Wednesday, March 12

ANP Roundtable For October 8th, 2013

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Frank J. Calabrese Sr.

Frank J. Calabrese Sr.

Hello everyone! This is Joe Fosco with this week’s Roundtable piece. We covered  some parts of the federal landmark Family Secrets case in today’s discussion.

We’ll be back next week. See you then.



    • joe frank talked about lombardo he was in prison time of spilotro murders lombardo told dr.pat if he would of been out murders would not have happened

      • Again, Aiuppa and Cerone ordered their murders (the Spilotros). As they look up from Hell both are probably happy Lombardo got life. No doubt that Joe Lombardo probably thinks that he could have persuaded Aiuppa and Cerone to pass on knocking them down. If so, Joe L is wrong. Good sources told me that Joe L would have been killed if he were out of prison because he supported everything they did.
        My father liked the Spilotros. My dad acted as a fence for them by buying nearly everything they stole. For a number of years my father owned a coin shop across the street from their restaurant on North Avenue. If my dad could not help them, no one could, including Joe L. Do not forget, my father’s partner and brother-in-law (Romie Nappi) was like a brother to Accardo, Aiuppa and Faggie. If my dad thought he could help the Spilotros, he would have accessed his clout in a second.

        • Armand(sp) Deandrea (sp) who was a Boxer. What happened to him? I know they are related.

          • Thank you. However, after more than a quarter-century, it hardly feels as a loss anymore. Do not get me wrong, I love my father and miss him. I am grateful for all the good he did for us. But he has been gone so long that I no longer feel emotional over it. I wish he had made different professional decisions during his life, but, he is gone now. I keep his memory alive with my relatives. My four year old daughter knows his name and that he is her grandpa. She will grow up to know that he was a good person as we understood within our family. When she is old enough to learn that he had another side (that his family never saw), I will simply tell her that he was a God fearing man, because in the end (when his health took a turn for the worst in November of 1986) he expressed regret for some of his previous professional relations and actions, as he sought absolution for his sins from the now late Father Lawrence Cozzi.

    • That is incorrect. I believe that U.S. v Peco is one of many direct attempts of the U.S. Government tieing together loose ends (Hoffman & Peco) to cover up what actually happened. For example, Hoffman & Peco were not arrested on September 10th of 1981, not even charged. The charges made against them, 3 years after the fact, I believe were made in reflection on standards of reasonability in the event that any one questioned Mario’s murder when it came to only seizing Hoffman’s van, 50k, then leaving the men there. It shows that it wasn’t about them or the drug investigation. Lopez plays the role of a scared little mouse, it looks bad on him & his unjustified grant of immunity to Joseph Douglas Hardin. If these two had not have been charged, on the other hand, it would have looked a lot worse for him & his agents when it came time to answer questions about Mario.

  1. Ashleigh, I am excited to read your article that you have
    promised to the forum in the next couple days. One thing I would like to know
    is why this is so important to you and how can you justify such a personal
    attachment? My family member was murdered in front of me thirty something years
    ago and at some point I have to ask myself what am I getting out of telling the
    story over and over,why am I keeping it alive,who am I without the story? These
    murders you speak about happened before you were born and you appear to come off
    like a victim. Who are you really without attaching yourself to this history?
    Your story could be interesting if it was told from an outsider’s
    standpoint without the pretense that these people were innocent law abiding
    victims. For instance if you were to say they were blue collar polish
    immigrants that were feverishly trying to feed their family and they were at
    the wrong place at the wrong time, then I would call them a victim of
    circumstance. As far as I can tell your family had active ties to the
    organization AKA the mafia/outfit. You
    know the saying “Live by the sword, die by the sword” (Proverb from the Gospel
    of Matthew 26:52). The audience doesn’t want to be fooled into thinking otherwise;
    in fact painting them any other way is an insult to all of us. Give us the
    truth or don’t tell us anything. I promise if you go this route the audience
    will embrace and love you more. Good Luck to you and your future endeavors.

    • This is not meant as a slight to Ashleigh or to downplay murder, but I tend to agree. For example, I have a hard time with the dentist Spilotro’s crusade for justice for his brothers. In his time, how many people do you think Tony knocked down? Hard to feel for him.

  2. Just wondering how many times we are going to hear about Albert. Should we play a drinking game in the next few podcasts and drink a shot of death every time his name is mentioned? I suppose it doesn’t have to be a shot of death,perhaps a shot of whiskey to make the fear go away(: Great topics this week!

  3. Also, Ashleigh adds very little to these “square table” discussions. Seriously guys move on!!!! You guys are losing credibility. I mean this politely.

  4. Hate to say it, but you guys looked very stiff and uncomfortable. Joe, you looked like you were doing a television newscast. Would you consider sitting around a round table enjoying a meal? I think it would look more natural, more conversational, if you guys were eating and talking.

    I’ll add that Frank is right in being critical of Obama, Daley and Rahm Emanuel. They followed a long line of corruption that goes back to Hinky Dink Kenna and Bathhouse John McLaughlin, to Big Bill Thompson to the Kelly-Nash Machine. Daley, Emanuel and Obama took that corruption and nationalized it in a way that Bill Clinton could not. Obama mixed it with left-wing activism.

    Finally, the D’Andreas go way back in Chicago. I don’t know about all of the relationships and connections, but Anthony D’Andrea was an early Mafia boss who was killed in 1921, shortly after he tried to run for alderman against John Powers. His nephew was Phil D’Andrea, famous as a Capone bodyguard but was also the president of the Italo-American National Union for several years, before he got sent to prison along with Ricca, Campagna, Gioe, Rosselli and Maritote. When he was in prison he was attacked by a guard and his health never recovered. After he was released he moved to Riverside, California, where he died in 1952.

  5. What Ashleigh stated about the RICO statute “changing” during Family Secrets is not accurate.

    • I didn’t think she was accurate either, but I did not know with certainty. I believe my body language at the time of her statement on the matter speaks for itself. Hey, she’s a rookie, and we’re going to cut her some slack. You’ll notice that we are not relying on her for extremely vital issues at this point. All good things come in time. 😉

      • Does anyone know who is right (Ashleigh or Frank) as to whether the Family Secrets case – sentencing – was during the Bush or Obama Administration? lol I think Ashleigh is right on that one. 😉

          • Right, I just checked. Sorry Ashleigh, I supported you but it turns out you were wrong again. However, Coconate’s point has failed miserably, because (assuming I understand him correctly) he was making an argument that corruption – wait – does anyone know what Coconate’s point was?
            Side note: The Calabrese sentencing took place 8-days after Obama came in as Pres. Again, what is Coconate’s point?

          • It seemed to me that Coconate was implying that the Obama administration was playing a role to create leniency for the defendants. If so, his point is silly since we know that Calabrese Senior and some others received life sentences. Again, does anyone know Coconate’s point? We can always ask him next week.

          • I think I can answer that, Coconate, like our friend Antiliar, has a hard-on for Obama, so whenever an opportunity presents itself to try to tie him to charges of corruption, he’ll take it.

          • When it comes to hard-ons for Obama, speak for yourself. Coconate has been interested in exposing corruption for a long time. It’s not his fault of the Obama administration presents so many opportunities to do so. Maybe Coconate is mistaken on this point, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of other examples out there.

          • The recurring theme of Frank’s remarks is endemic corruption in Illinois, which no sane person will disagree with. That said, I think I missed his larger point, if there was one. He seemed to be attempting to connect the non-indictment of John DiFronzo to “the Obama people.” Most people take it as a given that there is pervasive corruption in Illinois, so about discussion about that particular issue is not very interesting. On the other hand, tying it to the Outfit and specific Outfit crew or figures is extremely interesting. He tied to Caruso’s to Daley people

          • I do not see how the pretrial decision (trial was in 2007, Obama became Pres in 2009) to keep DiFronzo off the Secrets indictment could be reasonably argued that Obama’s people had something g to do with it. Unless he is simply referring To Jimmy DeLeo, regardless of Obama’s job at the time. I cannot see how the Democrats could have wielded such power in the Republican AG’s office at a time when the Republicans couldn’t even save George Ryan.

          • In the general sense of corruption connection Rahm Emanuel to the corrupt Daley Machine, etc, I don’t think there’s any doubt. The lack of prosecution for the DiFronzos, I don’t know. That could have been to protection DiFronzo had, it could have been because he’s an informant, or they’re saving him for a Family Secrets II. We just don’t know and may not in our lifetimes.

  6. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, what of you know about Joe Lanzerotta. Bookmaker out of westchester. Active in mid 90’s. I believe he was a cool county sheriff. Big drinker. Decent guy.

      • Heavy D's Nuts on

        How about Bruce Degen and Ray Rosato? They have a construction company and were involved in the construction of the Rosemont Horizon. One, or both, did some time.

        • I have met Degen and Rosato multiple times through Willie Messino. However, I do not know them well (they were Willie’s friends). I also know some of their relatives. For some reason I remember Degen being called Ike.

        • Ike and Ray are part of the original mayors, pay to play group of cronies. Rosemont acts as a cash cow to enrich a select group of friends and family. No bid contracts are issued to this group, and in return donations from said friends and family end up in one of three political campaign funds.

          • There is no outfit connection in Rosemont. Because of the Giancana history, doubts never went away. Jeep and Johnnie G also lived in town, which brought some speculation. The old man was tight with Boscarino who owned the fork lifts at the expo center for years. Boscarino brought all the heat when they tried to secure the casino. No mob connection, just tons of insider deals and political corruption.

  7. Ive been away for a long time, Joe seems like your continuing to get the best of em. Anyway Nick D Andrea was hit by accident, it was supposed to be sam guzzino however the identity was mixed up according to calabrese and guzzino took off. It all stemmed from Al Pilloto taking a round in the chest at lincoln oaks golf course. The trigger man worked at Guzzinos cab company and was related to him some how (brother in law something) he ended up testifying against them however Sam Guzzino wound up dead in a ditch in Crete or Beecher. Now when Tocco was convicted one of his convictions stemmed from a murder in Milwaukee that Tocco and D’andrea commited over a delinquent 20g loan. If the testimony I remember correct D’Andrea died of a heart attack during the beating. Few here now know me except maybe heavy d’s and horsey since black ang is gone. Im a heights kid. Ashleigh did you go to Marian and my dad was asking me if these were the same D’Andreas who owned a dry cleaners in the heights. Anyway Joe wewe still gotta grab that drink im glad to see things going well for ya. I bet your safer now then when this first started, I wouldnt be the the least bit surprised if something happened to Rudys incompetent ass and sad to say I think Mags might be safer in jail. Oh and quick question Joe did Rudy get foreclosed on yet. Take care my friend and Ashleigh ignore haters on here.

  8. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, the name escapes me. Do you know who handled juice out of Luke’s on Harlem? I’m going back 20 years.

    • I know that former Chicago Policeman and reputed mobster Ray DiSilvestro (same person) bought Luke’s for one of his kids roughly 20-years ago prior to leaving town for Nevada. Beyond this, I do not know a whole lot more about Luke’s. I think my father or older brother knew the previous owner whose name slips my mind. As for Ray, I knew/know him on a very casual basis. I have not seen Ray in roughly 20-years.

        • Heavy D's Nuts on

          Did he also go by Renato? Where did he live? I knew a Renato that was a dope peddler.

          • I am aware of a Renato DiSilvestro. Ray and Renato are probably the same person, but I am not certain of this. I do believe that Ray was involved in the sale of drugs back in the 80s. However, I am not certain of this.

          • Heavy D's Nuts on

            The Renato I knew lived in Wood Dale or Bensenville in the late 80s, early 90s. I saw him with Chucky and Mags on a few occasions. I was told by a very reliable source he was distributing coke.

          • Renato and Ray might be two different people after all. Ray was a Chicago cop up until approximately 1990. I do not believe he would be able to live out of the city. It doesn’t mean he didn’t cheat the system, a lot do, but I still think not.

          • I double checked on Ray with a source. I change my opinion. I do not think that ray was involved in the sale of drugs. In addition, I now believe that his job as a Chicago Police Officer ended sometime prior to 1990.

  9. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, what information do you have on Tom Forliano from Melrose? I believe he was involved with Windy City boxing club at Ogden and kostner. He might have sold the gym to Sam colonna. I saw Bobby Salerno in there a few times. He was training Vinny Letizia. I remember vinny tragically died in a motorcycle or automobile accident. I know Bobby went down with Rocky on the Hal Smith problem. Bobby was a tough little guy too.

  10. True roman emperor on

    You guys get better and better with each article and podcast. As a person who has had a friend or two in the past I must say that that I haven’t seen information like this spread by anyone outside the circle of trust… Also I would gladly trade ten magnifichis for one Ashleigh any day. I find you guys very very interesting to listen to and really hope you continue doing the good work. Some corruption is okay, getting a friend a job is normal. But when corruption steps into the realm of murder or extortion well, lets just say that it doesn’t take a criminal mastermind to scare civilians and old women. Or murder defenseless people. Real gangsters eventually turn into politicians, look at Joe Kennedy. It is good to see journalists taking interests into the current workings and giving us a history lesson in the process. I truly believed if we had more journalists with integrity in the past that these cold blooded killers and career criminals would have been stopped long ago. Or at least the lifestyle would not be romanticized as it has been. Hopefully some of these juice heads who are young and dumb and full of… Will learn and avoid repeating the pattern. I hope the universe rewards you for I truly believe you are saving lives. Sometimes we regret the past. You are at least giving people the chance to live a future instead of looking over their shoulder being worries about the past. Sometimes we grow old and wise and wish the past could be reworked. But it can’t. Please keep up the good fight. At least you give the glorious evil doers good competition, keeps the old sharp and filled with hope in our hearts.

    With respect,
    A true Roman Emperor

    • Dear True Roman,
      Thank you for the accolades. I hope that ANP continues to get better. I aim to make this happen. The upcoming show should make the audience happy. I believe it will be available by late Wednesday evening or possible late Thursday morning.

  11. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, going back to Slicker, I know that he was involved with some guys from the east coast. He spent time with them at the Diplomat. Golf, etc. Any east coast crews stand out as being extra close to Chicago?

  12. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, another question… Do you remember that beefer, BJ? He was living in Itasca. Worked for Rocky and the guy from the sheriff’s office. He hurt Rocky as he obviously beefed on him for illegal activities. But that Jahoda, also made claims about Rocky’s place in Florida that the Feds went after. If my memory is correct, Rocky’s wife Annie also had a problem with their condo in River Forest. Feds gave her some kind of ultimatum about buying Rocky’s half. Without any obvious legitimate source of income it caused a problem. Did you or Mags ever deal with this bookmaker? He was very good at talking to federal agents…

    • I remember BJ. He was a nice guy (prior to becoming hated) and he used to hang out at Stacey’s Restaurant on Mannheim Road In what I think is Hillside, Illinois. I believe he dated the female owner. I had no dealing with him, however, I have multiple friends who knew him well. I know that Michael knew him but I do not know as to what extent.
      I was with Jackie Jr when Annie asked him for help saving the her place in Florida. He turned her down as if she were a street walking beggar. To think if it were not for her now late father the Cerone Family would be as common as the any other common family. One would think that he would have had a duty to help her. His father would have helped her if he were alive at the time. This occurred back in roughly 2001.

          • Heavy D's Nuts on

            I would enjoy hearing more stories. Annie has a son. I think he’s messed up. Maybe dope. I don’t know and I’m not suggesting that it is. The son is not Rocky’s biological son. But it would be ironic, given that Rocky was a major player in drug business. Rock was one guy that could ice a room with that hollow stare. I knew some tough guys, physically big men, that were afraid of him. In the end, he died alone.

          • Heavy D's Nuts on

            I am not sure what you consider a boss to be. I know he was special in the circles of which I am familiar. He was a powerful guy that was feared.

          • I suppose he did ok for himself. Nothing that I or anyone else would be impressed by. The Feds and media made him out to be much more. He was not intelligent to say the least.

          • All In The Family on

            Hi Joe, first time poster… This thread caught my eye because I am related to Ann Capezio (my dads cousin) and grew up hanging out in the heights late 70’s and 80’s. Heard many stories about her dad while visiting her in Hollywood (FL), but always interested in hearing stories from outside the family too… Please share.

  13. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Joe, do you know a guy from Franklin Park with the last name Termini? He was off the boat. Had a son named Dominic around your age. Dominic was a very very tough guy.

  14. MerlinTenderpony on

    Joe, I am aware of your lack of interest in the Celozzi family, but I have some questions. If Nick Celozzi (of Celozzi-Ettleson fame) is currently broke, isn’t it only because his son, Joe, introduced a fraudster named Scott Serfling into the picture? According to an old Tribune article, convicted fraudster Serfling met Joe Celozzi in prison during a time when the latter was doing time for financial and drug crimes. They later hooked up on the outside, and Joe Celozzi brought him into the family business, somehow getting him positioned as a kind of partner within the company. Convicted fraudster Serfling then orchestrated a multi-layered, smoke-and-mirrors fraud within the company, earning him millions of dollars, while destroying Nick Celozzi and his family and the company they had built over the course of decades. Is any of this familiar? If this is accurate, then Joe Celozzi ruined his father. I am curious if you were aware of this, and if so, why you would have the likes of Joe Celozzi on the webcast. I am also interested in learning about any possible alleged connection between Joe Celozzi and Jack & Lou’s, and any alleged Outfit people he may associate with besides Michael Magnafichi. Please go into detail about Joe Celozzi.

    • We do pieces on crime. If we have a lapsed criminal on the show, it comes with the territory. I was of the impression that Celozzi was a lapsed criminal. Shortly later, I formed a different opinion. He is no longer involved with ANP. I was unaware of the details involving his criminal case and his father. At this point, I do not care one bit about him or his family.

  15. Joe are you close with the Ariola family of Melrose Park? This is Louie the Mooch’s mother’s side of the family. Have always wondered how his parents ever met each other or whether Anna Ariola lived in NYC for a time. I know his grandfather and uncle (I believe both named Sam Ariola ) were low-level hoods in Melrose.

  16. I’ve been busy so I just watched last night. I have to say Joe, there are times that you really crack me up. Your interactions with Frank at times are priceless.

  17. Maybe Ashleigh can help bring attention to my cousin case Anthony Catalano who went missing in 2009 under suspicious circumstances? I’m sure she can relate to our family pain

      • Hey, need for name calling. It would be my pleasure to bring attention to the Catalano case if it was what it appeared the family wants. I do empathize with your family’s pain as many others can. Do not presume that I have not endured similar circumstances or lost immediate family members to them, as well. There are reasons for interest in this sort of material in Justice. I never meant to come across as a victim, but rather to state the facts of the brothers’ complimentary cases, shedding light on some U.S. government agents.



  18. They need to touch up on there stuff, I don’t think Joe L was even out of prison when the Spilatros where hit. So even if Auipa and Lacky cared what he thought, why risk it when they don’t “have to”.