Tuesday, March 25

ANP Roundtable for November 4th, 2013

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Kelsey Grammer as Tom Kane, The Mayor of Chicago on the television series Boss.

Kelsey Grammer as Tom Kane, The Mayor of Chicago on the television series Boss.

Hello everyone, this is Joseph Fosco with today’s ANP Roundtable discussion. Today Frank Coconate and I were the hosts. Ashleigh D’Andrea has been working on other things.

During our show today we recapped a few things that were covered via ANP over the last couple of months. For those of you tuning in to our show for the first time, I am the one with a little more hair on my head.

I would like to clarify something here that was somewhat confusing on the show. Frank was fumbling for a name of a particular judge. He was misstating the name as Petrone (P-e-t-e-r-o-n-e). At the time I was not sure if he was thinking of a Chicago Alderman from the 1950s or 60s named Pat Petrone or an Illinois State Senator, from the same era, named Robert Petrone. Despite the fact that both Petrones were before my time, I am aware of who they are because I know that my late Uncle Romie Nappi and late father controlled both men. Nonetheless, after the show ended, Frank and I determined that he was trying to name Judge Robert Bastone.

Please note that all assertions regarding Cook County Judge Catherine Haberkorn are the opinions of Frank Coconate. Some of the assertions made by Frank reminded me of the Starz TV series Boss.

We are confident that we’ll have another show sometime next week. Thanks for watching.



  1. Today, November 5, 2013, Michael Magnafichi was sentenced to time served on his gun charge (on the State level). The Feds gave him a pass as I predicted in yesterday’s podcast. His felony case is over. As soon as he posts 1-thousand dollars on the pending shop lifting matter, he will be free. This could obviously happen at any minute.

  2. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Gotta book him for the next Podcast. And for f*ck sake, what really happened with Celozzi and the little hot dog, Portillo? No more bullsh*t. Indurante? Lots of drama without an ending.

      • joe whats up with little hot dog/ H,D.NUTS IS GOING to explode . if you dont no say so? any way stay on track with the podcast. sinatra was there in spirit? all top bosses were there except joeA. they dont want top two bosses in same place. been looking at old posts joe marco is made believe me . he is #3 made by joey ob.he was like a son to him. i herd some great stories about cerone unreal. joe do you no of the old norwood rest in norridge? jack tony A went there on wed.no of any stories.

        • Don’t know what’s going on with HDN. Looks as if we’ll have a podcast either next Wed or Fri. If Marco is now ‘made’, it happened in the last year or two. I have not heard about it. I believe I know of the restaurant in Norridge.

        • Heavy D's Nuts on

          Pat… The only explosion from me is from the sense of disappointment for Mags. I know nothing of his situation, but it seems pretty horrible. Before forming an opinion on whether he had nefarious intentions for joe, I would like to hear more info on the little hot dog, sleazozzi and what happened. We have allegations of stolen guns, dope, guy gets locked up and can’t post a g for bond, Indurante and whatever that is, etc. I enjoy the stuff Joe is doing, but to follow up with stories about Tim Allen selling blow and a stalker, lover situation with a judge wasn’t very compelling to me. Mags seems to be an example of the current state of OC, best days were long ago.

          • HDN, whether you realize it or not, ANP has multiple literary contributors who periodically publish articles covering various topics. ANP is not an exclusive Outfit source and never was one. Referring to work from Mr. Coconate or others as if said work serves as follow ups to my work is not correct.

          • Heavy D's Nuts on

            Fair enough. Thanks for the clarification. As to my comments, I was not being critical of you, but the subject matter wasn’t in line with my interest. I am no way attacking you or your work. You have to understand that the audience knows nothing of the circumstances. As an insider you may be, in part, failing to realize that we are in the dark. Your knowledge is not our knowledge.

  3. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Come on Joe. I’m a big fan. The bullsh*t is reference to the waiting you are putting the audience through. Talk about a cliffhanger…

  4. Heavy D's Nuts on

    Great. By the way, I really liked the quality of the last broadcast. Sound was great. Video great. Coco-nutty great. I really look forward to these shows. Keep em coming!

  5. Joe I have a question about Willie Messino. When you frequently drove him, this was in the late 1980s, correct? Did you ever discuss his cousins on the South Side (Clement and Dickie) who were being indicted on drug and theft charges? How did Willie end up in Elmwood Park when the rest of his family stayed south?

    Was Willie close with the south side Messino’s and are those south side Messino’s still affiliated with the Outfit? Do they have a relationship with your buddies Billy Jr. and Joe Messino?

    Clement and Dickie were both released from prison in 2005.

    • I spent a great deal of time with Willie from the mid 90s to his death in 2001. I knew him since the late 80s, despite the fact that he went back with my family to the 20s and 30s. He loved his nephews Dickie and Clem. In fact, when my friend Buddy Ciotti went to prison, I asked Uncle Willie to have Dick and Clem help him. All three were locked up together for several months at the MCC. The three became good friends after their time in jail together. In fact, when I would visit Buddy at the MCC, Willie would come with me and visit his nephews. Willie was pleased when their life sentences were overturned. He was upset his brother wasn’t alive to see it. Willie got connected to Cerone via Joe Gags in the early 40s after doing time with Gags where the two met. Prior to establishing a connection to Cerone, Willie was from Taylor/Polk Street area. However, he constantly feuded with the Briattas and Johnny Darco (D’Arco) and therefore had no love for his neighborhood. Getting back to his connection to Cerone. When Cerone moved to Elmwood Park, Willie had already been working for him for a while. Willie wanted to live close to Jack. Initially, Willie planned to live in Oak park, however, the deal on the house he wanted on Fair Oaks fell through. So, he wound up buying a house down the street from Jack. I believe either Dickie or Clem died since their release. They were two guys that I wouldn’t want problems with. I am not sure what their (whichever one is alive) status is with the Outfit today. I would think that Billy Jr and his son Joe are on reasonable terms with their south side cousins. Although, there was always a lot of family turmoil in the Messino clan. It was hard to keep up with which was mad at the other. Does this answer your questions?

  6. My family went back with Willie before Cerone knew who Tony
    Cap was. My father’s family, especially on the Nappi side, went back with Ricca
    and Capone before Accardo , Giancana and Aiuppa ever met him.

  7. You guys are like fucking children here arguing about whether you’re legally liable or not and your “show” is extremely unprofessional and childlike! It reminds me of my little brother and I when we were little kids and we would get a tape recorder and put on our “neighborhood show”. There was no plan or flow to it at all and it was just two young kids gossiping about the neighborhood.
    If you’re such a professional fucking journalist, then have some plan and outline beyond just the topics you plan to discuss. It really makes you look like even more of a tool than you actually are. I guess I can see why the Outfit used you as a gofer boy years ago. You’re a moron and that’s what they like outta their guys who don’t or can’t earn. Loyal morons who put them in no danger up being overthrown. And now you’re just a dressed up, shelved moron with nothing to do but devote your life to gossiping about criminals who 99% of the world could care less about. Way to go you fucking losers!