Wednesday, March 26

Heir Of Restaurant Magnate Dick Portillo Targeted?

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ANP Roundtable

ANP Roundtable

I am bringing you unfortunate news pertaining to ANP’s Sports Podcast and Behind the Scenes piece, which has recently been renamed the Roundtable.

According to sources close to Dick Portillo, owner of the food conglomerate known as Portillo Restaurant Group, businessman Joe Celozzi, who recently appeared twice as a guest on ANP’s Roundtable, is the center of controversy among some key members of the Portillo Family. Sources have indicated that Celozzi recently acquired Power of Attorney and full control over the finances of an immediate relative of Dick Portillo.

Said sources have revealed that Dick Portillo is deeply concerned about Joe Celozzi’s sudden involvement in the financial affairs of his relative. American News Post has reason to believe that law-enforcement (and other various investigators) will be conducting an investigation into Celozzi’s supposed seizure of Power of Attorney in the matter of the unnamed Portillo family member.

In addition, some concerned citizens have recently raised questions over ANP Podcast Host Michael Magnafichi’s possible exposure to the supposed questionable practices of Joe Celozzi. Therefore, American News Post is acting prudently by temporarily suspending Magnafichi as host of ANP’s Sports Podcast, pending further review of these matters.

I wish to make it known that I have not been presented with evidence that Maganfichi has engaged in any wrongdoing. If anything changes, I will be the first to report it.

However, in an abundance of caution, ANP has decided to temporarily withdraw standing invitations to special guests Joe Celozzi and Tony Portillo. I would like to stress that these measures are strictly pre-emptive in nature and do not reflect any insider knowledge of these sensitive matters. Hopefully this sorry situation will soon be resolved and we can have some of these interesting individuals on our Podcast in the future.

Frank Coconate and I will continue to do the Podcast with the help of a new host. More details on the future of ANP’s Podcast segment will soon follow. Please be sure that our Podcast piece will be on schedule for September 4, 2013.

Thank you.



    • Funk, I have been presented with some allegations, weak allegations, allegations that are merely allegations, but, because it pertains to someone as the likes of a Portillo, I am being as prudent as possible. Thanks.

  1. I have wondered something from the beginning. Wasn’t Joe Celozzi the one who tried to dissuade Michael from being associated with ANP a couple years ago when you published those interviews with Michael? If so, what caused the change of heart. Why did Celozzi go from being anti-ANP to

  2. I have wondered something from the beginning. Wasn’t Joe Celozzi the one who tried to dissuade Michael from being associated with ANP a couple years ago when you published those interviews with Michael? If so, what caused the change of heart. Why did Celozzi go from being anti-ANP to a featured guest on the show?

    • Dear HF,
      I believe you are correct. I do not recall the details. However, I do recall that
      Celozzi was making some sort of negative communications with me, which I
      completely forgot about until you reminded me. I suppose the only person who could explain his motives is Celozzi himself. Thanks for the note.

  3. The three of them are bust outs! Mags, Celozzi, and Portillo. All of them are junkie pieces of shit. Perfect examples of the true life of modern day want to be gangsters.

  4. One link leads to another. I found numerous articles about Joe Celozzi prior to arriving here. It started when I was trying to find a video of the pie in the face kid from Long Chevrolet. Anyway, it appears that Mr. Celozzi has led a colorful life.