Tuesday, March 25

Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit – Addendum Five

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Joseph Fosco

Joseph Fosco

I will open by sharing a quote that has been used by many over the years. “If you’re liked by everyone, you must be doing something wrong.”

Those of you who are familiar with my literary work on organized crime may recall that many years ago I regularly participated in conversation threads linked to the articles I published on American News Post. Some readers have asked me why I stopped engaging my audience.

The fact is that I have not stopped engaging with many members of my audience. I simply restrict my interactions to those readers that are serious and well-mannered. These well-intended people who appreciate my writing reach out to me through my American News Post email address, which has been in place for many years and is easily discoverable. Others reach me through Facebook or LinkedIn, which I have been using for several years.

Personally, I prefer comments to filter through American News Post’s Facebook Page, Facebook Messenger, or my email address. Anonymous commenters made up a portion of those who often participated in (or criticized) conversations on American News Post’s message threads, and other places on the internet, a number of years ago. Filtering comments through Facebook helps weed out the unserious commenters, or detractors, whose purposes are less to discuss accurate history and more to defame me.

I don’t mind people who wish to be discreet, but anyone who has participated in online conversations knows how wearisome trolls can become. I have found the subject of organized crime brings out more than the usual share of these clowns, and I’ve found it almost impossible to keep up with their misinterpretation and slander of me and my work.

Don’t get me wrong, I can take what I dish out. However, when dishing out truth causes some to give back untruth via vengeful tactics, it takes a toll.

While I have many people who enjoy my work, I also have a lot of detractors. I have gone after some very popular and well-known people who have done horrible things to others in communities near me. I believe that almost all of my detractors have never met me, and are unable to base their (inaccurate) opinions of me on any personal or direct experiences with me.

Of course, I am not an angel, nor am I purporting to be one. I do feel, though, that almost everyone who actually knows me would have to admit that I have done something nice for them at least once if not several times.

I have made some mistakes in life, but not ethical mistakes. I am a sinner like the next guy, but I feel I’ve done more good than bad, and I try to treat people the way I wish to be treated. I can’t help but feel that these online trolls who have poured their vitriol on me would have to admit they actually had no personal experience with the real Joseph Fosco.

An online background check only costs $20.00. Obtaining solid information about my life takes no more than a few minutes. However, I will tell you now that you may see a small number of inconsequential cases from many years ago. These cases were mostly caused by unscrupulous and vindictive organized crime affiliated complainants or others associated with organized crime who were relevant in various ways to the then-pending matters. Nevertheless, once it became obvious to respectable trial judges that I was actually targeted in blatant smear jobs, almost all of the cases were permanently tossed out of court well in advance of any trial. One case, the most serious (which was from my teenage years), merely resulted in a nightly curfew for a number of months requiring that I be home by 8 or 9 pm. My mostly anonymous attackers could easily find these truths, which clearly shows reasonable people that I am not a bad person, but a lot of us know the truth is not what they want.

My detractors just want me to go away. They want what I say to be tarnished by lies in order to compromise my good work.

These trolls will not get what they want, though.


For the few people out there who I have treated unreasonably at some point in my past, if I haven’t already apologized to you, please know that I am very sorry. If I haven’t already done so, don’t think that I won’t show you my redeeming qualities in the future. Thank you for your time.

The Mafia Report Series:

5/13/20 – Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit

5/31/20 – Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit – Addendum One

6/4/20 – Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit – Addendum Two

6/24/20 – Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit – Addendum Three

7/18/20 – Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit – Addendum Four

8/28/21 – Mafia Report: Chicago Outfit – Addendum Six


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