Sunday, March 9

Publisher Joe Fosco Visits Memory Lane

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I found it amusing when my father would occasionally find an item that he fell in love with that was reasonably priced at $500.00 or $1,000.00. Because of the great pains he took to look financially strapped the dealer assumed he could not buy the item. Then, out of the blue, my father would miraculously discover he had enough funds to make the purchase. He would then say something to me like, “Joey, I have the mortgage payment on me that I’ll use for this. Maybe grandma and grandpa will lend me enough money to pay the mortgage now that I am spending it on other things.”

When he would use this line, I would fight very hard to keep from laughing as I would think to myself, we do not have a mortgage Dad. It was our little inside joke. Nothing would thrill my old-man more than him feeling as if he bought a collectible for the right price.

When I think of the amounts of money that I have spent in my day, it is hard for me to imagine what my father would think if he were still here.

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