Tuesday, March 25

The Media’s Relentless And Unjust Attack On Mr. Bill Cosby

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ANP Readers:

For those who regularly follow American News Post/ANP, you have been aware that ANP was on hiatus for the last several weeks. Please know that some members of ANP’s team, as well as me, have been addressing other, less conspicuous, endeavors. However, we have maintained a mutual commitment in resuming our regular schedule at ANP, especially as we approach our 7th year at the pulpit of free speech. In other words, please know that our hiatus has officially ended.

Joe Fosco

Bill Cosby

Mr. Bill Cosby

Mr. Bill Cosby, an American icon, idol and mentor to tens of millions of people, young and old, has been dogged for several decades by allegations of sexual misconduct. As his popularity began to rise yet again, these tired allegations resurfaced.

I know full well that rape is one of the worst experiences that a person can sustain. Rape causes injury sometimes beyond repair. However, I am among those who understand that rape is sometimes the basis of false allegations and frivolous lawsuits. As I have written about in the past, I have been a victim of a false rape claim in civil court involving a multimillionaire, and further victimized in connection with a short-lived smear campaign. My involvement in said false rape case was made possible because of fierce coercion, temporarily forcing me on the side of the false accuser. This false accuser is now an unlicensed medical doctor by the name of Joseph L. Giacchino Jr. Therefore, I understand and can identify false rape claims better than most, as I have lived through something quite similar as what is happening to Mr. Cosby right now.

So my experience with this topic, coupled with my recent research into the claims of these women who are accusing Mr. Cosby of sexual misconduct, make me believe that these charges are the work of mentally troubled individuals who are greedy, selfish, ruthless, ambitious, dishonest and fearless people, capable of anything.

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  1. As always, comments may also be left here in addition to ANP’s (and my personal) facebook page. Thank you.

  2. totally agree ..come now who for one goes out on a date with someone who sexually assaults you more then once two why did they not go to the police when it happened or at least within the same decade three how come no one else has every come forward about this until it is time to jump on the suing band wagon???????????????????????????????????

  3. Here is an admittedly angry self proclaimed pimp (criminal), by the name of Frank Scotti, showing off some paperwork purported to be a number of very modest checks and/or money orders that he claims Mr. Bill Cosby funded for various women over the years (despite the fact that Bill Cosby’s signature does not appear on the purported checks and/or money orders displayed in the attached footage). Notice the name dropping has-been and self proclaimed criminal known as Frank Scotti even manages to taint the Trump Family name in his smear campaign against Mr. Bill Cosby. Even if the nonsense that spewed from this old fools mouth were true, rapes and poisoning are not indicated whatsoever. The old coot is probably out of his mind. lol


    • A great refute of the so called “where there’s smoke there fire” argument is the famous McMartin trial. Over 150 claims of sexual abuse and the were ALL proven false. Just because a whole lot of people say something doesn’t mean its true. I agree that Dr. Cosby is innocent until proven otherwise and the burden of proof is on the accuser. If the accuser cannot produce proof then Dr. Cosby rightfully will continue to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  4. Sorry, but there’s just too much smoke here for there to not be a fire. Cosby is not the beacon of morality and responsibility that he’s been made out to be.

      • Because of course you were present when all 19 alleged instances occurred, right?

        The amount of certainty you’re displaying is galling.

        • JJB,
          I was as absent from witnessing anything as you were. However, my findings are based on facts. The fact is that not one ounce of credible evidence has been presented that would prove Mr. Cosby to be a rapist and poisoner. The police even laughed some of the twits out of the police station.

    • The famous McMartin trial had 150 claims of sexual abuse. They were ALL proven FALSE. There was a whole lot of smoke but absolutely NO fire. To these accusers come up with proof or enjoy knowing Dr. Cosby will continue to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  5. Unbelievable…what is wrong with you people? First off, we’re talki g about a crime that occurred decades ago during a different era and a different society when women still had no or little chance of being taken serious concerning such a crime that is committed by a wealthy, famous and influential man. Second, how can anyone claim to understand the mental, emotional or even physical state of a raped or traumatized victim? I have seen and experienced things that would and have traumatized people, but not me because mentally, physically and emotionally I am strong because I am experienced, practical, reasonable and all around realistic. That only comes with time and knowledge. A teenager, twenty-something year old and even many in their 30s barely know how to wipe their asses properly, let alone have a strong grasp on life and the knowledge to deal with all events or trauma properly. That is why we should respect our elderly more…they aren’t always talking shit like thevyoung think. Lol.

    The main accuser in this case was laughed at, degraded and humiliated when she first came forward in the 1980s, and by an assisant D.A….another female no less. What about victims who are continously abused, humiliated, beaten, raped and so on by their own families and so-called friends and remain in thier situations until they are saved by someone? Are they stupid, idiotic, weak people to be forgotten just because they were naive and ignorant early in their life? Should we dismiss those who did not hold enough power or influence to change their situations or circumstances at the time? We have all been weak, naive and ignorant during the earliest years of our lives, and some people remain this way throughout life because of their up-bringing, religious beliefs or whatever reason.

    What matters here are the facts….truth & reality matter most because they are one and the same. Some say, “where there is smoke there is fire.” Maybe…but even more so, you cannot prove a negative, you cannot prove something false with just words. If a person is accused of a heinous act or crime and are truly innocent, then they have committed no actions that can be used against them. This isn’t the movies or fiction. I know this personally because I have been falsely accused of committing acts I did not several times, and each time I proved that the accusations were completely false…I immediately raced to clear my name, not in fear, but in anger, resentment and sheer hatred of my accusers because I knew I was innocent.

    What has Mr. Cosby done? Wouldn’t a man of wealth, power, influence and great fame demand that he be allowed to defend himself in ALL MANNER POSSIBLE? TO oppose such injustice heaped directly upon him and to clear his good name and honor? No amount of negative publicity or loss of money could stop me from confronting my accusers head on within any and every arena, from public forum, to the media and to a court of law. Mr. Cosby or any other, if truly innocent should be able to prove his own actions, what he has or has not done. Times, places, witnesses, documents, etc. They should all be in his favor if he is innocent. I mean don’t get me wrong…I know good people are set-up and victimized themselves all the time. As I stated I am a pragmatist and a realist, mind, heart and soul. I understand that many times bad people triumph over good, evil wins over good, the just fall to the unjust…plain and simple, we have some dirty MOFO’S out there, from the average man to the most powerful. Those in power and authority lie, cheat, steal, abuse, degrade, humiliate and even murder on a regular basis…But…are we dealing with power, influence and wealth here? Is this a JFK-Government backed level conspiracy or even a weakly attempted, low-level conspiracy or plot by the somewhat influential? I don’t see it. Do you?

    So tell me…why is such a righteous, influential, wealthy, famous and very connected man affraid of a few female liers with absolutely no power or influence other than what the average woman can muster? Could it possibly be that it’s no longer 30 years ago and that everything from religion and politics, community interest groups, big bussiness, the media, including social media can now all be brought to bare against Mr. Cosby? Well?

    It’s a different time people…it’s still a shithole of a world, even worse where many social issues are concerned, but one thing has changed, and drastically…the little man now has a big voice, and some like Mr. Cosby are shitting their pants. If they weren’t they would be on the front lines of the battle…especially a battle that is directly aimed at him and affects his whole world. Mr. Cosby has shown how much of a coward he is in just sitting back and allow others such as his bought for publicists to do all his fighting for him.

    Poor Mr. Cosby, now because you hesitated the situation is dire….have some Jello pudding, it will make you feel better Heathscliff!
    Oh ya btw….I bet all of you who think that Cosby is innocent, maybe Jerry Sanduski and that other asshole who was on that Jessica Biel series..7th Heaven or whatever, they are innocent as well, no? About as much as the catholic priest my boyhood friends had to fight to get away from when they were 10.

    You don’t run away and hide when something is not true. When your very honor, legacy and basically your well being and happiness is on the line you don’t hide….you challenge your accusers and you fight with all your might, everything you have!!! And I don’t just mean money and connections.

    The truth comes out in the end…whether publically or in private…it always surfaces and demands it’s due. How does the saying go….just like the devil demands his due! Lol.

  6. Beverly Johnson has a book deal with Simon and Schuster it was quietly annoyed on December 1, 2014 on the internet. Her Vanity Fair Story was posted online December 11, 2014 and her media blitz on The View, Good Morning America, and CNN was televised mid December. Here are the links announcing the book http://www.amazon.com/The-Face-That-Changed-All/dp/1476774412 and http://blackpageturners.com/2014/12/01/between-the-lines-supermodel-beverly-johnson-set-to-tell-all/ The book will be released in August. Ms. Johnson failed to tell any of the media outlets she had a book deal when asked why she came forward. So now we know Ms. Johnson who accused Chris Noth (Law and Order, The Good Wife) of being a stalker which is false, was drumming up interest in a memoir and increase sales. Of course the media failed to research.

    • That has nothing to do with it. She says herself that she struggled about coming forward because of the need to protect black men from being falsely accused etc. But she knew the truth. To try and look for a ‘book’ deal to somehow explain the now, what, 30 women accusing Cosby takes a particularly narrow view, and one which supports rape culture.

      • She did not struggle she has a book deal in place. She will make $$ off her story. So for her its about money. She certainly had no trouble accusing Chris Noth (Law & Order, The Good Wife, Sex and the City) of being a stalking and filing a restraining order. She admitted she told nobody until 2014.

  7. Reading viewing those who defend the resurgence of a pack of jackals, whose history goes from drug addiction~drug sales~prostitution~other few who were kept women by the supposed perp, for quite a long history~self proclaimed attacks from those who have accused other men of impregnating them and have come up wrong and considered a rambling lost soul~then, a child beating pathetic ex drug dealer~and then, those who say, “OH he tried to grope me or he tried to kiss me or I got into a taxi to get away but no rape” Those who claim to have “dated” Bill Cosby in the day, that era of men of color BEWARE~those BUNNIES who at that time were, hardly women of high moral fiber~People, look at the list of core individuals and what they come from and how they are today~do you not smell the stink of fabrication and defamation for the sake of extorting money and/or getting in the public eye to try to write a book or have a reality show or give speeches to women who actually have had terrifying experiences. YES, I have been attacked and as a young woman, as well molested as a child, and YES this drama is nothing more than that and wrong to those who have suffered from the true terror of such experiences.