Tuesday, March 25

You Have The Right To Access And Review Your Criminal History Record Information

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For those of you that read my recent article on Cook County Judge Jill Cerone-Marisie,the woman who is presently perpetuating a terrible fraud against me, please read this article.

Identity theft typically is taken to mean a violation of one’s finances. While this is a terrible offense, luckily there are companies like Life Lock that can protect you from thieves ruining your good credit. There are, however, violations of an even more extreme nature when it comes to personal identity. This whole different kind of identity theft can leave you with your Life Locked Up.

Your criminal record can be hijacked in much the same way your credit can. Do any of us remember having friends that used their older brother’s identification card to enter bars or nightclubs? Well, it might be possible that someone used your credentials during a criminal arrest. In my case, the errors on my criminal history stem from false information transmitted from the Cook County Courthouse to the Illinois State Police Records Department.

There are a few things you can do to make sure you’re not a victim of criminal identity theft like me. I believe everyone should periodically check his or her criminal background. If you find an error, you will find the two links below quite helpful.

Illinois State Police Website: Viewing and Challenging Criminal History Records

Joint Committee on Administrative Rules: TITLE 20 PART 1210 – Individual’s right to access and review criminal history record information



  1. Dear X,

    Thank you for your kind words. Although, I do not look at the process in my case as an attempt to be ‘vindicated’ – the word ‘vindicate’ is commonly applied to a person that has been convicted of a crime – I was not convicted of the charges of phone harassment. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County has my history information correct. However, the information sent to the Illinois State Police Records Division is incorrect. I have an appointment set for next week to have the matter corrected. Thank you.

  2. When someone is arrested are they not fingerprinted? I know for DUI you are – I guess a witness could claim to be someone they are not?

  3. Joe the links are not working you can also check your record or lack of criminal record (in my case never can be sure) at dupagecase.com or simply going to any police station and they will simply run your name and any activity in that town will appear.

  4. Dear Frank,

    Good question – if someone is arrested, yes, the suspect is fingerprinted. However, if Jane Doe and Jill Doe were never arrested – neither having fingerprints on file – Jill Doe could fraudulently use Jane’s information with no way to compare their fingerprints. However, in my case, it is more of a paperwork magic trick that resulted in the State Police receiving incorrect information from the courthouse.

    Thank you for alerting me to the broken links. I have sent an order to technical support.

  5. Joe, I’m new to ktf,so, apologies if this has been answered in the past. In your opinion, why have these countless people been targeting you and your family?

  6. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear George,

    Jack P. Cerone, Esquire is a financial predator (among other things) – he targeted me nearly 10-years ago and used his connections to organized crime and the Cook County Court system (which are sort of the same thing in Chicago) for help.

    Cerone mistook me for a vulnerable and defenseless victim. He relied on his friendship with my deceased father to bait me in to a trap for the money my father gave to me many years ago. He succeeded in obtaining what he wanted – causing a backlash that brought a civil RICO case against him for his role in a murder and extortion plot against me, (the FBI verified a threat on my life on more than one occasion, however, was unable to find enough evidence to do anything about it except warn me – for now).

    The current case that mobster Rudy Fratto in embroiled in regarding McCormick Place might very well reveal information concerning the type of plot he and Cerone were involved in against me.

    Cerone continues to victimize me thru his daughter, Cook County Judge Jill Cerone-Marisie.

    Some have suggested that Cerone might be harboring homosexual feelings for me aside from his pursuit of destroying me – very twisted stuff.

    You will have to read the articles to learn the full story.

  7. Dear Gwen,

    As I was ready to leave for Joliet a couple of weeks ago – I phoned first – I was advised that appearing in person is not how things are handled there. They were nice on the phone, took my information, and sent me the necessary documents and fingerprint cards that I need to initiate the record correction process. In other words, I have to follow all the steps that are pointed out in the links that I have provided in the article above. I have an appointment next week with law-enforcement to begin the process. The entire process is expected to take approximately 30-days. I will keep you informed.

  8. It doesn’t sound like you’re a victim of criminal identity theft. It sounds like you’re getting screwed, plain and simple.

  9. What’s up with the latent homosexuality thing? Has more than one person shared that with you, and what are your thoughts on the matter?

  10. Dear B,

    You are right, I related my situation to identity theft to help my audience understand that it does happen to people in society – in a couple of ways it has effected me as if it were identity theft (my situation is a mis-identity).

  11. Joe,

    If the FBI only had enough information to warn you of the threat against your life, but lacked evidence, what standing did you have to include the murder plot into your civil RICO case? How did you learn who the players were/are, and how serious did you take the threat?

    Did Magnafichi or someone confirm that the threat was real and that the Outfit intended on carrying it out?

  12. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Hansel,

    As difficult, as it might be to believe, yes, the FBI “had enough information to warn,” but “lacked evidence,” therefore could not prosecute.

    I was threatened in person by the individuals that I named in the complaint, especially by Rudy Fratto – Rudy threatened me numerous times. The only reason I mention the FBI involvement is to corroborate my testimony. The players had direct exposure to me while perpetuating their scheme.

    I am not at liberty to answer your question about Magnafichi at this time – I am sorry.

  13. Did Fratto, DiFronzo, and Cerone threaten your life directly to you? I ask because they’re named in the complaint.

    Can you give us some examples of an Outfit threat on someone’s life? I assume it’s not, “Joe, give us your late-father’s money or will are going to murder you.”

  14. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Hansel,

    I am sorry; however, I am not going to litigate this with you. The story has been told throughout several articles on this site. In addition, the first verified complaint is listed on this site somewhere in one of the articles. And, you may review the second verified complaint thru PACER (case # 09 cv 1882). PACER is a federal courts website that people can use to access federal cases, civil and criminal.

  15. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Knave,

    Jack P. Cerone targeted me when I was in my 20’s and he was in his late 50’s. He insisted I take trips with him and all sorts of other things. Some believe that he is a latent homosexual.

  16. Just wanted to say I really liked the site. You have really put a lot of time into your posts and it is just great!