Sunday, February 23

On Behalf Of KTF Media Group: Happy Easter!

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On this Holy Day, I wish to express my disappointment in the Roman Catholic Church over the ongoing pedophilia matters among the clergy and the protection of those predators by bishops. I would like to ask everyone to read the recent article by Theodore Roe: Pedophile Priests, And The Church That Protects Them, Feel Abused

Personally, I believe that our pope owes it to the Church to resign. Therefore, in protest of the Holy Father’s administration remaining in power, I will publish a piece that I published twice before. Twice I gave in to pressure and removed it from publication. The first time it was published, Bishop Timothy J. Lyne called me personally asking me to remove it. The second time it was published, a viewer convinced me that it was irresponsible journalism – I still agree with him. However, irresponsible journalism is what I am offering in protest of the Holy Father remaining in control of my Church.

Click here to read the most controversial piece I have ever written: Do Chicago Catholics Have The Right To Know If Cardinal Francis George And Father Daniel Flens Are More Than ‘Just Friends’?

Thank you and have a Happy Easter.



  1. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Catholic Readers:

    In my opinion, God is seriously unhappy with the clergy – he must be. When sinners sin, priests send them away with a punishment. Therefore, today, when the collection basket comes my way, I will be taking a leadership role by offer a note saying “No donation in protest of the Holy Fathers administration – he must resign.” I believe one effective way to hold the clergy accountable would be to cut off the money. We have the power to do it – if we do not exercise our power, I think God will be very disappointed in us. I further believe that it is impossible to respect God and support a pro pedophile church administration at the same time. Now we have to rely on our common sense, take charge and show the church that we support God – not pedophiles. Appearing in church is what is expected of us from God, submitting money is what is expected of us by the church. Until the church is free of pedophiles and their protectors, I ask that we only respect God by participating in Mass, not supporting an evil administration with our hard earned money. Again, Happy Easter.


    /s/ Joseph Fosco

  2. JOE,
    Happy Easter to you and your family!! I hope you have a nice day! See you soon.

    Debbie and Jerry

  3. Very well put joe- additionally i am deeply offended by the catholic nuns organization supporting the health care reform bill that is a vehicle for tax payer funded abortion – where was the outrage from rome? Must have been busy cya for the pope. Happy easter.

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear June,

    I am flabbergasted over the Catholic Nun’s Organization supporting the health reform bill. Although, I feel worse that Rome turned their heads, as usual.

  5. Bruno Yodelmouth on

    Joe Fosco,

    I was hoping you might discuss your educational background with your readers.

    How well-versed in politics and theology do you consider yourself?

    I’m am interested in knowing what gives you special or unique insight into things, and why you think that someone should read your work.

  6. What a burn! You have obviously verbally slayed joe f! I will never read his work again! Unless of course joe can provide appropiate credentials that would satisfy the above commenting dueschbag.

  7. Bruno Yodelmouth on


    I merely posed questions.

    Judging from your reaction, I’m guessing that his reputation precedes him in some way, with regard to what was asked.

  8. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Bruno,

    My background is indicated in the appropriate places. I am not going to write up a resume every time someone is too lazy to look for the information that is already out there.

    As far as my experience goes, I believe it is also indicated throughout the dozens of articles that I have published.

    In my opinion, the majority of my reasonable readers have figured out that my experiences in life have provided an interest for them, which keeps them coming back. I have nearly 2-million readers to date. If I lose you and ‘Uh’, that would be sad, however, two new readers will come along.

    Whether you and ‘Uh’ continue to read my work or not, on behalf of KTF Media Group, I thank you for your readership.

  9. Bruno Yodelmouth on

    I don’t think your in danger of losing ‘Uh’ because ‘Uh’ called me a “douchebag”, spelling it incorrectly.

  10. Bruno Yodelmouth on

    How exactly does a person study “law” in his freshman year of college, when his fellow freshman are, per university policy, taking general education courses?

  11. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Bruno,

    Someone does not study law as a freshman, obviously you are aware of that. I took some classes geared towards the study of law, such as intro to law, etc. However, when I worked with Jack P. Cerone, ESquire, between the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, I acquired a great deal of experience, mostly in the area labor arbitration, coupled with my exposure to labor matters having come from a family of union bosses.

    The reason I have taken the time to explain this to you – it is not indicated on my LinkedIn page, which is what you seem to be referring to. If you would have read the ‘Interview with Joseph Fosco’, I belive it would be indicted there. Thank you.

  12. you present yourself in away that assumes everyone is supposed to know who you are. i noticed on your linked-in page, where you and conrad black are referred to as “both media figures”, like you are two public figures who are joined at the hip. like, every time you someone thinks of conrad black, they automatically think of joe fosco. it came across as very strange.

    are you a public figure?

  13. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Lulz,

    According to my Internet presence, yes, I am a public figure – I assume anyone looking up KTF Media or me knows a great deal about me. Conrad Black is one-thousand times larger than me as far as public figures go, but we are both media figures. I realize a number of people are unable to appreciate this fact. In my opinion, anyone who’s life can be read on the Internet is somewhat of a public figure. In addition, I have been mentioned in newspapers and magazines several times, all positive, except for one quote by a convicted gangster (published by a rival media outlet) that I was covering on his sentencing day. lol


  15. Mr. M. Downs on

    Bruno Bigmouth,

    College degree, huh? That’s what you’re getting at, right?

    Listen. I hire people, OK? Let me tell you what a bachelor’s degree—from ANY college—tells me about job applicants: It’s just a highfalutin and very expensive way of showing that a person was able to attend his/herclasses enough times inside of four or five years to NOT fail out of school. It says absolutely nothing about intelligence, talent, or ability to do a particular job.

    Stephen King has a college degree, and he is considered to be a crappy writer. Mike Royko went to community college for a single semester—HE WON A PULITZER PRIZE! Studs Terkel went to law school at University of Chicago—but then worked at a hotel and joined the theater.

    College degrees are toilet paper—especially these days with grade inflation and everything. I honestly believe that a college education today is the equivalent of high school education 35-years ago.

    Bruno, you also seem to be implying that Joe doesn’t have ‘the right’ to comment on the two most interesting subjects to talk/write about: religion and politics. Either that or you’re suggesting that whatever Joe has to say on those subjects isn’t worth reading. Well, it sounds to me like you’re a stuck-up prick, pal.

    Joe do you have anything else to add?

  16. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Mr. Downs,

    You forgot to mention the late Peter Jennings – he did not go further than high school.

    Thank you for your support.

    In my opinion, a collage education is extremely valuable. Whether a student has her associate degree or a doctorate, she should be very proud of her achievement.

    I regret the fact that I did not make different choices when I was younger – I wish I had finished school. In fact, I intend to return to school in the future. I think about it all the time. If I can get a hold on my life, meaning, get over the Chicago Outfit distraction that has victimized me – I would love to go back to school.

    However, I believe that I have established an adequate perspective on matters pertaining to religion, politics and humanities. My resume speaks for itself. I have been on several boards in the capacity of a consultant. More interestingly, I have dealt with people such as Cardinal George, Johnny DiFronzo and Lord Black of Crossharbour – if anyone would suggest that an education does not go along with this, I think he or she would not be a very reasonable person.

    I have had hundreds of hours of discussions with bishops and other church leaders on religion. Is that not an education? I have probed in to the lives of Outfit bosses for many years – does that not count for something in regards to my writing. And for the last couple of years I have maintained (on average) bi-weekly communications with Lord Black, discussing politics, business and religion. How many collage professors wish they could do this?

    I have donated more money than I have today to various charities (the Outfit’s attack on my personal finances contributed to my current financial situation, which is somewhat compromised). And I have worked hard to establish a number of programs that have aided children with their education thru St. Mary of the Angel’s School in Chicago.

    A number of collage students with bachelor’s degrees that do not have the resume that I have, in my opinion, have done it the easy way. Again, I regret my choices regarding my academic experiences and poor choices of socializing with gangsters. However, I feel fortunate to have established the real life education that I currently have and will have until I take my last breath.

    Mr. Downs, thank you for asking me to add to your piece.

  17. It should also be acknowledged that Joe has never pretended to be a political scientist, religious scholar, or philosopher. He is a writer and has a website. The very act of writing gradually makes a person a better writer, which is why it’s good for Joe to maintain a blog and participate in the comments. I should add that reading also makes you a better writer.

    Joe, what kind of stuff do you read?Novels? nonfiction?

  18. Joe,

    I found myself reading this article and thread because there’s no toilet humor or gross conversation here. Congratulations on planning to go back to school. What do you think you will study? Are you a business kind of guy, or humanities, or religion? Perhaps journalism.