Wednesday, March 26

Roundtable With Fosco, Coconate & D’Andrea

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Ashleigh D'Andrea

Ashleigh D’Andrea

Hello everyone. This is Joseph Fosco with today’s Roundtable discussion for October 1, 2013. Those of you who are interested in information on our former host, Michael Magnafichi, you should find today’s show somewhat interesting.

We have a new co-host. Her name is Ashleigh D’Andrea. She shares similar interests with us at ANP, as one of her now late relatives was an actual murder victim in the federal government’s case, “Family Secrets.”

I would like to announce that from this point forward, I am not going to participate as much in the comment threads as usual. instead, I will rely on the comment threads to gather questions from the audience. My responses to your questions will be issued in the following Roundtable piece.

I would like to apologize about the wind noise. It is very disturbing at some points. All I can say is that we live and learn; and it will not happen again.

Thank you for your support! See you sometime next week.



  1. Was wondering if you guys were gonna come back with another sports show. Who’s the new girl? Is she one of the call girls from jack and Lou’s?

      • Sorry Joe, didn’t watch the podcast because it wasn’t sports related, but read an earlier article about mags. It said something about some girls from jack and Lou’s.

        • No problem. I understand. Actually, you just gave me an idea. I might start looking for call girls who changed their lives and are now willing to reveal things about J&L.
          Lastly, I will try to bring sports back.

          • Im only interested in sports. If you remember, I was the first one posting msgs on your sports podcasts. sorry if I offended you with the hooker question. Im unaware what’s going on recently due to the sports getting yanked

          • joe you did not mention were michael is locked up at he is alcoholic drug addict right shoplifting that goes hand to hand with addict

          • Joe, Do you really think anyone with half a brain actually believes that Magnafichi was going to kill you after that Podcast was taped at his house with everyone and his brother knowing that you were there with him? Please…… Your show is a joke. I watched it twice and it is ridiculous. However, there are a lot a stupid people out there and you’ve found a way to engage them. Taking what you say about Magnafichi trying to kill you is the same as taking wrestling on Television seriously.
            Also, the Feds taking a case about a guy firing a gun in his backyard? Get real.

          • Dear Fedster,
            Excellent question! Thank you for bringing the subject into focus. I will gladly answer the question. However, our new co-host, Ashleigh, also serves as an advisor. It is her advice that I not answer certain questions in the comment threads, however defer to the next webcast. Therefore, under Ashleigh’s advice, I must ask those who want to know my answer to your question to watch our show next week. I hope you understand that I have to do whatever my adviser tells me to do. Thank you.

    • There can always be another podcast for sports. No one said it was not already being addressed. The D’Andrea girl & her family are well established throughout the history of the ‘Chicago Outfit’. Pick up a book.

      • Mike Mannheim on

        I never got into books on organized crime. Was just interested in sports, cause I like to gamble. I’ve noticed through out my gambling career, sports books are pretty smart. Especially Vegas books. I was anxious to see if mags was gonna give some tips on sports betting. No big deal. I’m not gonna read a book because a mistaked the d’andrea girl for a whore. It was a simple question.

        • I don’t hold that against you. To each their own. A question with an obvious answer within the published content, but I suppose not every one reads. Good luck with your sports books!

          • Mike Mannheim on

            Sorry, meant to respond to your comment on this thread. Accidently put it on a new thread. No, I’m not a bookie. I talked about betting. I do it online and in Vegas , all legal. I’m not a book.don’t accuse me of something im not.

        • In my opinion, they didn’t talk about sports to begin with and certainly weren’t knowledgable enough to hold an intelligent conversation about them any way.

          • Agreed. Find it odd that someone is pining for 13 minutes of shoot the shit loose sports talk.

        • This man shot off a couple of rounds in his backyard of suburbia with warrants out for his arrest. It doesn’t look like he had a grasp on reality, least of all sports betting. Bad judgement. I said

          good luck with your sports books! It was not an accusation. It was brought up that you read them. Then, you proceeded on about not being a bookie..all by yourself, Mice.

      • A true D'andrea on

        the “d’andrea girl” wasn’t even born with that last name she changed it due to her obsession with the mob. she is related through her great great grandfather.

        • Actually, I am Ashleigh. My mother’s maiden name is D’Andrea. Mine & my sister’s were changed back at a very young age by our mother.

        • My mother is Nicole, first born & daughter of Nicholas, son & first born of Armand, son & first born male of Nicola. If you’re a true D’Andrea, get it right.

        • So, would you like to share Marios’s story or shall I? Considering Bobby gave me a first hand account of it that he says is the first & last time he was willing to share & I have a letter sitting here from Marion, from the research, went to chicago heights pd with her to attempt more information to elaborate on corruption while Henry Pilotto’s plaque still hangs on the wall? By all means, take it from here.

  2. Mike Mannheim on

    Wow, now your accusing me of having a sports book. No, I gamble legally online and in Vegas when I’m there. I don’t take bets. I see where this is going though

  3. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Great job Joe. Today was, by far, your best Podcast. Coconate was great as was Ashleigh. She was very good at maintaining the flow and keeping you on point. Her manner of asking questions was also good, because from your responses, it did not seem contrived. A+ effort.

      • Heavy D's Nuts on

        It’s fun to watch this evolve. I would suggest having a guideline to the discussion, but I really enjoy the off the cuff comments and questions. It would be great if this evolves into a daily show. It’s a big country with a lot of organized crime to talk about.

  4. So to be clear, questions posed in these comments could possibly be answered in next weeks podcast? Also Joe, is there a function the site that notifies you of new comments other than just replies to a person’s own comments? Hard to keep track of all the new comments in some of these large threads.

  5. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Ashleigh, great show. For your first appearance, it was very impressive. Hope to see you involved moving forward.

  6. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Coconate, you were very good during this show as well. Maybe a collared shirt… Just saying

  7. MerlinTenderpony on

    What happened to the articled titled “Jerry Navarro’s Silent Struggle Against Mary Ann Mungo Finally Gets A Voice” ? Can we have an explanation for why it was removed, and maybe an update on that story?

    • When I wrote the piece you are referencing, I made a deal with Jerry that I would rescind its publication in the future if he requested, as it pertained to the lives of his children. Earlier this year he decided to take me up on my offer. I am a man of my word. Too bad, I was very proud of that piece. I put a great deal of work into it.

  8. Lovely Linkus on

    Hi Joe! It is thrilling that this has turned into a video podcast format and that we get to see your handsome face along with that amazing and unique voice. Forget the sports pleeeeeaase….. Frank blew my mind with his “frankness” about some of the questionable people discussed. The topics from this podcast are especially titillating and unconventional. It is not an everyday occurrence that people get to hear this kind of material. What makes it so exciting is the risk involved in revealing these real life characters. Yikes!

    Your guest Ashleigh was most certainly a refreshing addition to the discussion. I was impressed with her beauty and intelligence. She did a great job jumping in the conversation and asking important questions. Hope we see her on the podcast again.

  9. Joe, here’s a question. Not sure if appropriate content for the next podcast, so I’d be ok with you answering it in the thread. What is at the heart of the beef between you and BD III? Is it because of your articles or did something else happen unrelated to ANP? We’d also love to hear about Vic Tartan or Nick Gio, both of whom are connected to the Daddonos, unless I’m mistaken.

    • Bill III is not a real friend to anyone. His father and two brothers stand the closest chance of having some genuine relations with him. He crossed me because of the external influence of a pathetic excuse of a human being that manipulates well. He has mad ridiculously wild allegations about me since the Magnafichi Interviews on ANP.
      The only connection between Bill III and Vic Tartan would be his Bill’s current wife, who was Tartan’s mistress prior to becoming the second Mrs. William Daddono III. Nick Gio is another matter…

  10. Mike Mannheim on

    The new pic of the lovely ashley looks a lot more proffesional. Sorry about the question I asked yesterday if it offended anyone. I hope my apology is accepted

  11. Joe, I think Frank has a lot of insight into city and county government corruption and waste. Would love to hear a lot more on this subject as well. Especially if he can go into more detail on some of the notable characters involved with the Daley gang and maybe expose some things going on now.

  12. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, I think you still need to be moderately active on the threads. It’s been too quiet this week despite your best podcast this far. Perhaps we can submit a bunch of questions that could be topics in the next show. The threads develop the material and create a flow. Just a thought.

  13. Joe are you familiar with Robert Casmiro? I’ve heard he is a drug dealing Outfit associate. Also can’t wait for the article on Albie and Dominic. I would assume you would also have to include Spina on that, given how tied in he is with those guys.

    • Not familiar with Casmiro. Sorry.
      We should have a show for tomorrow. However, I probably wont cover a great deal on Vena so soon. I think Late October or sometime in November would be nest for me on that matter.

    • Joseph,
      Just an innocent question . . . Do you think that Michael was trying to get caught on purpose. He probably wanted to get busted so that he did not have to hurt you and become a killer. Maybe someone ordered him to hurt you and that was his way out of it. (Just my opinion, but it makes total sense). He seems like a really smart guy and probably too smart to get busted for something like this. Maybe he’s outsmarting everyone.
      On a totally different topic . . . Do you see any similarities between the ‘the don’ and ‘heavy d nuts?’ Do you think that they are one and the same?

      • I do not believe that Michael would want to get arrested. He knew there was a warrant for his arrest for a shoplifting related matter. If he wanted to go to jail, he could have simply turned himself in without picking up a felony charge that carries a minimum of 5-years (if the feds take it over, as it is also a federal violation, which he knows well and knew for may years).

      • Heavy D's Nuts on

        I am not the “Don”. I am very removed from OC. The “Don” is not in my opinion.

        • MerlinTenderpony on

          Joe, I hope you don’t mind, but I have an interesting, shocking, and humorous update on “The Don” that I think others might find amusing. As I understand it, he was recently banned from another mob discussion forum, where everyone knew he was the guy who commented as “The Don” here on American News Post. Apparently, he re-registered on the same message board using a different name and built a following by pretending to be the bastard son of the late Chucky English and purported to have all of this inside Outfit information. I guess this got back to some of Chucky English’s actual living relatives, and “The Don” disappeared from the forum again after a few outraged people called him on it. The “The Don” popped up on yet another forum and admitted: 1) that he was “The Don” from American News Post; 2) that he once was but is no longer related to Joe Lombardi through marriage; 3) that he pretended to be Chucky English’s nephew. Apparently some people who know him in real life decided to “out” him (partially, anyway). After all this time, we now know that while “The Don” is originally from Chicago, he is currently a professional John Lennon impersonator whose act is based in Nevada or somewhere out west. He was lying about (or grossly exaggerating) the extent of his first-hand Outfit knowledge and his supposed contact with high-level law enforcement people in Chicago. As soon as this was mentioned, “The Don” disappeared from the internet immediately and all together. He has yet to reemerge after several weeks.

  14. A true D'andrea on

    what crap!! Ashleigh is not even a real D’andrea. she was NOT born a D’andrea and was raised no where near them. just because you make your last name the same does NOT make you “involved in the family”..

    • MerlinTenderpony on

      Ashleigh made some really off-base remarks about Nick D’Andrea’s murder, implying that Sam Guzzino was the intended target and that her “great-great uncle” (Nick) was murdered by mistake. Black Sam Carlisi was there and personally beat Nick D’Andrea to death with the butt end of a shotgun. There is no way Carlisi would have accidentally murdered the wrong person. Besides, he told Calabrese that a short guy and a tall guy were going to walk into the garage and that the short guy (D’Andrea) was the target. Guzzino fled because he was worried he was a target, too. Ironically, Guzzino was murdered later, for nearly ruining the set-up. “Apparently, Outfit leaders were unhappy to learn how Guzzino had fled and nearly botched the D’Andrea killing” (Coen 218).

      • Yes and for that, I apologize. I get really nervous on camera. There is a lot I had hoped to share with the viewers, but maybe ‘a true d’andrea’ should do it.

          • I am not finished writing it but it’s already over 10 pages, with the federal cases and interviews with Nick J. & Mario’s descendents incorporated, including Bobby J. & Marion’s (Mario’s daughter).

          • I have done years of research & have a lifetime of experience. However, it was never my story to tell. ‘A true D’Andrea’ is correct in that regard. My main concern has & always will be Mario’s situation & descendents. People should know the truth of his death. Would you care to share ‘true D’Andrea’?

          • I bet this disagreement does not make either one of you any less of Saviano blood. Armand, Nick J., Mario, Frank, Henry, Robert….their father was Nicola & their mother, Domenica, a Saviano. It’s funny because you’re both just as much Savianos as you are D’Andreas, maternally. As for ‘a true D’andrea.’…is that why you’re writing a book? Because some things are better left unsaid?

        • MerlinTenderpony on

          I understand. Who do you think is behind remarks made by “A True D’Andrea?” Also, how are you related to Bob D’Andrea, son of Nick?

        • Heavy D's Nuts on

          Don’t be silly. You add to the show. I would like to see you interview Joe and Frank.

    • I admit that my mother was not even allowed to talk to her cousins growing up, they met in secret.

  15. I sincerely appreciate the kind words,
    productive criticism and commentary on the podcasts from viewers. They do not
    go unnoticed or unacknowledged. Anything contributed to discussion in pursuit
    of Justice or out of empathy is appreciated. If you are reading this, I am at
    your mercy.

  16. I don’t understand why you even have that girl on the show? Not only does she not contribute anything worthwhile, but it’s very and painfully obvious that you, Joe, can’t stand her and consistently put her down on camera by acting like her questions that she asks are stupid and irrelevant and actually get upset and impatient with her whenever she speaks up like “are you seriously asking such a stupid and insignificant question such as this?” Get rid of her if you hate her so much! She doesn’t contribute anything anyways but even so, I can’t help but feel sorry for her and side with her against your stupid and haughty arrogance. You’re an asshole of the nth degree Joe you fuckin prick and we can all only hope that the Outfit shoots you in the head at some point.