Tuesday, March 25

Joe Fosco Show – Magnafichi Talks About Mafiosos

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Michael Magnafichi

Michael Magnafichi

Hello everyone!

Reoccurring guest and former Chicago Outfit Lieutenant, Michael Magnafichi, made it to the Joe Fosco Show to cover current sports related information, despite having visited his ophthalmologist for a medical procedure shortly prior to the show.

Therefore, please understand that Michael was not impersonating the late Sam Giancana by wearing his sunglasses.

I would like to take this time to encourage American News Post’s fans to tell everyone about the Joe Fosco Show. Please pass along the following message:

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Did you invent something or open a new business? If so, come on the show and tell us about it. Through American News Post, Joe Fosco will give your story the public attention it deserves.

Contact us at jfosco@americannewspost.com

Thank you

P.S. American News Post will cover various expenses relevant to the production of each show on a case-by-case basis.



  1. Joe I live 5 minutes from Oak Meadows GC and were Brook wood CC use to sit,there is a lot of earth moving equipment parked there,on your next Podcast maybe you guys could discuss what is going on at that GC.