Tuesday, March 25

Bill Cosby Files Demurrer And Sanctions! Finally!

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Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby

Those of you who turn to American News Post/ANP for news, please note that we very recently published a piece in support of the prolific comedic actor Mr. Bill Cosby. It is our position that no credible evidence has ever been offered to support the wild allegations that have been leveled against Mr. Cosby. For those who have not read ANP’s previous piece on Mr. Cosby, please click here to do so.

This afternoon I acquired electronic copies of two pleadings that were filed in a California based courthouse earlier today by Mr. Bill Cosby’s attorneys at Lavely & Singer.

The first pleading is a Demurrer. California Code of Civil Procedure Section 430.0 requires that a Demurrer be sustained when a complaint fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. Please click here to read the Demurrer filed by Mr. Cosby’s law firm.

The second pleading is simply referred to as Sanctions. Mr. Cosby’s attorneys explain in detail the alleged extortion attempt made by Judy Huth via the aid of Marc S. Strecker, Esq. Please click here to read Mr. Cosby’s request for sanctions (be sure to read the Declaration filed by one of Mr. Cosby’s attorneys, Mr. Martin D. Singer, and please read Exhibits A & B). Thank you.

American News Post is proud to announce that we maintain our support for Mr. Bill Cosby’s innocence. We look forward to justice being served.



  1. If you have trouble accessing the hyperlinks indicated in the above article (Demurrer and/or Sanctions), please send me an email at JFosco@americannewspost.com. I will gladly email you the above hyperlinked documents. Said documents are a must read! It appears that the high level of traffic going to said hyperlinks has been somewhat taxing on our ‘mom and pop’ system. As a result we are addressing our options to improve this matter. I am sorry for any inconveniences. Thank you.

  2. Is this site still publishing new articles?? Lots of good stuff reading back it appears the site is now dead, is that correct?

  3. Margaret Williams on

    Its very sad. All these individuals need Jesus. Please don’t be judgmental for we are just hearing what went on behind close doors. Let Jesus be the one in charge