Wednesday, March 26

Roundtable Discussion With Coconate & Fosco

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The morbidly obese man is Outfit bookmaker Carl Dote, and he is being hugged by Illinois State Representative Marty Moylan

The morbidly obese man is Outfit bookmaker Carl Dote, and he is being hugged by Illinois State Representative Marty Moylan

Hello everyone! This is Joseph Fosco with ANP’s Roundtable discussion for Monday, September 23, 2013. For those of you who are not familiar with our show, you missed some excitement recently. I suggest that you catch up by simply reading the last few pieces published on American News Post, which can be accessed simply by visiting our main page.

On our show today I interviewed Frank Coconate about his efforts in seeking public office. Frank talks about his war on corruption in Illinois politics as well as the involvement of organized crime. Unfortunately, a special guest that we planned on having today was suddenly plagued with a flu bug. He shall remain nameless for now, but please anticipate meeting him soon.

Today’s show was taped in front of a live studio audience. Occasionally you may notice that some distractions from the audience caught our attention – sometimes with amusing results!

We will be back next week. However, I reserve the right to announce the date of our next show a couple of days in advance. I apologize for not yet having a set schedule. This show is in a concept stage and we are making adjustments quite regularly. Thank you.

P.S. I apologize for the poor lightning and background noise. The conditions in the venue were not entirely under our control. I will endeavor to have this corrected for our next Roundtable discussion.



  1. Glad Frank is still on board. What’s going on with Michael? He tried to call you? Sounds like he’s still locked up. No ones’s ponied up 6 grand to spring him?

    • Yes, he tried calling. I didn’t take his call. It seems that no one bailed him out yet. My caller ID indicated the call was from Texas. When I answered his voice was played to me as he said his name. Afterwards, an automated service indicated that it was a call from someone with a calling card trying to reach me. I hung up.

  2. Joe great job on getting a show done. However, the subject matter was incredibly weak. You gotta talk about Mags and others…

  3. And get Coconate to put on a collared shirt. He looks like a dipshit on there next to you. Perhaps you can be interviewed by someone about Mags?

  4. One thing I like about Coconate is that he doesn’t censor himself, so I would’ve liked to hear him talk about the Outfit and specific gangsters without Michael pulling the plug on the episode. Joe, you should invite readers to submit questions about the outfit and answer them on the air with Frank during a roundtable piece.

    • Will do. In the meantime everyone please feel free to publish questions for next weeks show. Wait, it would be odd to get those now and not answer them here in the message threads. lol

  5. Here is a straightforward question. Are you still planning the Albie/Battaglia piece? What would you be willing to share about them now in the threads? Is Albie currently active?

      • I’m pretty sure that’s what everyone was expecting tonight. Can you answer this….is Vena fond of Michael or is Michael on bad paper with him?

          • Please address Mags, Battaglia, Vena, Celozzi and to whatever extent little Tony Portillo on the next podcast. Writing about them is great, but hearing you talk about these subjects offers far more texture.

          • Understood, but the audience is invested into these shows. Whether or not they work out is irrelevant. It makes for good stories. Not everything is perfect, and that’s where you find the truly beautiful things in life. Talk about these guys. How they hustled you to get on the show, your opinions on them and how the situation makes you feel. That’s what we want to hear. You are the sun.

          • Referring to me as the sun makes me wonder if you are poking fun at me. 😉
            I will consider the Portillo/Celozzi subject.
            PS, I emailed you a message. Perhaps the email address that you use is invalid. No big deal.

          • Wasn’t mocking at all. I think that you can interview mobsters from around the country. You are very good at this. Clean up the nonsense, sound, microphones, etc.

  6. Joe would you say that Grand Avenue is now aligned with Cicero? I believe Vena previously was tight with Joey A. Has that since switched and as of right now, who is more powerful–Vena or Christy Spina? I believe they are brothers-in-law, correct?

  7. MerlinTenderpony on

    Joe, what do you make of a meeting chaired by Marco
    involving Solly D and Christy? This came up recently in a conversation
    amongs friends. Myself and two others witnessed this meeting with our own
    eyes. Sure, maybe they are friends just chewing the fat like anyone else, but,
    if you take into account who they are, three Outfit street crews might have been represented
    at the table that day. It didn’t happen yesterday, but didn’t happen last year
    either. Any thoughts about that? One more thing… I believe you once mentioned that Big
    Mike from Cicero allegedly installed Albie as “capo” of Grand Avenue. I am
    wondering if you stand by this and whether or not it was Michael who told you.

    • Dear MT,
      I heard Marco has not been feeling very well and may have cut down on drinking because of it. At least that is what Michael told me in recent months. Phil Mazurek is his source.
      I am not a betting man, but I would bet the farm that 3 friends were chewing the fat.
      I have no doubt that Albie is in control of whatever he wants to control on Grand Avenue. I heard that he strangled Bobby Dominic’s cousin Rocky a few years back inside of Richards Bar. Michael was not a source on any of this.