Wednesday, March 26

Kudos to Appellate Court Of Illinois For Affirming Dr. Joseph Giacchino’s Revocation

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For those of you unfamiliar with Joseph Giacchino, whose Illinois medical license was revoked in 2011, please insert his name into the American News Post search bar. There you will be able to peruse many detailed articles illustrating of the quality of the person known to many as Dr. Joseph Giacchino.

However, at the risk of pushing away potential viewership from ANP’s archives, I have to admit that reading the order issued by the Appellate Court of Illinois, First Judicial District, Sixth Division, you will have a thorough understanding of Dr. Joseph Giacchino’s character. Please click here to read that order, which affirms the 2011 revocation of Giacchino’s Illinois medical license. The order came down on December 20th, 2013.

Joseph Giacchino

Joseph Giacchino

I am not going to expand much further on this subject because I have reported adequately on the matter of Dr. Joseph Giacchino over the past 6-years. For those familiar (or about to be familiar) with my personal experiences with Giacchino, which occurred many years ago, please note that approximately 1-year ago I decided to forgive Giacchino on a spiritual level for the many sins and crimes that he committed against me and my loved ones.

However, do not mistake my decision to forgive Giacchino as some kind of an act of endorsement. As my longtime loyal readers know, for many years I have been passionate about seeking justice for Giacchino’s victims. Despite the fact that I have forgiven Giacchino, I am very pleased over the affirmation of the revocation of his Illinois medical license. In addition, I do believe that it would not be a bad thing if a little more justice would be served. The justice that I am referring to has nothing to do with my professional capabilities, as I am not a prosecutor or a warden.

On behalf of the greater Chicagoland community, I wish to thank Justices Billik, Hall and Lampkin. I am grateful that the justices made sure the good work of many state and federal agents, done for the primary purpose of keeping our community safe, was preserved and enforced through the affirmation of Giacchino’s Illinois medical license revocation.


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