Wednesday, March 26

CBS 2 Reporter Dave Savini

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CBS 2 Reporter Dave Savini

CBS 2 Reporter Dave Savini

On January 4, 2014, CBS2 News Reporter David Savini was arrested and charged with multiple misdemeanor offenses including DUI and battery. According to public records, Naperville, Illinois, resident Alexander E. Romero signed a battery complaint against Savini.

In addition, Savini submitted to a breathalyzer test and blew .134.

Based on Savini’s long and successful career fighting serious corruption-related crimes in the greater Chicagoland area, I trust that if Savini is guilty of any portion of the allegations lodged against him that he would be extremely remorseful. I sincerely wish Dave Savini and his family well.



  1. Lovely Linkus on

    First off I have to say this man is incredibly good looking. Hope that softens the blow a little after all of the comments come through. I am not going to attempt to make excuses for anyone who is intoxicated and drives. Driving intoxicated is simply careless,self centered,and wrong. However, people do it everyday and unfortunately it takes an incident like this for people to realize that there are real and harsh consequences for getting behind the wheel legally drunk. Thank God no one was hurt physically even though Romero claims he was pushed. This is one of those stories that I am going to wait and see what other facts become available before I jump to conclusions. What I do know from reading research about body weight and consumption is a man who weighs 175 can have about 4 to 5 drinks in an hour and just barely be over the legal limit. His level is at .134 which means he drank more and longer,almost twice the amount before driving, People make mistakes and use poor judgment. What is of paramount importance is that they understand the dangers of their actions,pay the punishment and never EVER do it again……..That is if they are lucky enough not to have killed anyone and charged with vehicular homicide. Please do not drink and drive.

    • Just want to clarify that I was not suggesting that ANP jumped to any conclusions. I have seen a couple online articles and blogs talking about Savini. There is quite a few bashing Savini in the comment threads. On the flip side there are several supporters and those who believe this was an old fashioned set up to bring him down. Its possible.

  2. You wish him the best and well? His kids were in the car with car with and he was twice the legal limit. Although I am sure he has the money and the means to get a slap on the wrist and “don’t do it again”. He is just as crooked as the villages you love to report on. But yeah but of luck to him, hope your kids can forget what happened.