Wednesday, March 12

ANP’s Roundtable: Elmwood Park & Sports

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John Wasilenko

John Wasilenko

Hello everyone! This is Joe Fosco with ANP’s Roundtable discussion with co-host Frank Coconate for January 17, 2014.

Today we touched on the Elmwood Park, Illinois, elder abuse case regarding the infamous Police Sergeant John Wasilenko and covered a great deal of sports-related news matter. Michael Carter, who is a native of Chicago and lifelong sports buff, was nice enough to appear on today’s show as a special guest. We hope to have him back again for his great sports expertise.

Additionally, Mr. Carter has some interesting personal experiences unrelated to sports that I feel would serve as an asset to our show. I am not at liberty to divulge more at this time so I will end here. In advance, thanks for watching our show. It looks as if we will return sometime next week. We’ll keep you posted on a date. Have a great weekend.



  1. hey joe. good see you back, good show lets hope the cop gets fired and some jail time.. your sports guy was pretty good and knowledgeable until he mentioned tebow .who is terrible that why he is not nfl QB. also you mentioned Holly Cross H.S alot of outfit guys sons went there . i grew up with a few.

  2. You really have a bad case of Narcisissm and your arrogance makes me laugh and want to puke at the same time. Why in the world would you dress up in a three-piece suit when your guests are wearing normal, every day clothes? Just to make yourself feel like you’re better than them? You make me and alot of others sick with your obsession with the Chicago Outfit! It’s like you live in another world and the way you present yourself and talk with that faggoty way of enunciating your words makes you intolerable. Go crawl in a hole and die Mr Fozzy!