Friday, March 14

Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr., MD. Strikes Again!

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According to sources, it seems the DEA will not be filing criminal charges against Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr., MD. However, it appears the State of Illinois will soon be going after his medical license. Evidently the state frowns on a Pusher M.D. for issuing illicit prescriptions to patients-in-pain that are now addicted to the narcotics that he prescribes for them.

Personally, I have one lawsuit currently pending against Dr. Giacchino for breach of privacy related issues. I have the option of resuscitating another lawsuit against Giacchino for medical malpractice, which I voluntarily dismissed approximately six months ago. It has been difficult for me to find an attorney because of the Chicago Outfit connection to my lawsuits against Giacchino. Giacchino was a codefendant in the civil RICO case that I filed last year against the Chicago Outfit for extortion and conspiracy to commit murder. Most attorneys that refused to take my case did so because they feared for their safety.

On March 10, 2010, a development occurred relating to my pending privacy-issue action against Giacchino. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to divulge details on said development at this time. However, I can promise you that when I do release the details it will be alarming, as they relate to the Chicago Outfit.

One of KTF Media Group’s most loyal and dedicated fans, former police officer and senior citizen Joseph Norris, has recently filed a lawsuit in Cook County, Illinois, against Dr. Giacchino for medical malpractice. According to my sources, Dr. Giacchino purportedly over-prescribed Mr. Norris large quantities of narcotic medications, resulting in a number of damages.

While Dr. Giacchino barely manages to hold on to his medical license, be advised that you may contact Illinois State Medical Investigator Dan Murphy if you have any complaints that you wish to file against Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr., MD. You may reach Inspector Dan Murphy through the following phone number: (312) 814-4500. You must ask specifically to be routed to Inspector Murphy’s Des Plaines, Illinois, office. Thank you.



  1. Mr. Jingledonkey on


    Did you ever think that anyone who refers to this MOTHER! (Giacchino) as “Dr. G” is most likely a supporter or satisfied patient of his?

  2. scared reader on

    apparently “mr. jingledonkey” doesn’t feel like he’s contributing unless he does at least a dozen comments at a time.