Saturday, March 29

ATTENTION PUBLIC: DuPage County Residents, Be Advised Of A Cash Reward For Catching Convicted Reckless & Impaired Driver Richard R. Padal of Bloomingdale, Illinois

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The following is a public service announcement:

WARNING – I was made aware recently that 65-year-old convicted reckless and impaired driver Richard R. Padal of Bloomingdale, Illinois (209 William Way) was seen purportedly intoxicated at Rooster’s Barn and Grill. More disturbingly, Mr. Padal was observed entering a motor vehicle (a small foreign car dark in color) and driving away.

Richard R. Padal

Richard R. Padal

Richard R. Padal has engaged in irresponsible behavior that has led to a decade-long spree of criminal convictions relating to DUI and reckless driving in DuPage County. The community must now take action and stop Mr. Padal’s ongoing reckless and deadly rampage.

If anyone catches Richard R. Padal leaving Rooster’s Barn and Grill (or any other neighborhood establishment) intoxicated and attempting to operate a motor vehicle, please dial 9-1-1 immediately. After reporting Padal to the police, contact KTF Media Group with the details. Any information leading to the arrest and conviction of Mr. Padal for impaired driving-related infractions (if reported to KTF Media Group immediately after notifying the police) will net the tipster a $500.00 reward from KTF Media Group. All reports to KTF Media Group will be kept confidential.



  1. Give me a break! on

    Interesting how you published this public service announcement, but you don’t say anything about your bosom buddy Mike Magnafichi’s DUI troubles–one of which allegedly involved a loaded pistol!

  2. Give me a break! on

    I demand that you publish another PSA of equal or greater length about the danger that Michael Maganfichi poses to the community!

  3. People:

    Michael was not recently seen driving off in an automobile drunk.

    If anyone catches a drunk driver behind the wheel, first report it to the police, then contact KTF immediately. Upon the conviction of said offender, KTF Media will issue a $500.00 reward to the tipster. Thank you.


    /s/ Joseph Fosco

  4. Dear KTF,

    I know this Padal guy. His wife is Cookie. They had an on again of again marriage for several years. During one of their off times, Rich Padal told me that Cookie was dating one of her bosses. He also told me that he burned the guys garage down as a message that he better leave Cookie alone. This Padal guy is a drunkard. I would not be surprised if he has killed someone.

    Thanks for focusing on him. I think he knows Magnafichi. All those guys hang in Roosters Barn and Grill.

  5. Joseph Fosco on


    Your language is not acceptable here. If it continues, I will remove your posts and block you.

  6. What is the “RAT” in reference to?
    Padal, Joe Fosco’s actions against the mob, or Joe Fosco’s reporting of Padal?

  7. Dear Joe Fosco,
    Would you agree that there’s something a little, maybe, “off” about Mr. Padal’s appearance?

    He seems like some “other” type of offender, if you catch my drift. [In my opinion, anyway.]

    It almost seems like he’d fit right in on another similar public service announcement that you wrote very recently. Do you see what I’m getting at?

  8. Concerned Citizen on

    I feel that your friend Mike is a danger to the community. If your going to throw others under the bus for their behavior, you need to include your friends too. Your a scumbag, you pick and choose who you burn at the steak.

  9. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Concerned,

    Magnafichi does not drive a car – Padal does. Big difference. Thanks.

  10. Concerned Citizen on

    your friend cannot drive because he lost his right to. What makes this man any more dangerous than Mike was when he did. I didnt see any warnings about Mike

  11. Concerned Part II on

    Yes, do one about “made member” of the Outfit, Mike Magnafichi, and then do one for Jerry Navarro who did prison time as well.

    You will be doing a public service.

    Thank you.

  12. Concerned Part II on

    I think you owe it to the community, which you purport to protect, to expose drug dealers.

    I applaud you, Joseph, for keeping the spotlight on Dr. Giacchino’s wife who did prison time for drug dealing, so please do that for ALL drug dealers that you are aware of. Please warn us, the public, of ALL the people you know of who did prison time for narcotics-related crimes. Thank you.

  13. Concerned Part II on

    Mrs. Giacchino did the time for her crime, and it has not yet been proved that she has re-offended. Yet, you have done the public service of keeping her in the public eye as a drug dealer. Thank you.

    Please expose ALL drug dealers that you know of. I believe on another thread you alluded to the subject of the article as someone who was found guilty of narcotics-related offenses. Please do a public service announcement about him.

  14. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Concerned II,

    I have already disclosed Magnafichi for DUI and Navarro for narcotics. Thanks.

  15. Concerned Part II on

    Please do a formal public service announcement about Jerry Navarro. His primary places of employment are at establishments that serve alcohol.

    As we know, alcohol problems are often suffered in tandem with narcotics addiction.

    Please alert the public, formally. Thank you.

  16. Concerned Part II on

    You are a vigilante for public justice and community protection. Please formally alert the public of people who have done prison time for narcotics dealing. Help protect our children.

    Narcotics dealing is the most insidious, despicable criminal activity in suburban Chicago. Please formally warn us, the public, about these people. Thank you.

    I’m not asking that you advertise a reward. A simple, brief public svc. announcement will suffice. Thank you.

  17. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Concerned,

    If I find credible evidence that shows Magnafichi and Navarro are conducting themselves in a way that brings their history in to their daily routine, I will certainly do a PSA on them.

    Padal still drives drunk – Magnafichi does not.

    Battaglia exposes himself to children thru business open to the public.

    Navarro is no longer selling drugs.

  18. PLEASE READ!!! on


    Please read the recent exchange between myself and Joe Fosco, and consider Joe’s answer in the context of the popular Jerry Navarro article.

  19. PLEASE READ!!! on

    KTF Media readers,

    Please take note of Joe’s attitude toward my request.

  20. PLEASE READ!!! on

    Is it too much to ask that you expose a convicted narcotics dealer in the interest of public safety?

  21. PLEASE READ!!! on




  22. Dear “PLEASE READ!!!” –

    I want to say thank you for pointing out the painfully obvious display of selective morality on this comment thread. You should read the other threads that stem from Joe Fosco’s writings.

    Yes, Joe is willing to take it upon himself to warn the public about a convicted sex offender and this Mr. Padal, but it seems as if he won’t warn the public about other felons if it is going to make him look bad.

    Don’t you think this raises some questions about Joe’s true motivations as to what he is trying to accomplish with this blog? Exposing an already-exposed sex offender is like shooting fish in a barrel. Responsible people check the relevant sex offender lists, don’t they? So, what’s the problem with authoring and publishing public service announcements about, as you put it, *all* gangsters or *all* drug dealers?

    That would be something, though, if Joe Fosco did do a public service announcement about Mr. Navarro. Just imagine: Joe started out by writing the TEC Carrier-Heiress piece in which Jerry is referred to in a roundabout way as an “evil-doer.” Then, he goes on to unapologetically support Mr. Navarro (remember: the “evil-doer”) in order to settle a score with Ms. Mungo. (That is the 800+ comments thread. I urge you to read it. It is extremely interesting for many reasons.) It would be a sight to see if Joe Fosco published yet a third article on the subject, in which he informs the public about Navarro’s previous activities with narcotics.

    This seems to be a twisted, coiled mess of self-serving unreasonableness, doesn’t it?

    This approach to journalism is not something most normal people appreciate, as far as I’m concerned. The apparent shamelessness is what really gets me. I’m convinced that there’s no way that Joe Fosco can expect his audience to take all of this stuff at face value. He has to be aware that we can see-through him, right? If not, we, his audience, should be extremely insulted by his true regard for us.

    I’m not sure if you’re a professional journalist or writer, Mr. (/Ms.) “PLEASE READ!!!” But I appreciate the fact that your antennae go up when you encounter this kind of thing. I am acquainted, in a manner of speaking, with some interesting, talented, and legitimate people (some of whose names you may recognize) who are aware of Joe Fosco’s writings.

    If you can provide an email address or URL to your blog, we can discuss things a little further. Plus, I am positive that Joe would enjoy reading another writer’s take on him—not that an objective, coherent critique by a responsible writer would necessarily have any effect on him.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  23. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Your outlook is very interesting. Thank you for sharing it. When this other blog kicks off please send me whatever piece I am covered in, I think it would be interesting to read.

    Most importantly – on behalf of KTF Media Group – thank you for your readership.

    PS – In the meantime, I sit and wait for (false) libel suits to be filed, but I wait and wait and wait. No libel.

  24. “PLEASE READ!!!”-

    I have to correct one thing in your comments. M.L. Gil (Giacchino) was never convicted of the original narcotics charges for which she was facing 15-years in prison. She received 21 months in prison for “failing to report a felony.”

    I realize that anyone could argue that she was complicit in the narcotics-related activities by failing to turn on her husband, and there is a lot of truth in that. But I have to correct you.

    I think that Joe Fosco is aware of this, as well. I wonder why he didn’t point it when he originally responded to you four separate times several hours ago.

  25. Joe Fosco,

    I just noticed that you responded to me for my comment that was directed to another individual. This is a public forum, so no big deal.

    I get the feeling that you think I was referring to some of the people who have wrote negatively about. No thats not the case. The interesting, talented, and legitimate people (some of whose names you may recognize) are writers.

  26. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    I should have pointed out that the former porn star, aka, Mrs. Giacchino, once confessed to me that she used to carry a .25 (handgun) when she would handle the money during the drug deal – she used to make the ‘buy’. And, I have the entire case, I printed it off PACER years ago. The case supports her confession.

    Dr. Giacchino might not go to prison, but he will lose his medical license. I wonder what Maria will do to bring in the big money once her hubby is unemployed.

  27. I actually believe that no one you write negatively about will ever bring charges against you because they have probably been advised by their attorneys to leave you alone because you will eventually go away.

    Having shared that with you, I should mention that an attorney I know is aware of your work and considers it a “disaster waiting to happen.” Of course, he is not referring to your abilities or what might be called your impetuousness, but, instead, the legal (cash) potential for the individuals you focus on.

    Personally, I have no opinion on that aspect of your life.

  28. Gil’s legal difficulties culminated in 2001. When was the incident with Magnafichi and the one DUI that involved the loaded .38?

  29. And didn’t you say that he had a close babysitting-role with children at this time? Children who were not his? Where is the public service announcement?

  30. Joseph Fosco on


    I have not issued a public service warning on Michael or Maria, however I have disclosed their criminal history.

    Michael was driving an automobile that was not his, that had a gun in the glove box that was not his. He was convicted of a Misdemeanor for that matter. Mary Ann Mungo (in my opinion) is a poor excuse for a mother to allow her kids to be in the care of a man that would be clueless as to what is in the car he is driving – and the fact that he is a gangster does not make it any better.

    Maria Gil confessed to me that she carried a gun with the intent to shoot and kill the other dealer if the deal would have gone bad.

    You cannot compare the two situations.

    I should do a PSA on Gil.

  31. Yes, you should. I think she should have received the 15 years she as originally facing–it would have given her time to think about her despicable actions. Narcotics dealing is deplorable.

    Thank you in advance.

    Also, do a “PSA” on Mr. Jerry Navarro.

  32. Joseph Fosco on


    Your suggestion that I have not been sued for libel is silly – because I will ‘eventually go away’. Yes, I might ‘eventually go away’, but, the articles do not go anywhere. lol

  33. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    I do not know if Mungo has been convicted of a crime – and I will likely not do a PSA on her. I guess I was referring to my opinion of her bad parenting skills.

    As for Jerry Navarro, I do not believe he is selling anymore. As for Gil, I know she had involved herself (briefly at the least) in some pain medication business a couple of years ago.

  34. Laughter is good for the soul, Joe. I’m glad you enjoyed my comment.

    The articles will, in a sense, go away in the event that you get sued. Which may not happen, but, according to this attorney, could happen–and it could be very disastrous at that.

  35. You are not certain that Navarro is not selling.

    You are not certain that Battaglia is not molesting.

    Thank you for the PSA about Battaglia, but where’s the one about Navarro?

  36. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    In the first Mungo piece, I was simply referring to how Mungo regarded Jerry – as an evildoer. Please get your facts straight.

    And you make a weak point about responsible people checking the sex offenders website. Are you suggesting that responsible people check the website to see if the banquet manager is on the list after they book a wedding? I can see a responsible person checking the area around their home, but, come on, not the banquet manager. lol.

  37. Joseph Fosco on


    You cannot compare an old drug case to an old pedophile case. I am just pointing what the experts say.

  38. That wasn’t a weak point. Your comment seems to imply that the general public is uninformed or stupid or not capable. And I am not giving you a hard time about the Battaglia PSA. Again, thank you. But it was east.

    I notice that you are skirting the whole issue: selective morality.

    And, again:

    You are not certain that Navarro is not selling.

    You are not certain that Battaglia is not molesting.

    Thank you for the PSA about Battaglia, but where’s the one about Navarro?

  39. How about an “old drug case” that earned the offender prison time and a “reckless and impaired driver” situation?

  40. Joseph Fosco on


    Drug dealers heal more than child sex offenders do – that is what the experts say. We are beating a dead horse.

    And, KTF does not have the resources to cover the vast majority of criminals in society, not even the minority. Again, I do not believe Jerry is a threat.

    As far as selective morality, that is your opinion. I do not argue with opinions. I share opinions and/or listen to opinions.

  41. Do you think the public should know about people who have been involved with and imprisoned for narcotics-related crimes?

  42. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    The old drug case appears to be a non issue today.

    Padal’s multiple traffic convictions for DUI and reckless offenses became an issue when I received credible information last week that Padal was drunk and driving.

    I promise you that if I ever receive credible information that Jerry is selling again, I will do a PSA. Settled.

    Thank you.

  43. Let me ask you a question. Are you considered a “convicted felon” or not? It is just a question.

  44. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    whether the public should or should not know about old drug cases involving prison time, I have disclosed Jerry’s prior.

  45. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Most times people ask questions like the one you have posed, they already know the answer. State you point.

  46. You have not done a PSA.

    In the past, you have separated yourself from responsibility for saying damning things by stating that you provided the information in a thread–not in an article. This implies that far fewer readers probe through the threads than the article.

    So don’t sit here and tell me you advised the public of Navarro’s narcotics-related activities when you did so on 2 threads.

  47. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Navarro’s prison time came out in the article. you might be right, the nature of the offense might not have been mentioned.

    Would it make you happy if I add the nature of Navarro’s crime to the article?

  48. Here’s my point.

    I want you to-
    Either acknowledge the selective morality thing with regard to your work: that there are some felons you won’t write PSA’s about because it will make you look bad, or because they are your friends, or because it will lead to a situation that might compromise certain aspects of your life.


    I want you to write about Navarro and *all* the other felons you know or don’t know who the public should know about.

    I think the general public should know about individuals who have been involved in narcotics.

  49. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Aside from Navarro, I do not have the resources to cover every felon in society. However, I endeavor to do as much as I can – little by little.

  50. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Would it make you happy if I include the nature of Navarro’s crime in the article?

  51. I am not singling out Navarro.

    Joe, I don’t appreciate the fact that you present yourself as a journalist who has the interests of his community and the general public at heart, when there some glaring “sins of ommission” (in that department) at hand.

    And what about Magnafichi?

  52. Joe,

    You don’t know Battaglia or Padal, but you expose them (thank you), but there are these other people right in front of your face that get a pass? Why?

  53. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    I am not at liberty to talk about my situation with Magnafichi. However, I will add the nature of Navarro’s crime to the article.

  54. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Navarro’s crime will be indicated in the article.

    Again, I am not at liberty to talk about my situation with Maganfichi.

  55. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    My failure to initially include the nature of Navarro’s crime in the article is an embarrassing oversight. As I said, I will make the correction.

  56. I still feel like you are missing the point.

    Who is deserving of a PSA and who is not? Who deserves a PSA and whose crimes are only worthy of an update, or a nugget of information in a thread?

    And with regard to Mungo, she has not been convicted of a criminal offense that I am aware of. So, how is it that you can say Mungo gets a PSA, and the Navarro piece gets edited to include the narcotics thing?

  57. I also have a pressing question about what you said about “(false) libel suits.”

  58. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    I am not going to do a PSA on Mungo.

    As far as who gets a PSA and who does not is based on several factors, none in which I will get in to over a thread with someone who’s identity is unverified.

    I will go further with you via email. Submit whatever questions you have about the various processes at KTF and I will be glad to address them. I am sorry, but it is our policy to keep administrative related information off the threads. Thanks.

  59. Let me start by asking you this. Have you ever published libelous statements on here, either in your articles or threads?

  60. OK.

    But your argument is that if you had committed libel, the victim would file suit against you, right? There have been no suits because everything you write is verifiable truth–meaning you could furnish some type of irrefutable evidence in support of your claim, right?

  61. Joseph Fosco on


    In my opinion, any libel suit lodged against me would be false – because I print the truth.

  62. I was speaking in terms of judgement, but I’m not going to argue with that.

    I have come across comments on here by anonymous commenters who obviously know (or knew) you in real-life who state things intended to have us believe they are giving other readers a glimpse into your life (or past life). Some of the information is really ugly. I

    Out of respect for you, I don’t want to give a specific example, but much of it is in reference to your ex/former/etc. wife.

    Why have you not filed suit?

  63. Well, you’re on here randomly doling out vigilante justice, all while (real crimes aside, as you have acknowledged them) you yourself have been accused of some awful things! That does not come across well.

    Why have you not filed suit–if we apply your own reasoning, does it not point to the fact that you are guilty? I’m not saying you are, but I’m wondering why anyone would tolerate such things.

  64. Joseph Fosco on


    That has been asked and answered several times. It was answered at least twice in the Battaglia thread. If you are interested in getting the answer, go fishing for it. I told you what pond to look in. I am too tired to repeat the same information over and over.

  65. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    My history comes out on this site so much that having a PSA done for me (lol) would be a waste of time. lol

  66. Joseph Fosco on


    If i start taking a while responding, its because I am doing something else.

  67. There was someone on the Fratto thread who mentioned something about violent behavior. Do you recall?

  68. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Sure, I believe it pertained a completely unsubstantiated allegation that originated via a triple hearsay source. The alleged victim is actually my witness that the false allegation is exactly that.

  69. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    In fact, we had to submit to a great deal of nonsense to make things go smoothly because of the pressure that the system places on anything relating to me – because of the fraudulent alert by Judge Cerone-Marise, on my name thru leads. Have you read the PSA that I have done for her? If not, read it.

  70. There’s hell of a lot more that I’m not going to repeat here because it would be irresponsible. Have fun doing whatever is more important than attempting to reconcile roaring contradictions in your reputation. Have fun selecting who is going to have the wrath of Joe Fosco rain down upon them, and who gets a pass.

    And have fun with your administrative procedures.

  71. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    You are right, trying to shove unsubstantiated crap down my throat would be very irresponsible.

    On behalf of KTF Media Group, thank you for your readership.

  72. Padal and Battaglia get exposed, and “made” member of the Outfit gets a “My Pal” piece and Navarro gets a hagiography.

    That is very irresponsible, Joe.

  73. Irresponsible, unprofessional, dishonest, shameless, offensive, and unbecoming of a “media figure” “publisher” of a “respectable online magazine.”

    Onlookers, please read the thread. You will agree.

  74. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Just for that I am not going to add the nature of Jerry’s charge to the article.

    Furthermore, I feel awful that my office was used in a crime against Jerry by Mungo, which was my fault for trusting Mary Ann. That is a major part of why I have been easy with Jerry.

    And, Magnafichi (I believe) has helped me remain alive – relating to the Outfit’s threat on my life. Therefore, I pardoned both of them (Jerry & Michael) for very different reasons (its one way of looking at it). Governors and Presidents pardon far worse people all the time and for worse reasons. Thank you.

  75. Joseph Fosco on

    What I have done for Jerry and Michael is noble. You almost turned me around – not so fast.

  76. It’s noble for you to warn the public about Mr. Padal but not for Navarro (narcotics) and Magnafichi (“made” member of the Outfit, who was involved in a DUI stop with a loaded pistol, and who was occasionally responsible for Navarro’s children around this time, according to you)?

    Perceived nobility trumps responsibility, credibility, and respectability as a journalist, for you?

    Onlookers, please be advised of what Joe has stated with regard to this issue on this thread.

  77. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mike,

    Again, I have disclosed Magnafichi’s history and Navorro’s – more than once.

    Magnafichi has helped me remain alive (relating to the Outfits threats on my life), for that I am very grateful. My life may not mean anything to you, but it does to me.

    My office was used (by Mary Ann Mungo) to cause a number of serious crimes against Jerry Navarro, for that I am very sorry. Jerry may not mean anything to you, but I feel bad for the harm that my office brought to him.

    Michael and Jerry are involved in my life in a way that would make doing an PSA on them a conflict of interest.

    Would you consider doing a PSA on them? – I cannot be involved in it. I trust that you can find a website that will host it. While you are at it, you could do a PSA on me, for my teenage crime of intimidation – maybe that will satisfy you (despite the fact that I have been completely open about my past throughout this site).

    My crime did not involve depriving someone of anything, it did not stop due process and it did not cause the slightest injury to anyone. The purported victims in my teenage matter are both doing very well today, I have personally expressed regret for the grief they experienced and we are all friendly today, and have been for many years. As I once said, the judge on the case married me to my former wife. He remains my dear friend today, although I did not know him when the case was pending. And I am grateful he sentenced me to probation and terminated it satisfied.

    Anyway, again, Mike, thanks for your readership.

  78. Joe Fosco

    You slammed Mike Eide! Conflict of interest, you are so right. Mags saved your life, your office committed crimes on Navarro, how could you do PSA on either one of them? Very professional of you to ask Eide to do a PSA on them, KTF cannot do it. Joe Fosco, your crime from when you were a teenager is so not a public concern now, not sex or drug related, etc. I admire you for expressing regret to the victims. You are awesome for fixing your relationship with them! Goofball Eide was probably hired by one of the sicko’s that you report on. Like you said, whoever paid him did not get his money’s worth! hahahahaha

    The judge on the case when you were a teenager even likes you!

    Iam happy I commented, I almost didnt. I thought about it for a while because I never comment on these things but tonite i did twice, or this morning, hahaha.

    Joe Fosco and KTK Media RULES!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. Joe Fosco

    whatever you do, do NOT stop doing psa’s! you rule! Keep up the good work. you show people that its possible to change. you were on the wrong road when you were younger, now you are on the right road. the beauty of not being a sex offender.

  80. sex offenders do not change. the stay dormant or active, either way they are sicko’s!!!

  81. Joe, this is for Mike Eide, first of all the facts of the Navarro case is as follows..Navarro never sold narcotics, he was with a person who sold to an undercover agent and he did not testify against the codefendent,He is not a rat!! HE DOES NOT DEAL DRUGS!!!!SECOND working in a restaurant that serves alchol does not make him a threat to anyoneHE DOESNT DRINK!!! FINALLY GET ALL THE FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU GO ACCUSING OR SUGGESTING ANYTHING ABOUT JERRY!!!!

  82. “debbie”-

    Calm down. I apologize up front, but please read what I have to say:

    Joe Fosco revealed on another thread that Jerry’s prison time stemmed from an incident related to narcotics. Prior to that, most of the commenters seemed to be unaware of the nature of this crime.

    The information regarding “narcotics” came from Joe Fosco–nowhere else.

    Joe Fosco also stated in this current thread that not originally including the details of Navarro’s crime into the article itself was an “embarrassing oversight” on his part(11:18 pm, yesterday).

    What’s more, Joe Fosco stated (4:11 pm, yesterday) that “Navarro is no longer selling drugs” which presupposes that he did at some point in the past. If that is not true, then take it up with Joe Fosco since he’s the one responsible for those comments.

    Joe Fosco also said, “I promise you that if I ever receive credible information that Jerry is selling again, I will do a PSA” (10:47 pm, yesterday).

    See? Joe, not me.

    If you will notice, while I do mention drug-dealing, I never said that “Navarro sold narcotics” (as you put it). I simply repeated repeated what Joe Fosco (author of articles about Jerry Navarro and publisher of this website) stated on another thread about the matter. That is, his prison time stemmed from a narcotics-related incident. Which, according to you, seems to have precipitated his troubles.

    So if this did not come across in a favorable way, please berate Joe, as well as me.

    For my part, I am sorry if this upset you and am happy to drop the matter all together, as my point was made abundantly clear in the body of the thread. Regardless of what “Jill MaMa” thinks.

    I am only replying now to explain to you what transpired on here.

    I am trying to make a point about Joe and his approach toward PSA’s.

    Happy Easter.

  83. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Debbie,

    My response to Mike’s comments would be “yadyadyda.”

    Mike continues to make the mistake that the public threads are the PSA’s. They are not. The information that Mike is attacking is in the threads, not the PSA’s. The threads provide an opportunity for us to have an after thought, or ask a question. Its like the after-show, it is supposed to be loose and easy, unlike the PSA’s.

    What we have here in Mike is probably a person that is mad that a pedophile like Frank J. Battaglia is being exploited for his now (likely) former position as boss of an establishment that hosts minors and serves alcohol.

    If I were talking to Mike right now, I would thank him for his continued involvement in out threads, despite the fact that he is off base with his arguments in the threads.

    Debbie, Happy Good Friday – I will probably communicate with you before Easter so I will defer on making that greeting.

  84. Joe,

    Thank you for reiterarating that point.And Mike all i wanted was to make the point very clear that Jerry is not a drug dealer.
    Thank you!!!

  85. Dear Joe,

    I know of an owner of a certain flower shoppe/nursery in the western suburbs of Cook County who was a major prick to me very recently. This is despite the fact that I spent 650-DOLLARS there last summer on KOREAN BOXWOOD SHRUBS!!!

    I would like you to grant the following request: PLEASE DO A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT ON HIM.

    His treatment of his customers is unacceptable–especially customers who SPEND A WEEK’S PAYCHECK THERE.If you agree, I will provide you with all the information you need via email. I think it will be a popular article.

    So you know, his son is considered “Mr. ‘Hot Shot’ Too-Cool-For-You” at the local high school, and he gives my daughter a hard time on a routine basis. Yes, he is a major asshole to my daughter.

    Please help expose this snobby family and their lousy customer service procedures.