is definitely going to flip if there is another indictment, especially knowing that he’s now officially ostracized and is a marked man.

    Why the hell was he ever made? Was he valuable to the Outfit in any capacity?

    Is Jack P. Cerone (Lawyer) in the Outfit or his he a hanger-on?

  168. hey queer ball
    i always wanted to know why anyone would ever want to stick it in someones hole that shits?
    Shit dick should be your name
    you disguting confused scum bag

  169. Dear Ric,

    Rudy met my friend in person last weekend. However, I merely talked to my friend on the phone, I did not meet with him in person. Therefore, I cannot accept the compliment of having brass. Although I would have met with him in person, but the phone was much more convenient.

    Our mutual friend thinks Rudy is going to flip as well. I never liked predicting who is going to flip. Sometimes the ones you think will flip do not flip and the ones you think will hold up flip.

    Rudy was ‘made’ because his mother, Dottie, was close to Lee Magnafichi and Joey Andriacchi and begged them to ‘make’ her son because he always wanted to be a gangster. I know this sounds like a joke, trust me, it is the truth. In addition, Rudy was recognized to have a special ability with electronics, which was later used for bomb detonation. I would have to include Rudy’s family background with the Outfit, which made everyone feel comfortable letting Rudy in.

    Jack P. Cerone, Esquire, and Rudy Fratto were a match made for each other. Jack, a real millionaire, wanted to be a gangster for many years but could not achieve such goal. Rudy, a real gangster, wanted to be wealthy for many years but could not achieve such goal. Put both of them together and you have a partnership that contains both elements of their dreams. I am very serious about waht I am saying. I am not joking.

  170. Dear Malarky,

    Please stop using bad words on this site.

    Dear Ric, I am not pretending to be anyone on here. Perhaps it is wishful thinking by some that large numbers of people are not coming to this site. If so, your wish has not been granted.

  171. The REAL Ricardo Montauban on

    That 12:22 p.m. comment was not made by me, obviously. Malarky is trying to confuse you and your readers.

  172. Ricardo Montauban on

    What precluded Cerone Esquire from being in the mob–he had a pretty impressive pedigree, as well, wouldn’t you say? I mean “the Lackey” was his father. Why didn’t the Outfit want him?

    Since Rudy is not in a position of power, would he even be able to do any damage if he did flip?

  173. Malarky,

    If you’re accusing Joe of posting his own comments under various pseudonyms, I’ll have you know that just over a week ago KTF celebrated its one-millionth reader.

    Go grind your axe elsewhere.

  174. Dear Ric,

    Jack P. Cerone, Esquire, could not become a gangster for three reasons. First, his late father would not allow it. Second, Johnny DiFronzo hated him too much. Jack P treated his fathers ‘guys’ arrogantly when his father was alive – DiFronzo will never forget it. Lastly, Jack P is not cut out to be a gangster.

    Rudy is not in a position of power; however, he remains a gangster. He has participated in Outfit hits over the years; therefore, he is capable of killing. John Gacy was not in a position of power with the Outfit either.

  175. Dear Cheez,

    As badly as I would like to be open with you, I refuse to perpetuate Fratto’s unlawful actions, drawing attention to the very falsehoods he has espoused over the years, bringing further harm to my reputation.

  176. Cheez,

    In fact, Fratto’s attack on my credibility has been touched upon in this thread. Please reread it. I refuse to waste my time writing about it again. Thank you.












  178. Dear Readers,

    On behalf of KTF Media Group, I wish to clearly state I did not author the potentially libelous comments in this message. In fact, no one from KTF Media authored such comments. I recognize some small errors, which I will not edit. In addition, I recognize a number of assertions that would be malicious if I did not add a clause indicating such assertions are to be considered allegations if displayed by the public via KTF Media Group.

    Below you will see the clarifications made by KTF Media Group. Please associate these clarifications with any other copies of this message on KTF’s site. Thank you.


    (ktf media group regards the publics comments that contain assertions via ktf media group that Rudy Fratto sexually abused his daughter Janell as mere allegations)

    (ktf media group regards the publics comments that contain assertions via ktf media group that Janell Fratto ‘slept with every type of man’ and ‘cheated on her husband’ as mere allegations)

    (ktf media group regards the publics comments that contain assertions via ktf media group that Jeanine Fratto ‘cheated on her husband’ and ‘had a 1 night stand with Tom Selleck’ as mere allegations)


    (ktf media group regards the publics comments that contain assertions via ktf media group that John Rainone and Marco Devito ‘murdered 2 people – named below’ and ‘cut off a mans hand’ as mere allegations)


  179. Dear Readers,

    Please be advised contrary to one assertion in the outlandish comment above, I am NOT executing a vendetta thru my work at KTF Media group. I am spreading awareness about dangers associated with the Outfit members or associates I have covered in my articles.

  180. Dear Readers,

    I would also like to issue the same clause on the piece of information below. Please consider the assertions that John C. Cerone frolics with prostitutes role-playing as a dog is merely an allegation.


  181. Dear Readers,

    KTF Media Group and I have not verified the above-mentioned allegations, which is why we are referring to them as allegations and not facts. Thank you.

  182. Actually I thought Jeanine was involved or married to Vince Forliano.

    Joe I wonder if Rudy will be attending the annual superbowl trip to Las Vegas with his wealthy relative Terry, golf pro emeritus and head golf pro from a certain club in western suburbs and other wannabees in tow.

  183. Dear Bob,

    I believe Janell was married to Mr. Forliano.

    Mr. Fratto is on bond; therefore, he will not be allowed to leave the Northern Federal District of the Chicagoland area.

  184. Dear Riddler,

    I believe the commenter might be referring to the late Frank Fratto, who would be roughly 95-years old today (brother of the late Rudolph Sr), as ‘one ear’. I have no clue about ‘cockeyed’.

  185. Joe, did you know or ever hear of these two alleged murder victims: “Bob Eamon” and “Chris”?

    Is this DiFronzo’s son that is referred to as “Wolfman”? Why was he called “Wolfman”?

  186. Man, this stuff about Cerone on all fours, lifting his leg to piss like a dog is pretty out there. It’s f*cking weird.

    How would this person know that?

    Joe, is Cerone known to be into unorthodox sex stuff? Is it true that he got his ass handed to him by a bunch of Syrians?

  187. Joe, are you and your staff going to try to verify those comments? Wow. Those were some quite interesting comments! It seems is if things were a bit shaken at KTF Media group, am I right?

    Ironic, isn’t it, that Fratto accused you of having questionable feelings for children, yet here we have Mr/s. “!” declaring that Fratto sexually abused his oldest daughter!

    (I understand that this is just an allegation.)

  188. Dear Nostrils,

    I never heard of the alleged murder victims – I never took an interest in the Rainone’s and the DeVito’s (be advised DeVito and DeVita are two different families).

    This is the first I heard of the nickname ‘Wolf man’. I always heard of Johnny’s kid as ‘Johnny’s kid’. I am not disputing the nickname; I am simply not familiar with it.

    I am not surprised by the idea that either Cerone (father or son) would interact with a working girl. However, I am not aware of any dog-walking stories prior to the recent comment on KTF. I have no idea how the commenter would know this stuff unless she is a former prostitute that was involved with either of the Cerone’s.

    I really do not want to discuss peoples sex lives on this thread.

    John C. Cerone (aka little Jackie – son of the lawyer) certainly had his lunch handed to him. I remember like it was yesterday, Willie Messino, Sr, Leo the Greek and I (and another fellow) were having lunch at Cerone’s restaurant, II Jack’s. Little Jackie walked in with a bandage wrapped around his forehead. Willie engaged my attention with a tap, wink and a nod, directing me to look at little Jackie. In a low pitch Willie said, “Look, the kid’s got a turban on his head.” Leo noticed Jackie as well. The three of us laughed quietly, figuring out what must have happened to him. Sure enough, the big goof came over to explain what happened. Those who know little Jackie know he is actually a big man. He is referred to as ‘little Jackie’ because he is the lawyers ‘little’ boy – you know what I mean. As Cerone approached our table – we naturally pretended as if we had not noticed the turban on his head – he told us that some gangbangers threw a bottle at him. And he explained to us the culprits were arrested on felony charges, after he had them beaten worse than he was injured. He further explained he would be suing the place where the incident occurred and he would include Mayor Daley in the lawsuit. I asked what Daley had to do with it – Cerone told me Daley is in charge of the city’s liquor commission. I later learned that Cerone used some advantage of the lawsuit to squeeze his way in to the ownership of the club. Under Cerones ownership the place eventually closed down, as II Jack’s closed down as well.

    Since the incident involving little Jackie’s smashed forehead, I met some nice young men from Grand & Ogden. These men told me that little Jackie instigated what should have ended his life that knight. Apparently, the young men helped him a great deal – thank God. Little Jackie is a big goof, but I could not stand to imagine his wonderful mother Judy enduring the pain of loosing her only son, who she loves more than she loves her own life. For those of you that read my article on the late Clara Cerone please know that I regard her daughter-in-law in the same light – she is a great woman.

    I believe ‘!’ is very credible. However, I maintain that the number of assertions I have previously addressed be considered as allegations. If I had to point out a couple of mistakes, I would correct the segment about Willie Daddono, Sr. I believe John Daddono is Willie’s grandson – not his son. And John Rainone served one year for the stabbing incident, not two.

    Previous to !’s comment, I heard about most of what ‘!’ has shared with us. I never heard about the molestation, dog walking or murders.

  189. magnfying glass on

    Dear Joe,

    A more accurate conclusion to your 2:53 would have made specific mention of dog-like urination, after your mention of “dog walking.”

    The whole dog walking thing is hilarious.

    Joe did DiFronzo love his son who died of an overdose of drugs? Is is steroid nephew involved in the Outfit?

  190. Dear Reader,

    KTF engaged in routine maintenance of our website today. Therefore, you might have experienced slight complications leaving comments. The maintenance has been completed and everything should be okay now. Thank you for participation with KTF Media Group.

  191. Dear Buddy,

    At this time KTF Media group is not going to investigate the allegations asserted by ‘!’. Perhaps in the future KTF will write an article on some of the information presented by ‘!’. At that time, KTF would investigate.

    Fratto and others like him, apparently enjoy making serious (and unsubstantiated) claims of sex crimes against others. I take no part in that.

  192. Dear Magnifying,

    I would think DiFronzo loved his son. I do know that he had several people involved in attacking various drug dealers in an attempt to stop his son from doing drugs. He once leaned on Joe Lombardo’s contacts with the Chicago Police to keep the heat away while some of his thugs entered a known drug house on the west side to baseball bat everyone inside. I guess that is how an Outfit boss expresses his love for his children. Honestly, I can almost agree with this part of his abuse. I have no use for drug dealers, which is why I have been on Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino as much as I have. I intend to rest after Giacchino’s candy store is closed down.

  193. interested reader on

    Joe, if “!” is credible, then I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe even the more serious claims of abuse, murder, JCJ pretending he’s a doggy (woof woof!).

    Is your readership increasing in the wake of your confrontation with Fratto? I’m sure the Outfit is now aware of this site.

    Joe, I hope you found the role-playing thing to be humorous. I hope JCJ didn’t try to take a plop while he was pretending to be a doggy.

  194. Dear Buddy,

    Furthermore, I know that DiFronzo has always kept his son off limits in conversation with friends and acquaintances – before and after his death.

  195. Dear Interested,

    Whether ‘!’ is correct or not with his or her allegations that Cerone behaves like a messy dog in heat, I am sure that all of us will have him in mind every time we walk our dogs, unfortunately.

    KTF’s viewership has almost tripled thanks to the Fratto family. A friend of mine informed me that Fratto spoke to a lawyer recently to discuss his options in dealing with KTF Media Group. Unfortunately, the attorney advised Fratto to do nothing. If Fratto does file, which I doubt he will, such a lawsuit would only drive KTF’s viewership even higher. For the record, it is not my goal to be sued. If it were my goal, I would print false information and I would focus on people that are not against filing lawsuits.

  196. ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff,

  197. Dear Readers,

    I realize the content of Mr. Cerone’s purported behavior has created some indignant overtones in this thread; however, can we please refrain from perpetuating such disgusting images.

  198. Cheez-Its & Malbec on

    Hey “!”

    How did you know that about Rudy’s daughter, and what do you know about the Marcello’s?

  199. Dear Coo-ma-do,

    Several years ago, I was having dinner at the old Horwath’s Restaurant in Elmwood Park, Illinois, with someone that I will always love very much, we were with a few other people and I heard the phrase coo-ma-do for the first time. Do you know what it means?

  200. Dear Chianti Classico,

    As to the allegation that I do not have a wife – who cares?
    Thank you.

  201. Dear Taylor Street,

    The Chicago Outfit has a long-standing reputation for not supporting drug dealing. However, over the years some Outfit affiliates have engaged in the sale of drugs.

    The Outfits partnership with Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr, MD and his evil enterprise called Melrose Park Clinic, has provided something to consider in truly answering your question.

  202. Dear Readers,

    The following information came to me via KTF’s submission page:

    UH-oh! Someone has been a very busy boy at KTF Media, Joe Fosco! Someone has been a very, very, VERY busy boy, indeed!!!

    My message to the person I believe is responsible for the above message: I miss you pal! Clematis Street is a place I plan to visit again.

  203. joe – if rudy reads that stuff about sexual abuse, HE’LL HIT THE CEILING!

    also, i think that if consulted with a lawyer about how to deal with ktf magazine it kid of shows that the death threat is empty. i think you may have beat him!

    are you going to publish anymore articles about rudy?

  204. Joe,

    Is the aforementioned steroid using grandson of John DiFronzo involved in Outfit business?

  205. Dear Cring,

    I have no sympathy for Rudy – if he hits the ceiling that is his problem. A killer like him should not be bothered by words.

    Let us pray his death threat is empty. However, making empty threats is as illegal as making real threats. Bank robbers that use fake guns as weapons are charged with armed robbery as if the gun were real. I would hate to think Rudy consulted a lawyer for immediate results because it might take a while to catch up to me – since he knows I am expecting him.

    Now, I am not inspired to write a new article about Rudy. Feeding this thread with nice people like you seems to be draining such inspiration – I have no regrets. It would take a rather significant revelation for me to find the inspiration needed to write something.

  206. Mitch,

    Johnny’s grandson works for Mrs. Peter DiFronzo at D & P/JKS Venture in Melrose Park, Illinois.

  207. Joe,

    I’m still honestly puzzled as to why Warmbir, Kass, etc. would completely ignore you. Kass not really, because he’s more of a story-ist and loves to write those types of columns, but Warmbir even has a blog on Sun Times and your RICO case never even made it on there, despite coverage of Fratto. These guys do not give you much credit, but they seem credible themselves. Why?


  208. Yes, I’ve specifically emailed and posted to Warmbir before about Joe Fosco and KTF and have been completely ignored.

  209. Dear Anon,

    Thanks to the World Wide Web KTF Media Group does not have to pray for support from its competition.

    You are correct; Chicago’s Dynamic Duo – Warmbir and Kass, did not mention my RICO case. However, the once third largest media mogul in the world – a man who hobnobbed with Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, Martha Stewart, Queen Elizabeth, Donald Trump and Henry Kissinger (to name a few people) – was decent enough to mention my ‘legal initiative’ in an article originally published via the National Review Online (this can easily be verified on the internet – KTF has published its version as well). In case you do not know, I was referring to Lord Black of Crossharbour – former owner of Mr. Warmbir’s place of employment.

    Thanks are to God the United States Supreme Court is expected to overturn the wrongful fraud convictions of Conrad Black sometime this year. Google the subject – you can see for yourself that legal analysts around the globe are saying the same thing – Conrad will win.

    I cannot answer your question about Warmbir and Kass, as I cannot speak for the Dynamic Duo.

  210. Dear Nick,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    For your information, Kass and Warmbir really are mice in the media world. And, I am a mini-mouse, for now. I need Kass and Warmbir like I need another death threat made against me. I do admire Kass, but I could live without him, as I have been doing right along.

  211. crime invstigator on


    Since there is a connection between Dr. Giacchino and the Cerone’s do you think it is possible that the doctor maliciously prescribed this bizarre doggy behavior to Little Jackie Cerone? Do you think Giacchino could have prescribed it as a secret gag, hoping that it would lead to a VERY embarrassing situation someday for Mr. Cerone? Or do you think Cerone’s behavior could be attributable to a more organic, psychological perversion?

    Do you think the person who made the 4:34 and 4:40pm comments yesterday was none other than Little Jack Cerone, who could have been protesting this thread via his doggy persona?

  212. Dear Crime,

    If there were one doctor on this planet that would consider issuing such a prescription it would definitely be Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr, MD. However, I do not believe that is the case in the alleged Cerone matter. In fact, I do not want to discuss anything on this matter because it has not been substantiated as true.

    The Cerone family is far too arrogant to spend their time reading anything that I would write. However, I believe Judge Cerone-Marisie is the only exception. Not because she lacks arrogance, but because she values her job as judge and wants to seek reelection in 2012. She is aware that I have made valid assertions in some of my articles against her position as judge. Her former opponents are also aware of my valid assertions. While she will insist that I have an ax to grind in an attempt to discredit me, the assertions I have made are real.

    When a caller dials 9-1-1, the caller is not investigated to determine if he or she has an ax to grind with the suspect, the police are dispatched and the suspect is questioned. If the caller has been honest, the suspect is arrested regardless of the caller’s motive to dial 9-1-1. The individuals that I write about want the readers to pay no attention to me because I might have an ax to grind. News flash, almost every whistle blower has an ax to grind. If the courts stopped listening to whistle blowers the courts would have a lot more free time.

  213. Eugene Piccolo on

    Uh, would you care to provide an explanation as to your behavior in the matter of the night club harassment of Mr. Cerone in the State of A-R-I-Z-O-N-A???

  214. Please do not show me that face ever again!

    Dear Eugene,

    I was once on vacation in Arizona, where I had been making a habit of going in early 2005. One mistake I made was booking my trips thru a friend of Jack Cerone – Nitti Travel. On my final trip to Arizona, I discovered Jackie Cerone (aka little Jackie) at one of the trendiest nightclubs in Phoenix. I was shocked to see him, I foolishly waived at him. Unfortunately, I was on Misdemeanor bond at the time for the phone harassment case his father lodged against me as a diversion tactic, creating a reasonable doubt that he would be the aggressor – making himself out as a victim (what would you expect from a veteran attorney). When we returned to Chicago (separately), the Cerone’s decided to expose me for jumping bond by leaving the State of Illinois without permission (mistake #2). In addition, they strategically shaped it for the court as if I followed little Jackie there. Jackie testified that I waived to him, which was an additional violation of my bond – no contact of any kind. Nonetheless, the Cerone’s succeeded in having my bond raised by 100-thousand dollars, which caused me to spend a few hours in the beautiful Cook County Jail. Be advised, ultimately I did not sustain a conviction for the harassment case.

    Here is a piece of the court transcript:'s%20Testimony/index.html

  215. Actually, you have to cut and paste the link above (Cerone’s Testimony). The link is so long that you cannot click on it.

  216. Dear Anon,

    I have asked one of my writers to crank up a piece for today’s anniversary of KTF’s second year in existence. I asked that he address some areas of blogging that might help you understand the problem Warmbir and Kass have with me/KTF. Look for it – it will be up in a bit.

  217. The first sentence in my 12:35 comment was directed to ‘Crime’. Sorry that I forgot to include that.

  218. Canine Behaviorist on


    Judging from that photograph, he appears to be a large, strapping man. However, it is difficult to gauge his precise body composition.

    If !’s allegations of canine role-playing are true (and if he is low in body fat), then it is not unreasonable to assume that he may enjoy imagining himself as a lean and athletic breed, such as a Spinone Italiano or Segugio Italiano.

    On the other hand, if he is a bit pudgy, he may fancy himself to be a Rottweiler, or perhaps even Neapolitan Mastiff in the context of these alleged canine fantasies.

    Strictly speaking, the Neapolitan Mastiff has the largest bladder of the bunch, and can therefore produce a wider and much more forceful stream of urine than the other breeds I just mentioned. Please be advised that the Neapolitan Mastiff is capable of maintaining a steady stream of urine for a much longer period of time, as well.

    (There was no mention of defecation in the alleged role-playing, so I will not comment on the potential of any these breeds in that respect. Please publish a request if you are interesting in reading my thoughts on the matter; I would be happy to oblige.)

    Mr. Fosco, when you saw him in Phoenix, AZ, did he exhibit any of this alleged canine behavior or did he comport himself in the manner of a regular, bipedal human being?

  219. Is Gary Gagliano still active? Are the DiFronzo’s of Elmhurst IL related to No Nose? Is John DiFrozo Catholic? Is Michael Magnafichi Catholic?

  220. Hi Joe
    When you heard the word coo-ma-do at Horwaths were you sitting with a married friend of yours who was ignoring his wife and talking to a younger lady? I heard it there but im not sure what it means. It reminds me of old friends and good times.

  221. ! –

    Did the prostitute you mentioned have a big ass, and, if so, could you please post her contact information?

  222. Dear KO’d,

    I would not bet on it. The Outfit is still here, although I wish you were correct. The fact that I am still alive is because of three things. First, I have focused a great deal of attention on the murder plot against me. Second, I take several precautions in conducting my daily routine. Third, I believe the Outfit could have decided against doing anything to me in a clever way to provide an argument that it no longer exists, i.e., “look Fosco is still alive, the Outfit must have died.”

  223. Dear Horrendous,

    I have no reason to suspect that Gary Gags is unavailable to Johnny DiFronzo, and/or Joey A, although, Joey A is clearly out of the rackets all together.

    I do not know of the DiFronzo’s of Elmhurst, what are the first names?

    DiFronzo and Magnafichi are both Catholic.

  224. Dear Coo-ma–do,

    I believe I was seated at such table. Do you know if someone from another table attempted to interject in my party’s conversation?

    Yes – old friends and good times. It would be nice to experience those days one more time.

  225. joe,

    i’m doing an outfit scrapbook for publication. i’m trying to track down baby pictures of joe difronzo. do you have any pictures of joe difronzo.

    (ps., joe difronzo got busted for pot.)

  226. Dear Scrap,

    I am aware that Joe was busted for pot.

    I do not have baby pictures of Joe, sorry.

  227. Joe,
    Oh how funny I think it was about Nell
    “Excuse me, mind your own business please, thank you”
    Same place different day, no?

  228. Dear Coo-ma-do,

    Yes, same day. I had forgotten the subject until you reminded me. Thank you.

    I assume the email address you have provided to KTF is valid, if so, perhaps I will send you an email, in a more private setting.

  229. jimmy the knob on

    Does Rudolph C. Fratto, Jr., maintain a relationship with his pseudo-celebrity relative, Johhny Fratto? Is Johnny Fratto involved in Outfit business?

  230. Dear Jimmy,

    I believe Rudy was maintaining some contact with the celebrity relative during the game show phase the stared on. I do not have a current status for you, unfortunately. I do know that in 2004 or 2005, Rudy was going thru one of my contacts in attempt to reach R. Kelly (when his criminal case was pending) on behalf of a much younger relative of his that was aspiring to be a rap singer. I did all I could do to thwart his attempts and believe that I have succeeded. Giving the extortion and threats Rudy participated in against me, I was not going to allow him to benefit further thru my connections.

  231. Actually, you probably did his “much younger relative” a favor, as Rudy would have no doubt “armed” him for everything he’s worth. Also, I think it says a lot about Fratto that he was willing to put a youngster into contact with R. Kelly!

  232. Dear Buddy,

    I had nothing against the young singer. I never met him. Of course, Rudy would have armed the young artist, which is why I made sure my contact would not inadvertently perpetuate an additional extortion situation.

  233. Joe, are/were you a supporter of Michael Jackson and R. Kelly? I thought I remember hearing or reading that.

  234. Can someone tell me who “Singing Joe” Vento is?

    Also, I’m sick and tired of checking this site and seeing Nick Gio questions.


    You are pleased to notice that Joseph Fosco said one of his readers is very credible, but also told me that my own sources were bad, very very bad! (I will not argue with this. My relative ALMOST ruined me!) The implication is that my source was total HOGWASH. (Joe, I don’t blame you.) BUTT, I have a new source, and I’m am calling upon Joe Fosco to provide me with the email address of “mr. !” (excalmation) point), so i can investigate further. Joe, I also have a question: is there any token to the theory that either Joe DiFronzo or Chuck Giancana will be the next boss of the Chicago Outfit? Dear Joe, please take care and congratulations on your blog. You are truly fighting the good fight.
    Joe PS. Please put up any information that you may have about Jeeps Daddino or especially if there is any token to the theory that the Godfather movie is based on the Outfit.

  236. You need your own YouTube channel, KTF Media Group! You’ll reach a wider audience and draw more attention to your cause(s). I’m not saying that you ditch the blog, but the YouTube channel could be a way to augment your media project.

    Please consider it!

  237. Dear Buddy,

    I never met either Jackson or Kelly. Therefore, I cannot state with certainty are either guilty or innocent. All I have to go on is the jury’s verdict, which in both cases was not guilty. I support the verdict. I support due process more than I support them. However, in the Jackson and Kelly Cases, from the beginning my hunch told me they were not guilty. I am pleased that a jury verdict affirmed my hunch in both cases.

  238. Joe –

    I actually went back and read that you previously met with Kass to share some of your information. I am not sure if there was more than one meeting. Can you enlighten on what you may have shared with him (I assume just to suggest he write in his column the number of claims you have been making in your columns on this site). Do you still communicate with him and do you know who his sources are regarding the Outfit? In your opinion, how accurate is he? He writes a lot about DeLeo as well (D-How You Doin’, as he says).

    Also (completely different subject) have you ever read the book “Busted” by Adam Resnick? It is about a gambling addict in Chicago and mentions a certain “State Senator” involved in illegal gambling, although not by name.

    Funny how widespread these rumors are about specific elected officials, yet Chicago mainstream media refuses to investigate. Maybe Chuck Goudie can follow them around and see where they have lunch for a month…


  239. Dear Vin,

    The only way you will get classified information out of me would be to convince a judge to order me to hand it over. Sorry.

  240. Dear Mint,

    We have been considering a YouTube program for quite some time. Perhaps your nudge is what is needed to push us to get it done. Thanks.

  241. Dear Anon,

    I met with Kass for the first time roughly 5-years ago. I do not recall all of the things discussed between us. I do remember that Jack P. Cerone, Esquire, was the main reason for my meeting with Kass. Jack had recently filed a trumped up Class B Misdemeanor charge of Harassment by Telephone against me. My former doctor advised me to meet with Kass to discuss the possibilities of exposing Cerone and his cronies for reasons that my former doctor understood better than me. The doctor I am referring to is the disgraced Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr, MD.

    My second meeting with Kass took place in front of the federal building last March. Ironically, I was walking out of the building after filing my civil RICO complaint against the Outfit while Kass was walking in on another matter. We chatted in front of the building for a few minutes discussing the suit I filed.

    My third meeting with Kass took place at Fratto’s sentencing last month. I emailed Kass the day before the hearing to find out if he would be at the hearing; he confirmed that he would be there.

    I have not communicated with Kass a great deal of times. I remain open to reaching out to him in the future.

    I never read the book “Busted.”

    Jimmy DeLeo is an interesting person; I plan to study him quite a bit in the near future.

  242. Dear Readers,

    Please let us know if you would be willing to visit KTF on YouTube if we decide to start a video program. Thank you.

  243. Dear Anon,

    Dr. Giacchino is very much connected to the Outfit. He sent me to meet with Kass as Giacchino wanted to place some attention on Cerone and his cronies hoping it would scare them away from him. Giacchino and I were talking about going in to business together. However, Giacchino was beholden to the Outfit for favors concerning his medical license. Because of our known closeness, Giacchino thought if I stood up to the Outfit publicly, the Outfit would run away from both of us. What I ultimately discovered is Giacchino was using me and the Outfit to better himself in a number of different ways not caring about either of us. The more recent Giacchino articles do a much better job of explaining it.

  244. Joe,

    I would definitely go and watch your YouTube channel.

    The one drawback I foresee would be if you don’t want OC figures knowing what you look like, you’d have to think of a way to alter your appearance or some clever way of concealing what you look like.

    Also, YouTube would probably give you a wider audience and there’d be no way of keeping up with the comments. That said, if I were you I’d try to keep this website (KTF Media Group) as the main forum where reader questions can be asked and answered.

    That’s just my 2-cents.

  245. John Spiliotis on

    Joe, can you give us description of how your most recent death threat was relayed to you? I know you probably won’t say who told you. But, I’m wondering how it happened.

    Did someone call up and say: “Yeah, sorry man, but their going to try to kill you again”?

    How would your source know about this plot anyway?

  246. Dear John,

    Your question has been addressed, partially in the article, and in the comment thread. Thank you.

  247. I saw Rudy at a sporting event within the last couple of years. Don’t know if it was a son, nephew, or friend with him. All I can tell you is Rudy is one of the most immature human beings I have ever witnessed. On top of this he is no tough guy!

  248. Joe – the 3:58 p.m. commenter (“Vin”) asked something about Joe DiFronzo or Chuck (?) Giancana being the next boss, but I noticed you didn’t address that part of his question in your answer. Is it at all likely that either of these men could be the next boss?

    If no, then why not?

  249. Dear Steve,

    I am not surprised by your findings. You were likely at a hockey game. You are correct, Rudy does not seem like a tough guy, however, and it does not take a tough guy to pull a trigger.

  250. Dear Mel,

    I am sorry it slipped my mind. I would be glad to answer.

    The answer is NO. Chuck Giancana is further from being a gangster than Pee Wee Herman. Therefore, boss is simply out of the question. If by chance Mooney ‘made’ chuck many years ago, no one is here to affirm it, which means it is as good as if it never happened. In addition, if someone were aware of it (which I am being kind suggesting the possibility exists) no one would care. That being ‘made’ stuff is a bunch of nonsense these days. DiFronzo does not care about anyone but his grandson and himself. Excuse me; I will add his brother Pete and Tore Gagliano to the list.

    When Joe DiFronzo first became a fugitive in the early 1990’s on the marijuana case, brother John, who was Carlisi’s underboss, told Carlisi that if we wants to ‘knock him down’ because of the drug related betrayal that he would support the decision. I believe this is why Joe was on the lam more than it being the fear of serving prison time. John forgiving Joe is a recent development. Nonetheless, no one with a say in the Outfit would consider Joe DiFronzo for the job as boss. I am not so sure he is even made. I will get back to you on that.

  251. Mike Sarno could be the next boss, as he runs Cicero, currently. Correct? I can’t who else would want the job because typically bosses end up in the can.

  252. Dear Boris,

    Sarno is regarded as the boss now, and has been for several years (and an unqualified boss at that). When Joe Andriacchi stepped away from day-to-day boss in the mid 1990’s, Cicero started to run everything. Sarno has been day-to-day boss for a long time. This is why DiFronzo can be detached from the day-to-day stuff. Difronzo is not interested in overseeing Chicago rackets. He is happy to be making plenty of money from his gambling enterprises abroad.

    DiFronzo’s power comes in the form of the respect Sarno has for him (and others like Sarno). If Difronzo reached out for Sarno to advise him on something, or request a favor, Sarno wood gladly oblige.

  253. Sarno is pretty young by Outfit standards.

    Your 12:40 post is very interesting. Do you mean, Sarno is “the boss” of Cicero, or Sarno is “the boss” of the whole enchilada (that is, the Outfit)? In the case of the latter, are you saying that Sarno was Andriacchi’s successor? Where does James Marcello fit into all of this?

    Weren’t the Marcello’s based out of Cicero? Also, who is higher on the totem pole: James Marcello (prior to his incarceration) or Mike Sarno?

  254. Dear Boris,

    I reworded a sentence from my previous comment, which I have listed below. And below that is the replacement sentence.

    DiFronzo’s power comes in the form of the respect Sarno has for him (and others like Sarno).

    DiFronzo’s power comes in the form of respect that Sarno and guys like Sarno have for DiFronzo.

  255. Dear Boris,

    I would say the power went from Andriacchi to Marcello to Sarno. Yes, Cicero is the controlling crew, of the entire Outfit. DiFronzo made this possible.

  256. Ok, that makes sense. Marcello was heard on surveillance tape worrying about what “Flapjack” would make of Nick Calabrese’s suspicious behavior. “Flapjack” (I believe) was identified as Andriacchi–supposedly because in his youth Andriacchi was a short-order cook at some breakfast joint.

    He also mentions (in code) John DiFronzo (who he called “that guy”); Peter DiFronzo (“that guy’s brother); Matassa; Zizzo (before his disappearance); Lombardo; Tornabene; Frank Calabrese; Louis Marino; Dino Marino; and Sal DeLaurentis.

    Joe, do you know who these nicknames refer to?

  257. The point I was trying to make in the first part of my last post is that it’s puzzling that there was no mention of Sarno at all by Marcello.

  258. Dear Boris,

    I will get back to you on ‘goggles’. I will have to ask my sorce about that one.

    Bug = Johnny ‘The Bug’ Varelli
    Dinger = Jerry Carsello
    Dyno = Sam DeStefano aka Mad Sam

  259. When Mickey (Marcello) gets out of prison, will he have to fight it out with Sarno over control of Cicero–assuming that Sarno isn’t in prison–or will he just take over? It is my understanding that the Marcello name is a little more esteemed than that of “Sarno.”

    Is Mickey Marcello made? He was listed as the #1 threat against the safety of Calabrese. (#2 was Toots Caruso.)

  260. Dear Magik,

    Marcello’s will not have to fight anyone, especially Sarno. And, Sarno might be tucked away in prison for the next 20-years anyhow. No matter what, he is on his way.

    Is Mickey ‘made’? That is debatable. It is a 50/50 that he is ‘made’. Whatever the case may be, I do not see Mickey becoming the boss in the future. I would not be surprised if Solly Cataudella becomes the boss. Solly is another unqualified candidate, but that seems to be the style for the Outfit these days.

  261. Dear Magik,

    Sarno and Solly are not only unqualified candidates but they both unworthy as well.

  262. JF,

    There was supposed to be an attempt on Solly Cataudella’s life about three or four years ago, but the assassin killed the wrong person. This happened in the North Suburbs just two months after the disappearance of LT Zizzo. (Makes you wonder if Marcello or DiFronzo were cleaning house in the wake of the Family Secrets indictments.)

    “Cataudella” is a rarely heard name. What makes you suspect that he just might be in line for boss? What about guys like John Matassa or Frank Caruso?

  263. RE: my comment at 12:56 pm on 2/9/10

    Dear Boris,

    I wish to correct my earlier comment. The day-to-day power after Andriacchi went to Johnny “Apes” Monteleone, after that to Marcello and now Sarno. If there were interim bosses in between, I simply lost track. However, the names I have provided are solid.

  264. Regarding my previous comment:

    I was in doubt about naming Marcello as day-to-day boss because he was in prison. I thought perhaps he might have been able to direct his crew from prison, which would be extremely rare – my source recently told me ‘no’. However, it had slipped my mind that Little Al was in charge for a while – I knew this well but it slipped my mind, sorry. Therefore, I wish to reconfigure my list as follows:

    Day-to-day power of the Outfit in the last 15-years as follows:

    Andriacchi to Monteleone to Tornabene to Sarno.

    Throughout the all the administration changes over the years, DiFronzo has the power to do as he pleases, as every one of the individuals named in my list would honor his wishes.

  265. Why does DiFronzo have any power over these individuals? Literally, where does his power come from? “Respect” isn’t a valid answer. Does he pay them? Does he pay the politicians or police in their areas? Seems that’s all what the Outfit is about, so it must be about cash DiFronzo provides, right?

  266. Dear Anon,

    Think of how a new artist like country singer Miley Cyrus would react if Patsy Cline were alive and the two had met? Or, the respect a young computer programmer would have for Bill Gates. DiFronzo is a giant in his industry. He is likely linked to the JFK and Giancana assassinations. He orchestrated the murders of seven buglers in the 1970’s, brutally killing some of them himself and acted as underboss for several years after Airuppa and Cerone went away. This is what makes young gangsters respect him; not money – the respect is based on fear, and becomes respect because of it.

  267. Joe

    Mock Fratto all you want, but the movie Godfather III was based on his criminal life: the deals, the hits, the double-crosses, and the power plays that reached from Chicago to Hollywood to New York.

    DIFronzo will undoubtedly care for Fratto’s family while Fratto is in the can–when he comes out, I wouldn’t be surprise if he was boss, or underboss, or had a seat on the commission.

  268. Lonnie Donnegan on

    Somewhere on your site you state that Rudy gives all of his money to women, and I was hoping you could elaborate. Are you saying his interested in chasing skirts?

    I’m surprised with all the money that he has extorted from people that he is in financial trouble. He extorted hundreds of thousands.

    When I went to check that Dupage website to see about the shoplifting, I couldn’t find it. When I went back a warning message popped up warning me that only defendants and their attorneys should be using the site. What was the shoplifting incident?

    If I ever got arrested for shoplifting, my dad would have murdered me when I was a kid. Adults usually don’t shoplift. This is extremely mysterious and confusing as to why an adult would shoplift.

  269. Dear Lonnie,

    I am not sure how to elaborate further – Rudy is the kind of person that resorts to spending money when seeking romance. Look at his photograph, what woman would be motivated to engage in romantic encounters with Rudy Fratto, Jr, unless financial incentives were on the table. Do you not believe a gangster is capable of infidelity?

    It is interesting that you took it upon yourself to single out DuPage County when looking up Kim Fratto for shoplifting (unless I mentioned DuPage County). You are correct; Kim’s name no longer appears in the court records. The two shoplifting arrests that I am aware of were discharged and the arrests were expunged. That is why you cannot find the records. Successful defense attorney Rick Kayne defended Kim. Rick is a former high-ranking Assistant States Attorney in DuPage County. He is capable of landing great deals for his clients thru his former office, the DuPage County States Attorney’s Office.

    Be advised, I have sources that have corroborated that Kim is a shoplifter. Thank you.

  270. Lonnie Donnegan on

    Yes, you mentioned DuPage–otherwise I’d have had no idea. What exactly happened? Maybe if the family is under financial stress, she needed to steal bread for her children, or maybe even light bulbs for their home. I guess this is the kind of thing that could be forgiven.

    Why the Ma Barker epithet?

  271. Dear Lonnie,

    Being poor are no excuse to violate the law. Her church would provide light bulbs and bread if she had pleaded her case to the Church.

    Her last shoplifting case that I am aware of occurred at a store similar to Wal-Mart. I believe it was nearly $200.00 in items that she tried steeling. That would be a lot of bread and light bulbs; of course, I do not have a list of the items.

    Keep in mind, while Kim was steeling nearly $200.00 of items, Rudy was cashing checks from his bank account at Midwest Bank for thousands of dollars, according to the bank records that I have. Yes, I have Fratto’s bank records. I subpoenaed his records when I was suing him.

    The Ma Barker epithet (as you call it) is really a legitimate comparison – Kim smokes cigars, like Barker, steels and associates with other criminals, like her husband.

  272. The 8:30 comment is off-base, as far I know.
    The Outfit is known to be extremely niggardly with their cashflow, and when one of its members goes to prison, they are more or less left to their own devices and resources.
    That any movie has ever been made that focuses on the life of Fratto is an extremely stupid idea.

  273. Dear Frito,

    Thank you for reminding me to comment on the DiFronzo will take care of Fratto statement. I agree with you Frito. The only way Fratto will get money out of DiFranzo is by robbing him.

  274. Joe,

    With Rudy Fratto’s $800,000 (over seven years) in unreported income, plus all of his reported income, plus his wife’s income from her “Blue Skies Travel & Leisure,” plus any profits from theft (as you allege), and any other income, WHY DO THE FRATTO KIDS NEED TO TAKE OUT STUDENT LOANS FOR THEIR COLLEGE EDUCATION?!

  275. Dear Inqu,

    My guess is that the Fratto’s spent their loot as fast as they made it on pleasurable things, not thinking once about educating their children first. Before we bettered ourselves as a society, we used to call such irresponsibility ‘nigger rich’ (I do not condone or promote racial slurs – the use of the word ‘nigger’ was for educational purposes – we as a society have changed for the better. If I have offended anyone, please accept my explanation and apology). Thank you.





  277. Dear Blob,

    I forgot about her travel exchange business. I assumed she was no longer doing it after I heard her tell the judge Rudy is the only breadwinner in the house. If she is still in the business, maybe the court should be aware of her dishonesty. Perhaps a contempt charge would be in order – seeing she was not under oath a perjury charge would probably not apply.

    Mary Ann Mungo told me she bought a 10-thousand dollar package a few years ago from Kim for her and her two kids to go to Mexico. After arriving, Mary Ann realized that Kim probably made a 7-thousand dollar commission. Perhaps the IRS should sneak a quick peek in to Blue Skies.

  278. Joe,
    I was reading on another website that little Jackie cerone has been sent out to L.A. to be part of the Johnnie Fratto crew. Do you think this is true? Keep up the good work and your head down.

  279. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Tony,

    Little Jackie to me means the gangsters grandson. I do not know anything about this California situation. I believe the two would make a good match (Jackie and J. Fratto). Neither has seemed to disengage from the ancient history of their infamous families – glorification. I will look in to it to see what I can find. Thank you.

  280. Does anyone know if it is true that Mary Ann had an affair with Jerry’s brother-in-law Barry, which resulted in a limousine business deal benefiting Barry, at Jerry’s expense?

  281. Johnie Fratto is that the guy that sold/built a motorcycle to Paris Hilton?

    If it is he looks like the typical midwest transplant Hollywood metrosexual goof!

    Maybe that would suit little Jackie?

  282. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Bob,

    I believe that is the Johnnie Fratto you are talking about – I hope little Jackie brought his leash.

  283. Joe with regard to your 1:26am post. I enjoy your site though as of late t seems to become something of a bully pulpit o some days. But all in all it is decent Joe. Curious why you decided to start beating down on Johnny Fratto, did he do something to you? Do you know him? I do, rather well and much of his family some decent people though I am not a fan of Rudy either nor do I believe he is. But they are family. Johnny is a very decent guy who never tries to act as if he is outfit and is the first one to admit he is not nor does he wish to be a gangster. Maybe people are jealous because he is rich and makes money doing something other chasing outfit dreams. Does he make a few bucks on his families history in the outfit? Sure he does but he is not out scamming people and killing and robbing and I will tell you has NO Hollywood crew. I know the LA crew or what’s left of them. I assume Tony and Bob has a grudge against Johnny for some reason but am guessing they don’t even know him in fact. As for even the thought of Jackie coming out here to join his non existent crew? Ridiculous and that is what tells me Tony and Bob have no clue. Jackie is without doubt a goof big time. In fact I was there the night he got his nut split open by the Kings and deserved it. They would have killed him if they had the chance. I know them well. But why must you jump on the band wagon busting on a guy who did nothing to you guys. Yeah he knows who you are and even has said he has no reason to begrudge you. He does not glorify outfit at all though it is glorified on this site. Just the simple fact you prop some guys up and brea others down. Jackie is a goof, Johnny is not, you can’t compare the two. How do I qualify to say anything on here? I know more about being o the street than must of he guys on here. I spent my while lie out there. Those who know don’t need to bust on there people to validate what they know. You seem like a decent guy Je who is ding what he’s gotta do to survive. Don’t lower yourself to the standards of many goofs on here.

    Good Fortune Joe

  284. Sorry Joe correction on my third to last sentence I meant to say I spent my whole ‘life’ out there on the street since I was a kid.

  285. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Regular,

    I do not appreciate when people such as Johnny Fratto glorify the infamous reputations of deceased family members. There is nothing to be proud of in having relatives that have committed crimes. If I have offended you, I am sorry. I do not know Johnny Fratto, nor do I need to know him to write what I have written about him. I have no doubt that Johnny is a decent man in many ways. However, the YouTube video’s that I have watched do not show his decent side. He glorifies the entire Outfit lifestyle.
    Perhaps I am missing something. Is he making fun of the lifestyle? If so, I would have an entirely different impression of him. Right now, I think his videos are goofy.

  286. Joe
    Thanks for replying to my post. You did not offend me whatsoever. I think Seeker has it correct. Johnny more often than not makes fun of the whole thing and some though not all family members. For better or worse he is loyal to his family as I am sure so are you. Just as you intend to make a buck on writing a book bout the outfit in the future so does Johnny just give people what they seek, entertainment. Though I cannot say for certain I believe he views his cousin in the same light as many contributors to your site do and in some ways much as you do. ‘Smoke and mirrors’ and making a buck is what matters in Hollywood Joe just as what you have in your pocket or what you kick up to the greedy pigs upstairs determines you status and standing in outfit life. You don’t make a buck here Joe? Should anyone with nefarious family members or boyhood friends be judged and relegated to ridicule and contempt prior to investigation? If so Joe then guys like you and I should stand ready to be judged. If that’s the case let’s call it what it is and each other what we are.
    Maybe we will have simultaneous book signings?

  287. Please excuse any typos in the above post as my keyboard acts funny. I despise my own typos!

    Two questions if you would not mind Joe. Not requesting details, in all the years you were a ‘hanger on’, ‘associate’ or whatever you refer to ourself as, within outfit circles didn’t you ever have to ‘qualify’ yourself so to speak as a standup guy in those tight circles by committing illegal acts? I know in my circles I did and could not have remained in that circle if I did not. I would find it highly unusual though not necessarily impossible if you did not have to.

    Also is the John Rainone written about here and whom I do not know the same Chicago guy John Rainone trying to break into acting? Just a question I thought you may know the answer to. So I know whom to or not to invite into the circles i walk in today. I got enough of my own problems.

  288. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Seeker,
    If Johnny is doing an impression of Rudy, then perhaps I have misunderstood the footage I have watched. If he were not genuinely promoting the gangster culture, I would apologize to him for inadvertently being offensive.

  289. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Regular,

    Never have I meant that “anyone with nefarious family members or boyhood friends be judged and relegated to ridicule and contempt.” My concern with Johnny pertains to the message he gives in his work, glorifying a corrupt lifestyle, whether by acting or actually being a gangster sends the same message to youngsters in society. Perhaps Johnny should consider adding a disclaimer in the beginning of his show. Somewhat how stunt actors usually say, “Whatever you do, do not try this at home.”

    In my years of wasting my life with Outfit members and associates, the only infractions I committed were the acts of participating as a gambler in Jack P. Cerone and Rudy Fratto’s gaming enterprise. The fact that I had access to money and chose to hand it over, or spend it is what “qualified” me to “associate.”

    I have not heard anything about John Rainone (the one occasionally mentioned in threads on this site) breaking in to acting. However, if it is true, I wish him the best of luck, because crime will only put him in prison. If he has reformed, I would take my hat off to him and anyone that cleans up his or her act.

    On another subject, please read my new article:

  290. Dear readers,

    I am aware of the situation. I will be writing an article on the matter, which should be published tonight or tomorrow morning. Thank you.


    The more I read about this Fratto story, the more I realize that everything youve been saying about Cleveland, Cerone, and everything is 100% accurate.

    So, Rudy is a bragger and showboat?

  292. John Kass says this is the beginning of a “tsunami” of charges coming against the Outfit.


    Kass also says DiFronzo has gone “underground” though from what I’ve read he can be found nearly every day at the same restaurant, so I don’t know if that qualifies as “underground.”

  293. Jennifer XXXXXX on

    please elaborate. i have a friend who hangs with the family and it sounds like the Fratto’s are no good. I am interested in hearing more or direct me to an article please.

  294. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Jennifer,

    I will be writing an article very soon, on Rudy, addressing the new charges. I have not started it yet. I will start it this evening.

  295. How embarassing to even be talking about John Rainone he was and still is the biggest wannabe gangster around. And speaking of a rat, beefer telling on his dad. Did you know that while his so called friend Anthony Giannone was in jail that the unemployed lowlife John was having a relationship with Anthonys wife and then married her.

    • Dear Harlem,
      Nick is fighting his case in front of the Illinois Supreme Court. It is not a very interesting story.

  296. IP Address on


    you were never a labor arbitrator. prove it.

    yes, you’ve never been… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i hear you owe… money. why is that? (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).
    oh no! joe fosco has an ip address. did you ever think i could be using a computer at an apple store, library, or borrow someone’s comoputer at a coffee shop for $5? i could use someone’s cell phone for god’s sake… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Furthermore, your comment proves your intent to harass. Every time you ask someone to barrow their phone to send harassing comments to this site, you are exposing your physical identity to an eyewitness. Thank you, American News Post).
    mr. cerone still has all the voice mails you ever left him… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i never… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – false statements and insults are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    • Dear IP Address,
      I thought it was understood that I was never an actual labor arbitrator; I have never stated that I was. In fact, I explain it in detail here:
      Yes, my finances are somewhat compromised right now. You are asking me why my finances are compromised. Ask John and Peter DiFronzo, Rudy Fratto, Jack P. Cerone, Esq., and Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr.
      As to the voice mails that I left Jack P. Cerone, Esq., regarding the threats on my life that he played a part in, you may read the court transcripts, which detail the voicemails, here:
      In addition, you may access this article,, which provides a very clear understanding of the details pertaining to the voicemails that you have mentioned. Thank you.
      Please Cease And Desist With Your Lunacy!
      Joseph Fosco

  297. f@rt on a horsey b*ner on


    I apologize in advance for reverting back to my old handle. I was just reminiscing about the good old days when I used to spar with Harlem Playboy in the KTF Media threads. Speaking of Harlem Playboy, I thought of him when I came across the following quote:

    “Galioto is described by Federal sources as an associate of such mob heavyweights as Nicholas Gio, Frank Schweihs, Louis Daddano, William Daddano, and other charted members within the Outfit.”

    Gio a heavyweight? What do you think about that?

    Anyway, here the rest of the article:

    One time you mentioned you were planning on an article focusing on one of the Daddonos and his involvement with Nick Gio. Do you still plan on writing that one?

    Take care, Joe.