Wednesday, March 26

Former Gangster Rehabilitates As Sports Columnist

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As Publisher of American News Post, I am proud to announce that we have gained an extremely talented sports expert to head our new sports division. His name is Michael Magnafichi.

For over 30-years Michael traveled in intimate and powerful circles within the Chicago Outfit (Chicago Mafia) and primarily operated as a bootleg sports gaming czar, overseeing tens of millions of dollars in Outfit gaming revenue. For those interested in learning more about Michael’s former life as a gangster, please read this article.

Michael’s love for sports – particularly golf, football, hockey, basketball and baseball – made his former occupation as a gaming boss for the Mafia a job that he enjoyed very much. Today, he is pleased to be free from the chains of the underworld and looks forward to his new life as an honest man. During the years Michael worked in sports book, he truly became an expert handicapper and athletic history guru. I believe that he will bring a very unique and talented perspective to ANP’s new sports division.

Please keep your eyes open for Michael’s sports column which is coming very soon. Thank you.


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